Chapter 1551 Three Swords

Roque's inauguration ceremony was held in the West Hall of the Palace of Justice. About 300 people attended. In addition to the Commonwealth of Nations, the United States, France, Italy, Japan and other major countries at that time sent representatives to attend. The countries with close relations with southern Africa were The national leaders came to congratulate in person. On behalf of the Southern African Congress, Zach appointed Roque as the fourth Prime Minister of the Federal Government of Southern Africa. Roque took the oath of office under the witness of Kitchener.

"- We have had two remarkable years under the leadership of Lord Halewood and Lord Matilda, in which we have worked hard, won the competition, defeated the enemy, and made Southern Africa an integral part of the world, yes The backbone of maintaining world peace - we will continue to move forward in the future, no one can stop our progress, God bless southern Africa!" Roque delivered a speech at the Palace of Justice, and many media reported on the spot, this speech will be passed Radio waves spread all over the world in real time. In order to broadcast live smoothly, Nyasaland Telecom directly installed a set of broadcasting equipment in the Palace of Justice.

After Roque's speech, Winston, who was present on behalf of George V and British Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin, was the first to congratulate Roque.

"Thank you, thank you for coming to Winston. Please take me to convey my gratitude to His Majesty and Your Excellency the Prime Minister. I will go to London as soon as possible after I have arranged my next work." Rock and Winston embraced warmly, and Winston Stone looked at Rock full of envy.

"I regret it now. I should have accepted your invitation. Being Prime Minister in Southern Africa is much more comfortable than being in London—" Winston was half joking and half sincere. In terms of prospects, Southern Africa is indeed broader than the British mainland .

"It's not too late now, I can appoint a deputy prime minister for you alone!" Rock laughed. If Winston really came to southern Africa, who would lead the British Empire to win World War II?

"I know you are very busy today, I will come to see you tomorrow, and then we will have a good chat." Winston took the initiative to make an appointment, and it must not be as simple as reminiscing about the old days.

"Okay, I'll wait for you in the office tomorrow—" Rock readily agreed, and he also had something to convey to George V and Stanley Baldwin through Winston.

In other words, it's not a message, but a warning.

Over the years, it can be said that the United Kingdom has not stopped making small moves against southern Africa.

This is understandable, after all, after defeating Germany, southern Africa and the United States have become the biggest threat to the British Empire.

Compared with the United States, southern Africa is a Commonwealth country, which poses a greater threat to the British Empire. The fortresses are all breached from within.

Of course, small actions under the table, or the hostility of some individuals against southern Africa, will not affect the overall relationship between southern Africa and the British Empire. The British Empire needs southern Africa to maintain dignity, and southern Africa needs a huge market in the Commonwealth. , These two premises determine that in the short term, the relationship between southern Africa and the United Kingdom will not change much.

But it's hard to say in the long run.

In another time and space, in about 31 or 32 years, Australia and Canada will be completely independent, and southern Africa seems to be truly independent until the 70s or [-]s.

This time and space will definitely not drag on for so long. Britain and India are about to start negotiations, and everything is possible.

With regard to the negotiations between Britain and India, this is still the political legacy left by Ramsay Macdonald to Stanley Baldwin.

Regardless of Stanley Baldwin's reluctance, when Ramsay Macdonald made this promise, he was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, so Stanley Baldwin had to accept this reality.

Of course, even if the negotiations start, it will not be so easy for India to obtain self-government status. As long as India’s surplus value is squeezed out, Britain will not completely abandon India. normal.

"Congratulations to you, Locke, and to southern Africa. This country has finally found the most suitable candidate for prime minister." Vice President Hoover, who represented the United States to attend the inauguration ceremony, has already made an appointment for Rock's lunch at noon tomorrow.

Not at night, night is Rock's thank you reception, and Rock's time belongs to everyone.

"Thank you very much, Herbert. It's really great for you to come. I hope you have a good time." Roque didn't know much about the current President of the United States, Coolidge, and Hoover was a good breakthrough.

There were too many people participating in the ceremony, and Roque tried to cover everything as much as possible, chatting with everyone.

In fact, this cannot be done. After greeting the heads of state and representatives of important countries present, Roque returned to the office, preparing to sign the first prime ministerial decree and appoint his cabinet members.

The list of members was drawn up long ago. Henry went to the Congress, Stoudemire served as Minister of Justice, Ada was Minister of Finance, Martin succeeded Roque as Minister of Defense, and Anton finally chose to stay in Nyasaland. Owen is the Minister of the Interior. The biggest difference from Philip's cabinet is that Roque has established a brand new department, the Ministry of Security.

