Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1659 Rock's Bottom Line

Chapter 1659 Rock's Bottom Line

It is not easy to be the principal of Nyasaland University. As a well-known institution in the Commonwealth that can be ranked alongside Oxford and Cambridge, too many people want to send their children to Nyasaland University for education, or to be gilded.

Even the first heir to the Marquess of Nyasaland is studying at Nyasaland University. One can imagine how popular the admission places of Nyasaland University are.

15000 students sounds like a lot, one point for four grades, and the part of master and doctorate is removed, in fact, the number of new students admitted each year is only more than 3000.

Of these more than 3000 people, a part of them must be set aside to recruit those students who are truly qualified to study at Nyasaland University. This part is the core of Nyasaland University. Less than 500 people.

Among the 500 people, a part should be set aside to recruit overseas students. This part is the source of income of Nyasaland University. To put it bluntly, it is used to sell money. There should be no more than one quota, and the admission qualification can be sold for [-] rand. In the future, the tuition fee of [-] rand per year can be used by one student to support several professors.

In fact, there are not many places left for southern Africa. Among them, there are dignitaries like Owen who can send their children to Nyasaland University to study with just a phone call. Less than [-] of them are actually used to sell money.

There are so many wealthy people in southern Africa. Yaya has 14 children. Nyasaland University opens its doors to recruit students. Yaya will send all their children to Nyasaland University at all costs. Oxford and Cambridge don’t even consider it. After all, they are thousands of miles apart. Who endured the pain of separation of flesh and blood in order to save money.

It is to save money, not to make money, these two are not the same thing.

Not to mention the rich, just the rich and powerful, Nyasaland University is not satisfied.

There are 20 states in southern Africa, not to mention the federal government departments, 20 states have at least 20 governors, 20 state assembly speakers, five senators in each state is 100 federal senators, states have state assemblies, and state governments , city council, city government—

This is not to say that the governors and speakers still have relatives and friends, only immediate family members are accepted, and all needs cannot be met.

At the level of the governor, it is normal to be 60 years old. At this age, the grandson will go to college. Any governor can still have no children.

Therefore, as the principal of Nyasaland University, let alone business ability, at least the ability to play balance is very strong.

I have to ride a unicycle to carry a person on a tightrope, and I can't hold a pole in my hand.

Of course, you can't take an umbrella.

"The autonomy of enrollment will have a serious impact on the balance of educational resources in southern Africa. We must break this limitation and give everyone a fair opportunity to receive education." As the Minister of Education in Southern Africa, Douglas can't limit his eyes to Niassa orchid.

"Nyasaland University has made great contributions to education in southern Africa. In order to promote education in southern Africa, Nyasaland University was forced to split up. Otherwise, there would be no university of science and technology, no medical school and no finance and economics. What else can the Academy ask us to do? Giving everyone fairness is the greatest injustice to the Nyasalandians." Anton's face was ashen, and he was qualified to refuse Rock's request.

"My lord, that's not what I meant—" Douglas took the initiative to explain that Anton is now a nobleman and Rock's closest comrade-in-arms, and his status in Rock is higher than that of Stoudemire and Henry.

"Then what do you mean?" Anton was aggressive.

Douglas looked at Rock for help. This was not what Douglas meant, but Rock proposed.

"Cecil, what do you think?" Rock asked Anton to calm down, and asked Stoudemire for his opinion.

If there is one university in Southern Africa that can compete with Nyasaland University, it is the Cecil Rhodes University, now renamed the University of Rhodesia.

This is also the truth about the education industry in Europe and the United States. All the Ivy Leagues in the United States are private. Although Oxford and Cambridge are not private, the students sent to Oxford and Cambridge by the eight elite high schools account for nearly three-quarters of the total number of students in Oxford and Cambridge. The so-called Anglo-American The "fairness" is fully demonstrated here.

The same is true in southern Africa. Nyasaland University and Rhodesia University are both private. Rock wants to take back the right to self-enroll students. Nyasaland University has such a strong resistance, and Rhodesia University can be imagined.

"My lord, it depends on your positioning of education in southern Africa. I still remember that when you first established Bigwig and Locke Middle School, you only accepted Chinese students and English students, and you didn't even recruit Boers—" Stoudemire The attitude is also clear. Although the enrollment of the University of Rhodesia is also for the whole of southern Africa, it is also tendentious on the whole.

Just like Nyasaland University, more than 80.00% of the students are Chinese.

