Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1640 Close the door and play by yourself

Chapter 1640 Close the door and play by yourself
In Lausanne, Switzerland, at the headquarters of the International Olympic Committee, the current chairman of the Olympic Organizing Committee, Jean de Baye-Latour, is worrying about the next Olympic Games.

Unlike the future countries that are crying and clamoring to host the Olympic Games, in the 1926 Olympic Games, even the host city could not be found, let alone broadcasting rights, sponsors, mascots. What, live radio broadcast can be called live broadcast.

"London has already hosted the Olympic Games, and New York is not interested. Why don't you go to Paris?" Latour's head was about to fall out of worry, and he was typing a lot. Hair loss is not enough to describe Latour's mood.

"Paris has just been held. This is only the eighth Olympic Games. Paris has been held twice. You can't cheat an honest person like this." The former chairman Coubertin was relaxed. Still young, he didn't even think about why Coubertin resigned.

If it is true that the Olympic Games are sought after by hundreds of millions of people, wealth—what’s wrong with it, it’s fame and fortune, can Coubertin give up the chairmanship to Latour?

It is said that Coubertin is also a god. After his death, the father of the Olympic Games was buried in Lausanne, Switzerland, where the headquarters of the Olympic Organizing Committee is located. However, he buried his heart in Olympia, the birthplace of the Olympic Games. His love for the Olympic Games is indeed undeniable.

"Then what should we do? Why don't we go to the Russians?" Latour was in a hurry and went to the doctor. The current Russia is not the Russia before the World War. The whole world is isolating Russia, and the League of Nations does not allow Russia to join. It is melancholy that makes such a suggestion.

"No, unless you want to make the Olympic Games a Russian Games." Coubertin was also worried, and now he regretted giving up the chairman of the Olympic Committee to Latour. If this continues, the Olympic Games may be played by Latour die.

The current Olympic Games is not the fast-paced and high-intensity Olympic Games in the future. The competition system is procrastinated and the rhythm is dull, just like online TV dramas that have more than a dozen seasons, which are repeated over and over again. moon.

It’s okay to delay for half a year or a few months. The key is to lose money even if you don’t make money. These days, there are no broadcast fees, no sponsors, and ticket revenue is pitifully small, almost negligible. The city that hosts the Olympics is really hard-pressed. .

Latour is completely autistic. The current Olympic Committee really has no money. The salary of the sweeping lady can hardly be paid. There is no city willing to host the Olympic Games. This has just held the Olympic Games for eight times. Maybe You have to stop.

"If you can't do it, go to Olympia. The birthplace of the Olympic Games, you have to contribute to the development of the Olympic Games." It's not that Coubertin never thought about southern Africa. No, participating in the Olympic Games is all in the name of the people, and the athletes are all amateurs. Coubertin didn't want to make fun of himself.

"My lord, here is a telegram from the Federal Government of Southern Africa—" Coubertin's secretary walked briskly, calling Doze to deliver a pillow.

Coubertin's spirits lifted.

Latour leaned his head closer, and the two watched together.

As a result, the two almost burst into tears when they saw it. Finally, someone was willing to host the Olympic Games, and it was a powerful, beautiful and rich country with developed culture and entertainment, as well as southern Africa with warm and hospitable people——

In order to express their gratitude to Southern Africa, Coubertin and Latour used all the idioms they had learned all their lives. Otherwise, it is not enough to describe the gratitude of Coubertin and Latour to the federal government of Southern Africa.

Far from being a problem, just consider this a trip.

Money is not a problem either. If there is no money in southern Africa, one of the countries in the world will say the other, and everyone will hang themselves.

Enthusiasm is not a problem. The Federal Government of Southern Africa sent a telegram, fully proving that Southern Africa's enthusiasm for the Olympic Games is unparalleled.

As for feelings, no matter how far you go, unless you can't find any entry point, you have to rely on feelings. No decent person would do that.

What caught Coubertin and Latour by surprise was that good fortune is unparalleled but misfortune never comes singly, and now happy events really happen one after another.

Coubertin and Latour hadn't recovered from the surprise that southern Africa was willing to host the Olympic Games, and the secretary sent another telegram.

This time it was Amsterdam in the Netherlands.

Amsterdam expressed its willingness to undertake an eighth Olympic Games as well.

When he saw this telegram, Coubertin raised his eyebrows with joy. From the ugly duckling that no one cares about to the white swan that is sought after by everyone, it is so simple to turn over the Olympic Games.

"Since Amsterdam also wants to host the Olympic Games, then we have to introduce a competition mechanism, depending on who is more prepared, who has a better plan, and who has more funds, to host the Olympic Games—— " Coubertin immediately became proud. The Olympic Games, which no one cares about, can't be solved. As long as there is a city that wants to host it, then the Olympic Organizing Committee has to give full play to its role. Otherwise, what should the Olympic Organizing Committee do.