The responsibilities of the Ministry of Security include but are not limited to domestic security and emergency affairs, and also include intelligence, immigration, mineral resources, material allocation, etc. Roque appointed Zach as the Minister of Security, which also means that Brad's office has finally left. Before going on stage.

Although these appointments still need the consent of Congress to be formalized, but with Roque's influence on Congress, Congress will certainly not hold Roque back.

"On this special day, I think we should have a drink." Stoudemire was emotional. On the day Cecil Rhodes died, Stoudemire did not expect that today would be like this 20 years later.

"Cheers, I wish us all the best." Roque is also in a good mood, and being prime minister is a new beginning for Roque.

"What are you going to do next?" Stoudemire is very concerned about Rock's three tricks after taking office.

"Two things, one is to take back the capital status of Bloemfontein and Cape Town, and the other is to redefine the administrative divisions of southern Africa—" Rock said two things, but there is actually a third thing, But the third thing has to wait until after Rock's visit.

At Roque's inauguration, Winston had conveyed George V and Stanley Baldwin's invitation to Roque, so Roque should go to Buckingham Palace to report as soon as possible.

Rock's third thing is to reposition the relationship between southern Africa and the British Empire. It does not mean that southern Africa must secede from the Commonwealth, but things like the Persian Empire's request for Khuzestan must be resolutely put an end to it, similar to the southern African navy There can be more things like taking over the Changi Naval Base, but it depends on the attitude of George V and Stanley Baldwin.

To put it bluntly, Southern Africa now has enough capital to kick the British Empire away at any time. The Commonwealth market is actually not as important as it seems to Southern Africa.

If you simply talk about the area, the Commonwealth is really big together, and it has a large population. It seems that the market is indeed vast.

However, both Australia and Canada are sparsely populated. One has a population of less than 900 to 600 million, and the other has a population of [-] to [-] million. With the population of Southern Africa increasing, the value of Australia and Canada to Southern Africa is in decline.

In India, where the population is really large, most people have no consumption at all. There is a huge population base, but it cannot be converted into real market demand. The meaning is actually the same.

What's more, if necessary, Southern Africa can also get the Indian market through other means.

Don't think that only the United Kingdom can make small moves, and southern Africa can do it too, and it's doing a good job.

"You can do it, I believe you!" Stoudemire gave Rock a thumbs up. The two things that Rock said, Ade and Philip can't do it, it doesn't mean that Rock can't do it either.

The first thing Roque said, the biggest resistance came from Orange and the Cape State.

With the Boers getting more and more marginalized and Stoudemire's integration of Cape, the resistance from Orange and Cape has been decreasing, and now we have seen the dawn of solving the problem.

As for the second matter, the re-determining of administrative divisions, the biggest resistance comes from Rhodesia and Nyasaland. re-exist.

"My lord, that Persian is here again—" Louis was still in uniform, and his military rank had been raised by another level, following Rock's rise.

"Tell him to find the new Minister of Defense, don't bother me with this matter—" Rock handed the document he had just signed to Louis, and the Persians would not come to spoil the fun on the happy day.

When Roque signed the prime minister's decree, Hahbahar, 6600 kilometers away from the Palace of Justice, was suffering under the gunfire of the "East India" battleship.

This is the first time that the "East India" battleship has entered combat status. Thanks to the excellent naval gun technology of the United Kingdom and France, the power of the "East India" 340mm main gun has been fully demonstrated. This is really not a southern African navy. , but the Southern African Navy's retaliatory action against the Persian Empire.

Just yesterday, a group of soldiers from the Persian Empire tried to enter Khuzestan under the pretext of looking for missing soldiers, but were rejected by the mercenaries of the umbrella company.

Subsequently, there was a fierce conflict between the soldiers of the Persian Empire and the mercenaries of the Umbrella Company. Two mercenaries of the Umbrella Company were injured, and one was seriously injured.

Compared with the mercenaries, the Persian Empire was much worse. 11 of their soldiers died on the spot, and 45 soldiers were captured by the mercenaries of the umbrella company.

It sounds amazing that the regular army was actually captured by mercenaries.

When the news reached Georgetown, the East India Fleet decided to retaliate against Hahbahar. It doesn't matter who is right or wrong, what matters is that the interests of southern Africa cannot be violated.

Of course, Hahbahar is the British sphere of influence, so the battleship "East India" did not go too far. After sinking the heavy cruiser "Darius", the battleship "East India" returned smoothly. There were no attacks during this period.

(End of this chapter)

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