Chapter 1661
It is difficult for one party to support this kind of thing. In the current world, only southern Africa can do it.

Even in southern Africa, only the Chinese-dominated states can do it, and the white-dominated states, such as Cape and Orange, can't do it.

The state of Victoria has not been established for a long time. Compared with Nyasaland and Rhodesia, its economic foundation is relatively weak. The strength of the state government is limited and it is in urgent need of assistance from the federal government.

The federal government does not give money, but instead raises all kinds of materials needed by Victoria as much as possible. For a while, several surrounding states have taken action. Even the Kingdom of Congo, which borders Victoria, has donated various materials worth 100 million rand to Victoria. supplies, most of which are much-needed food and drinking water in Victoria.

This is really rare. The economic strength of the Kingdom of Congo is not strong, not even that of Victoria.

Even under such circumstances, when Victoria needs it, the Kingdom of Congo can generously donate money, which has moved Victorian Governor Femolin very much.

Fermelin is also of German origin. After the Second Boer War, he came to Southern Africa and became a successful timber merchant. Before the split of Victoria, he was successfully elected as a federal senator on behalf of Victoria. Become Premier of Victoria.

"Thank you very much. Please take me to convey my thanks to Your Majesty. The Victorians will always remember the Kingdom of Congo's help—" Femerin was very grateful to the Kingdom of Congo. He only now understood what Roque meant by "unity" mean.

"You're welcome, Governor, the Kingdom of Congo is also a part of the Southern African Union. The Victorians are suffering. We, the Kingdom of Congo, feel the same way—" Enzo, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Congo, is a Belgian born in Congo. Most of the ministers of the Kingdom of Congo The officials are all white.

This is also helpless. Africans are obviously inferior to whites in managing the country. They can't even manage their own lives well. It is really difficult for them to manage a country.

In the final analysis, education is still not enough. After Mumu was crowned, he also tried to imitate the establishment of a public education system in southern Africa. Unfortunately, after trying it, he realized that public education is not available to any country, at least not in the Kingdom of Congo.

The Kingdom of Congo is a country dominated by Africans. The common language in the era of Leopold II was Belgian. After the establishment of the Kingdom of Congo, six common languages ​​were confirmed based on the main population groups in the country. As a result, the domestic language system was confused. Now there is not even a unified language, which is simply ridiculous.

After Mumu was crowned, he accepted Yaya's suggestion and decided to make Chinese and English the common languages ​​of the Kingdom of Congo and promote them in schools.

It's a pity that because the public education system has been unable to promote, and the hope of unifying the language is far away, Mumu can only lament the difficult fate of the country.

In this process, southern Africa also gave the Kingdom of Congo a lot of help.

It's a pity that the Kingdom of Congo is too weak, and it has raised funds in many ways, but only less than ten schools have been built in Leopoldville, the capital of the Kingdom of Congo. If it weren't for the help of southern Africa, these schools and even teachers would be No.

"Thank you. Please tell Your Majesty the King. The Victorians will repay their kindness. If the Kingdom of Congo needs help from the Victorians in the future, the Victorians will definitely not ignore it." Femorin's words made Enzo very happy, and this is also a timely gift from the Kingdom of Congo. Purpose.

While the Kingdom of the Congo is generous, the Republic of the Congo is at loggerheads.

This year's rainy season is not only causing serious floods in southern Africa, but also in the Republic of Congo.

Relatively speaking, the situation in the Republic of Congo is more serious than in southern Africa. After all, southern Africa has a vast territory and not many disaster-stricken areas. No matter how big the loss is, it will become insignificant when divided by 6700 million.

The Republic of Congo has a population of less than 400 million. In the past few years since its founding, the population has basically not increased. The national economy is mainly based on the export of manpower and raw materials to southern Africa, which is very dependent on southern Africa.

When the North Sea flooded, the Republic of Congo was also disturbed by the floods of the Congo River. Countless villages on both sides of the river were washed away by the floods. More than 15000 people died, more than [-] people were missing, and the economic loss was immeasurable.

Compared with the loss of hundreds of people in southern Africa, the loss of the Republic of Congo in the flood is the normal performance of the country nowadays.

Even so, some in the Republic of Congo's government have suggested that Victoria should be helped in response to Roque's call for "unity".

"Even the Kingdom of Congo has provided material assistance equivalent to 100 million rand to Victoria, and we in the Republic of Congo cannot ignore it. Otherwise, if we have disputes with the Kingdom of Congo in the future, I am afraid that the federal government of southern Africa will no longer support it as before. Us." Prime Minister Louis Benn had good reason, for the neighboring countries in southern Africa, paradise is too far away, and southern Africa is too close.

