Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1644 Suicide Competition

Chapter 1644 Suicide Competition

Nyasaland Company did not enter the United States under this name. Even Nyasaland Bank was established after the relationship between the United States and southern Africa eased. U.S.

The Rim Atlantic Company once appeared when it was building the Walvis Bay Railway in southern Africa. Don’t go to the grave diggers. The author himself can’t remember which chapter it is.

The U.S. regulatory authorities are also very powerful. Without strategic backwardness, it is extremely difficult for southern African capital to enter the United States, just like American capital wanting to enter southern Africa.

There used to be American capital in Southern Africa, but it had to be changed to enter Southern Africa as British capital. Some of the gold mines in the Rand region were controlled by American capital.

The biggest problem is that the largest mine in Rand Gold Mine is the Rock Gold Mine under the name of Rock, and it is estimated that it will not be mined within 100 years.

The Nyasaland company does not even let Ford go, not to mention the American beverage companies. The American beverage companies are indeed unique. It is reasonable for their future sales to be so high. Southern Africa now also has American beverage brands , but the formula is different.

The sponsorship of the Commonwealth Games by American companies is one of the ways Nyasaland Corporation transfers its assets in an open manner. After all, Nyasaland Corporation earns so much money in the United States and needs to find a reason to send it back to southern Africa. Sponsorship fees are only one of the methods. , Technology transfer is even more terrifying.

Last year, a beverage company in the United States purchased a beverage formula from southern Africa for a huge sum of 550 million rand.

550 million rand, which happens to be the annual profit of the American beverage company.

Since the profits are all used to buy the formula, there must be no profit. If there is no profit, there is no need to pay dividends, no taxes, and no need to be remembered——

Heck, the benefits are simply too many.

As for what kind of formula can be worth 550 million rand?
Sorry, this is a commercial confidentiality, no comment!

Both Rock and Ada are used to these methods of operation.

Kitchener is as far apart as a mountain, but as long as it does not harm the interests of the Commonwealth, Kitchener has made great progress compared with before, and no longer regards not harming the United Kingdom as the standard.

"How much income do we have now?" Kitchener is operating the Commonwealth Games as a business.

"Not much, it's only 300 million—" Rock unknowingly said that the annual profit of a large enterprise is usually only 300 million.

300 million rand!
Ford cursed and quit the group chat——

"Not bad, we can build a large-scale comprehensive stadium—" Kitchina beamed with joy, and the situation is very good.

"It depends on how big it is. If it's a stadium that can accommodate 10 people, 300 million won't be enough." Roque has ambitions. Although the cost of a large-scale comprehensive stadium is high, it can still host the Olympic Games after the Commonwealth Games. We can also hold the Southern African Games, usually hold a football game or something, anyway, it will not be wasted, and it can be used for many years.

"Isn't 10 people too big--" Kitchener was completely dumbfounded, there are only so many people in Pretoria.

Oh, not too many, as the capital of Southern Africa, Pretoria has a population of more than 50, which is a megacity in Southern Africa.

The big cities in southern Africa only have about 10 people, and about [-] people count as the third tier, and no matter how small they are, they are villages.

"It's not big. The population of Pretoria will exceed 100 million within ten years." Rock is confident, and don't underestimate the population growth rate. There are now 6700 million people in southern Africa, even if there are no new immigrants, if The natural growth rate remained at 5.00%, which was 335 million people in that year.

This is only the first year, and the population increase every year will increase with the increase of the population base. Over the past ten years, the population of southern Africa has exceeded [-] million.

"Then what will be the population of southern Africa?" Kitchener was in tears. Kitchener could not understand the significance of population to a country.

"It should be more than 1 million—" Rock was not sure how many there would be, after all, immigrants would be added.

To be exact, without immigration, it is 1.04 million, young man, hurry up——

It feels bad, or it will be humiliated again——

Forget it, it's not the first time anyway, everyone knows that my math was taught by my physical education teacher.

"More than that, at least [-] million!" Kitchener's mathematics is worse than Rock's, but this is more like a good wish.

With Kitchener present, Ada didn't bother, leaving a look of "you wait" before leaving.

Rock suddenly felt itchy——

This wording is seriously inappropriate, what is itchy, at most it is just around the corner.

It seems even more inappropriate——

What made Kitchina excited was that just two days later, the sponsorship fee received by the organizing committee exceeded 2000 million rand.

What is the concept of 2000 million rand? After the disarmament last year, the annual military expenditure of the southern African army was only 2000 million.

Just a sponsorship fee for the Games can support the invincible Southern African Army. After knowing this figure, Kitchener wished that the Commonwealth Games would be held every day, all year round, and those athletes would not be exhausted. Finish.

"The Southern African Army only participated in one world war, so it is invincible all over the world?" Ade was very dissatisfied with the inflated Kitchener, low-key, my old marshal.

