Chapter 1669 Garbo
In the evening, the exploration team camped in the mountains, and Arik made a pot of snake soup, which comforted Dennis's wounded heart to the greatest extent.

When Gardner's student Xiao Hua was treating the blisters on Dennis' feet, Dennis's painful wailing could be heard throughout the canyon.

"It's not a big problem, the blisters will turn into cocoons after they burst, and you won't suffer from this kind of pain in the future—" Xiao Hua said nicely, you will definitely suffer these two days.

"Thank you Xiao, are you a doctor?" Dennis was still very grateful to Xiao Hua, and took out a cigar from his pocket and handed it to Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua didn't refuse, took it and sent it to Gardner happily, and then came back to explain: "No, I am a student of Professor Gardner, and field first aid is also part of our curriculum. You know, field work , often encounter various accidents, if there is no professional doctor, we can only save ourselves."

"It's really not easy. Your work is very hard. The federal government should give you a medal." Dennis deeply understands the hardships of field work. The development of southern Africa is based on the silent contributions of countless people.

"I don't think it's hard. This is my own choice. My interest lies. I can travel while working and see the magnificent scenery of nature. What could be happier than this?" Xiao Hua is really not Versailles, Unlike others who carried as little as possible, Silver carried a huge backpack and a bulky camera, and took a lot of photos along the way.

"I wish you success in your studies. You will become an excellent geologist and maybe a photographer. I look forward to seeing your photography exhibition in Pretoria one day." Dennis I am very happy, not only for Xiao Hua, but also for Southern Africa.

Southern Africa is indeed lucky to have such outstanding, pragmatic and dedicated young people.

"I have already held a film festival at Nyasaland University, and the results were not bad. The Nyasaland Photographic Association accepted me as a member, and I have gained a lot from it." Xiao Hua smiled cheerfully, a very sunny young man.

Nothing to say all night, early the next morning, after a simple breakfast, Xiao Hua didn't forget to bring the cans when he set off, and put out all the bonfires to completely eliminate hidden dangers.

Four hours later, the group finally saw Augrabies Falls.

From a distance, you can see the water mist as high as more than [-] meters, and the rainbow formed by the refraction of the water mist.

The total drop of Augrabis Waterfall is 191 meters, and the depth of the pool at the bottom exceeds 40 meters. During the rainy season, the width of the waterfall can reach 18 kilometers, and the flow rate is 1.4 cubic meters per second. It is a rare spectacle of nature.

"Look at how beautiful and spectacular this is. If this great landscape disappears in order to build a reservoir, it will be a pity for all of us—" Stuart was heartbroken, and Augrabis Waterfall was indeed extremely beautiful. With development value.

"The canyon is 18 kilometers long. If we build a reservoir at the exit of the canyon, we can maximize the use of the water resources of the Orange River—" Gardner ignored Stuart. The natural landscape is indeed good, but there is no economy Basic, who can't even eat, who has the mood to appreciate the natural landscape.

"The evaporation of the Orange River is very serious. The amount of water lost due to evaporation can reach 12 times that of the downstream precipitation. If we build a reservoir at the mouth of the canyon, we can minimize the impact of evaporation on the water volume of the Orange River, and it can also meet the dry season. Regarding the demand for water supply downstream, the Ministry of Land and Resources estimates that there are dozens of places in the entire Orange River that are suitable for building reservoirs, which is a huge project that may last for decades." Dennis sat on a simple wooden chair , This was temporarily made by Arik last night, otherwise Dennis probably wouldn't be able to reach the Augrabis Falls today.

The Orange River is also known as the Orange River. There are many tributaries in the upper reaches. On the right bank, there are Macaron River, Caledon River, Fall River, Hronwater River, Molopo River, Fez Dry River, etc.; On the left bank are the Krai River, the Sikwe River, the Black River, and the Hatbes River.

Compared with the upper reaches, the middle and lower reaches of the Orange River have no tributaries except for seasonal rivers. This puts higher demands on the water conservancy projects of the Orange River. To ensure the water supply in the middle and lower reaches, it is necessary to ensure There are enough reservoirs upstream.

Although there are many places suitable for building reservoirs, limited by capacity and funds, southern Africa can only build up to six reservoirs in the upper reaches of the Orange River, and they have to be built in batches, and it is impossible to start construction at the same time, so the project will last for a long time .

"Look at the Crocodile Bay Hydropower Station, which has been in use for more than 20 years, and has generated more than 100 million pounds in value for Johannesburg and Pretoria. Hydropower does not cause huge pollution like thermal power stations. It is an investment with long-term benefits. The federal government The requirements for environmental protection are getting higher and higher, all states are exploring clean energy, and hydropower still has huge potential to be discovered.” Gardner has ideals, Nyasaland University is not only researching more powerful hydropower units, It is also researching wind power and tidal power.

