Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1560 Interpretation

Chapter 1560 Interpretation

Roque did not participate in the negotiations between France and Madagascar, and put all his thoughts on the adjustment of southern Africa.

Excluding the affiliated countries of the Southern African Union, the total area of ​​southern Africa is about 660 million square kilometers. This is the data obtained after accurate measurement by the Bureau of Homeland Security last month. Roque finally has an accurate understanding of the area of ​​southern Africa.

In the era without remote sensing satellites, it was almost an impossible task to determine the territory. The Department of Homeland Security mobilized nearly [-] manpower, coupled with the cooperation of the National Guards of each state, and spent nearly [-] million rand, finally came up with a Relatively accurate to the data, Rock is still very satisfied with Zach's work. During the days of Adelaide and Philip's administration, the land area of ​​southern Africa has always been an approximate number, and it has never been so accurate.

660 million square kilometers, under normal circumstances, there should be at least 20 states.

But now there are only 11 states in southern Africa, which is far from Rock's request.

All 11 states have vast gaps in area, and Rhodesia, the largest, has a total area of ​​122 million square kilometers.

The smallest area of ​​Basutoland is less than 5 square kilometers, which is not as large as Rhodesia's largest county.

According to Rock's plan, Cape State will allocate part of the area to Basutoland and Swaziland, so that the area of ​​Basutoland and Swaziland will reach about 25 square kilometers, and at the same time, it will divide A Kimberley state, such four states with an area of ​​about 25 square kilometers, is more in line with the interests of the federal government.

The Cape State government is definitely not happy with this plan.

Rock didn't talk nonsense, and called several governors and state assembly speakers to the Justice Palace for a meeting, and made clear their interests face to face.

"The specific plan is like this. After the split, the capital of Basutoland is Port Elizabeth, the capital of Swaziland is Durban, the capital of Kimberley is Kimberley, and the capital of Cape State is still Cape. At the same time, Cape Town will no longer be the judicial capital of the federal government, which is also good for Cape State, at least Cape will not need to bear the expenses of the Judicial Committee in the future." Rock stared at the man who succeeded Stoudemire as Governor of Cape Robert Nancy.

Robert Nancy stared at Stoudemire sitting on Rock's right.

Xiaosi didn't look at anyone, his eyes fell on the notebook in front of him, his expression was half a smile, and he was already very smart now, his emotions and anger were invisible.

Next to Stoudemire is the president of the Kimberley Mining Union, Red Victor. His expression is very excited. If Kimberley becomes a separate state, then Red Victor is very likely to become the first governor of Kimberley State.

"This is just the beginning, and then Rhodesia will give Lorenzo Marquez part of it. At the same time, Rhodesia will be split into Southern Rhodesia and Northern Rhodesia, as well as Beira and Niassa. Land will also be split into Nyasaland, Edward, and Katanga, Dias will be split into Dias and Windhoek, Victoria will be split into Victoria and St George, and Elizabeth, and even Bechuanaland, will be split into Bechuanaland and Okavango—"Rocke's move is not ruthless, so that southern Africa will be split into 20 states. The power of the government will be greatly increased.

"My lord—" Robert Nancy was in a state of disarray. He never expected that he would face such a major decision just as he took office.

"What's the problem?" Rock's bottom line has been determined, and the next discussion is nothing more than larger and smaller areas.

Robert Nancy looks at Stoudemire.

Stoudemire's expression was calm, without any abnormality.

Robert Nancy looked at Cape Speaker Chen Yan again.

Chen Yan was writing and drawing in the notebook in front of him, as if he didn't hear Rock's question.

"My lord, I have no objection." Robert Nancy finally chose to give in, and it was obvious that if he disagreed, even the governor would not have to do it.

If Robert Nancy disagreed, even without Rock's words, Red Victor would jump out and slap Robert Nancy in the face.

Rock is an upright conspiracy. It is useless if the Cape State disagrees. The Kimberleys, Basutoland, and Swaziland must agree with both hands and feet. If the Cape State disagrees, then it can be used democratically To solve the problem in this way, the minority obeys the majority. Judging by Red Victor’s appearance, his mind is now focused on how large the Kimberley State can get. Robert Nancy disagrees, and it cannot change the overall situation at all.

"Of course, the federal government will also give full consideration to the interests of the Cape State. Within five years from now, the federal government can appropriately reduce taxes on the Cape State to make up for the loss of the Cape State government." A sweet date, this five-year period is very interesting.

If nothing else, Robert Nancy's term is five years.

Of course, if a major mistake occurs during his tenure, Robert Nancy may also step down early.

Like the British Empire, as a vassal state of the British Empire, although Southern Africa has written "private property sacred and inviolable" into the constitution, it is actually a gimmick.

