Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1593 Serious Donkey

Chapter 1593 Serious Donkey
Speaking of reflection on the war, the Americans are absolutely outstanding in this aspect. They made the movie, with a Bible in one hand and a bayonet in the other. While killing, they don’t forget to reflect on the damage of the war. They always use the name of God. Feeling God is an American. .

Europe also began to reflect on war after the World War.

This is a nice way of saying it, but it’s scary to say it hard. The history of human reproduction is a history of wars. Europeans have never reflected on fighting and killing for thousands of years.

Roque's way of dealing with enemies. It's God's business to forgive them, Roque's mission is to send them to God.

Rock didn't hold out much hope for the "Abolition of War Pact". If it works, it will work. If it doesn't work, it can also provide Rock with an excuse to interfere, which will give him more room for maneuver.

While the 16 were meeting, the Rock and Coolidge bargaining was in progress.

Coolidge hoped that Rock could lobby the Commonwealth to further open the market to the United States, so that American goods could fully enter the Commonwealth.

Roque also hopes that the United States can further relax restrictions on southern African capital, allowing southern African capital to directly enter the US market.

Did you find out? Both Roque and Coolidge have great confidence in their own companies, and they both believe that they can use the power of capital to capture the other's market. It's just that Coolidge's confidence is based on the entire Commonwealth, while Rock's confidence is in the southern part of the world. Africa.

Coolidge also hoped that Rock would open Port Elizabeth. As a reciprocal, the United States would open the South American market to southern African capital.

Rock was really surprised, not knowing what confidence Coolidge had to make such a request.

Port Elizabeth is the private property of Adan Company, and South America is not the territory of the United States. There is no comparison between the two.

The key is tariffs. Southern Africa and the United States have reduced the tariffs to 15% through several negotiations before. Rock now hopes to reduce the tariffs to 5% or even lower, which will be more conducive to the trade between the two sides.

Coolidge agreed to lower it, but did not agree to reduce it so much. Tariffs are an important source of income for the US government. In order to protect local companies, the US has very low export tariffs and high import tariffs. The 15% given to southern Africa is originally a leeway. If If it is reduced to 5% or lower, then southern African goods will have a great impact on the United States.

After all, where are the costs of southern African companies? Even if American companies can use a large number of Mexicans to reduce costs, they will not be as low as Africans.

Rock was not in a hurry. There were banquets every day at the house by Sakura Lake. Rockefeller, Morgan, Mellon, and even Edison and Marconi were all invited by Rock. Compared with Coolidge, they were the actual control of the United States.

Compared with Rockefeller and Morgan, the property under Rock's name is even worse.

Regardless of the large number of oil companies under Rockefeller's name, the combined volume is not as large as that of Adan Company.

The same goes for Morgan. Although Rock does not have a steel company under his name, he has mines under his name. The Pilbara and Iron Four Corners are jointly invested by Nyasaland Corporation and Rand Bank. The world's largest steel group can be established.

In February 1901, Carnegie sold the Carnegie Steel Company to Morgan for $2 million, the largest single acquisition in U.S. history.

At that time, Carnegie Steel Company had 2 employees, its annual output exceeded the national steel output of the United Kingdom, accounting for 25% of that of the United States, and its annual profit was 4000 million US dollars.

After Morgan acquired the Carnegie Steel Company, he joined forces with a dozen other steel companies to establish the U.S. Steel Corporation, which once controlled 65% of U.S. steel production and, through lobbying, prompted the U.S. government to completely abolish tariffs on the steel industry in 1913.

Pay attention to this point in time. 1913 was at a critical stage of the arms race. The United States canceled tariffs at this time in order to better dump to Europe.

Prior to this, American steel companies relied on tariff protection to gradually become stronger in free trade with British steel companies.

When the strength of American steel companies has completely surpassed that of British steel companies, the United States will simply cancel the tariffs. This operation is also an old double standard.

As a result, during the World War II, Fawalt Steel Group grew rapidly, relying on more advanced technology and lower prices, and formed a strong challenge to U.S. Steel Corporation.

In 1918, before the end of the World War, the United States re-imposed steel import tariffs at 25%. The purpose is self-evident, which is to curb the entry of Fawalt Steel Group into the US market.

Southern Africa is much better. In terms of steel import and export, the federal government of Southern Africa does not impose any restrictions. This is due to the strong confidence of southern African companies. It caused too much impact, so Rock is very confident that as long as the tariff is released, southern African companies will be able to defeat American companies.

