Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1616 One set is directly confused

Chapter 1616

Now in southern Africa, wild animal wounding incidents still occur from time to time, especially in the remote wilderness. All kinds of wild animals are the biggest threat to human beings. In March this year, there was a series of African lion wounding incidents in Katanga.

This is also inevitable. With the increasing population in southern Africa, the living space for wild animals is getting smaller and smaller. 20 years ago, there were still a large number of wildebeest, zebra, and antelope in southern Africa, and now the number is increasing. At least, if the current situation continues, the African animal migration will disappear in a few years.

Corresponding to the reduction of wild animals, there are more and more dairy cows and sheep on the farm. The total number of dairy cows in southern Africa is about 120 million, and each cow produces about 6000 liters of milk per year. Large-scale dairy farms can breed several Thousands of dairy cows, small farms generally have 2, in addition to beef cattle and meat, milk breeds, animal husbandry has become one of the pillar industries of southern African agriculture.

Wild animals attacking humans mostly happened in the wilderness without companions, and it was unlikely to attack the sentry in the barracks.

As soon as the gunshot rang out, there were officers to deal with it immediately, and news came back soon. It was a few gold diggers who accidentally broke into the vicinity of the camp. Some conflicts occurred when they were inspected by the guards. The guards fired warning shots. Several gold diggers have all been controlled.

The profession of gold digger is very normal in southern Africa. After all, southern Africa has the largest Rand gold mine in the world. Every year, countless gold diggers flock to southern Africa, hoping to replicate the miracle of Cecil Rhodes.

It is a pity that at this stage, even if Cecil Rhodes is resurrected, it is estimated that there will be no more miracles. Things like 50 pounds for a gold mine are no longer possible. The federal government stipulates that all underground mines in southern Africa belong to the federal government. It is owned by the government. Even if a new gold mine is discovered, the gold mine also belongs to the federal government. The person who discovers it can get a bonus at most, and it is absolutely impossible to mine it by himself.

Of course, it is also possible that the gold rush is just an excuse. The military has announced the content of the exercise a few months ago and delineated the scope of the exercise. Unrelated personnel have already left the relevant area.

But no matter what it was, Rock didn't need to deal with it himself. Naturally, those few gold diggers would be investigated in detail. Whether they were gold diggers or secret agents, they would be in trouble.

Unlike the Rhodesian Northern Division, the [-]st Cavalry Division's maneuvers did not go well.

The March of the First Cavalry Division encountered some problems yesterday. Although it was the dry season in southern Africa in July, it was not without a drop of rain. Yesterday, there was a heavy rain in the area where the First Cavalry Division was located. As a result, an area that had already dried up Seasonal rivers swelled, and the [-]st Cavalry Division had to build a pontoon bridge to cross the river smoothly.

At the moment in 1925, even if the Southern African Army is one of the most powerful troops in the world, it is not easy to build pontoon bridges, and it requires professional pontoon bridge troops.

The problem is that there is none. It is unrealistic to expect the engineering battalion to complete the professional task of building the pontoon bridge. The engineering battalion does not have the professional equipment for building the pontoon bridge. It is necessary to coordinate a professional construction company from Los Angeles to successfully complete the task.

As a result, the exercise of the First Cavalry Division was greatly delayed, and it was certain that they would not be able to reach the exercise location within the scheduled time.

After discussing with Kitchener, Rock and Kitchener decided to continue the exercise, and the Rhodesian Northern Division was responsible for building a position, waiting for the [-]st Cavalry Division to attack.

Feng Fu immediately sent a telegram, saying that such an arrangement by the headquarters was unfair to the First Cavalry Division.

"There is no fairness during war. The enemy will not wait for you just because you are late. In ancient times, you would be beheaded if you failed!" Don Juan didn't think it was unfair. Who made the first cavalry division not ready? Unexpectedly It is also part of the war, and various situations must be considered.

Rock will not kill people because of "missing schedule". This is indeed because the First Cavalry Division was not prepared. During the war, no one will ask you why. If you did not arrive at the scheduled combat position on time, the consequences would be very serious. If it is not done well, it will affect the overall situation, so "beheading" is actually not too much.

This is also one of the purposes of the exercise. The test is the ability of the troops to solve problems. However, Feng Fu cannot be blamed. The First Cavalry Division and the Rhodesia Northern Division are both armored units equipped with a large number of tanks. If it is light infantry, Then you can cross the river by surprise, but tanks are not good. Not only must there be a pontoon, but the requirements for the pontoon are also very high, at least it must be able to bear the weight of the tank.

However, Don Juan was not happy for long. Although the tanks of the First Cavalry Division could not cross the river, the helicopters were not restricted. Soon Don Juan received a report that the armed reconnaissance helicopters of the First Cavalry Division had appeared in the exercise area. Conducted close reconnaissance of the Rhodesian Northern Division, which was building a position.

