Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1631 Natural and Man-made Disasters

Chapter 1631 Natural and Man-made Disasters
The Executive Yuan of the League of Nations held another plenary meeting, three days after the last plenary meeting.

Don't ask why you have to wait for three days in the middle, it is the practice of the League of Nations. Those old diplomats are already in their seventies and eighties, and their energy is limited. Why don't you take a three-hour break for a three-hour meeting.

The above are all jokes. The real reason is that the member states should be given sufficient time to coordinate.

This is still very necessary. Greece and Bulgaria reached an agreement within three days because of the war caused by a man and a dog.

The Greek government promised to withdraw its troops from Bulgaria as soon as possible and compensate Bulgaria 4.5 pounds to make up for Bulgaria's losses caused by the war.

It seems that Greece has suffered a big loss, and it will lose money even if someone dies, but it is not.

Among other things, Greece occupied Petritsch, an important border town on the Bulgarian border, for a month. Could it be that they just took pictures in front of the government building?

One month is enough for Greece to evacuate the city of Petritsch, and Bulgaria's loss is more than 600 million pounds.

I really knew why I had to do it now.

Kijuro Kishihara's mood also knew why he had to do it now.

On the issue of southern Africa, Sir Eric Drummond did not make peace, but clearly supported southern Africa’s claim against the Japanese government, the amount of compensation was 1000 million rand, and asked Umetaro Suzuki to give up all the honors related to vitamin B1 .

"This is the most unfair mediation since the establishment of the League of Nations. It is unheard of. This is a huge humiliation to the Great Japanese Empire. We absolutely cannot accept it." Kijuro Motohara's face was livid, and he did not accept this result.

"Now we vote with a show of hands—" Sir Eric Drummond ignored Kijuro Hashihara, and the disputes in democratic countries are resolved in a democratic way, no problem!
Sir Eric Drummond raised his hand as soon as he finished speaking, and then Senhan's eyes behind the monocle patrolled the audience.

"I agree with the result—" Thrall immediately raised his hand.

"I agree on behalf of Canada—" Oakland was not far behind.

"Agree—" Walter didn't dare to offend the big benefactor.

The representative of Spain did not speak, but expressed his support for Southern Africa with actions.

Jules Josselin didn't speak either, and he couldn't change the final result even if he raised his hand or not.

"I object!" Kijuro Kijuro slapped the table and shouted.

The objection is invalid, and Andy himself has not raised his hand yet. Five of the nine permanent and non-permanent members have agreed, and the final result cannot be changed.

"Seven votes in favor, one abstention, and one vote against, Mr. Kihara, your Japanese government must pay the Southern African Federal Government 1000 million rand within a month, otherwise the League of Nations will punish the Japanese government accordingly—— "Sir Eric Drummond announced the result at once.

"What if we don't agree?" Kijuro Kijuro's eyes flashed the chill.

"It's best not to do that. As a permanent member of the League of Nations, Japan is obliged to maintain the authority of the League of Nations. This is the consensus of all League of Nations members." Sir Eric Drummond said indifferently. Allies, one is his own son, Sir Eric Drummond clearly distinguishes the stakes.

"The Empire of Japan was the victorious country in the World War and the founding country of the League of Nations. We have made great contributions to the League of Nations, but we can't even protect our legitimate interests. What is the need for such a League of Nations? Kijuro Kouhara was so angry that he laughed back. He finally understood the mood of the German representatives at the Paris Peace Conference.

To tell the truth, when the Paris Peace Conference was held, the German delegation was locked up in a temporary camp in the Compiègne Forest when they arrived in France. They couldn’t even leave the camp. The signing of the Treaty of Versailles was done on Foch’s special train. of.

Kijuro Kishihara's current mood is the same as that of Ulrich Graf von Bruckdorf-Landzu, then German Foreign Minister, during the Paris Peace Conference.

"Don't say it's so great. The 'victorious country', 'founding country' you mentioned, and the great contribution to the League of Nations must be added as 'one'. When it comes to the contribution to the world war, even the southern part of Japan Africa is not as good as one percent, and now Japan is a permanent member of the League of Nations, but southern Africa has become a non-permanent member, is this reasonable?" Andy also has an opinion, Japan's status after the World War, Very inconsistent with its contribution to the world war.

Japan's greatest contribution to the World War was to take over Germany's interests in the Far East. In order to capture Qingdao, a total of 270 Japanese soldiers were killed and 113 were injured. This is Japan's entire contribution to the World War.

No, at the end of the World War, Japan sent troops to occupy the Far East of Russia. As a result, after the failure of the Allies to intervene in Russia, Japan immediately withdrew in desperation and returned the Far East to Russia, not daring to stay for more than a minute.

