Chapter 1582 Do it hard

Although Ramsay MacDonald served as British Prime Minister for a short time, he set an insurmountable benchmark for subsequent British Prime Ministers.

When Ramsay McDonald was in power, he tried his best to fight for the welfare of the British people at the bottom, promised the world that Britain would disarm on a large scale, and reconsidered the relationship between Britain and the colonies. Set a benchmark, ordinary British people will not consider the real problems facing the UK, they will only compare all the prime ministers after Ramsay Macdonald with Ramsay Macdonald, if it is not up to ordinary British people preset standard, then it is unqualified.

Stanley Baldwin is in this embarrassing stage. He also wants to fight for welfare for ordinary British people, but the British aristocracy and bourgeoisie do not allow it; he also wants to disarm the British government, but millions of British soldiers do not allow it ; he also wanted to maintain the relationship between London and the overseas colonies, but unfortunately Valera did not allow it.

It is impossible to maintain it. The relationship between London and the overseas dominions under the framework of the "Balfour Declaration" is already the best choice for the British Empire at this stage. If Stanley Baldwin is unable to go further and be more radical, then It's not just Valera who bounced back, Southern Africa, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and even India have something to say.

The crux of the matter is that the "Balfour Declaration" was a complete failure for the British Empire. It not only meant that the overseas dominions were out of control, but also meant the collapse of the British colonial system. Whether Congress can accept this reality is still a question mark.

It was for this reason that Neville came to Rock.

"Arthur, of course I support you. If there is one person in the UK that I can trust, then that person must be you." Rock's broken mouth is also open now. He does trust Neville, but inside Between Will and Winston, Rock definitely had more trust in Winston.

"That's fine, Locke. With your support, I have enough confidence to defeat the Prime Minister, and even Ramsay McDonald. They are simply vulnerable." Neville was full of confidence, but his confidence was based on Rock's support.

The current situation of the British Empire, without the support of southern Africa, would not even be able to maintain the current situation.

It is an obvious fact that when the Boers had just been defeated, Britain needed gold from southern Africa to maintain London's status as a global financial center.

Now the role of southern Africa in the British Empire is on the rise, not just gold, but the industrial products, agricultural products, workers, soldiers, and even influence in southern Africa are all rising in significance to the British Empire. Neville urgently needs Rock Only with the support of Stanley Baldwin and Ramsay McDonald can they form an overwhelming advantage.

"It's not that simple——" Rock is not optimistic. The UK just held a general election last year. According to the British political system, the next general election should be in 1929. This year should be specially marked. If there are no accidents, 1929 is in the middle An economic crisis cycle.

As mentioned earlier, the unavoidable economic crisis in Europe and the United States occurs almost every ten years. The last economic crisis was one year after the end of the World War. If you count the time, the next economic crisis will start in 1929.

For this year, neither Winston nor Neville had the minimum vigilance.

Rock took precautions. The reason why the 1929 economic crisis was named the "Great Depression" was because the consequences of this economic crisis were extremely serious. To a large extent, it can be said that this economic crisis directly led to the Second World War.

"If you must do this, I suggest you start now, don't wait until the general election, too many variables." Rock between Stanley Baldwin and Neville, and Ramsay McDonald, there is no doubt It is leaning towards Neville.

"What do you mean?" Neville was bewildered.

But two days later, Neville knew what Rock meant.

On April 4, a nationwide general strike broke out in the UK.

This general strike is essentially the mess left to Stanley Baldwin during Ramsay McDonald's tenure as prime minister.

During Ramsay McDonald's tenure as prime minister, he reduced the working hours of British coal workers from eight hours to seven hours. At the same time, because of the downturn in the British coal industry, he decided to implement a nine-month subsidy for the British coal industry, the total amount About 2300 million pounds to maintain the wages of coal miners. This day is also known as the "Red Friday" in the UK.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long, and the nine-month period was not over yet. Ramsay Macdonald resigned sadly. On April 4, the nine-month period expired. The mine owner proposed that the salary should be reduced after the government subsidy was exhausted. Extended working hours.

However, the Coal Miners Union did not budge and proposed that "the wages cannot be less than a penny, and the working hours cannot be more than one second." The negotiations between the Union of Miners and the mine owners came to a deadlock.

