Chapter 1606
The United States in the second half of the 20th century became a beacon of civilization, thanks to Hollywood.

Here we are going to talk about the subtle brainwashing in Europe and the United States. The "American Dream" that only exists in movies is completely different from the United States in reality. Unconsciously, I accepted the "American Dream" that only existed in movies, and turned a blind eye to the various defects of the United States.

The United States in another time and space is the biggest liar in the world.

Southern Africa in this time and space is walking on the road of the United States after the end of World War II, using various means that the United States is best at to exert a subtle influence on the Americans.

Movies are just one aspect, while capital-controlled media in Southern Africa is another aspect. Americans keep their mouths open for freedom of speech. There is a lot of room for manipulation in Southern Africa.

After the end of the World War, southern Africa produced ten to fifteen high-quality films every year, including not only commercial blockbusters, but also literary and documentary films. There were almost no southern African films in the film market in this era. Opponents, even literary and artistic films will be sought after by the market, and the image of southern Africa, along with southern African films, will gradually become popular.

Don't worry about anything, once it reaches the level of people's hearts, the influence will continue to ferment.

Take "Nyasaran" as an example, what film practitioners see is the ingenious conception of the story, the exquisite use of technology, and the grand scene at no cost.

What the engineers saw was the strong industrial capacity, complete industrial system, advanced technology and mature market in southern Africa.

As for ordinary people, what they see is the happy life of southern Africans. This is not comparable to the travel expenses reimbursed by the Immigration Bureau. Although the Southern African Immigration Bureau does not reimburse travel expenses now, new immigrants from all over the world are still One boat after another, the family and their families traveled to southern Africa to chase their dreams.

Yes, it is chasing dreams, just like what the hero of the movie said at the end of the film: I have a dream. I dream that one day, the valleys will rise, the mountains will descend, the rough and tortuous road will become smooth, and the holy light will shine on the world.

This is not plagiarizing Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Jr. has not published "I Have a Dream" yet.

To be precise, Martin Luther King Jr. was not born until four years later.

Returning to Southern Africa with Rock was, in addition to members of the delegation, Nikola Tesla as part of a cultural exchange between Southern Africa and the United States.

Nikola Tesla's trip was jointly invited by Nyasaland University and the Southern African Electrical Engineers Association to guide the Southern African Electrical Engineers Association and serve as a visiting professor at Nyasaland University for one semester.

A visiting professor is not necessarily a professor, but an honorary title. Celebrities, officials, and entrepreneurs can all serve as visiting professors.

Nikola Tesla previously served as the vice president of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, and it is normal for the Southern African Electrical Engineers Association to invite Nikola Tesla.

Thanks to Edison and Marconi for defaming Nikola Tesla, the U.S. government did not really recognize the value of Nikola Tesla, this time bringing Nikola Tesla back to southern Africa, yes Rock's biggest gain from this trip.

As for the Non-War Pact and the arms embargo on the Asia Minor peninsula, they were all incidental matters, and Rock himself didn't really care much about them.

When boarding the ship, Nikola Tesla was not in good spirits. He became an American citizen in 1891 and has never left the United States since then. When the cruiser "Fair" sailed out of New York Harbor, Nikola Tesla Sila looked at the American flag flying high above the harbor and was silent.

The "Fair" is a heavy cruiser that was commissioned just last year. It corresponds to the Palace of Justice in Pretoria and becomes Rock's ship.

Who said that southern Africa can't play formalism, "fairness" plus "justice" is absolutely unfavorable.

"Nicholas, it's windy at sea, let's take a rest in the cabin." Rock greeted Nikola Tesla. The "Fair" made some modifications to provide Rock with more comfortable services. Thick steel plates not only expand the upper deck area, but also cancel part of the weapon system.

After all, no country in this world dares to directly attack Rock's ship.

And those pirates who don't open their eyes can't threaten the safety of the "Fair" at all. The "Fair" is a cruiser in name, but it's actually more like a cruise ship.

"I came to the United States in 1884, and I never thought I would leave—" Nikola Tesla was filled with emotion, fate is really unpredictable.

Rock didn't answer, and smiled to act as a qualified listener. Nikola Tesla was unmarried all his life, and he really had a strong desire to confide.

When he was in New York, Nikola Tesla kept a pigeon and talked to the pigeon when he was free, and then there were rumors that Nikola Tesla could communicate with animals.