"Andy, Southern Africa has not become a permanent member of the League of Nations. There are certain historical reasons. It is not that the League of Nations does not respect Southern Africa." Sir Eric Drummond explained in a timely manner to prevent Southern Africa from being affected. I feel a little wronged.

This distinction is too obvious.

What's more worrying.

"Andy, don't worry, permanent members can't do whatever they want—" Thrall seemed to be comforting Andy, but looked at Kijuro Hashihara coldly.

"The whole world knows the contribution of Southern Africa, and the non-permanent membership is the recognition of Southern Africa." Jules Josselin smiled all over his face. He just abstained from voting, and now he is showing his favor to Southern Africa.

"Why don't we re-appoint the permanent members?" Spain has a deep love for southern Africa. In fact, there is no need to re-appoint. The United States has never joined the League of Nations. Southern Africa can just replace the United States and become a permanent member of the League of Nations.

"Mr. Quiet——Mr. Coinbara, do you accept this result?" Sir Eric Drummond took the initiative to stop. One permanent member of the Commonwealth of Nations is enough, and one more will be a threat to the British Empire. Authority is a threat.

Kijuro Kojihara didn't say a word, obviously unwilling to accept this result.

But if it is not accepted, it is obvious that Japan will face sanctions from the League of Nations next.

Although Japan's foreign trade mainly relies on the United States, based on the principle that eggs cannot be put in the same basket, Japan cannot ignore trade with Europe.

It is an obvious fact that relying mainly on the United States and relying solely on the United States are two different things.

If the trade with the members of the League of Nations is cut off, then Japan will be reduced to the point where the United States can round it up if it wants to, and squeeze it flat if it wants to. If nothing else, the price of scrap steel in the United States will rise to let Unacceptable levels for Japanese companies.

But if he accepted it, the "Great Japanese Empire" that Kijuro Kishihara said would become a joke, and it would not even be as good as Greece, which lost face but gained real benefits.

So this choice is very difficult. Kijuro Koihara dare not make a decision and needs time to communicate with the country.

Rock was not in the mood to pay attention to the vote of the League of Nations. In the rainy season last year, the rainfall in southern Africa was seriously insufficient, which was significantly less than in previous years. This year, parts of southern Africa were severely drought-affected, which had a huge impact on agricultural production.

"Most of the rainfall in the rainy season in Southern Africa is around 1000 millimeters, and only 60 to 100 millimeters in the dry season; last year, the rainfall in many states in Southern Africa was less than 800 millimeters, and the rainfall in Windhoek, which suffered the most severe drought, was only 150 millimeters. The rainfall in Dehoek is about 750 millimeters. This year, it is certain that the drought in Windhoek will be severe, and about 600 million hectares of surrounding farms will be affected, and crops in some areas may fail.” Minister of the Interior Owen said with a look on his face. Seriously, the foundation of water conservancy facilities in Southwest Africa and Tanganyika is weak. It doesn't matter when there is plenty of rainfall. When there is less rainfall, the impact will be extremely serious.

Thanks to the blessings of various gods and Buddhas, Southern Africa has rarely been affected by weather disasters in the past few years since its establishment.

This is also thanks to Southern Africa's long-standing emphasis on agriculture.

Few people know how the Africans in southern Africa farmed before the Chinese came to southern Africa.

Oh, sorry, before the Chinese came to southern Africa, most of the Africans didn't farm at all, what they called farming was to dig a hole in the ground, throw the seeds in, and then let fate, don't even think about fertilizing and weeding , Watering is even more impossible, and whether there is a harvest depends on the will of the Zulu God.

With such a farming method, the harvest can be imagined. Africa's agriculture is at such a level, until the 21st century.

After the Chinese came to southern Africa, agriculture in southern Africa finally got on the right track.

I have to say that the conditions in Africa are indeed unique, with fertile soil and a suitable climate. In addition, the federal government of Southern Africa attaches great importance to agriculture. Every year in the dry season, farmers are organized to repair water conservancy facilities, so that too much rainfall will not cause damage. If there is too much harm, there will be enough water to irrigate the farmland in the year with less surplus, so it is not that there are no natural disasters in southern Africa, but that natural disasters have not caused much impact.

Compared with Nyasaland and Rhodesia, Southwest Africa and Tanganyika became the "mandated territories" of southern Africa only after the World War. The agricultural foundation is a bit weak. As a result, last year's rainfall was seriously insufficient. had a greater impact.

"What about Windhoek?" Rock was also worried, but he didn't receive any help from Windhoek.

"Windhoek State was just established three months ago. The state government is still busy counting assets and has not noticed the current situation at all." Owen is also helpless. I am afraid that it is not that he did not pay attention, but that he did not take it seriously. .

After all, in Windhoek now, agriculture has developed rapidly compared with before, so it doesn't matter much if the precipitation is less. After all, how much rain it rains is God's business, and the governor of Windhoek can't control it.

(End of this chapter)

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