Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1625 Start with a dog

Chapter 1625 Start with a dog
Switzerland, Geneva, Palais des Nations, this building complex covering an area of ​​32.6 square meters is the headquarters of the League of Nations.

In the League of Nations in 1925, there were still five permanent members, namely the United Kingdom, the United States, France, Italy, and Japan. However, because the United States did not join the League of Nations, the permanent member of the United States has always been vacant. In fact, the permanent member of the League of Nations is only four.

In addition to the five permanent members, the League of Nations also elects four non-permanent members each year, and together with the five permanent members, is responsible for the operation of the League of Nations.

This idea was originally good. Five permanent members plus four non-permanent members have a total of nine votes. In most cases, it can operate normally.

However, when the United States has not joined the League of Nations and has abstained all the year round, sometimes there will be embarrassing situations such as four votes in favor, four votes against, and one abstention.

In order to solve this problem, the League of Nations decided last year to increase the number of non-permanent members to five, so that even in the absence of the United States, the League of Nations can still operate normally.

Two months ago, the League of Nations had just held elections for non-permanent members of the Council. As the status of the Dominion of the British Empire in the Imperial Conference had been greatly improved, Southern Africa was finally eligible to run for the election and was successfully elected as a non-permanent member of the Council.

The other four countries are Canada, Australia, Spain, and Germany, which has just joined the League of Nations.

Japan is a permanent member of the League of Nations. After the Indian Ocean Fleet seized the "Fugui Maru", Japan submitted a request for arbitration to the League of Nations, and the League of Nations held a meeting of the Executive Yuan.

When Kijuro Kishihara came to the door of the meeting room of the Executive Yuan, Andy Oston, the plenipotentiary representative of Southern Africa to the League of Nations, was chatting with Sir Eric Drummond, Secretary General of the League of Nations, by the window of the corridor, surrounded by Several people are representatives of Canada, Australia, France, and Spain.

Sir Eric Drummond is a British national. He has been the Secretary-General of the League of Nations since its establishment. It is through the control of the League of Nations that Britain barely maintains its increasingly dangerous international status after the World War.

Of course, it will take a long time for the magnificent "Empire on which the sun never sets" to lose its global dominance. Although the GDP of the United States has surpassed that of the United Kingdom at the end of the last century, the total international trade volume of the United Kingdom is still the first in the world, at least Before World War II, Britain's position was relatively stable.

"Sir Drummond, please enforce the law impartially, please—" Kijuro Kishihara worried that Eric Drummond would favor southern Africa.

Looking at the current League of Nations, it’s no wonder Kijuro Koshihara is worried. The permanent and non-permanent members add up to nine countries, and the Commonwealth of Nations accounts for four. If they really have to vote, Japan really has no advantage at all.

After the submission to the League of Nations for arbitration, Kijuro Kishihara still did some work, but unfortunately the results were not good.

There is no need to search for the four Commonwealth countries, as long as they vote, they will definitely stand on the side of southern Africa.

Of the remaining four countries, France has the greatest chance of voting for Japan because of differences with the United Kingdom on the issue of Germany. However, except for France, the attitudes of other countries are ambiguous.

Let’s not talk about Italy. This is a well-known scumbag. You can do whatever you want, and stand No. 1 in the team.

Germany has just joined the League of Nations and still needs British aid to survive. It is not necessary to think about voting for southern Africa. After all, southern Africa is also a big benefactor of Germany, and Japan now needs borrowing to survive, and there is no spare energy to help Germany.

The situation in Spain is a bit special. Although it seems that there are not many conflicts of interest with southern Africa, the relationship between Spain and southern Africa has always been very good.

Had it not been for the outspokenness of southern Africa, the American flu would have become the "Spanish flu".

So Kijuro Motohara made some manipulations, and sadly found that apart from France, no other country supported Japan.

Moreover, the votes of France are also unstable. Don’t forget that southern Africa is still a creditor of France. If you dare to vote for Japan-very good, pay back the money!

"Don't worry, the purpose of the League of Nations is fairness and justice, and we are committed to using peaceful means to resolve international disputes. We must safeguard the interests of all members of the League of Nations and will never favor any party." Sir Eric Drummond said It's a cliché, carefully savoring and not saying anything.

Safeguard the interests of all League of Nations members!

Southern Africa is also a member of the League of Nations.

"Mr. Alston, we just signed the Amendment Treaty in Washington. Southern Africa is still a signatory of the Amendment Treaty, but you are now blatantly tearing up the Amendment Treaty. Is this appropriate?" Kijuro Kishihara Straight to Andy Orston.

"When did the Non-War Pact be torn up?" Andy Orston pretended to be crazy. Southern Africa just asked the Japanese government to give an answer, not a threat of war.

Andy Oston was born in the army and participated in the World War. After the founding of the League of Nations, he served in the League of Nations peacekeeping force. After Manjing served as the commander-in-chief of the peacekeeping force, Andy Oston transferred to the Executive Yuan of the League of Nations.

