Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1573 Justified Behavior

Chapter 1573 Justified Behavior
After Hoover became president of the United States, the relationship between southern Africa and the United States has been continuously strengthened. Although some small frictions broke out in the military from time to time, it did not affect the overall development of the relationship between southern Africa and the United States.

With the closer economic ties between the two countries, cultural exchanges have also become more frequent. Last year, Abramovich led a delegation from Nyasaland University to the United States for a one-month exchange with Harvard and Yale.

Southern Africa also invited Nikola Tesla many times in the name of exchanges, and Nikola Tesla himself was quite moved. Unfortunately, because of the obstruction of the US government, Nikola Tesla never made the trip. .

For southern Africa, Nikola Tesla still has a good impression. In the few cooperations, southern African companies paid Nikola Tesla generously, and the settlement was also timely. No excuses to delay, which impressed Nikola Tesla.

It sounds like the settlement is timely, is it normal to never make excuses for delays?

Not really, at least not in the United States right now.

When Tesla first came to the United States, he worked in Edison's laboratory. At that time, Edison asked Tesla to improve the motor and promised that after Tesla's improvement was completed, Edison would pay Tesla $5.

Later, Tesla improved the motor according to Edison's request, but Edison only paid Tesla $[-]. When Tesla questioned him, Edison laughed and said that the so-called $[-] was just an "American joke." .

This is not an isolated case. After Tesla invented alternating current, according to U.S. law, he had to pay Tesla a patent fee of US$ 2.5 for every horsepower of alternating current sold.

According to this rule, Tesla will become the richest person in the world, and Rock can't catch up with him.

Then someone forced Tesla to transfer the patent.

Tesla gave up the patent in a rage, and made the patent of alternating current public permanently, making it a free patent.

This is a feat for the benefit of all mankind, otherwise people would be forced to accept the exploitation of some consortium, or choose to use the high cost of direct current.

Edison did not abandon the direct current patent.

Seeing these cases, one should understand what the United States is like at this time, and one should also understand why Tesla, a bankrupt businessman, is actually closely monitored by the US government.

In such a comparison, the Walvis Bay Hydropower Station is particularly commendable for Tesla's statue.

"Thank you, thank you for always remembering me." Tesla's hands were trembling, and Jackson brought Tesla a thank-you letter written by Rock, with the signatures of Kitchener, Ade, and Philip on it.

In his letter, Roque thanked Tesla for his contribution to Southern Africa, and sincerely invited Tesla to go to Southern Africa. The Congress of Southern Africa is going to award Tesla the Congressional Medal of Honor, and Nyasaland University has decided to hire Tesla. Tesla became a tenured professor, and Johannesburg and Los Angeles also awarded Tesla the title of "Honorary Citizen".

The title of "Honorary Citizen" is more intellectual honors, but the Congressional Medal of Honor and tenured professors are all real benefits. The recipients of the Congressional Medal of Honor in Southern Africa can receive about 500 rand rewards every year. This money is extended over time. And grow.

A tenured professor at Nyasaland University, his annual salary is fixed at 1500 rand. The sum of these two incomes is about the same as that of the deputy minister of the Federal Government of Southern Africa.

"When I arrived, the lord told me that if you are willing to go to southern Africa, the federal government of southern Africa can coordinate. In a few months, the lord may visit the United States, and then you can have a good chat." Jackson said again Tesla issued an invitation. If Rock came to the United States, he would definitely visit Tesla.

In the United States now, there are really not many people or things that Rock can remember.

"Okay, I look forward to meeting the Marquis of Nyasaland at that time." Tesla smiled wryly, the pain in his eyes flashing away.

Even if Tesla is willing to go to southern Africa, it will not be so easy.

The US government's attitude towards Tesla is very cruel. Such a great god would definitely confess if he was in southern Africa, but he lived in a prison-like hotel in the United States.

If the U.S. government knows that Tesla wants to go to southern Africa, then I am afraid not only will it not let people go, but something unbearable will happen.

Don't think that the U.S. government can't do this kind of thing. Look at what the U.S. government has done after the outbreak of the new crown. Is it true that the most powerful country in the world can't even fight against the new crown?
Don't be funny, I just don't want to. You can't tell the reason, and you can't ask. Asking is a conspiracy theory.

As he left the New Yorker Hotel, Jackson was again questioned by Bureau of Investigation officials.

"What do you want to do? I'm British, and you don't have the right to ask me." Now that he had met Tesla, Jackson was not so polite to the Bureau of Investigation officials.