The University of Rhodesian students are almost 50.00% white. On this issue, everyone is selfish. This has nothing to do with friendship.

The reason why whites are "only" half is not that the University of Rhodesia is more fair than Nyasaland University, but the overall level of education and the proportion of the population in southern Africa.

Nowadays, white families in southern Africa also place a high value on education.

However, the population ratio of southern Africa is placed here. If the University of Rhodesia is really fair, then the proportion of students at the University of Rhodesia should be similar to that of Nyasaland University, and Chinese students will exceed 80.00%.

Just look at the racial IQ gap created by some research institutions, but don’t take it seriously. East Asia has the highest overall IQ, but there are also people with low IQ. Africans have the lowest overall IQ, but there are many African-American scientists in the world. This is the so-called survivor bias.

"At that time you also knew what the situation was. It was a special way in a special period. At that time, southern Africa was still a British colony. Now that the federal government has been established for nearly 20 years, the situation is very different from the beginning. It is time to make a change. "Rock still hopes that Stoudemire's angle can be higher, and don't focus on Rhodesia.

Stoudemire didn't speak, he knew what Rock meant, but unfortunately, Stoudemire also had his own persistence on this issue.

Once the federal government takes back the enrollment autonomy of major colleges and universities, it will be obvious that more Chinese students will have the opportunity to receive higher education, and the British in southern Africa will either be integrated or marginalized in southern Africa.

The group of Boers is the best example. Now more and more Boers recognize their identity as Southern Africans. Even public schools in Orange State have begun to use English and Chinese for teaching. No school uses Boer alone for teaching. , In a few decades, no one in southern Africa may speak Boer, and the group of "Boers" will disappear.

To eliminate a group, we must first eliminate culture, and language is precisely the most important carrier of culture.

On the issue of eliminating the Boers, there is a consensus between the Chinese and the British in southern Africa.

Then the question arises, once the Boers disappear, which group will disappear next?

Looking at the current population ratio in southern Africa, it is obviously unlikely to be Chinese.

"After withdrawing the right to self-enrolment, it will not only benefit the Chinese in southern Africa, but also whites and even Africans. A few days ago, Owen told me that Yaya made a contribution to Nyasaland University this time in order to allow his children to enter Nyasaland University. The flood in the North Sea donated 50 rand, which is a full 50, which is enough to knock on the door of any university in the world." Rock knows what the future world will look like, and southern Africa must also be prepared.

For Africans, Roque's previous attitude was very clear, but now it has quietly changed.

Rock is really not a racist, no matter it is white, African, or even Chinese, Rock treats people equally and will never take sides.

Rock is dissatisfied with Africans because of their messing around.

If Africans are only opposed to racial discrimination, then Roque must support it, because Chinese people are also victims of racial discrimination all over the world.

But Africans only oppose racial discrimination against Africans. Once there is an opportunity to discriminate against other races, Africans will be more enthusiastic than whites, which is unacceptable.

If the Africans only want fairness, Roque must also support it, because the Chinese also have a glass ceiling, whether you can see it or not, it is there.

But the fairness that Africans demand is to give special care to Africans, which is precisely the greatest injustice to other races.

As for African laziness, lying, irresponsibility, and other more serious problems, Rock can now calm down.

No matter who it is, as long as they violate the law, they must accept legal sanctions and not accept any excuses. This is Rock's final bottom line.

As for moral standards, Roque has no choice. The laws in southern Africa do not restrict white girls from marrying Africans, but they do not encourage them. If you are willing to die, I will be willing to bury them. Yaya’s wives are all white. If you are willing to fight and suffer, the laws of southern Africa have nothing to do with it.

Since you are an adult, you have to be responsible for your own actions. An adult in the legal sense of southern Africa is 18 years old, and minors before the age of 18 are protected by law, but this protection is only to protect minors from harm , If it is a minor who actively hurts others, then it is not protected by the law.

To put it bluntly, if a four-year-old child pushes a two-year-old child into the water, the four-year-old child will also be punished by law, and the charge of being prosecuted is likely to be intentional murder.

What the hell are you going to kill, and what protection are you talking about, is it to protect the victim or the criminal?
"That is to say, in the future, Africans will also have the opportunity to become a Southern African citizen?" Stoudemire is not worried about Rock's bottom line, but that Rock's bottom line will continue to decrease.

The emergence of many contradictions lies in the continuous lowering of the bottom line. Black lives are not expensive from the beginning, and women's rights are not idyllic from the beginning. Many things are deteriorating in constant concessions.

(End of this chapter)

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