Chapter 152

In 1900, Britain was at the peak of its national power. It is not surprising that Britain did anything during this period. To put it bluntly, during this period, the wealth of the world was at the discretion of Britain, and the British government would not care about it at all. With hundreds of thousands of military horses, the expeditionary army headquarters didn't even care.

For the second Boer War, the British government paid a total of 2.2 million pounds. So much money was spent on dealing with the Boers?

Don't be funny, I dare not say that most of them, at least a considerable part, were wasted by the Expeditionary Force Command with deep pockets.

It's like the lighter that Ada is selling so hard. Now the order from the expeditionary force headquarters has already exceeded [-] pounds. This is just a small lighter. What about other military supplies?

As far as Roque knew, all the beef eaten by the expeditionary force was Angus beef shipped from Scotland thousands of miles away, and the expeditionary force headquarters did not purchase Cape local beef at all.

Don't forget that there are more than 40 expeditionary troops in Cape. How much supplies do these people consume every day?

How many of them are unnecessary expenses?

No statistics at all.

In Johannesburg, there is also a so-called "black market" that formed spontaneously.

In the black market, you can buy almost all military supplies, ranging from heavy machine guns to canned flour. There is a complete chain of interests behind this, and Roque knows it, but Roque has no right to manage it, even the governor. It doesn't matter.

It was very convenient for Rock to have a black market. Martin bought a set of sterling silver tableware on the black market for only two pounds.

"Why do you want this thing? It will be very useful, and we will set up our home in Oak Town in the future. I will take this thing back to my wife later. It is silver, and only the emperor can afford it in our Qing Dynasty. Do you know what is the use of silver? It can defend against poison, and I will use it for dinner in the future. It can be used as a family heirloom." Martin was very happy, and took a brush to scrub in the yard of the police station.

The tableware was a bit dirty, it was black and I don’t know what it was, and the water after brushing the tableware was a little reddish. Martin looked at the water, and his face gradually became ugly.

No need to ask, this was snatched by British soldiers from the Boers again, and the light red is blood.

"You can pull it down and argue against poison. Do you think you are the emperor? Who poisoned you? You are not worth a pack of poison money." Gothe laughed mercilessly.

"That's not sure, maybe my sister-in-law put something wrong in the cooking—" Gordon's mouth was also shattered.

"Shut the fuck up for me—" Martin was furious, and threw the silver plate in his hand at Gordon.

"Thank you, sir, for the reward—" Gordon picked up the silver plate from the ground and ran away.

Meat buns beat dogs? !


Rock is not in the mood to manage the black market. Alfred Milner entrusts Rock with the task of chasing down the guerrillas. It involves a conflict of interests between the Provisional Government and the Expeditionary Force Command.

Ordinarily, General Roberts has declared the end of the war, and the Transvaal should end military control and begin the reconstruction phase.

However, there are still guerrilla activities in the Transvaal, and the war is far from over, so military control is still going on, and the provisional government is dispensable, which makes Alfred Milner very dissatisfied.

Like the Pretoria Police Service, the Johannesburg Police Service is now divided into three divisions.

The largest and most powerful commando team is still composed of Chinese police.

The smaller patrols are composed of Boer policemen.

Finally, there are retired Zulu scouts. In order to maximize their role, Rock set up a detective team to track down the whereabouts of the Boer guerrillas.

The detective team plays a very important role, even after the war, the detective team can still play a role.

Don't forget that there are gold mines near Johannesburg. One of the important tasks of the Johannesburg Police Department is to cooperate with the tax department to combat smuggling.

Therefore, Rock is going to continue to expand the size of the detective team. At that time, every gold mine will send a few little blacks, and Rock can easily extend his tentacles to any corner of Johannesburg.

"We conduct an assessment on all the retired scouts we apply for. We don't want those who don't observe discipline, don't have bad riding skills, don't want to be smart, don't want to shoot accurately-even so, there are still thousands of people who meet our qualifications. request, so we screened again, and in the end only 150 people were retained.” Yaya was appointed by Roque as the captain of the detective team. In other words, the detective team is just temporary workers.

Yes, the Johannesburg Police Station also has "temporary workers". Now that Johannesburg is still under military control, the role of temporary workers is not yet obvious.

After Johannesburg ends military control and begins to rebuild, temporary workers will begin to exert their power.

At that time, Rock can blame all the mistakes made by the Johannesburg Police Department on temporary workers. As for the number of temporary workers?

During the Second Boer War, about [-] Zulus worked for the British government. These people have now been repatriated in batches. The British government did not fulfill the promise to the Zulus when they were recruited.

Rock wants to use this part of the resources. Although the Zulu people in the 21st century are notorious, the Zulu people in this period are really easy to use.

Compared with Chinese policemen and Boer policemen, the salaries of Zulu policemen are very low. Their monthly salary is less than two pounds. The average per person is only about one shilling per day. There are no miners in gold mines. Earn more.

Of course, being a policeman in Johannesburg is not comparable to that of a miner in terms of danger and heavy work. The mines in the 21st century are still accident-prone areas. The mines in this era are simply more dangerous than the battlefield. According to the information Rock learned, Some miners have to write a suicide note before going down the mine, and every time they go down the mine is a journey to death.

"Those who have been wiped out should also keep their information. Maybe sometime in the future, they will get a job." Rock asked Yaya to do a good job in file work, so as to be prepared.

"This job is being done. Many of them haven't left Johannesburg. Even if they can't join the detective team, they still want to find a job in Johannesburg." Yaya said it easily, but Rock immediately became vigilant.

So many unemployed Zulus staying in Johannesburg will definitely increase the pressure on the law and order in Johannesburg. Others don't know the danger of the Zulus, but Rock knows it.

 There are still brothers who say "I dare" - what did I do to give you all this wrong information -



(End of this chapter)

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