"Why is it not invincible in the world? France lost to Germany in the Franco-Prussian War, and we defeated Germany in the World War. Isn't this the invincible in the world?" Kitchener's logic is self-consistent, so it is not wrong fault.

The British Army looked at his little arms and legs, cursed and quit the group chat.

U.S. Army—

Sorry, the U.S. Army was disbanded after World War II.

In the corner, there was a little Japanese who was rubbing his fists secretly——

Combined Fleet: Get lost, Red Deer Yelang of the Army, I won’t even give you soup if I eat meat.

"Governor, keep a low profile, we haven't reached the level of being invincible in the world—" Philip said earnestly.

Rock was completely autistic. This was at an official meeting of the Commonwealth Games Organizing Committee. The three directors went off topic and ran to the moon, and he was still complacent.

"When it was 300 million, you wanted to build a comprehensive stadium that could accommodate 10 people. Now we have 2000 million. What do you want to build?" Kitchener felt that the money was too much to spend. , Kitchener almost didn't raise his hand and threw a hundred rands over——

Don't get me wrong, it's not an insult to Louis, it's a tip. Louis is Rock's secretary no matter what, and he doesn't look at the monk's face to see the Buddha's face.

"Only one comprehensive stadium is not enough. With a comprehensive stadium, a basketball stadium cannot be built, and a special venue for swimming competitions must also be built. The racetrack facilities next to Meilin Park are outdated and urgently need to be renovated. In addition to the comprehensive stadium, a professional football field must be built. , Olympic Games have figure skating, should we also build an ice rink for the Commonwealth Games? Even if the Commonwealth Games is over, the skating rink can still be kept, which can enrich the cultural and entertainment life of the citizens of Pretoria—” Rock said To leave Pretoria with as much of a legacy as possible through the Commonwealth Games.

"You're crazy. Another 2000 million won't be enough!" Kitchinna said with a black face. Rock can indeed make money, but he can also spend it. Just now, Kitchinna thought he was the richest man in the world, but now he really is. Illusion, if you call it crazy, it will be closed.

“It’s not enough. The lack of funds is covered by the Transvaal State Government and the Pretoria City Government. After these venues are completed, they will serve all Pretoria people in the future. The State Government and the City Government cannot share No money will be paid.” Rock kept a backup, saying that the Transvaal State Government and the Pretoria City Government, which own the Rand Gold Mine, are rich and rich, and it’s time to kill the New Year’s Pig.

Of course, 2000 million is not the whole amount. The sponsorship of the car has not been sold yet. When Kyle Kemp was authorized by the Ford head office and came to Louis's office excitedly with a check of 100 million rand, Kyle Kemp Camp was surprised to find that Nyasaland Motors, Nyasaran Heavy Industries, and Rhodesia Motors also brought complete proposals in addition to the checks.

Rock's original words were that in addition to money, sponsors should find ways to improve service levels as much as possible. Harrison Cooper never forgot these words.

"Hehe——" Harrison Cooper looked at the dumbfounded Kyle Kemp, feeling very happy to be crushed by his IQ.

"Hey--" Ingersoll is holding the wisdom pearl, and he still hasn't brought out his trump card yet.

"Humph——" Hubbard dismissed it. The three major auto manufacturers in southern Africa are all talented. This will allow Ford to take away the sponsorship rights, and the three major auto manufacturers can collectively wipe their necks.

"Gentlemen, can you hurry up, you are fine and I have something to do—" Louis couldn't understand the ugly faces of the three people, they were all people who could hand out 100 million checks, could they be normal.

"Of course, in addition to 100 million yuan, Nyasaland Heavy Industries will also provide the organizing committee with ten high-end Matilda cars for the use of important people participating in the sports meeting." Cooper spoke first, he is Nyasaland The general manager of the heavy industry, the other three, a vice president, a sales director, and a regional manager, the higher the position, the higher the right to speak.

"Rhodecia Automobile Company can provide the organizing committee with 20 Cecil Rhodes luxury cars—" Ingersoll was unwilling, and now he has entered the state.

What's wrong with your Matilda, our Cecil Rhodes is still luxurious——

"Nyasaran Motors offers 30 Diamond Lord cars—" Hubbard spoke in amazement.

Lord cars are divided into three grades. The lowest price can be customized with a silver logo, the general use gold, and the best one must be diamonds.

As for Lord Baiban, Nyasaran cars are no longer produced, and he would rather not make this money than be downgraded.

Kyle Kemp really doesn't understand the relationship here.

It is said that there are many brands under Nyasaland Motors, and the most valuable one must be Lord. This car is not produced for ordinary people. Although the annual output is the lowest, it contributes the most profits to Nyasaland Motors.

(End of this chapter)

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