Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1580 Let's Take It When You See It

Chapter 1580 Let's Take It When You See It

Leaving Foch's house, Roque sat in the car, touching the cover of "War Guidance", feeling a little sad in his heart.

Unlike Joffre and Nivelle, Foch was an excellent soldier. There were not many people who could admire Roque in the First World War. Foch was one, Kitchener was half, and Ludendorff was in Roque No ranking here.

That's right, there's nothing to admire about the defeated general.

It can be seen that Foch's condition is not very good. Deep down in his heart, he may still yearn to play for France. Unfortunately, France no longer needs him, so he can only stay in the Pyrenees to cultivate his body.

The French government doesn't need it, the umbrella companies do.

Rock still remembers that in the 21st century, many retired generals in the United States would join major arms companies or security companies in the United States as various senior consultants, and they would be more active after retirement than during their tenure.

These senior advisers are actually lobbyists. After all, at the level of generals, the old stories of their disciples are not talked about all over the world. They are also deeply rooted and intricate in the U.S. military.

What's more, these generals have more or less unknown interest transfers with these arms companies or security companies during their tenure. Then after the generals retire, they will take up a position in an arms company or a security company and receive a few dollars a year. A salary of tens of millions is also justified.

This is very normal in the United States, the well-known unspoken rules, on the surface it seems to be compliant and legal, and there is nothing wrong with it. In fact, everyone knows what is going on, and of course no one is foolish to find out.

If you break it, you won't offend one or two, maybe one day you will be dead on the street.

It's not a public execution, it's not that exaggerated, a problem that can be solved by a drunk driver, there is no need for such a big fight.

It was only after visiting Foch that Roque realized that these retired generals still had residual value.

Not only Foch, but also Joffre or Frenzi, who spend thousands of pounds a year to raise them, and take any job, and the cost will be returned.

The most obvious example is that France is building the Maginot Line. Such a large project, with a total cost of 50 billion francs, if it is handed over to Christian Construction Company to complete, it can not only maintain quality and quantity, but also save a little cost. Why not do it.

Another example is the French Foreign Legion, which is actually mercenaries, and the umbrella company also has mercenaries. If some form of cooperation with the Foreign Legion can be carried out, it will be a win-win situation.

Of course, there is no need for Rock to come forward for these things. Rock directly sends a telegram to Gothe and asks Gothe to operate it. It doesn't matter if it succeeds or not.

It's good to succeed, but it doesn't matter if it doesn't succeed. Even without these things, the umbrella company can continue to grow and develop.

Back in the UK, the Empire Conference still made no progress. Stanley Baldwin and Valera were still arguing. Now Rock finally understood why it would take months to hold a conference. William King has become accustomed to it, but fortunately, communication is very convenient now, and being in London does not affect their official duties.

Rock can't, Rock would rather go back to Pretoria to go fishing with Kitchener at this time, so when the Imperial Conference was reconvened on April 4, Rock was the first to speak.

"You have been arguing for half a month, how long do you want to quarrel? Eamon, nothing can be done overnight. I can understand your feelings, but please recognize the reality. There is no possibility of independence for Ireland now. The Anglo-Irish Treaty is the most sensible choice, and it is also in the interests of the Irish Free State." Roque couldn't bear it anymore, and William King was right. If no one can convince the other party, then simply have another Anglo-Irish war. Who will win? Who is in charge.

"Lord Nyasaland, this is a matter between our Irish Free State and the British government, and has nothing to do with you in southern Africa." Valera seemed tough, but in fact he was strong on the outside and on the inside.

The value of Roque to the British Empire is definitely not just a Marquis of Nyasaland.

The last time the Irish wanted to assassinate Roque to make big news, they were beaten by Roque and suffered a lot.

Afterwards, some members of the British Parliament proposed that Roque should be appointed as the Irish Affairs Officer.

Although this proposal is a bit nonsensical, it can fully prove Rock's deterrent power.

Rock is different from Henry Wilson, the former chief of staff of the British Expeditionary Force who was assassinated by the Irish. Henry Wilson's powers were bestowed by the British government. Without the British government as a whole, Henry Wilson is nothing.

Leaving aside Rock's political power, his personal strength is extremely powerful. Even if he doesn't use public power, Rock still has ways to deal with the Irish.

When it comes to assassination raids, there is still a gap between the Irish and Brad's offices.

