Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1557 Abandoning Ship

Chapter 1557 Abandoning Ship
The main guns of battleships are expensive, and the cost of each gun barrel is tens of thousands, but the life span is only a few hundred rounds.

Grote is not yet extravagant enough to use the battleship's main guns to attack offshore patrol boats. This kind of task can be handed over to destroyers. Destroyers can easily have a tonnage of thousands of tons, which is enough to deal with offshore patrol boats.

After the bombardment order was issued, a destroyer chased the offshore patrol boat, and a destroyer chased away the fishing boats on the sea not far away. There were only two destroyers left around the "France".


The sound of the destroyer firing can be heard in the distance, and Grote's blood boiled inside the bridge of the "France". Soldiers must be on the battlefield to exert their maximum value.

On the sea not far from the battleship "France", the fishing boat "Harvest" from southern Africa is collecting nets.

"Hurry up, hurry up, we'll withdraw after we catch this net, the French are crazy - Danny, Danny, hurry up and raise our flag up, tell those Frenchmen, we are so British The fishing boat of the empire." The boss of the boat is Morton from the Comoros Islands. The waters near Madagascar are rich in tuna and grouper, which are very popular in southern Africa.

Southern Africa has a high demand for seafood, not only in coastal areas, but also in inland areas. Tuna and grouper are delicious, nutritious and of high economic value. Fishermen in southern Africa They often work around Madagascar for tuna and grouper.

This is also due to the increasing level of shipbuilding in southern Africa. Before the establishment of the federal government, fishing technology in southern Africa was also very backward. Fishermen still used traditional methods of fishing and their income was not high.

Southern African fishing has grown by leaps and bounds since South African companies started getting into the food business, with thousands of fishing boats in Port Edward alone.

"Captain, we have to go. The Union Jack of the British Empire can't protect us." The sailors on board yelled in horror. Not far away, a fishing boat without a flag was cut off by a French destroyer, and the sailors on the fishing boat fell into the water one after another. , The sailors on the destroyer not only did not intend to rescue, but laughed.

"Bastards, you executioners, you all deserve to go to hell!" Moulton stood at the bow and cursed, regardless of whether the sailors on the destroyer could hear it or not.

At this time, the destroyer made a circle in the distance and rushed towards the "Harvest".

The sailors of the "Harvest" were in a mess. The Mizi flag hoisted on the "Harvest" may not be effective for the red-eyed French.

"Don't be afraid, our fleet is not far away, and the French dare not mess around!" Moulton rejected the lifebuoy offered by the sailor. There are indeed destroyers and cruisers of the Indian Ocean Fleet on the sea not far away.

Since the "France" left port, it has been under the surveillance of the Indian Ocean Fleet. If the French dare to mess around, then the Indian Ocean Fleet will definitely not sit idly by. Moulton still trusts the Indian Ocean Fleet.

The facts are the same as what Moulton judged. The French destroyer did not directly hit the "Harvest", but galloped past the "Harvest".

However, when the thousand-ton destroyer passed by the "Harvest", the waves it stirred up almost overturned the "Harvest".

At that moment, Moulton's heart almost rose to his throat. The "Harvest" was thrown two meters high by the waves, and then hit the sea heavily. However, all the fish that had not had time to be put into the cabin were taken away by the waves.

"Bastard, get out of the way, you damn guys—" Moulton was frightened, but fortunately, the sailors were prepared, and no one fell into the water.

"Hahahaha——Fuck it—stupid pig—I hope you will sleep forever—" The sailors on the destroyer were still laughing, and the voices of mocking and insulting were intermittent.

Moulton was not in the mood to care about it, and while cursing, he drove the "Harvest" to rescue the fishermen who fell into the water.

Not the fishermen of the "Harvest", but the fishermen who fell into the water when the destroyer sank the fishing boat.

What Moulton didn't expect was that not only did the destroyer not rescue the fishermen who fell into the water, but after discovering the direction of the "Harvest", they also shot in the direction of the bow of the "Harvest".

tom tom tom—

Fortunately, it is an anti-aircraft machine gun, not a naval gun.

"If you don't save people yourself, and don't let us save them, you are still human—" Only then did Moulton understand how disgusting the French are.

Fortunately, the cruisers of the Indian Ocean Fleet have arrived at the scene.

"'Vicious', please stay away from our southern African fishing boats. If you dare to attack our fishing boats again, we will regard it as an act of war—" The Indian Ocean Fleet "Excellence" that has been monitoring the French fleet not far away said to "Vicious" shouted.

