Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1513 State of Emergency

Chapter 1513 State of Emergency

To be honest, as a career naval officer, Jackson Marshall really couldn't answer Henry Harwood's question.

Oil and water are loaded on the same supply ship, not in the same cabin, so why is there a smell?

The "Table Mountain" class integrated supply ship equipped by the Indian Ocean Fleet has a standard displacement of 18800 tons, a length of 188.8 meters, a width of 18.8 meters, and a draft of 8.88 meters. Looking at the data, we only know who the designer of the "Table Mountain" class integrated supply ship is. No, except for the Chinese, no one is so interested in the number "8".

For a comprehensive supply ship close to 190 meters long, if the oil and water can smell, then the designers in southern Africa can hang themselves collectively. Such a simple question, asked by a senior naval officer, also made Jackson Marshall dumbfounded .

In this supply method of the Royal Navy, focus is indeed focus, but professionalism is not necessarily true. It is true that it is inefficient and wastes time.

A supply ship with a full load displacement of only 5000 tons can’t carry much even if it is fully loaded, but the supply time is more than two hours. After replenishing the water, refuel, then food, and then ammunition, a whole set of procedures can be completed in one day. wasted.

"It's too late, let's end today's exercise—" Roger Case finally breathed a sigh of relief, no accidents occurred in today's exercise subjects, which is really gratifying!
"No, no, it's not too late, we still have time." Jackson Marshall didn't want to delay the subject of the Indian Ocean Fleet until tomorrow, six o'clock in the evening is not too late.

"God, there is no overtime pay for overtime work, why do you have to work so hard—" an officer of the Mediterranean Fleet complained, but Roger Case could hear him clearly, and then he attracted Roger Case's stern gaze.

Overtime pay?
What are you thinking!

The Prime Minister does not get overtime pay for working overtime.

Then go on.

Unlike the "professional" replenishment of the Royal Navy, the replenishment of the "Table Mountain" class integrated supply ship is definitely a test for the battleship "Queen Elizabeth" receiving the replenishment. The large pipe for replenishing liquid and the boom for replenishing solids operate at the same time , The "Queen Elizabeth" battleship suddenly became a mess.

Then the thing that worried Roger Case the most happened. The sailors of the "Queen Elizabeth" battleship who had never undergone such a test connected the fuel supply pipe to the fresh water supply pipe, although it was only a symbolic supply. , The input fuel is not much, and the oil and water still smell.

For this result, Jackson Marshall was also speechless.

At this time, news came from the battleship "East India". The supply ship of the Mediterranean Fleet, the main artillery shells for the battleship "East India" were 381mm shells that could only be used by the "Queen Elizabeth", not " 340 mm shells used by the battleship HMS East India.

Strictly speaking, this is not an oolong. After all, the Indian Ocean Navy and the Mediterranean Navy belong to different countries, and such mistakes are understandable.

Well, if you don't understand, you must understand.

Of course, there is still good news. The supply ships of the Mediterranean Fleet included fresh fruits in the supplies for the battleship "East India", which surprised the sailors of the battleship "East India".

For replenishment at sea, vegetables are dehydrated, and fresh fruits are still rare.

However, this also proves from another aspect that where does the Royal Navy spend so much money every year, and the Southern African Navy certainly does not have such a luxury.

Although the price of fruit in southern Africa is definitely much cheaper than that in the UK.

After this day's exercise, Roger Case was also physically and mentally exhausted. It was really too difficult to spend the day in peace. It can be summed up in two words: embarrassing and embarrassing.

While the two-country exercise was struggling amidst accidents and conflicts, a sudden influenza hit southern Africa.

At present in 1923, various epidemic diseases are raging in turn, and influenza has become the most serious one because of the complications it causes and the impact on the treatment effect of basic diseases.

In November 1818, an influenza epidemic in Tokyo, Japan killed 11 people.

In February 1921, nearly 2 people died in the Great Influenza that lasted nearly three months in Europe.

Not to mention the American influenza pandemic during the World War, which infected about 10 billion people worldwide and killed 2 to 5 million people, and even objectively accelerated the end of the World War.

Relatively speaking, the level of public health in southern Africa is quite good. The last outbreak of an epidemic in southern Africa was almost 20 years ago. Since the establishment of the federal government in southern Africa, smallpox, plague, cholera, meningitis Epidemic diseases have not had a major impact on southern Africa.

Influenza this time had already appeared in October, when there was a small-scale outbreak in Walvis Bay. After the efforts of medical staff in Walvis Bay and Dias, the flu did not cause large-scale infection.

