Chapter 1597 Training Camp

When MacArthur and Patton were worried about the Changi Naval Base, more than 1000 mercenaries recruited from around the Strait of Malacca were training on Tekong Island at the Changi Naval Base.

The early umbrella company mercenaries were all southern Africans, and later gradually joined Gurkhas, Africans, Ottomans, Persians, and now Southeast Asians.

Compared with southern African mercenaries, the salaries of other mercenaries are very low. The annual salary of a mercenary is not as expensive as the materials and ammunition they consume. In the current umbrella, more than 90.00% of the mercenaries are foreign recruit.

Although the salary is low, the combat effectiveness is not low. Life in underdeveloped areas is usually very cheap. The mercenaries recruited by the umbrella company have already penetrated the obedience to the colonists. They will not contradict any orders from the chief. , because they have not received any education, and they will not have any thinking about human nature or reflection on war, so they are really the best source of soldiers.

After these mercenaries join the umbrella, they can receive a salary of at least 3 rand per month. If they go on missions, they will receive corresponding subsidies and allowances. The usual weapons and equipment, food and ammunition are all provided by the umbrella company.

3 rand is already a lot for Southeast Asians, and when leaving the training camp, if you perform well in the assessment, your salary can be improved, up to 5 rand.

With such good benefits, the requirements for mercenaries are naturally very high. The daily schedule is similar to that of Hengshui High School, and the training schedule is full.

The construction of Tekong Island has not yet been completed. According to the plan of the Indian Ocean Fleet, Tekong Island will become the logistics center of the Changi Naval Base, and a recruit training camp will be set up on the island. The camp is still under construction.

So every morning, the workers in the construction camp would see teams of recruits in training uniforms running back and forth on the beach carrying big logs. It was lively, and some guys who were not selected were also very sour. Carrying wood was physical work, which was more arduous than construction workers' work. Some recruits who couldn't keep up physically would be severely reprimanded by the instructors, and corporal punishment abounded.

Anyway, there are no human rights organizations on the island.

When it was time to eat, the construction workers envied the recruits' meals.

People in the 21st century cannot understand people's desire for food in 1925.

In fact, Southeast Asia is similar to Africa, and its products are quite rich. As long as you work hard, it is actually very simple to obtain food.

The problem is that there are private lands everywhere in Southeast Asia, just like the royal gardens, where civilians are prohibited from entering and leaving. There are many fruits on the trees, but the plantation owners would rather watch the fruits rot on the trees than give them to the poor. Impossible, if you have a boat, you are not poor.

The three meals of the recruits are usually dried salted fish, pickled poultry eggs, and some local fruits from Southeast Asia. This kind of breakfast is common in the eyes of southern Africans, but it is a rare delicacy in the eyes of the locals. .

At the moment in 1925, many people in Asia are still suffering from severe hunger. A severe drought may cause millions of deaths. Population is very important to southern Africa, but in Asia, life is really like nothing. Poor people It is good to have food, and three meals are paid, and those who can eat three meals are big landlords.

The instructors of the recruits are all senior mercenaries from the umbrella company. These instructors were transferred to the logistics department because they were unable to fight on the front line for some reason and did not want to leave the umbrella.

Language is the biggest problem. Most of the recruits can't speak Chinese or English, so every day after the day's training, the recruits have to work overtime at night to learn the language.

In order to improve the motivation of the recruits to learn, language has become an important part of the assessment. Each recruit must learn at least ten Chinese characters every day. Many recruits hid in the toilet with their notebooks in the middle of the night and studied hard under the dim light.

Among all the recruits, an 18-year-old recruit named David has attracted much attention because he is the only Chinese in the boot camp, and he is of pure blood.

"This little guy is very smart. His armed cross-country and shooting results are excellent. He will definitely be rated as a senior soldier when he graduates." Wu Xing, the deputy director of the training camp, is optimistic about David. The monthly salary of a senior soldier can get 5 rand. The highest rank attainable at any given time.

"Why did he come to be a mercenary?" William, the supervisor, is of German origin. He came to southern Africa a long time ago and participated in the World Wars, but he never went to Europe. He only participated in the battle against the Ottoman Empire.

"It's so simple. My family is poor and I'm a Malayan. I don't have the opportunity to study. Being a mercenary is also a good choice." Wu Xing is also very helpless. There are nearly ten million Chinese in Southeast Asia. The situation of the Chinese in British Malaya is the toughest.

