Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1601 The name of this chapter is really unlucky

Chapter 1601 The name of this chapter is really unlucky

Xu Ge grew up in southern Africa, so he didn't know how difficult the living environment of the Chinese in Lion City was.

In order to strengthen the control of the colonies, the United Kingdom strongly promoted the single-colonial economic model, and the Lion City was of course no exception.

Regarding colonial education, the Straits Settlement Government upholds the British tradition of oppression and misleading. The schools run by the colonial government are missionary schools. The teaching content is mainly theology, and the priests or priests are trained. It is the only middle school run by the Chinese themselves. Under the strong suppression of the colonial government, even the Chinese language could not be used for a time.

The Changi Naval Base is the property of the Indian Ocean Fleet and is not under the jurisdiction of the colonial government. The education level in southern Africa is obvious to all. You can imagine how excited the Chinese in Lion City are.

If possible, Gentleman Chen even hopes to build the school in the Lion City. It is worth spending more money now. If you can use this money in exchange for the best education and a better future for the children, this is a good deal.

No matter how Xu Ge refused, Mr. Chen still insisted on keeping the money and promised more donations.

Do not underestimate the enthusiasm of overseas Chinese. During the Anti-Japanese War, overseas Chinese donations totaled nearly 13 billion, accounting for almost one-third of the total military expenditure. Including the donated materials, the total value was more than 50 billion. Aircraft alone accounted for 217 shelf.

After taking so much money, Xu Ge also knew how to reciprocate, invited Mr. Chen to visit the construction site, and stayed to have lunch with the children.

Because the school has not yet been completed, Wu Xing found two houses next to the boot camp as temporary classrooms for Xu Ge and the children.

These two houses are traditional two-story wooden houses in southern Africa, with people living in the attic, offices on the second floor, and classrooms on the first floor.

Although it is temporary, the proper teaching facilities are also available. The children finally use brand new desks and chairs. The textbooks they use are the textbooks commonly used in southern Africa. Almost all the children use old newspapers to carefully wrap the textbooks. The attitude towards knowledge cannot be described as passionate, but sacred.

When they came to Pulau Pulau Tekong, the living conditions of the children have also made a qualitative leap. They finally no longer need to wear patched clothes. Wu Xing bought the children the uniforms of the Southern African Boy Scouts, khaki shorts and short-sleeved shirts. , coupled with the same color curved hat and black round-toed leather shoes, this set of clothes is simply unbearable for the children. On the first day they got the new clothes, several children were reluctant to take them off when they went to bed.

Gentleman Chen could hear the children reading loudly from afar.

"When I was young, I knew that the world was difficult, and the Central Plains looked north like a mountain. The boat crossed Guazhou in the snow at night, and the iron horses scattered in the autumn wind—"

In just four lines of poetry, Gentleman Chen burst into tears.

Xu Ge was surprised.

The middle-aged man in a suit explained: "My father has been away from his hometown for a long time, and it is hard to restrain himself when he first hears the local music—"

"I'm laughing—" Chen Gentleman was emotional. Lu You's "Book Anger" perfectly expresses the bitterness and unwillingness of the Chinese in the Lion City.

While the children were in class, Mr. Chen politely didn't enter the classroom. He just stood outside the classroom and listened for half an hour. Xu Ge didn't even sit on the chairs he brought, and he was fascinated by the listening.

The children's lunch follows the traditional style of southern Africa. It is rich in nutrition and milk and eggs are essential. Southern African soldiers almost ate luncheon meat, which is the most popular among children here.

This is also normal, although eating too much lunch meat tends to get greasy, the taste is not good enough, the starch content is too much, and the appearance is not good enough, etc. There are such and other shortcomings, but except for southern Africa, where the food is so rich that people hate it Besides, people from no country are qualified to dislike luncheon meat.

For children, it is simply too extravagant to take a bite of greasy luncheon meat. Their bodies are in desperate need of nutritional supplements. box.

Picky eaters do not exist. In 1925, it was good to be able to eat enough.

After dinner, Xu Ge led Mr. Chen to the construction site.

The teaching building was undergoing interior decoration. When he saw the marble floor laid on the classroom floor, the corners of Mr. Chen's eyes twitched a little. It seemed that he was not short of money.

"For this school, the umbrella company gave 15 rand, the Indian Ocean Fleet also gave 15, my alma mater Nyasaland University allocated [-], and the alumni association donated [-]. Money is indeed not lacking. I have Ask Umbrella Company to send an accountant, and it is better to send another principal, let me teach the children to read, but I will not be able to do it in an elite school—” Xu Ge is very distressed, she has not realized yet, her fate has already passed. Changes have taken place, and it is impossible to return to the previous state of obscurity and namelessness.

Gentleman Chen had a clear expression on his face, and quickly exchanged glances with the middle-aged man beside him, and his eyes fell on the young man in a suit.