"How could it not be? The conflict between you and London has affected the entire Commonwealth of Nations. We have been listening to you for half a month here, so don't cause public outrage." Stanley Bruce warned directly, almost enough, with a bite If you can't eat fat, southern Africa has not yet sought complete independence, and the Irish Free State is still early.

"Yes, this level is enough, and there is nothing wrong with staying in the Commonwealth—" William King also hoped to reach an agreement as soon as possible.

"Hehe—" Valera sneered back.

Whether this is good or not depends on who it is.

Southern Africa's stay in the Commonwealth is for the market within the Commonwealth. Canada needs the help of the Commonwealth to withstand the pressure of the Americans. What are the benefits of Ireland staying in the Commonwealth?
The Great Irish Famine?

Speaking of it, it is precisely because of the "Irish Famine" that Irish people are determined to be independent.

However, the British government was not only so cruel to the Irish. From 1876 to 1878, India also had a bad harvest. Not only did the UK not provide assistance to India, but it increased its efforts to search for it from India. During this period, India exported wheat to the UK. A record 640 million tons resulted in about 550 million starving deaths in India.

Another famous famine occurred in 1770, when Bengal was under the rule of the British East India Company, this time the famine caused the death of a third of the population of Bengal, or about 1000 million people, the East India Company admitted, " Six out of every sixteen victims starved to death", which is the largest genocide in human history. Compared with the British, the mustache is the younger brother.

With these examples, we can understand why so many regions scrambled to flee the Commonwealth after the United Kingdom weakened. The crimes committed by the British Empire over the years of ruling the world are too numerous to write down.

From the standpoint of the British Empire, there is nothing wrong with the British government doing this, so Stanley Bruce and William King, who are both white, can say this, but Rock can't.

There are some things that Rock seems to have forgotten as the Marquess of Nyasaland in England.

But Roque just couldn't forget it, and it became clearer as time passed, so Roque really couldn't say "it's okay to stay in the Commonwealth".

Of course, Roque didn't want the Imperial Conference to be deadlocked. He wanted to quarrel with Stanley Baldwin and Valera after the meeting was over. Roque didn't have time to spend in London, so he asked Valera to have dinner together at night.

Regarding Rock's invitation, Valera did not dare to neglect, and arrived at Rock's manor at six o'clock in the evening.

Rock was not accompanied by anyone, and dined with Valera in the garden.

After drinking three rounds and eating five flavors, Rock finally got to the point and asked Valera's purpose.

"We've had enough of London's rule, and we won't endure the current situation anymore." Valera said decisively, leaving no room for it.

Rock has learned more about the Anglo-Irish War in the past few days. To be honest, it is far less intense than Rock imagined.

During the entire Anglo-Irish War, the total death toll of the British Army and the Irish Free State was about 1400, including 363 policemen, 261 British regular soldiers, 550 Irish volunteers, and about 200 civilians.

Although the number of deaths was small, the process was extremely tragic. In order to retaliate against the surprise attack by Irish volunteers, the British army set fire to many towns in the Irish Free State, causing huge property losses. After the city center of Cork, firefighters were prevented from going to fight the fire in retaliation for the surprise attack on British troops by Irish volunteers in Cork city.

"Eamon, you have to know that nothing can be done overnight. If the Irish Free State can join the Commonwealth, then London will give the Irish Free State appropriate compensation." Rock is mediating on behalf of Stanley Baldwin. These words cannot Say it publicly at the Imperial Conference, otherwise there will be endless troubles.

Also joining the Commonwealth, the Irish can get compensation, why can't the Canadians and Australians?
What about Indians?

What about Bangladeshis?
Rock also wants to fight for compensation for southern Africans if he can.

"The hatred between us and London cannot be compensated by money." Valera has a benefactor and does not care about the money from London.

These days Valera has also been staying in London, and her residence is closely monitored by the British Military Intelligence Agency. According to Rock's knowledge, Valera has always had a good relationship with the Americans. When he came back from the United States, he brought back 600 million In dollars, that's not a small number.

During this time in London, Valera’s residence was full of people. Not only Irish businessmen visited Valera, but also members of the British Congress, American diplomats in the UK, and some people who walked in gray areas in the six northern counties. .

It can be said that Valera also has many supporters, otherwise he would not have such confidence.

"I know, but you have to recognize the reality. If you continue like this, anything can happen—" Rock couldn't help it, and Stanley Baldwin's patience was limited.

As I said earlier, not only the Irish will sneak attack and assassinate, but the British government will actually do it too.

If Valera is stubborn, the consequences are hard to say.

(End of this chapter)

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