Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1537 The consequences are very serious

Chapter 1537 The consequences are very serious

When mentioning politicians, people immediately think of having ideals and aspirations, being far-sighted and firm-willed, making long-range and long-distance friends and attacking near and far, etc.——

Sorry, these are politicians from the East. The people in the Labor Party are actually politicians, a group of people who speculate and play political tricks.

Rather than expecting such a group of people to lead the UK forward, it would be better to pray for world peace, where people from all over the world are like one family.

After Ramsay McDonald knew that Southern Africa wanted to take over the Changi Naval Base, there was only one requirement, that is, Southern Africa must repay the upfront investment paid by the British government to expand the Changi Naval Base.

In other words, as long as Southern Africa spends 1500 million pounds, the Changi Naval Base will belong to Southern Africa.

When the news spread back to Southern Africa, Roque couldn't believe it. Ramsey McDonald would give up the Changi Naval Base to Southern Africa for £1500 million.

Rock also doesn't want to ask whether the 1500 million pounds paid by the British government has been used for the expansion of the Changi Naval Base. In short, the value of the Changi Naval Base must be far greater than 1500 million pounds.

This is enough.

"Our prime minister—hehe——" Philip was silent for a long time after knowing the situation, and finally he could only sigh.

"How much money do we need to pay to complete the expansion of the Changi Naval Base?" Ada didn't care whether the prime minister was qualified. The British government needed to invest [-] million pounds to expand the Changi Naval Base, and Southern Africa certainly didn't need that much.

"The reclamation project of Changi Naval Base has been basically completed. According to the plan of the Ministry of War, the area of ​​Changi Naval Base is about 50 square kilometers, and the berthing area is about 2.2 kilometers. I plan to expand the berthing area to 6.2 kilometers. The berthing area is about 1.5 square kilometers, and it will become the largest naval base in the Strait of Malacca after completion, with a total investment of about 1.5 million." Rock knows the importance of the Strait of Malacca, so he spared no expense in the expansion of the Changi Naval Base.

The Changi Naval Base includes ancillary buildings such as the dock area, storage area, airport, barracks, living quarters, etc. It is not a pure naval base. After it is completed, it is almost a city.

Rock is not as extravagant as the British government. After the Changi Naval Base is built, it will only be used as a backup home port for the Eastern Fleet.

After the new Changi Naval Base is completed, it will become the second command center of the East India Fleet around the Indian Ocean. Perhaps Rock will set up a new fleet, which is in line with Rock's positioning for the Strait of Malacca.

As for the cost of building the base, there is no need to worry about it. Christian can still be trusted on this issue.

"If it's 1.5 million, it's acceptable." Ada finally felt relieved. If it really cost [-] million to build the Changi Naval Base, southern Africa couldn't afford it.

"1.5 million, hehe—" Philip shook his head and smiled wryly, wanting to complain, but he didn't know who to complain about.

Even with the 1500 million paid to the British government, the expansion of the Changi Naval Base in Southern Africa only cost 1.65 million.

The same project, the British government needs 5 million to complete.

Philip finally understood how the British Empire fell to where it is today step by step.

The news that Southern Africa took over the Changi Naval Base came out, and public opinion in the UK, which was already full of public dissatisfaction, was in an uproar.

"This is a despicable betrayal and a humiliation to the Royal Navy, which will directly endanger our control of the Strait of Malacca, and further threaten the interests of the British Empire in Asia—" John Jericho said in the office after knowing the result Be furious.

"John, this is not the end of the world for us—" David Beatty, the Minister of the Royal Navy, said that the Royal Navy is the most affected by the strategic contraction of the United Kingdom.

After the World War, the Royal Navy suffered heavy losses again. David Beatty also represented the United Kingdom at the Washington Naval Conference. He also knew the problems the Royal Navy was facing now.

It's a pity that David Beatty can't do anything about it.

"Oh, David, we have lost Halifax, we have lost Diego Garcia, and now we are going to lose the Strait of Malacca. Are we going to lose the Suez Canal next? Lose Gibraltar? The next step is to change our Royal Navy Forget it as a river fleet, what BIG 7 do we need, what aircraft carrier do we need, six destroyers are enough to meet the security needs of our British Empire——" John Jericho made it clear, he must have never imagined that the future There are indeed only six destroyers left in the British Empire Navy.

At the end of World War I, the Royal Navy had a record 807 warships, including 42 battleships and battlecruisers, 143 cruisers, and 443 destroyers—

David Beatty stopped talking, and looked at each other with the Commander of the Home Fleet, Hilarie Jones.