"My grandson Chen Yan is majoring in finance at University College London. If Ms. Xu doesn't mind, she can ask Chen Yan to come to the school to help - of course, it is a voluntary one, without a salary." Gentleman Chen volunteered, and Accounts worth hundreds of thousands of dollars really require a professional accountant.

It is estimated that one will not work, and an accounting team will be needed.

It is estimated that a principal is not enough, at least a principal's office is needed.

So there are a lot of vacancies.

"That's great——" Xu Ge is just ignorant of the world, not stupid: "—but this requires the consent of the Indian Ocean Fleet and the Umbrella Company. As you know, this school is the property of the Indian Ocean Fleet and the Umbrella Company."

Xu Ge is still able to understand this aspect, and will not make his own claims.

"Naturally, I will look for General Tang Li of the Indian Ocean Fleet later." Gentleman Chen is very satisfied. He is neither greedy for power nor greedy for money. What Gentleman Chen regrets most now is that he did not send his grandson to Nyasaland University read.

God knows what kind of fairy school this is, any little girl can be educated so well.

When Gentleman Chen went to find Tang Li, Tang Li and MacArthur were inspecting the recruit training camp in Tekong Island.

"Lord has promised that southern Africa will further disarmament on the existing basis, so we need the assistance of the umbrella company to better ensure the safety of the Changi Naval Base." Tang Li is not in a hurry, the Indian Ocean Fleet is in Changi No matter how weak the base is, it is much stronger than the Philippine colonial government.

Right in front of Tang Li and MacArthur, hundreds of mercenaries were training in units of companies. The whole training ground was in full swing, and the passwords were repeated one after another. Some companies were training in formation, some were practicing fighting, and there were companies in the distance Running around Tekong Island, the umbrella company has always had extremely high requirements for the physical fitness of mercenaries.

It can be seen that the physical condition of the mercenaries is still good.

MacArthur knew Southeast Asians very well. They were generally short in stature, thin in body, and dark-skinned, so they were not qualified soldiers.

These mercenaries on the training ground are still good. They already have strong muscles, their movements are neat and powerful, and the training intensity is very high. It has only been two short months. To be able to adjust to this level, the umbrella company is indeed something.

You must know that Southeast Asians, like Indians and Africans, are notoriously undisciplined. MacArthur, who served as the commander-in-chief of the US military in the Philippines, has a deep understanding of this.

Although the performance on the training ground does not represent everything, even if judged by the standards of the US military, the mercenaries on the training ground can almost enter the ranks of elite soldiers.

This made MacArthur and the accompanying Patton feel more and more heavy.

"This is only the first batch, and more recruits will come to the training camp in the future. At least 3000 mercenaries are needed to meet the needs of the Changi Naval Base." Tang Li is also a demonstration, a recruit from the umbrella company, A considerable part comes from the Philippines. If there is another friction between the US military stationed in the Philippines and the Indian Ocean Fleet in the future, it will be nice.

The simplest method is to return these mercenaries to part of the Philippines, which can cause huge troubles for the US troops stationed in the Philippines.

Think about Palawan Island, which has been completely out of control, and you know how weak the United States' colonial rule over the Philippines is.

There are still untrained militias in Palawan Island. If these strictly trained mercenaries are returned to the Philippines, the United States will lose more than just a Palawan Island.

"The Indian Ocean Fleet has already stationed a heavy cruiser and five destroyers at Changi Naval Base. Is it necessary to keep so many mercenaries?" MacArthur came to spy on intelligence and to learn.

Everyone in southern Africa knows how to keep secrets and replace the regular army with mercenaries to avoid the need for disarmament on the bright side. Of course, MacArthur will follow suit.

Like southern Africa, the United States also needs to maintain a strong military force in the Philippines to safeguard US interests in Southeast Asia.

The cost of using mercenaries is definitely lower than using regular troops. The cost of deploying a regular army at Changi Naval Base in southern Africa can almost hire five mercenaries, and the United States is similar. formed troops.

It seems wrong. The US military garrison in the Philippines was originally composed of Filipinos.

But looking at the wolf-like mercenaries in front of him, and thinking about the loose Filipinos recruited by the United States, MacArthur was unwilling to believe it anyway.

They are all human, so why is there such a big gap!

"Of course, we have to provide protection for southern African merchant ships throughout Southeast Asia, and we have to deal with various emergencies, fight against pirates, protect overseas Chinese, and deter some criminals with evil intentions. We don't have enough troops to No way." Tang Li carried a gun with a stick, everyone tacitly agreed.

MacArthur and Patton were very angry. This was not a mockery, but a slap in the face.

Tang Li doesn't care, let's not talk about East Asia. The sea area of ​​​​Southeast Asia is not yet in the hands of the United States.

(End of this chapter)

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