Chapter 1568 Moon Man

The realization of the new technology is severely restricted by objective conditions, and the level of materials and craftsmanship cannot be reached. Even if Roque throws the blueprint of the F pair to Nyasaran Aviation, Nyasaran Aviation will not be able to produce it.

The same is true for turbocharging technology. The relevant theory was put forward in 1926 in another time and space, but it was not taken seriously until the 70s and [-]s. The limitation of materials and processes is certainly one of the reasons, and the policy influence is also very important.

In the 70s and [-]s in another time and space, European countries paid more and more attention to environmental protection, and large-displacement vehicles were severely restricted.

At this time, engineers wanted to obtain more horsepower on the basis of smaller displacement, and the turbocharging technology was dug out from the pile of old papers by engineers.

There is no restriction on the displacement in southern Africa. The Lord car is equipped with the latest 4.2-liter V8 engine. Seeing whether this model looks familiar, it is actually normal. The French created the earliest commercial V1910 engine in 8.

After owning the oil in Port Elizabeth, energy is no longer a problem for southern Africa, and the displacement does not matter. Rock focuses on turbocharging technology, which is a technical reserve for the future.

For a long time, the scientific and technological model in southern Africa has been to equip one generation, design one generation, and pre-research one generation, especially in aviation technology. The Royal Air Force should have a deep understanding of this.

During the World War, the British War Department noticed that the aircraft sold by Southern Africa to the Allied Powers were not of the same type as the aircraft used by Southern Africa itself.

In general, the aircraft used by Southern Africa flies higher, faster, has a longer range, and has a larger ammunition load. Overall, it is at least five years ahead of the aircraft sold to the Allies.

Five years does not sound like a long time, but considering that aircraft have only been around for more than 20 years, five years can almost create a generational advantage.

This point was verified after the World War. After the establishment of the Royal Air Force, a batch of new fighters received by the United Kingdom finally reached the level of the Southern African Air Force during the World War.

This also means that the Southern African Air Force must be equipped with newer fighters, so it sold the obsolete aircraft to the United Kingdom.

This is still too much for the United Kingdom and southern Africa, so it goes without saying for other countries.

The same is true for cars. Lord cars equipped with the latest V8 engines have not yet been sold in Europe, but the American market has already appeared. Southern Africa has indeed spared no effort in targeting Ford cars.

Oh, and GM, a car company founded in 1908, is gradually becoming full-fledged. According to incomplete statistics, there are now hundreds of car companies in the U.S. market, although most of them are small family workshops. Enterprises are also enough to prove the prosperity of the US auto market.

"Turbo charging technology has a bright prospect. If we don't control it in our own hands, it will be controlled by others." Rock is also helpless. Diesel is already the Taishan Beidou of southern Africa in technology, and its strategic vision is still a bit lacking.

Rock is very interested in all kinds of new technologies, even if the value cannot be shown in a short period of time, Rock is willing to buy them first.

Like the humble gizmos of Nikola Tesla.

Another example is the rotary engine invented by the German Figas Wank and later acquired by Mazda. Rock is very interested.

Although the other time and space of the rotary engine was successfully developed in 1954, Wang Ke had already established his own company in 1924 and started research on the rotary engine.

At this time and space, the Nyasaland Engine Factory has acquired Wanke’s company and moved the company to Nyasaland. Mazda will definitely not have the opportunity to buy rotary engines. It is better to study traditional reciprocating engines with other car companies. Bar.

"Well, we can do some preliminary research first." Diesel reluctantly agreed to Rock's request, but it was obviously not enthusiastic enough.

Rock has never been reluctant. Diesel is unwilling to increase investment in turbocharging technology. Don’t you still have Nyasaland Engine Factory and Edward Power? Let’s first get Bush’s technology to southern Africa, and the follow-up Research can be done slowly, this business is very cost-effective.

On March 3st, Arthur returned to southern Africa from Cyprus, and the countdown to his and Roya's wedding has entered.

Although Arthur and Rock have nothing to do in name, Rock’s family affairs are well known in southern Africa. If Ada didn’t worry so much when she was in Cape Town and could be a little braver, then Arthur is It is conceivable that Rock's eldest son has received much attention.

As soon as he returned to Pretoria, Arthur reported to the Palace of Justice.

Roque casually asked about the negotiations between the Malagasy and the French.

"There is not much progress. The French don't want to face the reality, but under the pressure of reality, they have begun to gradually withdraw their troops from Réunion." Arthur, who was born in 04, is now 22 years old according to Chinese customs, and he is suitable for marriage in southern Africa. standard.