Coolidge was very entangled. The United States has always pursued "free trade". The reason for adding quotation marks is that when it is beneficial to American companies, the United States advocates true free trade. Once the situation is not good for the United States, then "free trade" will immediately disappear Will become a "trade barrier".

So don't listen to Americans' nonsense, listen to their words and watch their actions at the same time.

Negotiations were very difficult. Although Coolidge himself advocated small government politically and was known for his classical liberal conservatism, he was unwilling to completely open up the US market and introduce southern African capital.

Small government means: Advocating that in a free society, the size and role of government should be minimized - as long as it can protect everyone's freedom and prevent violations of freedom, so as to maximize everyone's freedom .

Classical liberalism emphasizes individual rights, private property, and advocates a laissez-faire economic policy. It believes that the purpose of government existence is to protect the freedom of each individual.

It seemed that Coolidge should be in favor of reducing tariffs, but the threat posed by southern African companies to American companies was too great for Coolidge to make up his mind.

So we went around and went around, and the final breakthrough was Hoover.

"Come on, Locke, I don't dare to offend American capitalists. I still want to run for the next presidential election—" Hoover also resisted. The ideal state for the United States is that the Commonwealth opens its market, while the United States still maintains trade barriers.

How is this possible, not to mention other countries in the Commonwealth of Nations, Southern Africa will not accept it.

"It is to create favorable conditions for you to run for the next President of the United States, so I suggest you do this." Rock's perspective is very strange, the same thing, different conclusions from different angles.

"Why?" Hoover didn't think he had become a president, but he didn't practice enough.

"Who will benefit in the end from the U.S. lowering tariffs?" Rock earnestly enticed. The benefactor is important, but the final votes still come from the voters.

"It doesn't matter if the U.S. lowers its tariffs, it will be your southern African companies who ultimately benefit—" Hoover sneered, feeling that his IQ had been insulted.

Rock leaned on his forehead and sighed. Sure enough, the most suitable career for Hoover was human traffickers. Politics was too complicated for Hoover.

"After tariffs are lowered, the prices of foreign goods will be lowered, and those who ultimately benefit will be the people who consume the goods, that is, ordinary Americans, the voters of the United States!" Rock is also helpless, and it is foolish to distinguish between benefits and profits. , What kind of president.

"So—" Hoover was simply enlightened.

"So as long as you support the reduction of tariffs, you will gain the trust of the voters, and then get their sacred vote." Locke said it more straightforwardly, which is easier for Hoover to understand.

"No, no, I feel something is wrong—" Hoover was still a little politically sensitive, subconsciously feeling something was wrong.

"Why not?" Rock said calmly.

"If I agree to reduce tariffs, it will damage the interests of American companies, and I will not even win the party's primary election." Hoover is not stupid, just a little stupid.

Of course, it also depends on who you compare yourself with. Compared with Roque, a "prophet", he is a bit stupid. Compared with other US presidential candidates, Hoover is not bad.

"Don't worry about the campaign funds, I can guarantee that you will have sufficient campaign funds." Rock directly spent money, Rockefeller and Morgan have money, Rock is not bad, Washington Motors and Goldman Sachs, can become Hoover's gold Lord, this is actually an investment.

As I said before, political donations in the United States are actually the transfer of benefits. Of course, capitalists fund politicians for a purpose.

For example, Washington Motors. After Hoover became the president of the United States, he could set up some necessary conditions for Washington Motors to create favorable conditions for Washington Motors to compete with other American auto companies.

For example, safety, displacement, environmental protection, etc. This is the so-called radish pit, just like a job interview.

"Think about it, you have sufficient campaign funds and the support of voters, so what else is there to worry about?" Roque only has one hidden worry. At this time, the United States should not have the so-called "election interference".

"I've got to think about it—I've got to think about it—" Hoover struggled inwardly, afraid to make a decision right away.

This is also normal. After all, this is a big deal, and if it doesn't work, it will be self-imposed in the United States.

Rock is not in a hurry, he still has chips in his hand.

The next day, some U.S. media published news about the negotiations, and the U.S. government was immediately under great pressure. At a later press conference, Coolidge was besieged by reporters.

Coolidge should be the president who likes to hold press conferences the most. It is said that Coolidge held a total of 529 press conferences during his tenure. in the president.

The funny thing is that Coolidge was notoriously taciturn in private. He famously said: I think the American people want a serious donkey for president, and I just follow the people's will.

(End of this chapter)

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