Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1633 Price Guarantee System

Chapter 1633 Price Guarantee System
Pat Needham used to have high demands on Steve, and hoped that Steve could be a qualified heir to the family business, or make a difference in the political arena and lead the family business to a higher level.

Otherwise, Pat Needham wouldn't spend fifty thousand rand on Steve's admission to Nyasaland University.

Now that Petter Needham has faced reality, he can only hope that Steve can live out his life in peace.

If it doesn't work, just be a tool to carry on the family line, as long as you don't cause trouble.

The problem is that Steve is pretentious, does not have a clear understanding of himself, and his IQ and EQ are in a mess, which makes Pete Needham feel a sense of crisis.

What was even more dangerous was the telegram sent by the Palace of Justice. Of course, Rock still respected Petter Needham and didn't intervene immediately. He just reminded Petter Needham to pay attention to the drought in Windhoek.

"Did there be little precipitation in the rainy season last year?" Pat Needham really didn't know the specific situation.

William's eyes widened. He was an assistant lawyer at a law firm in Walvis Bay last year, and he couldn't match the rainfall in Windhoek.

Of course, William is not a good-for-nothing like Steve, and he is more or less stronger: "We need to find out about this from the relevant departments. After all, we have just established Windhoek."

"Then what are you waiting for, go!" Pat Needham was exhausted, seeing that the governor of others is in a position of power and prestige, so why everything goes wrong when it's his turn, it's nothing more than an unfilial son, God is also looking for trouble .

The Windhoek state government was still very efficient, and soon relevant information was collected to the state government, and Petter Needham discovered that the situation was serious.

As mentioned in the previous chapter, animal husbandry is one of the three pillar industries in Windhoek. Because the water conservancy facilities in Windhoek are not perfect, and there are still many areas that depend on the weather, so the drought is coming, the situation is indeed relatively serious.

In the eleven counties of Windhoek, the total crop output this year is expected to drop by about 60.00%. In the four counties near the coast, the rainfall last year was only 35 millimeters, and many farms failed to harvest.

Karakul lamb skins, a specialty of Windhoek, will also be severely affected by the drought. The stock of Karakul sheep will decrease by about [-]% this year and next, and the income of farmers will be greatly reduced.

This is not good news for Pat Needham. As a governor, if Pat Needham cannot make up for the income of farmers, it will affect Pat Needham's approval rating.

It seems counterintuitive that the income of farmers comes from last year's decrease in rainfall, but Pat Needham was just elected governor this year, so it seems that Pat Needham should not be responsible for the decrease of farmers' income Responsible.

But it depends on how you understand it. The farmers will not reason with Pete Needham.

You are the governor, you have to be responsible for this, otherwise we will replace the governor.

At this time, Pat Needham knew that he needed to work together, so he immediately convened a state cabinet meeting to discuss how to deal with this unprecedented drought.

"According to the experience of the federal government, we should build water conservancy at this time, but the rainy season is coming soon, and we have to speed up." Minister of the Interior Veblen is quite satisfactory. He has always been a local official in Windhoek. The situation is well understood.

The climatic characteristics of Windhoek belong to the subtropical semi-arid climate. There are 300 days of sunshine every year, and 70% of the annual precipitation is concentrated from November to March of the next year. The annual rainfall varies greatly from region to region, ranging from less than 11 mm, ranging from 3 mm in the central region to 50 mm in the northeast.

After Southern Africa occupied Southwest Africa, the surrounding areas of Walvis Bay developed rapidly, while the development of Windhoek lagged behind.

It was not until the end of the world war that a large number of immigrants poured into Windhoek that the economy has only slightly improved in recent years.

It's a pity that a severe drought may cause Windhoek's fragile economy to return to its original shape, and no amount of gold and diamonds dug will be able to make up for the losses.

After all, most of the mineral resources belong to the federal government, and the state government can only drink some soup, which does not help the economy much.

"The construction of water conservancy requires money. After the division of Walvis Bay, our finances are very tight. Now we have no start-up funds." Treasury Secretary Powell complained that nothing can be done without money.

"We can ask for the support of the federal government—" Veblen actively suggested.

"What is support? It's just returning the money that originally belonged to us in Windhoek." Powell was very dissatisfied with the federal government's overbearing.

The federal government stipulates that all mineral resources belong to the federal government, so despite Windhoek’s income on the books, most of the income is actually taken away by the federal government, and there is not much left for Windhoek. It is also the root cause of Powell's dissatisfaction.

"Is it meaningful to say this? It's the same in Dias State. Why is it safe and sound?" Veblen didn't want to confront the federal government. Asking for support is actually asking for money. It's just a statement that everyone can accept. Can't get off stage.

"Dias has Walvis Bay, we don't—" Powell said, still unbalanced.