Getting angry in the office can't change the fact. I really hate Changi Naval Base. I go to the House of Commons to ask for money, go to King George V to cry, and if I can't, I can go to the Times to scold Ramsay Macdonald.

The Times reporter would be happy to book an interview with John Jericho.

And he must have dared to scold Ramsay MacDonald for his perversion in The Times.

"We must act, and we cannot allow ourselves to be slaughtered like this!" John Jericho wanted to fight back, and the military's influence in the UK was still huge.

David Beatty was full of worry. He had partnered with John Jericho when John Jericho was the commander of the Home Fleet, and he had never seen John Jericho lose his composure.

"The House of Commons is starting to distrust the man. We must act and use all our resources to drive that man out of [-] Downing Street—" John Jericho said with a grim expression. "That man" is the United Kingdom. Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald.

"John, we are soldiers, we shouldn't—" Hilarie Jones was shocked. As a soldier, he shouldn't be involved in politics.

"Your Excellency, Prime Minister, should not press every step of the way and harm the interests of our military at every turn. We are not here to attack anyone, we are here to protect ourselves. Otherwise, if that person is allowed to do whatever he wants, once a war breaks out, what will we use to defend Great Britain? Empire? Will that person be responsible then? No, we poor people will be responsible then!” John Jericho not only speaks out for the Navy, Ramsay MacDonald is in the League of Nations, in front of all The country's face proposes a large-scale disarmament in Europe, which is the rhythm of attacking the entire military.

As the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, since disarmament is to be done, it must start with the United Kingdom.

John Jellicoe, as the British Minister of War, must have something to do, otherwise his power will shrink further.

As for the motion of no confidence in Ramsey McDonald in the House of Commons, it starts with a letter published in the Daily Mail a few days ago.

A week ago, the "Daily Mail" reported that it obtained a letter rumored to have been sent by Zinoviev to the Executive Committee of the British Third International. In the letter, Zinoviev stated that Britain should start negotiations with Russia as soon as possible. When necessary, members of the British Labor Party who can exert influence on the government should immediately put pressure on the government, and said that closer relations between Britain and the Soviet Union can "help promote international and domestic revolutions in the United Kingdom—"

The British government received the letter before the "Daily Mail" and made a formal protest to the Soviet Agency in London before the "Daily Mail" published the letter. It also decided to disclose the relevant letter and the official protest to the public content, to show innocence.

However, the "Daily Mail" still published the content of the letter before the British government.

The impact of this letter in the United Kingdom far exceeds that of Ramsay MacDonald's previous proposals negotiated with the Russians.

Before the letters were made public, Ramsay MacDonald was thought to be inexperienced.

After the letters became public, people began to question Ramsay McDonald's position.

In response, Ramsay MacDonald responded: This letter is a forgery!

This explanation was not convincing and the House of Commons opened a motion of no confidence in Ramsay MacDonald.

What a turn of events, four months ago, Stanley Baldwin was forced to resign because of a vote of no confidence in the House of Commons, and Ramsay Macdonald came to power.

No one expected that in just four months, Ramsay McDonald would also face a motion of no confidence in the House of Commons.

If the no-confidence motion passes the House of Commons, then Ramsay Macdonald will become one of the shortest-lived prime ministers in British history.

But for Ramsay McDonald, he still has a chance now. After all, Ramsay McDonald still has the support of the British Labor Party. George V has not been completely disappointed with Ramsay McDonald. If At this time, Ramsay McDonald returned to the UK from Europe to focus on solving the problems facing the UK, so Ramsay McDonald still had a chance to turn the tide.

It is a pity that with the military's defection, the current British government is facing an increasingly difficult situation.

John Jericho’s words clearly hit the deepest concerns of David Beatty and Hilarie Jones. Ramsey McDonald can send the Changi Naval Base to Southern Africa, or he can make a commitment in the League of Nations. Disarmament, because at the end of his term, Ramsay MacDonald will step down, and by then it will have nothing to do with Ramsay Macdonald.

Because of these measures during his term of office, Ramsay Macdonald established an image of being enthusiastic about European affairs and loving peace, which will be very helpful for Ramsay Macdonald's future political career.

But for the military and the next British Prime Minister, how will the mess left by Ramsay MacDonald be cleaned up?

Anyway, David Beatty and Hilarie Jones can't help it.

With the addition of the military, the movement of distrust in the House of Commons suddenly accelerated.

On August 15th, the British House of Commons passed a motion of no confidence in Ramsay Macdonald, and George V ordered Ramsay Macdonald to dissolve the cabinet and hold an early general election.

(End of this chapter)

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