Chapter 1553
Stanley Baldwin has become accustomed to the habitual crookedness of cabinet meetings. In many cases, the crookedness actually starts from Stanley Baldwin.

The probability of the Southern African Navy and the Royal Navy meeting on the battlefield is not high, but the brain drain of the Royal Navy has already attracted the attention of Stanley Baldwin.

No way, the Royal Navy, which receives hundreds of millions of dollars in funding every year, has become the target of public criticism throughout the UK. Earlier, Ramsay MacDonald promised to disarm in front of all countries in the League of Nations, which aroused strong repercussions in the UK. Everyone is now waiting for Stanley Baldwin to disarm. As the saying goes, the Navy is down, and Britain is full——

Stanley Baldwin: Dear Mr. Ramsay McDonald, I don't know if I should say MMP.

Now it is Ramsay MacDonald who puts Stanley Baldwin on fire. If he disarms, he will offend the military, and if he does not disarm, he will offend the whole of Britain.

What exactly?
John Jericho also knew that the Prime Minister was very conflicted, so he had a tough attitude towards southern Africa.

The military is only valuable during war.

"We need to warn southern Africa that their actions have violated the interests of the British Empire. The Persian Empire is the protectorate of the British Empire. If we cannot give the Persian Empire the protection it deserves, then the credibility of the British Empire will be destroyed. ’” John Jericho’s words are thought-provoking.

"It's not that serious—" Austin disagreed.

"Are you going to declare war on southern Africa? What a wonderful choice!" Neville sneered.

"Austin, send a telegram to Locke and listen to what Locke has to say." Stanley Baldwin chose to listen to Rock's explanation first.

declare war?

Don't be ridiculous, the British Empire can declare war on the whole world, and it will not declare war on southern Africa.

Southern Africa also knew this, so they brazenly shelled Hahbahar.

That's what I did, what do you say, I will accept any card.

While the British Cabinet is meeting, the Southern African Cabinet is also meeting.

Most of the cabinet members did not expect that Roque would face such a difficult problem when he first came to power.

"The shelling of Harbahar is to express our tough attitude in southern Africa. Khuzestan is related to the core interests of southern Africa. Southern Africa will not discuss any issues related to Khuzestan with anyone." Rock came up Set the tone and beat anyone who wants Khuzestan.

"The Ministry of Defense is ready to deal with any situation. We can dispatch more troops to Port Elizabeth and Georgetown at any time. Once war breaks out, we can blockade the entire Indian Ocean at any time." Martin was full of confidence. Although he did not name his name, he said Directly pointing to London.

To put it bluntly, Martin has the confidence to win the battle even if he turns against the UK.

Roque's last order before leaving the Ministry of Defense was to expand the air base in Cyprus.

This is to plan ahead. Once a war breaks out, no matter who the opponent is, Cyprus, which is isolated in the Mediterranean Sea, is the only weakness in southern Africa.

Cyprus originally had a large-scale air force base, stationed with two fighter wings, a torpedo wing, and a bomber wing.

After the expansion is completed, the size of the Cyprus Air Force Base will be doubled, and its control over the surrounding waters will increase accordingly. Once a war breaks out, even if it cannot be fought, it can go to Port Elizabeth through Marlborough, which perfectly bypasses the Suez Canal.

See who it's for.

You thought it was England?

Don't ask, it's the Ottoman Empire.

The spirit of the Ottoman Empire: I thank you, you are still so missed after you are dead.

"Has it reached the point where war broke out?" Stoudemire was surprised, this was his first cabinet meeting.

But Stoudemire really loves this feeling. Are the topics discussed in your cabinet so hot? It’s war every now and then, blockade of the Indian Ocean or something. Can you discuss some normal topics, so don’t be shocked by UC so often.

"Not yet, but losing money is inevitable. The Navy sank the Persian heavy cruiser 'Darius'. We must be prepared to pay the Persians a heavy cruiser." , Bankruptcy is inevitable.

The battleship "East India" bombarded Hahbahar, in addition to sinking the heavy cruiser "Darius", it also caused dozens of casualties and more than ten people were missing.

The 340mm main gun of the "East India" battleship, once fired, the disappearance usually means that the bones will be turned into powder.

However, compared with the property damage caused, Persian human life is worthless.

"Why should I pay them a heavy cruiser? I still want to ask the Persians for compensation. The main guns of battleships are very expensive, and the main guns are also worn out after continuous firing. Officers and soldiers need to have combat allowances for performing tasks, 'East India' It costs tens of thousands in one shot—" Martin can also do financial calculations, and Nima's navy is indeed burning money.

"If the ambition of the Persians can be defeated in this way, it is acceptable to lose some money." Owen does not want a war to break out. Southern Africa needs a stable environment for sustainable development, and the destructive power caused by war cannot be ignored.