"If you compare funds, Amsterdam will definitely lose." Latour is a Belgian, and Belgium, like the Netherlands, does not have much sense of existence.

"That's not necessarily true." Coubertin is old and sophisticated, and no matter how rich Pretoria is, it has nothing to do with the Olympic Committee.

The Netherlands is a country that doesn’t have much sense of existence. It didn’t even participate in the World War. It actually has a lot of heritage. After all, it was once known as the country of "Sea Coachman". Nothing happened to the empire.

The Dutch speculated on tulips, which was the first recorded financial bubble since human beings recorded.

How crazy are the Dutch to fry tulips? In 1637, the price of the most common tulip bulb rose from 64 guilders to 1668 guilders in just one month.

Then in just two days, it fell from 1668 dong to 0.15 dong.

Similar incidents include Clivia in the 80s. At that time, a pot of Clivia could sell for up to 14 yuan. At that time, ordinary workers had a monthly income of only about 50 yuan, and a square meter building was only 280 yuan.

The point of these paragraphs is that house prices have never been cheap.

"Immediately send a telegram to the Federal Government of Southern Africa and the Netherlands. They will compete for the right to host the Ninth Olympic Games." Latour is full of ambition, and now he is only giving in and submitting a proposal. If he wants to host the Olympic Games in the future, he will have to pay.

Whoever gives more money will do it, ensuring openness, fairness and fairness.

Coubertin and Latour may not have imagined that the Southern African Federal Government's mood to host the Olympic Games is far less urgent than Coubertin and Latour imagined.

To put it bluntly, Rock's enthusiasm for the Olympics is far less than for the Commonwealth Games.

Hosting the Commonwealth Games can also promote goodwill, friendship and mutual understanding among members of the British Empire. What can hosting the Olympics bring to southern Africa?

Don't forget that there are no TV sets now, how to shape your image?
That's the job of the movie.

Since Coubertin and Latour still want to put on airs, let them play by themselves, and the Commonwealth also closes its doors to play by itself, who cares.

After all, the Olympic Games will not be held until two years later, but the Commonwealth Games is only half a year away.

Before building the venues, in order to successfully hold the organizing committee of the Commonwealth Games, Rock first had to determine the events of the Commonwealth Games.

After all, it was the first Commonwealth Games, and there was no precedent for reference. Everything had to be brainstormed by the organizing committee.

Yes, the Director of the Kitchina Organizing Committee, Ade and Philip are the Deputy Directors, and Rock can only serve tea and water, so let’s say whether the standards of the Organizing Committee are high
other people?

That's right, there were only four members in the organizing committee of the first Commonwealth Games, and the governor of Transvaal and the mayor of Pretoria didn't want to join.

Don't understand?
Let's think about it this way, Kitchener is the director, Ade and Philip are the deputy directors, and now it's Rock who runs the errands.

Regardless of whether it is the governor of the Transvaal or the mayor of Pretoria, Harbin City, as long as they enter the committee, the result is obvious. Except for these three uncles, who would dare to ask Rock to serve tea?

There is a saying that it is better to be a chicken head than a phoenix tail, and to stay far away from the Governor's Mansion. The governor who should be the governor should be the governor, and the mayor should be the mayor.

Do you have to come to the organizing committee to suffer from this plywood?
A little ambition will do.

Referring to the project settings of the British Empire Festival, there must be boxing, wrestling, swimming and track and field, and football and horse racing, which are popular in southern Africa, must also be available. Basketball has also been very popular in southern Africa in recent years. After all, in terms of popularity and convenience, basketball It is easier and less costly than football. It can be done on a concrete floor and a ball stand. You don't have to play the whole court, and you can have fun at half court.

Football is no good. I have never heard of half-time football. Although the door frame does not cost much, the lawn is very expensive. Natural lawn is too expensive. In 1926, artificial lawn was more expensive. One hundred basketball courts can be built, and the Southern African Federal Government, as a small expert in thrift, of course chooses the one that spends less money and has quicker results.

Thinking about it this way, badminton and table tennis seem to be good too.

As a soldier, Kitchener strongly urged that shooting be included in the competition.

This request was also enthusiastically supported by Rock.

AD: You traitor, you support everything Kitchener approves of.

Philip: It doesn't matter. I came to the Palace of Justice to visit my granddaughter. The three of you should worry about the Commonwealth Games.

With basketball and football, it doesn’t matter if you have volleyball or not. It’s not a very popular sport, but rugby can be played. Compared with rugby, which is fiercely confrontational, volleyball is like playing house to warm up, without body The contact game can't just look at the thighs.

Of course, Rock also has ideas about the Commonwealth Games. In 1926, both ice hockey and figure skating could appear in the Summer Olympics, and it would be good to include racing cars in the Commonwealth Games.

This idea should be rejected by other dominions. Now in the world, only American cars can compete with southern African cars. If this project appears in the Olympic Games, it might as well be up to the southern African car companies to play by themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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