Entering December, influenza made a comeback, and more and more patients went to the hospital for medical treatment. The Johannesburg Medical School submitted a report to the Federal Ministry of Health on December 12, which attracted the attention of the Ministry of Health.

December 12th is a special day for southern Africa. This day is the traditional Christmas Eve in the West. The federal government of southern Africa has entered a week-long public holiday. After knowing the situation, Philip called an emergency cabinet meeting to discuss how to Response to the onslaught of influenza.

"How bad is it really?" Rock was on high alert for influenza, one of the few remaining epidemics in the future.

"According to the report provided by Dean Bellamy, the situation is quite serious. The four largest hospitals in Pretoria are all full. Doctors and nurses are on duty all night. The police station has nearly one-tenth of the police force. Infected, the medical systems in the Transvaal, Cape, and Orange states have been basically paralyzed—” Douglas, the Minister of Education and Health, had a serious face, and the American flu has only been a few years away, and everyone still remembers it vividly.

"Ministry of Health—ahem—do you have any suggestions?" Philip was also a little uncomfortable, and he coughed violently when he spoke.

Rock and Henry looked at each other, their eyes full of surprise and astonishment.

Leaving aside the relationship between Roque and Henry and Philip, as the prime minister of southern Africa, if Philip is hospitalized due to illness, let alone whether it will affect his work, the social panic caused by this is the most serious.

"Implement stricter health and epidemic prevention measures, kill and sterilize public places, strengthen personal protective measures, wear masks, isolate at home, maintain personal hygiene, strengthen physical exercise, and enhance resistance to diseases—" Douglas is methodical, in fact These are all the measures stipulated in the "Southern African Public Health Regulations". The health departments at all levels in southern Africa have been doing this for a long time, so the public level in southern Africa can be maintained at a high level.

"Is there a vaccine for this?" Philip is also concerned about public health.

For a long time, southern Africa has attached great importance to vaccine research for epidemic diseases. After the Great Influenza in the United States, vaccine research has been raised to an unmatched level. Not only major medical schools and pharmaceutical companies are involved, but education and health The Ministry has also set up a national level laboratory for research on vaccines.

At present, southern Africa can produce a variety of vaccines including smallpox, cholera, and plague, and these vaccines have effectively reduced the spread of epidemics in southern Africa.

"Sorry, Prime Minister, we don't have a vaccine against influenza at present—even if there is, the vaccine's effectiveness is not [-]%——" Douglas said helplessly. There is no vaccine for influenza.

The first smallpox vaccine in the world was the vaccinia vaccine invented in Britain in the 1820s. The plague vaccine was put into use in 1908, but it only had good immunity to the bubonic plague and was not effective against the pneumonic plague. The cholera vaccine was launched in 1884. clinical experiments.

Influenza vaccines were not studied until 1937.

"Then we—cough cough—what can we do—cough cough cough—" Philip's condition was very serious, and he coughed badly.

"The meeting is temporarily suspended, Bloom, call the doctor." Rock was very worried. He cared not only about Philip, but also the two old men, Kitchener and Adrian.

Especially Kitchina, the old man goes fishing almost every day. Once an old man in his 70s is infected with the virus, the consequences will be disastrous.

"It doesn't matter, I can still hold on—" Philip was still talking stubbornly.

"No, you can't!" Henry also realized the seriousness of the matter, and directly refused with a livid face.

As the Prime Minister of Southern Africa, Philip is equipped with a professional medical team. The doctor quickly came to check Philip's body in detail. As expected, Philip had already developed obvious symptoms and had to be sent to the hospital for treatment immediately.

Before being sent to the ambulance, Philip did not forget his duties as prime minister and ordered Roque to temporarily perform the prime minister's duties instead of Philip during his hospitalization.

In other words, Roque was acting Prime Minister of Southern Africa while Philip was hospitalized.

This is what everyone expected. Everyone knew that Roque would become the Prime Minister of Southern Africa sooner or later, but no one expected that Roque would enter the Palace of Justice in this way.

This did not make Roque happy, but made Roque feel that he had a heavy responsibility on his shoulders. In this extraordinary period, the Prime Minister has to bear greater responsibilities than usual.

Fortunately, Roque knew how people dealt with similar infectious diseases in another time and space. As soon as he acted as prime minister, Roque issued a prime minister's decree, ordering the country to enter a state of emergency.

This is not the first time that southern Africa has entered a state of emergency. During the pandemic in the United States, southern Africa has entered a state of emergency three times, each time receiving good results. Among all countries, southern Africa is also the country least affected by the pandemic in the United States .

(End of this chapter)

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