"Mr. Prime Minister, don't forget that our Republic of Congo is also suffering from floods. Compared with the powerful southern Africa, our Republic of Congo needs the help of southern Africa more. Our people are crying in the flood, but you have to send precious materials to To Southern Africa? Well, I was wrong, we don’t have supplies at all—” Johnson, Minister of the Interior of the Republic of Congo, firmly opposed it. He was not against Southern Africa, but against Louis Benn’s unprincipled pandering to Southern Africa’s interests, The interests of the Republic of the Congo are paramount.

Compared with the Kingdom of Congo, although the Republic of Congo is a bit better, it is still too far behind compared with southern Africa, and it is not the same order of magnitude at all.

Although the Republic of Congo is also a country dominated by Africans, the proportion of whites is higher after all, and the economic situation is better than that of the Kingdom of Congo.

It's not much better though, and like the Kingdom of Congo, the Republic of Congo's economy is heavily dependent on southern Africa.

The only good news is that compared with the Kingdom of Congo, the Republic of the Congo has more mineral resources, and the prices sold to southern Africa are also higher, so the Republic of the Congo has established a relatively complete public education system.

Unfortunately, public schools in the Republic of Congo only admit white students.

Given the number of whites in the Republic of Congo, how useful such a public education can be is another question.

In the case of the same disaster, and the disaster is even more serious, Louis Benn will do his best to give assistance to southern Africa.

You can imagine how angry Johnson was.

"If it is a product with too high technology content, we really don't have it, but what Victoria needs most is food and clean drinking water, and we can still provide these—" Speaker Wilseth has a strong background in southern Africa, and he is sure It is speaking to Southern Africa.

"Don't our victims need food and clean drinking water? Victoria victims can drink fruit juice even in the floods, but our victims can only drink the water of the Congo River - ah, yes, the Congo River It's flooding, so the river has enough water—" Johnson was very angry, but unfortunately he couldn't support himself. In the government of the Republic of Congo, most of the officials are inclined to southern Africa.

Johnson even doubted that if Southern Africa wanted to annex the Republic of Congo one day, these officials in the Republic of Congo would welcome it unconditionally.

This makes Johnson very sad. The Republic of Congo was formerly a colony of Belgium and is now a colony of southern Africa.

Although Southern Africa does not recognize it.

This is the most unacceptable to Johnson.

The word "colonial" only comes into play when European countries attack each other.

Under normal circumstances, the UK does not recognize the existence of colonies, such as India. According to the official caliber of the UK, that is the inherent territory of the UK and has nothing to do with the colonies.

Among the German population, and even among the French population at certain periods, India was a British colony.

Southern Africa did not annex the Republic of Congo, not because of the kindness of people in southern Africa, but because Southern Africa does not want to be responsible for the Republic of Congo.

Now even if southern Africa has not annexed the Republic of Congo, the Republic of Congo can only sell resources to southern Africa, sell plantations to farmers in southern Africa, organize Africans from the Republic of Congo to work in southern Africa, and even be forced to bear part of southern Africa Military spending to guarantee the so-called "independence" of the Republic of Congo.

For the Republic of Congo, southern Africa is like a scumbag. If I don’t take the initiative or refuse, I am not responsible, even worse than the colonial suzerain.

At least the suzerain country is also responsible for the maintenance costs of the colonial government.

"Minister Johnson, pay attention to your words. Southern Africa is not our enemy. Without the help of Southern Africa, we would have been annexed by the Kingdom of Congo long ago." Louis Ben didn't want to quarrel, but some people just couldn't recognize the reality.

"If we don't send military spending to southern Africa, can't we build a strong national defense force to protect our country? Why should we entrust national security in the hands of others?" Johnson was heartbroken. If this continues, the Republic of Congo Sooner or later it will be over.

"Hehe, Minister Johnson, do you think that 500 million rand per year can build a strong national defense force?" Wilseth was a soldier and is now the president of the Rifle Association of the Republic of Congo.

"Isn't it enough? Africans in the Republic of Congo work in southern Africa, and their monthly salary is only two or three rands, and they have to endure the exploitation of intermediary companies. They can get up to two rands a month, 500 It is enough for us to form 20 National Defense Forces, enough to flatten the Kingdom of Congo." Johnson probably thought that the army and workers were similar, and anyway, the main components were Africans.

Louise Ben and Wilseth exchanged glances, and suddenly burst out laughing. I really don't know how such a person became the Minister of the Interior.

(End of this chapter)

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