"Gentlemen, let's all calm down, our world can no longer withstand the destruction of a world war—" French representative Jules Josselin persuaded with good words, and now the French are all peace-loving By.

If you don't like it, you can't do it. Since France failed to return to Madagascar, the nature of France's foreign power but its ability has been fully exposed, and it has lost its face in the world. Not long ago, the French cabinet collapsed again, the prime minister resigned, and the cabinet was dissolved. The new prime minister is——

Forget it, I'm too lazy to check, anyway, the new Prime Minister won't be able to serve for a few days, that is, Briand, Painlevet, and Heriot will take turns, making it like a play house.

"The facts are irrefutable. Since the Japanese military department violated the interests of Nyasaland University, then the Japanese military department should compensate Nyasaland University." Australian representative John Salmen took the initiative to attack, and now Australia It's the younger brother from southern Africa. Since the elder brother is inconvenient to speak, the younger brother should be more sensible.

The representative of Canada, Oakland Benz, opened his mouth and found that he had nothing to say, and Saar had already finished speaking.

True orcs.

"If the League of Nations fails to protect the interests of the Empire of Japan, then the Empire of Japan will do everything possible to fight back." Kijuro Moshihara is simply out of control. It's obvious that they are all the same breed, and the road for the Empire of Japan to leave Asia and enter Europe is nowhere in sight.

"Ha ha--"



Several representatives of the Commonwealth of Nations didn't take it seriously. Kijuro Kishihara was angry again, and the Japanese government could do very little. At most, it would withdraw from the League of Nations.

It doesn't matter if you withdraw from the League of Nations. I didn't see that Americans didn't join the League of Nations, and Russia didn't join, so it doesn't matter if there is one less Japan——

At that time, we might as well change the League of Nations into the European Union. If there is anything to do, we can sit down and talk about it, and everything will be fine. Wouldn't it be great.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the meeting officially began. Kijuro Kishihara was the first to ask for a speech, but he was ignored by Sir Eric Drummond.

It's really not intentional to slap the Japanese in the face, but the Executive Yuan has more difficult issues to deal with.

A month ago, conflict broke out between Greece and Bulgaria.

The origin is a bit absurd. A soldier on the Greek border raised a dog.

One day a month ago, the dog suddenly disappeared. The owner of the dog naturally wanted to find it, but after looking for it, he accidentally entered Bulgaria.

During the World War, Greece joined the Allied Powers, and Bulgaria joined the Allied Powers, belonging to two different camps.

The owner of the dog probably forgot to change his clothes when he was looking for the dog. He broke into Bulgaria wearing a military uniform and was shot dead by Bulgarian soldiers. The dog probably turned into delicious dog meat soup.

This is terrible, the old hatred has not disappeared and new hatred has been added. Greece immediately issued an ultimatum to Bulgaria, requiring the Bulgarian government to severely punish those responsible within 24 hours, publicly apologize to the Greek government, and compensate Greece.

At this time, Greece's losses totaled one person and one dog, and the dog was not necessarily eaten by the Bulgarians.

For this one person and one dog, the amount of compensation offered by the Greek government is 600 million.

600 million pounds!
At the moment in 1925, I don’t know how much a catty of human meat is due to the lack of data support, but dog meat——

I don’t know about dog meat, anyway, it certainly can’t be so expensive. In the eyes of the Bulgarian government, the price offered by the Greek government is blackmail.

So Greece brazenly launched a war and sent troops to invade Bulgaria.

As a defeated party in the World War, Bulgaria, like Germany, was strictly restricted after the Paris Peace Conference, and naturally it could not defeat Greece, which was not subject to any restrictions.

The Bulgarians are also very smart. Knowing that they can't beat them, they only made a symbolic resistance, and then lay down and let it go.

Relying on superior equipment, superior force, and famous divisions, the Greek army successfully occupied Petrich, an important town on the Bulgarian border, and then lingered.

Bulgaria had no choice but to fight and couldn't fight. They wanted to make peace with the Greeks but disagreed, so they could only file a complaint with the League of Nations, hoping that the League of Nations would allow Greece to retreat.

"It is impossible to withdraw the troops. Unless Bulgaria agrees to all the demands of the Greek government, this matter will not be able to end." Trichy City is not enough.

"From the outbreak of the war to the present, our Bulgaria has lost hundreds of soldiers. You burned, killed, looted in Petrich, took pictures in front of the government building, and committed all sorts of crimes—" the Bulgarian representative burst into tears.

The representatives of other countries were very curious. Isn't the point that Bulgaria only lost hundreds of soldiers?The city of Petritsch is an important border defense city. Bulgaria only lost less than 100 people and gave it up. Those who don't know think how powerful Greece is.

As for taking pictures in front of government buildings, for Greek officers and soldiers, it is probably similar to checking in at scenic spots.

But for the Bulgarian government, this is a humiliation for Hongguoguo.

(End of this chapter)

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