The "Vicious" is the third ship of the French "Jack" class destroyer. This class of destroyer has a displacement of 2126 tons and is equipped with five 5 mm caliber naval guns, two 130 mm secondary guns, and two triple 2 mm torpedo tubes. The speed is 75 knots, which is about the same as that of a light cruiser in the general sense.

After the Washington Naval Conference, the French Navy was unable to equip super battleships, so it focused on the next-level heavy cruisers and destroyers.

Strictly speaking, France does not have the establishment of destroyers. French destroyers are literally translated as lightning strike ships or counter ships, and their roles are similar to those of destroyers.

"Excellence" is the latest "City" class cruiser equipped by the Southern African Navy. This class of cruiser has a displacement of 4250 tons and is equipped with four 4mm main guns, four 152mm anti-aircraft guns, and six 4mm quadruple guns. Anti-aircraft machine guns, a 40 mm triple mine, and four depth charge projectors have powerful air defense and anti-submarine capabilities, as well as a certain degree of ground attack capabilities.

The "City" class cruiser is the main battleship equipped by the Southern African Navy. It is planned to build 16 ships to equip the Indian Ocean Fleet and the Atlantic Fleet respectively.

The 4250-ton "Excellence" is almost twice the size of the 2126-ton "Vicious". The No. [-] is performing a mission, and the "Excellence" is warned to leave the relevant sea area immediately.

"Regardless of whether you are on a mission or not, you must not harm the southern African fishing boats and fishermen. You have already caused damage to the 'Harvest' fishing boat, and we reserve the right to pursue it." Even if there is the French Navy's "France" not far away, "Excellence" is still not afraid.

"We have been very restrained and have not sunk any fishing boats flying the British flag. Please leave immediately to avoid accidental injury—" the "Vicious" was approaching the "Excellence" while shouting, trying to force the "Excellence" leave.

Inside the "Excellence" bridge, Captain Thomas couldn't help but sneer. The displacement of the "Vicious" is hugely different from that of the "Excellence".

It's a pity that the speed of the "Excellence" is not as good as that of the "Vicious", otherwise Thomas could invite the "Vicious" to taste what the fishing boat "Harvest" felt just now.

The missions of cruisers and destroyers are different. Cruisers can act alone, and the requirements for speed are not important, and the data in all aspects must be balanced.

The main task of the destroyer is anti-submarine escort, which has relatively high requirements for speed, and does not have much requirements for attack power.

When the "Excellence" and the "Vicious" were arguing, on the bridge of the "France", Grote couldn't bear the "Excellence".

"Send a telegram to the 'Excellence'. If they continue to cause trouble for us, the 'Excellence' will be responsible for all the consequences." Grote is a soldier, and it is his bounden duty to perform missions.

"General—" Rich Effie was taken aback.

"What are you afraid of? We are carrying out our mission, and the behavior of the 'Excellence' has caused serious interference to us. At this time, no matter if a warship from any country breaks into our combat waters rashly, it can be regarded as an act of war." Grote To maintain the honor of the French Navy, the British Navy will not be polite if it is replaced by a French Navy warship and breaks into the British Navy's combat waters.

Grote's voice fell, and there was a sudden violent vibration in the bridge, and then there was a huge explosion.

The bridge suddenly became chaotic.

"What's going on?" Grote was furious. In this case, the "France" was probably attacked.

"I don't know, it seems that we have been attacked—" Rich Effie couldn't be sure.

If it was an attack, there would definitely be traces to follow. Shells would make a shrill sound of piercing through the air, and torpedoes would leave traces on the sea surface.

Not to mention that there are two destroyers of the French Navy patrolling next to the "France". If it is an attack, it is impossible to find nothing.

"General, the hull of the ship is seriously damaged. Watertight cabins No. [-] and No. [-] are severely flooded. We will continue to rescue—" Boatswain Clark Duncan stumbled into the bridge with blood streaming down his face.

"What's going on? Was it under attack?" Grote's liver and gallbladder were broken. Madagascar is 650 kilometers away from Réunion. Even if the reinforcements come with all their strength, it will take at least ten hours.

"I don't know yet, maybe it's a torpedo, maybe it's an ammunition storehouse, anyway, the problem is serious, we have to be prepared to abandon the ship—" Clark Duncan looked desperate.

abandon ship? ! ! !
The battleship "France" was completed in 1914. Although it has been in service for more than ten years, it is still a cutting-edge warship for the French navy, which is unable to build large warships.

As one of the only two battleships in the expeditionary fleet, the "France" came to Madagascar without firing a single shot. Will it abandon the ship?
The navy has a tradition that I don't know whether it is good or bad. Others can abandon the ship, but the captain can't run away. He has to live and die with the warship.

(End of this chapter)

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