"What's the situation in Italy?" Rock's thinking jumped quickly. France and Italy in the Mediterranean region were rivals.

"It's hard to say, the Italians have been a bit fanatical recently-" Arthur thought for a long time before finding a suitable adjective.

Not long ago, Beneto Mussolini, who entered Rome as Prime Minister through the "Black Shirts", forcibly terminated the Italian parliamentary system and established a poisonous vegetable rule. One of the three poles of the axis of evil has taken shape.

During the earlier Washington Naval Conference, the Anglo-Japanese alliance was forced to dissolve, and Japan and Britain also drifted apart.

The situation was even worse in Germany, where the Bavarian corporal was released early after only nine months in prison, and he was given a hero's welcome when he was released.

Also not long ago, the Bavarian corporal was received by German President Hindenburg. The Bavarian corporal admitted that it was a mistake to launch the "beer hall riot" and promised to abide by the law in the future.

Bewitched by Mustache's deference, Hindenburg allowed Mustache to rebuild the German Workers' Party, and agreed to the German Workers' Party's open activities.

At this time, Mustache has already received strong support from the American consortium, and his reputation in Germany is getting higher and higher, and Hindenburg has no choice.

After the World War Hindenburg participated in the Paris Peace Conference as a representative of Germany, and then was scolded by the Germans as a traitor who betrayed Germany, and his reputation in Germany declined again and again.

Seeing that the axis of evil was running wildly on the road of madness, even if Rock wanted to stop it, he was powerless.

Mustache has not only received assistance from the American consortium, but also the support of the British government. Even the French have certain expectations for Mustache, hoping that Mustache will play an increasingly important role. full payment of compensation.

The French made a serious misjudgment on this issue. If Germany has the ability to repay the indemnity in full and on time, I am afraid that Germany will be the first to attack France.

"Keep paying attention, but don't worry, the business still needs to be done." Rock's current mentality is similar to that of Americans. Since the whole of Europe is dying, Rock is also happy to see the success. Just follow the Americans to do business. Who has a grudge against money?

Sometimes I have to admit that Americans are really smart.

From the choice of the two world wars, the United States has indeed achieved the ultimate in speculation. In this regard, only Italy, which is good at standing in line, can compete with the United States.

Take a look at the United States. At the beginning of the two world wars, both sides tried to please and make money. When Europe ran out of oil and lamps, it dragged on to join the war at the last moment. It not only became the savior of the world, but also became the creditor of the world.

Italy is even more amazing. It has repeatedly jumped on both sides of the allies and the allies, and in the end it is actually the victorious country.

Rock has also now realized that the rolling wheel of history is not so easy to reverse. World peace is only an ideal after all. As long as there are ambitious people, there will be no peace in this world.

"Go and see your mother, she has been waiting for you for a long time." Roque was still a little worried. After Arthur and Roya got married, they would take Roya back to Cyprus. It was a lie to say that they were not worried.

But there is no need to worry too much. Arthur has Rock and Ida behind him, and Roya has Stoudemire behind him. Even if Rock does not show up, Ada and Stoudemire will not allow Cyprus to be bullied by France and Italy.

After Arthur and Roya's wedding, Roque will start a European trip. The focus must be Britain and France. Germany and Italy cannot be ignored. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs led by Yang Smother is in early contact with Britain, France, Germany and Italy, mainly It's economic cooperation, and Roque only needs to sign it when the time comes.

While preparations for Arthur's wedding were in full swing, in the distant state of Massachusetts, Robert Goddard was preparing to launch his first liquid rocket.

Robert Goddard was born in Worcester, Massachusetts, and became a researcher at Princeton University in 1912, conducting research at the Palmer Physical Laboratory.

As a student, Robert Goddard wrote a paper proposing a method to "keep an airplane balanced."

In 1919, Robert Goddard published the paper "The Method of Reaching Extremely High Altitudes", which ushered in the era of spaceflight and human flight to other planets.

But at that time, Robert Goddard was not understood by people. The reporter of "New York Times" even laughed at Robert Goddard. Also known as the Moon Man.

Robert Goddard was not discouraged, and returned to the farm in Massachusetts with his family and four assistants to continue the research on liquid rockets, and even spent all his savings for this.

It is a pity that for liquid rockets, Robert Goddard's own savings are obviously insignificant. If no new funding is found, Robert Goddard's research may be abandoned halfway.

This work is also very advanced. You must know that it is only 1925 now, and it was already 2 when Germany successfully launched the V-1942 rocket.

(End of this chapter)

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