"Okay gentlemen, stop meaningless quarrels, we are going to solve the problem now—" Pat Needham didn't quarrel, the governor naturally has the wisdom of the governor: "——Powell, immediately apply for assistance from the federal government, this It is the obligation of the federal government—Veblen, in addition to repairing the water conservancy facilities, also needs to provide subsidies to farmers to make up for the losses of farmers as much as possible—in addition, we need to reduce taxes, which also need to apply to the federal government— —I know that the state government is financially tight. In addition to applying for aid from the federal government, we have to find Rand Bank to see if we can borrow money in the name of the state government, or issue bonds. Anyway, we have to do something .”

Pat Needham couldn't sit still. Even the governor, he didn't know that the drought in Windhoek was serious, but the Palace of Justice was well aware of it, which made Pat Needham restless.

Speaking of which, since the Palace of Justice knows about the drought in Windhoek, does it also know about the activities of those British businessmen in Windhoek?
Furthermore, does the Palace of Justice know the origin of Steve's watch?
There are some things that cannot be considered in depth, and it is extremely frightening to think about them carefully.

Pat Needham's concern was not unreasonable. After the state government cabinet meeting, the minutes of the meeting were sent to the Palace of Justice soon.

After reading the report, Rock was noncommittal. Pat Needham's performance was not very good, but he wasn't too bad either.

Of course, this is on the premise that Rock still doesn't know about the behind-the-scenes transactions between Petter Needham and the British businessman.

A few days later, Windhoek State's application for diamond mining and gold mining was sent to the Palace of Justice among a large number of documents requesting federal government support.

Windhoek State also has good reasons. In the case that Windhoek State has suffered serious losses due to drought this year, Windhoek State also needs to open up new sources of revenue, so that it can be able to make other investments.

Rock's focus is not on diamond mines and gold mines. When it comes to diamond mines, Kimberley's diamond mines are more valuable than Windhoek's diamond mines.

In terms of gold mines, the value of the Rand Gold Mine can beat the value of the Windhoek Gold Mine by ten blocks.

Rock was concerned with uranium mines.

Yes, in addition to diamond mines and gold mines, Windhoek also has a large number of uranium mines.

In the future, Southwest Africa will be known around the world as a "strategic metal reserve", with major deposits of diamonds, uranium, copper, and silver.

At present, the uranium mine in Windhoek has not yet shown its due value, but the federal government of Southern Africa has begun to protect the uranium mine and collect relevant talents from all over the world to prepare for the research and development of nuclear energy.

When it comes to nuclear energy, most people think of Einstein first.

Actually not, the real "father of atomic energy" is Enrique Fermi, he is the top expert in the field of atomic energy.

At the moment in 1925, 24-year-old Enrique Fermi was working at the Leiden Institute in the Netherlands, and next year he was going to teach at the University of Rome as a professor of theoretical physics.

The 25-year-old professor, this is the aura of the protagonist.

To Rock's delight, Fermi's teacher, Max Bourne, has come to teach at Nyasaland University. He is one of the founders of quantum mechanics. With these two, southern Africa has paved the way for the development of nuclear energy. leveled the road.

Back to the drought in Windhoek, Rock's help to Windhoek was obviously more than what Petter Needham hoped for. In addition to allocating special funds and sending water conservancy experts to support, Rock also instructed The newly established Ministry of Agriculture discussed the establishment of a price guarantee system for agricultural products to effectively safeguard the interests of farmers.

The price guarantee system is actually a differential subsidy system. At the end of the rainy season in February every year, the cabinet minister in charge of agriculture will pay cattle, sheep, pigs, eggs, milk, wool, grains, potatoes, Major agricultural products such as sugar beets have a minimum guaranteed price. When producers sell the above-mentioned guaranteed agricultural products, if the average market realized price is lower than the minimum guaranteed price, the difference will be subsidized by the government.

For southern Africa, Roque also firmly believes that "no agriculture is unstable, no work is not rich, and no business is not alive." Agriculture is the foundation of all stability. More than 80.00% of the farmers in southern Africa are Chinese. Roque must guarantee himself In order to maintain the long-term stability of southern Africa.

Of course, it is not easy for the federal government of southern Africa to implement the price guarantee system. The agricultural volume in southern Africa is still very large. Once the price guarantee system is implemented, the Ministry of Finance predicts that the federal government will increase its expenditure by at least 5000 million rand per year. .

For this fee, Roque himself is acceptable, and the difference subsidy system goes deeper into unified purchase and sales. If this can be realized, the benefits to the federal government of southern Africa are self-evident.

At that time, the United Kingdom and the United States, which advocate free trade, do not know how much advantage they will have when facing the federal government of southern Africa.

(End of this chapter)

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