"What's wrong with the British? The British must abide by the laws of the United States in the United States—" The investigation officials blushed, and Jackson's words were not very lethal, but extremely insulting.

"Chih—" Jackson dismissed it, and pushed away the officials of the investigation bureau and was about to walk away.

"Stop, don't force us to take tough measures." The investigation bureau officials were going crazy, they had never seen such an arrogant person.

Jackson stood still and looked at the Bureau of Investigation officials coldly. Suddenly, a few black suits ran over from across the road.

"Sir, is there any trouble?" The head of the bearded strong man looked coldly at the officials of the Bureau of Investigation.

These black suits are Jackson's bodyguards, executives of Nyasaran Bank, and it is quite normal to have a few bodyguards with them.

And these are not ordinary bodyguards, they all have the badges of the Delta Company on their chests, the bearded and strong men unbutton their suits casually, the holsters under their armpits flickering, and the black suits next to them are also vicious, There was a guy with a shotgun hanging in his windbreaker, and another guy was wearing a tactical vest with two grenades hanging on it.

Bureau of Investigation officials are really dizzy now.

This is New York, the most developed New York in the United States, as famous as London, and New York known as the world's financial center.

You are a shotgun and a grenade. Do you think New York is the peninsula of Asia Minor?
Simply too much!
"No, I'm chatting with this gentleman—" Jackson sneered. The power of the Bureau of Investigation in the United States is far less than that of Brad's office in southern Africa.

No wonder rich people all over the world like America, it is indeed a paradise for rich people.

"——I am staying at the Rhodesia Hotel during this time. If you want to chat with me, you can go to the Rhodesia Hotel to find me." Jackson said lightly, and he boarded the Lord on the side of the road surrounded by black suits. car.

The Bureau of Investigation official's face was livid and he couldn't say a word.

When Jackson boarded the car, a black suit with a shotgun and grenades hanging under the windbreaker was staring at him. Officials from the Bureau of Investigation had no doubt that if he acted out of line, he would be beaten into a hornet's nest immediately.

These delta mercenaries are all legally registered with the police, can carry heavy weapons with them, and can shoot at any time when faced with threats.

"Luke, call the head, it's so ridiculous, is this New York in the United States, or the fucking New York in the UK?" Looking at the car going away, the Bureau of Investigation official cursed.

That’s all there is to it. Don’t forget that when Jackson came to see Tesla, he took a pass signed by Hoover. The identity of an investigation bureau official is indeed deterrent to ordinary people, but at the level of the Vice President of the United States— —

Sorry, it may not be easy for the director to come forward.

Back at the hotel, of course Jackson was not idle. The reason why he was confident was because he had dinner with the New York State Senator Brad Nelson. Don’t underestimate the Federal Senator. He has more power than the Governor of New York State. big.

At six o'clock in the evening, Brad Nelson arrived as promised. The federal senator, who is more powerful than the governor, was very polite when facing Jackson, a businessman. After all, Nyasaland Bank was Brad Nelson's financial backer.

This is the wonderful political ecology of the United States.

"Good evening, Senator--" Jackson greeted politely.

"Hi Adrian, let me guess, you must have brought me good news." Brad Nelson smiled just like Maitreya Buddha, but don't be fooled by his appearance, this guy is a standard The smiling tiger is never soft on his enemies, and he is extremely greedy.

"Of course, Mr. Marcellus entrusted me to congratulate you sincerely. Congratulations on your successful re-election as a federal senator. Mr. Marcellus will come to New York in two days, and he will have a gift for you by then." Jackson said with a full face He laughed, but he was cursing MMP in his heart.

Jackson can be considered to have seen countless people, but he has never seen such a greedy person as Brad Nelson. For green dollars, Brad Nelson can sell his soul to the devil.

Although Nyasaland Bank has just been established, it has already established a deep friendship with Brad Nelson. It was with the help of Brad Nelson that Nyasaland Bank was able to successfully acquire the International Bank of New York, thereby establishing a bank in New York. Stand your ground.

International Bank of New York is part of Citibank. Like City Bank of New York, First City Bank, Citigroup, and International Bank, they are all affiliated companies of Citibank. After Nyasaland Bank acquired International Bank of New York, Citibank still retains a part Shares of international banks.

Like Nyasaland Bank, Citibank is also Brad Nelson’s financial backer. It contributed a lot to Brad Nelson’s re-election as a U.S. senator. It is a legitimate act in the United States to seek interests with Nyasaland Bank.

(End of this chapter)

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