What embarrassed Wu Xing was that the most ruthless bullying of the Chinese in Southeast Asia was neither the British nor the Americans, but the Chinese who came to Southeast Asia in the early days.

In East India, this situation has reduced a lot now, and most Chinese can go to school and get a promising job after graduation, but in British Malaya, the situation has not improved much.

"Then why does he know English?" William was curious.

The clan concept of the Chinese is deeply rooted. Most of the Chinese who went to Nanyang worked in the plantations run by the Chinese, and most of the people they came into contact with were Chinese or local aborigines, and few of them could speak English.

"I don't know either. Everyone has their own secrets." Wu Xing was also curious, so he focused on David.

The next day is the payday. Every recruit received a salary of three rands, and was given a three-day holiday to be free to move around, go out for entertainment or go home to visit relatives. As long as they return to the team on time, they will pay The consequences of running are serious, and Umbrella Corporation has a dedicated department for this type of thing.

David was a little overwhelmed with four rand.

"Take it, you deserve it." Wu Xing had a pleasant face, and David also took on a job as a translator in the training camp. It is normal to have a higher salary.

"Thank you, sir—" David bowed politely to Wu Xing, and then left happily.

The smile on Wu Xing's face gradually faded. Sometimes being too outstanding is not a good thing. When things go wrong, there must be monsters. David, who can speak both Chinese and English, if he doesn't come to be a mercenary, he can find a job that is easier. And more lucrative jobs.

Umbrella Company often undertakes some very special tasks, and there are many moles in the company. Wu Xing is a bit sorry. If David is also a mole, then Wu Xing can only kill him.

After returning to the barracks, David couldn't wait to find his companions, hoping to get the worn out clothes and shoes of his companions.

The umbrella company is still very generous in this regard. Because of the heavy training work, the recruits have extremely serious wear and tear on their clothing. Each person will be given two sets of clothes per month.

"What do you want these things for?" Captain Fox is a Gurkha who has been naturalized in southern Africa.

"I have many younger brothers and sisters in my family. These clothes can still be worn after being mended." David does not dislike them. Children from poor families are not so particular. It is normal for clothes to be new for three years, old for three years and repaired for three years.

"Then you'll probably be disappointed. Others have similar needs—" Fox didn't want to attack David. The people who came to be mercenaries were not rich, and they would only continue if their clothes were so rotten that they couldn't be worn.

"I can give money—" David was willing to pay for it.

"How much can you give?" Fox became curious.

"Twenty cents a set." David is quite good at doing business, the price is not high, but there are also people who are willing to exchange unwanted clothes for money.

Human nature is complicated. Some people are very sensible at a young age, and some people live to their [-]s and [-]s and still don’t know what to do. In fact, the indigenous people in Southeast Asia are not much better than Africans. Many people are still drunk today, and their salary can be spent in three days .

Otherwise, the training camp will only have three days off.

For David, Fox still likes it very much.

With the help of Fox, David got more than a dozen sets of clothes in one morning, wrapped them in a sheet and put them on his back before leaving the training camp.

The big package looked bigger than his tiny body.

Wu Xing and Fox also followed David to leave the training camp. They wanted to see what David was going to do.

After leaving Pulau Tekong, David went directly to Batam by boat.

Batam is an island in the Riau Archipelago. The main island covers an area of ​​415 square kilometers and is about 20 kilometers away from Tekong Island. The population on the island is less than [-].

The current Batam Island is not the "little Bali" in the future. Tourism resources have not yet been developed. The scenery on the island is very beautiful, with sunshine, sandy beaches, and coconut trees. The waves are crystal clear like crystals, and the beach is white and delicate. , the sea water is crystal clear, and the sea breeze is as gentle as a lover's hand.

Compared with the bustling and bustling Lion City, in Batam, which is sparsely populated, Wu Xing and Fox had no place to hide, so Wu Xing simply walked over to say hello to David.

"Sir, why are you here?" David hadn't realized that Wu Xing and Fox were following him.

"The scenery here is really good. Fox and I have a look to see if it is possible to buy this island." Wu Xing found a suitable reason. The land price in Southeast Asia is not high now, and many people in southern Africa cannot afford farms. Mercenaries simply set up their homes in Southeast Asia. Some small islands can be bought for only one or two hundred rand.

But this pretense is a bit big, and David has a weird expression on his face. Forget about those 415-hectare islands, but if you want to buy Batam Island with an area of ​​[-] square kilometers, Wu Xing probably can’t afford it.

(End of this chapter)

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