Wind power is a popular project in recent years, and it is not the first initiative of Nyasaland University. There are similar projects in Denmark, Sweden, and the United States.

Inspired by rotor technology, researchers at Nyasaland University have developed a small wind power generation device and applied it to windy islands and remote villages. The cost of electricity obtained is much lower than that of internal combustion engines.

Nyasaland University is researching a giant wind power generation device with a blade diameter of more than 30 meters. Once successfully developed, wind power generation can enter the commercial stage, which will be a huge improvement in energy supply.

The history of tidal power generation is earlier than that of wind power. In 1913, Germany built a tidal power station on the coast of the North Sea, which was the first tidal power station for mankind.

The principle of the tidal power station is the same as that of the hydropower station. By going out of the reservoir, the seawater is stored in the reservoir at high tide and stored in the form of potential energy. Then, the seawater is released at the ebb tide, and the water turbine is driven to rotate by using the difference between the high and low tide levels. , drive the generator to generate electricity.

For this technology, all port cities in southern Africa have great interest. Walvis Bay and Port Edward have used their own economic advantages to support Nyasaland University in research on tidal power generation. The current progress is very fast. Walvis Bay has already A tidal power station is under construction with a total installed capacity of 24 kilowatts, which can generate about 5 million kWh per year.

In addition to tidal power and wind power, Rock certainly will not forget about nuclear power.

Nyasaland University has started research in nuclear physics, which is also a super project that cannot be completed overnight.

Rock is patient. Southern Africa has funds and strength. It is only a matter of time before the results are achieved, as long as they can catch up with World War II.

When Gardner and Dennis were chatting, Silver was busy taking pictures. The Augrabies Falls may disappear in the future, and Xiao Hua will use the camera to record the Augrabies Falls. This is one of Xiao Hua's hobbies .

"Don't just be busy taking pictures and forget about your job." Gardner has high demands on Xiao Hua. Their trip not only inspects the topography of the Orange River, but also inspects the water quality of the Orange River and studies how to manage it Soil erosion along the Orange River.

The water and soil erosion in Basutoland is indeed very serious, which can be seen from the color of the river water. Gardner and Xiao Hua have just inspected the Victoria Falls of the Zambezi River before. Compared with the clear water of the Zambezi River, O The water of the Lange River is obviously more turbid, with high sand content, and the water is khaki, which seriously affects the view of Augrabies Falls.

Xiao Hua put away his camera, jumped to the edge of the Augrabis Waterfall to take some water samples, there were obviously a lot of microorganisms in the water, a layer of sand soon fell on the bottom of the glass bottle, Gardner shook his head again and again , This kind of water quality is not good. If it is not treated, after the reservoir is completed, it will wait for dredging every year.

"Restrict livestock farming in the upper reaches of the Orange River, start afforestation along the banks, and carry out water and soil protection—" Gardner said it was easy, but it was difficult to do.

"This requires the cooperation of the Basutoland State Government." Dennis and Gardner whispered, and Stuart could not hear this, otherwise Stuart would go crazy.

"We only care about the assessment. How to do it depends on the decision of the federal government." Gardner is not in a hurry. Basutoland wants to develop its economy and also cooperate with the interests of the federal government.

This is the same as the Rand Gold Mine. Although the Rand Gold Mine is mainly located in the Transvaal, in fact, the income of the Rand Gold Mine is mainly taken away by the federal government, and the Transvaal State Government can only drink a little. Tang, otherwise Pretoria would not vigorously develop the tourism industry, how nice it is to comfortably mine gold mines.

Of course, if the tourism industry does well, it is an inexhaustible gold mine. This has become a consensus in southern Africa, not only in the Transvaal, but also in Nyasaland, Rhodesia, and Kaisa. Puzhou and other states are vigorously developing the tourism industry. Even if there are no tourists, the green mountains and green waters are more comfortable than the fog in London.

Just as the federal government was preparing to develop the Orange River and the Zambezi River, the Nyasaland State Government was also planning to increase investment in the development of Lake Niassa. The girl from Saran Star City is the spokeswoman for Nyasa Lake tourism, and she is Greta, who has changed her name to Garbo.

Garbo came to Nyasaland Star City two months ago. With his beautiful appearance and outstanding acting talent, Garbo quickly attracted the attention of Star City Film Company, and signed a contract with Universal Film Company, the largest in Star City, for Nyasaland Star City. Cars filmed a series of car commercials and became the spokesperson for Nyasaran Motors.

It is said that it is a spokesperson, but it is actually a car model. I don't know whether it is a blessing or a curse for Garbo.

(End of this chapter)

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