It's all bullshit, Nikola Tesla kept pigeons purely for fun.

"—I was working in someone's research institute at the time, and someone asked me to help him improve the motor, and promised to give me [-] dollars after it was completed—" Nikola Tesla didn't need Rock to talk, rambling Just like an ordinary old man, summing up the first half of his life.

Someone here is Edison, and Nikola Tesla didn't even want to mention his name, which shows how deep the contradiction between the two is.

Ironically, in 1917, the year Nikola Tesla's Wardenclyffe Tower collapsed, the Institute of Electrical Engineers awarded Nikola Tesla a medal in honor of Edison.

Nikola Tesla behaved as Edison expected, not only refused to accept the medal, but also resigned from the American Institute of Electrical Engineers in a rage.

In 1915, Nobel was preparing to award the year's Nobel Prize to Nikola Tesla and Edison.

Nikola Tesla refused to accept the award, and Edison did not want it to avoid suspicion. Thinking about how Nikola Tesla could refuse the Nobel, how could he accept such an ironic medal.

What's even more ironic is that Nikola Tesla himself was once the vice president of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers.

"I was granted a radio patent, and then someone wanted to buy the radio patent, but I refused, so someone used his influence to get the New York District Court to cancel my patent and award the radio patent to that The Italians—” Nikola Tesla also had a bad relationship with Marconi, and he also didn’t want to mention Marconi’s name.

"—Morgan wants to invest in my Wardenclyffe Tower, but Morgan is only interested in wireless communication, not in long-distance wireless power transmission. After the New York District Court canceled my patent, Morgan stopped investing in me. Then a fire broke out in my laboratory, and all the data and data were destroyed.” Nikola Tesla was sometimes angry, sometimes confused, and the timeline was not right.

This is understandable, after all, as we get older, gods sometimes get confused.

"If you want, I can build you a brand new laboratory in southern Africa. You can do whatever you want—as for the Wardenclyffe Tower, you can build as many as you want—" Rock generously said, For a person like Nikola Tesla, Rock would like to build an altar to worship, even if it costs a lot of money to buy a horse bone.

Leaving aside the value of Nikola Tesla himself, the way the United States treats a scientist who has made outstanding contributions in the field of science and technology is chilling in itself.

If Nikola Tesla could spend his final years in southern Africa, it would be a legendary story.

Of course it would be great if Nikola Tesla could do something else, think flying saucers, televisions, death ray weapons—

Rock couldn't wait.

"The Southern African Patent Office won't cancel my patent?" Nikola Tesla laughed, and he also wanted to make some achievements of his own value.

One can imagine how aggrieved such a great god is living in a hotel in New York.

The "Fair" traveled day and night under the protection of a heavy cruiser and two destroyers. Before the ship arrived at Whale Bay, the relevant departments received the news that Nikola Tesla would return to southern Africa with Rock.

Ordinary people were ignorant of the news, and the southern African technology community immediately boiled over.

There are many controversies against Nikola Tesla himself. People who like him myth him, and those who don’t like him slander him. None of this can change Nikola Tesla’s position in the electromagnetic field. The 1960 At the Paris International Conference on Weights and Measures, the unit representing the intensity of magnetic induction was named Tesla to commemorate Tesla's contribution to the electromagnetic field.

Nyasaland University and Southern African Electrical Engineers Association decided to hold a grand welcome ceremony for Nikola Tesla in Walvis Bay. Abramovich and Southern African Minister of Education Douglas will go to Walvis Bay to welcome Nikola Tesla.

Nikola Tesla's laboratory also has several alternatives, and Los Angeles, Xuanji City, and Milner City have all become one of the alternatives.

Rock asked for Nikola Tesla's attitude, and Nikola Tesla finally decided to put the laboratory in Milner.

Compared with Los Angeles, Milner City is a wilderness.

However, it is also understandable that the things Nikola Tesla researched are unknown to ordinary people. It is said that when he was in New York, there were often tens of meters of lightning floating over the laboratory. If this would scare the city of Los Angeles To many children.

Of course, it is also possible to arouse children's interest in science.

The "Fair" is still on its way back to southern Africa, and Nikola Tesla's laboratory has already started construction. Abu also sorted out a thick stack of lists for Nikola Tesla to choose from. This is a rare opportunity. Given the opportunity, Abramovich hopes that more students will be favored by Nikola Tesla.

(End of this chapter)

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