The so-called "private property is sacred and inviolable" is a lie, and whoever believes it is stupid.

British private property is inviolable. It is based on the premise that the British territory belongs to the British king. Therefore, if the British government needs it, British citizens must cooperate with the government unconditionally.

For example, land acquisition, as long as the British government needs it, citizens must cooperate unconditionally. The British government will compensate according to the market price, and citizens have no right to refuse.

If it is easy to refuse, the British government has countless ways to deal with you. Do you really think that "private property is sacred and inviolable"?

That's why the Indians believed in the British pretense that "private property is sacred and inviolable", so they only built a high-speed rail and only completed 0.00064% of the land acquisition task in a whole year.

As I wrote earlier, India will build a high-speed rail in 2016. It was originally planned to start construction in 2018 and complete it in 2022. However, in 2019, the Indian government only acquired 1400 hectares of the 0.9 hectares of land needed for the construction of the high-speed rail. In conversion, it is about two A little over an acre of sub.



Live it!

Southern Africa is also a Commonwealth country, and the constitution cannot conflict with the British constitution.

So the most powerful department in southern Africa is not the Ministry of Defense, but the Ministry of Finance.

To be more specific, the most powerful department in southern Africa is the Inland Revenue Service, or IRS, under the Ministry of Finance of the federal government.

"Thank you—" When Robert Nancy said this thank you, only he knew what it felt like.

It's actually not that difficult.

The conditions given by Rock are good enough, do ordinary Cape people care how big the territory of Cape State is?
Will not!
The average Cape cared only about how much tax they had to pay next year, and would be grateful to Robert Nancy if they could pay a little less.

As for Stoudemire.

Will Stoudemire oppose the split of Rhodesia?

No, according to Roque's plan, even if Lorenzo Marquez is not counted, Rhodesia will be split into three states, which means that the Southern African Congress will have more than a dozen people who are completely loyal to Stoudemire. As a member of Congress, Stoudemire's reputation will increase immediately, and he may even have the strength to compete with Rock.

So Stoudemire wants Rhodesia to split up a few more.

The most obvious opposition to Rock's plan is Cape and Orange.

Now that Cape is done, Rock's next thing to do is Orange.

Or rather, it was Jan Smotz.

In southern Africa, Jan Smoltz's position is very special.

Yang Smozi can be regarded as the only surviving veteran figure in the last century.

Contemporaries of Yang Smoltz, Ad and Kitchener have retreated to the second line, Louis Botha has passed away, even Queen Victoria has gone west, and Yang Smoltz is not yet 55 years old .

For politicians, 55 is the pinnacle of combining body and mind.

Rock still attaches great importance to Yang Smother. When Yang Smother came to Pretoria, he was accompanied by Ade, Kitchener, and Philip.

It can be said that the Dinghai gods in southern Africa are coming out in full force.

Roark entertains Jan Smudge in a private banqueting room at the Palace of Justice.

After drinking three rounds and eating five flavors, Rock once again extended an invitation to Yang Smother, hoping that Yang Smother would be the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Southern Africa.

Southern Africa's current foreign minister, François, used to be a subordinate of Jan Smudge.

Although François is conscientious, his ability and qualifications are still limited, and there is a huge gap between him and Yang Smozi.

Although Yang Smozi was a famous Boer general during the Second Boer War, in fact Yang Smozi was a British and was educated in England. After the end of the Second Boer War, Yang Smozi had He has served in the United Kingdom and even participated in the Paris Peace Conference on behalf of southern Africa. The concept of the Commonwealth of Nations was proposed by Yang Smotz.

If there are two people who can represent Southern Africa now, besides Roque, the other is Yang Smother.

Kitchener, the governor of Southern Africa, has to step aside.

"How does it feel to be governor?" Rock really didn't mean to laugh at Yang Smother.

"Too bad, can you get Bechuanaland to speed up the development of Orange a little bit? Don't say you have nothing to do with Bechuanaland, I know you and Cecil are the bosses of Bechuanaland. "Yang Smozi is also very helpless, the more he knows about Orange, the more helpless Yang Smozi becomes.

When Yang Smotz was still working in the UK, the Bechuanaland Agricultural Company established by Rock and Stoudemire acquired at least 20% of the land in Orange State.

Don't underestimate this 20%. The land suitable for development in a state is limited. Remove those mountains, rivers, swamps, and public facilities that are not suitable for development, and the land that can flow is only about 20%.

In other words, if Rock and Stoudemire would rather lose money and not develop the land of Bechuanaland Agricultural Company, then Yang Smozi has nothing to do.

Private property is sacrosanct.

Don't doubt, the interpretation of this sentence rests with the federal government.

(End of this chapter)

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