However, this issue should be looked at from two aspects. Although wars will have a certain negative impact on economic development, wars are also catalysts for economic development. The wars initiated or participated in by Southern Africa in recent years have brought huge benefits to Southern Africa. It can be said that without war, there would be no Southern Africa today.

It is a pity that if a war breaks out with Persia, it will not bring much benefit to southern Africa. The most valuable Khuzestan in Persia already belongs to southern Africa.

"It also depends on how much you lose—" Ada is also willing to lose money, but not too much.

"The reason for losing money is to protect the dignity of London. Just say what you want. If the Persians want to pay for 'Darius', they will find a heavy cruiser that is about to be retired to compensate Persia." Rock can also accept this plan, and agrees with Khuzestan. For example, no matter how much you lose, you will earn.

"But we don't have any heavy cruisers that are about to be decommissioned." Martin was embarrassed.

During Rock's tenure in the Ministry of National Defense, the replacement speed of naval warships was relatively fast. The heavy cruisers built in the early days have all been retired. The heavy cruisers currently in service are all newly built after the end of the World War. There are really no heavy cruisers that are about to retire. to the Persians.

Decommissioned warships are not just dismantled and scrapped. The heavy cruiser "Darius" sunk by the "East India" battleship is a scrapped warship purchased by the Persian Empire from Britain.

The same is true for southern Africa. Decommissioned warships can be sold to other countries of the Southern African Union at a discount, because the replacement speed of southern African warships is relatively fast. Even those decommissioned warships are still very good in performance and are very popular with neighboring countries.

"We don't have it, Europe has it—" Ada and Roque have the same heart, and they are a perfect match.

It’s embarrassing to say, even though the Federal Government of Southern Africa has only been established for less than 20 years, the market for decommissioned warships is better than that of many European countries. For example, decommissioned warships from France and Italy, no country is willing to take over and can only accept being dismantled The fate of selling scrap metal.

Ada's meaning is also very clear. If the Persians want compensation, they can go to Europe and find a heavy cruiser that is about to be retired and buy it at the scrap iron price to compensate the Persians. Anyway, "Darius" is a second-hand product.

"You don't need to go to Europe, Fawalt Iron and Steel Group has them." Henry said triumphantly. There are plenty of warships in southern Africa.

The Fawalt Steel Group not only mines mines, but also recycles scrap steel from all over the world. This job has to be done even if it loses money.

The cost of obtaining iron ore for Fawalt Iron and Steel Group is very low, which is much lower than recycling scrap steel for recasting. Therefore, the industry of recycling scrap steel is not profitable for Fawalt Iron and Steel Group at all.

The reason why we have to do it at a loss is mainly to make it more difficult for Japan to obtain resources. You must know that Japan relies on recycling scrap steel from the United States to be able to build "Nagato" and "Mutsu". Now Fawalt Iron and steel groups have also begun to get involved in this industry. If Japan wants to import scrap steel from the United States, it will have to pay more costs.

Not long ago, Fawalt Steel Group just purchased several decommissioned warships from the United States. Although the weapons on the ships have been removed, this is not a problem for southern Africa.

The heavy cruiser "Darius" purchased by the Persian Empire from Britain was actually an ironclad ship that Britain served in the last century. It is now far behind the times, so it was sold by the Royal Navy.

To say that the Royal Navy is really not authentic. Southern Africa sells decommissioned warships, and even knows how to refurbish them before selling them. It is more or less about business reputation.

The British bullied the Persians too much. They didn't even refurbish it, but just sold it directly to the Persians, and the selling price was not low. This behavior was similar to extortion.

Rock is still very satisfied with this plan. Now it depends on the attitude of the Persians. If the Persians still want Khuzestan, they should just fight a war.

If you don't hurt the Persians, the Persians will not give up those unrealistic fantasies.

The meeting ended, and Hoover, who had not yet left Southern Africa, was waiting for Rock in his office.

When Hoover came to southern Africa this time, in addition to congratulating Roque on his appointment, he also had an important task to discuss with Roque about the implementation of the "Dawwes Plan".

So far, Wall Street tycoons in the United States have invested more than US$10 billion in Germany through the "Dawes Plan".

This amount of funds is a timely help for the desperate German government. There is a detail that many people have not noticed. Just after the United States increased its investment in Germany, Mustache, who was originally sentenced to 5 years in prison, is serving 9 years in prison. He was released early a month later.

Rock didn't know if there was any relationship between the American investment and Mustache's early release, but it did seem to make people think.

ps: The chapter that was swallowed hasn’t been released yet, don’t go too far with the pirated version, just watch it, don’t irritate me, okay, be careful, I’ll explode and retaliate against you——

(End of this chapter)

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