On April 4th, British coal miners went on strike. On the next day, on the 20st, trade unions of various industries voted on the coordinated strike policy and decided to implement a general strike. The total number of workers on strike on this day was close to 21 million.

At present in 1925, the total population of the UK was 5500 million, and 600 million people went on general strike, more than one-tenth of the total population of the UK. Except for the coal mining industry, workers in the electrical, steel, railway, construction and printing industries all participated in the strike. All great industrial centers are paralyzed.

However, the strike in England had nothing to do with Roque. When the general strike started, Roque was already on his way to the United States and knew nothing about it.

"Seven hours? MacDonald can do it!" Rock really didn't expect that in 1925, Britain had already implemented a seven-hour working system.

Looking at it this way is really embarrassing, there is no 996, there is no 007, and the seven-hour working system cannot be done in southern Africa.

Southern Africa still implements an eight-hour working day, and weekends have already begun to be implemented in some industries. However, for African workers, 997 is still the norm. At present, there are sweatshops in the United States, and Southern Africa dare not slack off for a moment.

British dare!
Rock doesn't know what Ramsay McDonald is thinking. This guy has not been the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom for a long time, but the poison he brought to the United Kingdom is quite far-reaching. In the final analysis, it is the votes. In order to gain support, Ram Chi Macdonald is also unscrupulous.

"It's normal. In some industries in southern Africa, the seven-hour workday is actually—" Sidney Milner said calmly. In terms of welfare, southern Africa is quite good.

997 in Southern Africa is limited to Africans working in Southern Africa.

These Africans are not southern Africans, but foreign laborers who have come to work in southern Africa through labor service companies. Their welfare is not guaranteed. It sounds cruel, doesn’t it?In fact, it was already very good in 997. At least they still have jobs, can support their families, and their salaries will be paid on time. Compared with Germans, Ottomans, and Persians, this is already very good treatment.

The seven-hour work system mentioned by Sidney Milner is also normal in southern Africa, but only in certain special industries.

Don't get it wrong, the special industries here refer to service industries such as catering, finance, and transportation. They are not special industries that cannot be written about. There are no special industries that cannot be written about in southern Africa. Determined.

"I know what you said, but can the mining industry also implement a seven-hour working system?" Rock was really puzzled, not knowing how the British coal industry ensured its competitiveness.

Southern Africa started out as a mining industry. From the Kimberley Diamond Mine to the Rand Gold Mine later, mineral resources still play an important role in the economy of Southern Africa. However, Roque dared not implement the seven-hour working system.

It’s not that Rock is ruthless. It’s because in an environment of international competition, the 7-hour working system can’t guarantee the normal survival of enterprises. American companies are all 007, and southern Africa dares to seven hours?
That's courting death!

"It's good for us that London has started an emergency transport service for essential supplies and employs thousands of special police officers, buses and trains are being driven by volunteers, the government has started talks with unions, and Implement special measures to cut off the union's funding channels, and it is estimated that the strike will not last long—" Sidney Milner was busy making supper for Rock, and did not pay attention to the strike in Britain at all.

This is not the first strike in the UK.

Unlike the strikes in Rock's understanding, strikes in the UK are almost child's play in Rock's view, mainly because of the limitations of the working class and the incompetence of trade union organizations.

If the British trade unions could be as strong as the Russian trade unions, British workers would have overthrown the British royal family long ago and established a country like Russia.

Rock didn't speak, and he was so heavy that he couldn't even eat supper. The British Empire is really in turmoil now. The "Balfour Declaration" has not yet been passed by Congress, and now there is a nationwide strike. I don't know that Stanley Baldwin How long can the cabinet last.

If Stanley Baldwin can't hold on, it will be good. The Conservative Party has only regained the majority of the Congress for a few months. If it loses the majority of the Congress again, the British political arena will be reduced to the same level as the French the point.

Change three prime ministers within two years——

The last time this happened was during the British Revolution 100 years ago.

But this has nothing to do with Roque. On April 4, Roque arrived in New York, USA. President John Calvin Coolidge came to New York to meet Roque in person.

This day is also the day when Robert Goddard arrived in Nyasaland. Unlike Rock’s grand welcome ceremony when he arrived in the United States, Robert Goddard’s arrival in Nyasaland did not attract any attention, and the U.S. government didn’t even know about them What is lost.

(End of this chapter)

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