"My lord, the [-]st Cavalry Division is cheating, and he relied on us not being able to shoot down the helicopter directly, otherwise how could a few helicopters be so rampant?" Don Juan was very angry, this was a new and old hatred.

"Do you have any anti-aircraft weapons?" Rock and Kitchener are the commanders-in-chief, and a bowl of water must be leveled.

"Hahahaha, of course there are, and there are many more!" Tang Juan was well prepared, he had already guarded against Feng Fu's move.

"Then send a telegram to Feng Fu, and all their armed reconnaissance records have been shot down." Rock was not surprised. Southern Africa may be the country that attaches the most importance to air defense in the world.

As early as during the World War II, various anti-aircraft weapons were developed in southern Africa, which were not only used on land battlefields, but also installed on warships.

This is probably common sense in the 21st century, but not during the world wars.

Not to mention the period of the World War, at the moment in 1925, not all warships were equipped with anti-aircraft weapons, and even newly built warships in recent years did not pay enough attention to anti-aircraft weapons.

The "naval holiday era" does not mean that no warships are built. As long as the large warships restricted by the "Washington Naval Treaty" are not built, small warships such as destroyers are fine.

The warships built in southern Africa consist of tens or hundreds of anti-aircraft weapons. Anti-aircraft machine guns and anti-aircraft guns of various calibers can’t wait to fill the warships. Other countries like Britain pay more attention to anti-aircraft weapons, and they are still influenced by southern Africa. The United States and Japan China's warships will not install anti-aircraft weapons on a large scale until they are modernized in the 30s.

The anti-aircraft weapons equipped by the southern African army include, in addition to various double-mounted and quadruple-mounted anti-aircraft machine guns, there are also 40mm anti-aircraft guns equipped with proximity fuzes. However, compared with warships, the number of anti-aircraft weapons is not large. Strong air power in southern Africa has a lot to do with it.

If war breaks out, when the army is dispatched, it must ensure air supremacy. At that time, the army will operate under the cover of the air force, and air defense weapons will no longer be so important.

However, Don Juan didn't get complacent for long. Not long after the headquarters announced that the armed reconnaissance of the First Cavalry Division had been shot down, Rhodesia's northern division also suffered losses, and a company was judged dead by the headquarters.

This made Don Juan anxious immediately, the troops of more than 5000 were suddenly reduced by more than 100, and there was no sign of the first cavalry division. Such a judgment made Don Juan very dissatisfied.

"Just now, the [-]st Cavalry Division used a reconnaissance plane to send three mortar groups one kilometer away from the position, and launched an attack on the troops that were building the position. It was determined that only one company was lost, and the Northern Rhodesia Division has been taken care of. Rock has a good reason. The role of helicopters is not only for reconnaissance, but also for transportation and attack. The First Cavalry Division has just been equipped with helicopters, and they are not proficient in the use of helicopters. Otherwise, the Northern Rhodesian Division will suffer Greater loss.

Among other things, if Feng Fu sent transport helicopters and attack helicopters at the same time, then the Rhodesian Northern Division must have suffered more than that, and one battalion or even more may have suffered.

Thinking about the blow to the rebels caused by the sudden appearance of helicopters on the battlefield when the Indian Ocean Fleet countered the rebellion, it is not too much to describe the defeat as a mountain. Under the premise of poor weapons generation, bullying is as simple as that.

"Then the First Cavalry Division can appear in any corner of the battlefield at any time?" Don Juan realized at this time the value of the appearance of the helicopter to the war.

"Yes, so strictly speaking, the First Cavalry Division can launch a surprise attack on the headquarters, and we are not safe here." As soon as Rock finished speaking, Yang Su walked into the headquarters with a helpless expression on his face. Beside him is the triumphant Feng Fu.

"General Don Juan, I officially announce that you have become my prisoner, and I have taken over your headquarters—" Feng Fu poked his waist and laughed loudly. The First Cavalry Division has been equipped with helicopters for so long. Come and see.

Tang Juan was so angry that he didn't speak, and looked at Feng Fu with anger.

"Helicopters are so powerful?" Kitchener was at a loss. He had never been in a helicopter before, so he had no idea about helicopters.

"It's almost that powerful—" Rock was also very helpless. Although Feng Fu was suspected of cheating, the role of the helicopter must be affirmed.

Don't talk about whether a small group of troops can take over the headquarters in one pot. It is a very helpless fact that when the combat effectiveness of the two troops is similar, the troops who are attacked by mind do not have much ability to resist.

Don't forget that this is an exercise as close to actual combat as possible. Troops don't pay attention to martial arts on the battlefield. As long as they can kill the enemy, there is no limit to the method. If it is on a real battlefield, there will be no sneaking at all. Touching the whistle, the infiltration of a small group of troops is basically a few rounds of mortar fire as soon as they come up, and there are gas bombs and incendiary bombs in the middle. The set is directly beaten, and there is no ability to resist at all.

(End of this chapter)

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