Chapter 1671 Half a Sentence

When the British delegation arrived in Pretoria, coal miners from French West Africa finally arrived in Cardiff, Wales.

Coal plays an important role in the British economy. The invention of the steam engine was originally used to pump water from mines. It can be said that the demand for coal mines gave birth to the Industrial Revolution.

The United Kingdom is one of the countries with the highest coal reserves in the world, and most of the main coal-producing areas are close to the sea. It can easily send coal to all parts of the country through the port. With coal, there is steel, and with steel, machines and warships can be manufactured. , Before the outbreak of the World War, British coal production reached an unprecedented 2.92 million tons.

Coal is not only about the economy, but also about the country's fortunes.

Compared with Britain, France has less coal reserves and the quality is not high. After the Franco-Prussian War, Lorraine, an important French coal producing area, was occupied by Germany, which accelerated the decline of France.

Also before the outbreak of World War II, Germany's coal production reached 2.77 million tons, which was close to that of Britain, while France's coal production was only a pitiful 4000 million tons, completely unable to compete with Britain and Germany.

Before the coal miners strike, there were about 100 million coal miners in Britain.

Wales is an important coal producing area in the United Kingdom. The anthracite produced in this area has high combustion value and less residue, and is the best fuel for naval ships of various countries. Although more and more British warships are now abandoning steam engines and using internal combustion engines, coal mines in Wales Still of great value, so in the plans of the Federation of Mines, Welsh coal mines are at the forefront.

When the first batch of African-American workers stepped down the gangway, the Cardiff docks were crowded with silent coal miners. They looked serious and silent, watching the triumphant mine owner quietly.

"See? The coal mines are not going to stop without you, sooner or later you have to accept that you are not indispensable, be smart and end the strike and get back to the mines, or you will starve Let's—" A potbellied mine owner showed off his power, and the mine owner couldn't bear the huge loss caused by the strike.

The cause of the strike this time was that the mine owner demanded a [-]% reduction in the wages of the miners, and at the same time extended the working hours from seven hours to eight hours.

Like the mines in southern Africa, the underground working environment of coal mines is very harsh. The mines in southern Africa have used machinery as much as possible, but the coal mines in Britain still maintain the original production mode. Miners have almost no equipment when working underground. Protection, safety cannot be guaranteed, life is seriously threatened, and accidents occur from time to time.

Under such circumstances, the mine owner has to cut wages and increase working hours at the same time. The workers really can't bear it.

"Think about your family, think about your children, you lose your income, they're going to starve, let's face it, if you don't accept the conditions now, then I promise you won't even have the conditions now, you I will lose my job completely—" Another mine owner was equally hoarse, the miners didn't know that there were only this group of African-American workers, but the mine owners knew.

The miners remained silent. Many of them carried weapons such as shovels and iron rods, but the workers did not dare to make mistakes in the face of the police's black muzzles.

The British police really dared to shoot in the face of workers' strikes.

And the muzzle will never be raised an inch.

"Bill, let's go. Let's have a good drink tonight to celebrate the resumption of work in the mine." The fat man laughed harshly, and looked at the workers with contempt and anxiety.

On the other side of the pier, Johnston was questioned by Cardiff Mayor Eisley.

"Are these workers really from southern Africa?" Eisley looked worried. Coal is Cardiff's main source of income, and the strike has caused immeasurable losses to Cardiff. The field resumes work.

"No, they came from Conakry and have nothing to do with Southern Africa." Johnston looked helpless, and the Federal Government of Southern Africa chose cleanly on this matter and did not leave any handle.

"Conakry, do the French have such good intentions?" Eisley doubted. Don't talk about allies at this time. Eisley himself didn't believe it.

"Of course not, but this has nothing to do with the French government." Johnston shook his head and smiled wryly. Although West Africa is a French colony, in West Africa, the foundation of French rule is very weak.

Conakry is the capital of French Guinea. In 1893, French Guinea became a French colony. In 1905, Alpha Yaya led the people of Rabe District of Guinea to stage an uprising against French colonial rule.

Due to the disparity in strength between the two sides, the uprising was quickly suppressed, and Alpha Yaya and his son Ajibo were exiled by France.

Although the uprising was suppressed, the actions of the Guineans against the French colonial rule never stopped. Until now, there are still rebel activities on the plateau in southeastern Guinea.

Aisley sighed, before he could speak, there was a sudden noise on the pier.

"Get these bastards out of England—"

"Throw them into the sea—"

"Don't try to take our jobs—"

The workers finally felt threatened, and instead of erupting in silence, they died in silence.

"Back, back, don't cross the white line, or you'll shoot—"

The police who maintain order are on the verge of an enemy, and they also sympathize with the coal miners, but they have to.

Cardiff is the coal center of the UK, with 10,000+ people working in the mine.

The police officers who maintained order were also Jia's wives. Who didn't have any relatives? Many people's relatives worked for the coal mines, and there might be some of the workers present.

"If you want to keep your jobs, then go back to the coal mine, or you will all die, all of you will starve to death—" The fat man continued to add fuel to the fire, regardless of the growing agitation of the workers.

"Accept the current conditions as soon as possible, so that your children can still have enough to eat, otherwise they will go to the garbage dump to compete with wild dogs for food-" The thin man is also arrogant. Unlike southern Africa, there are indeed stray dogs in Cardiff of.

The most common dog breed in southern Africa is the South African Mastiff. This dog is an excellent family guard dog with a strong sense of territory. It is usually used to guard farms and even dares to fight lions.

The South African mastiff that dares to fight with lions will become a ferocious wild dog within a few years once it is left in the wild, posing a huge threat to humans. Therefore, stray dogs found in southern Africa will all be sent to shelters. If they last for a period of time If no one adopts them, euthanasia will be implemented.

The UK is much worse in this regard, even the survival of human beings cannot be guaranteed, and stray dogs are basically impossible to control. The same is true in other countries. In the suburbs of Paris and London, you can often see stray dogs in groups. Human events happen from time to time.

"Get these Africans away quickly, or we will all be in trouble." Eisley was very worried. British coal miners were very tough. During the World War, many coal miners joined the army and fought bloody battles to defend the British Empire. They returned to work in the coal mines. They were originally dissatisfied with the British government's disregard for the interests of veterans. Now a random spark can detonate the entire dock.

"Let's go, let's go, don't stay on the pier——" Johnston also realized that the situation was not good. The Coal Mine Union introduced African workers to let the local coal miners feel the crisis, and then prompted the workers to end the strike and return to work. , not to start a war.

"We can't leave now, the coal miners have surrounded the entire pier—" Johnston's assistant looked horrified, and more and more coal miners knew the news and went to the pier, and now at least tens of thousands of people gathered on the pier.

At this time, if someone takes the opportunity to instigate, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Then let them go back to the ship, they can't stay on the pier anyway—" Johnston was sweating profusely, and the situation was beyond Johnston's control.

At this time, some workers had already broken through the cordon set up by the police.

The police did not shoot. Killing often does not solve the problem, not to mention that there may be their relatives at the scene.

The fat and thin duo who were still arrogant just now also felt the danger. The two reacted quickly and ran to the boat as soon as they realized that the situation was out of control.

Compared with the dangerous pier, the ship is undoubtedly safe.

And based on the performance of the two of them just now, once the workers break through the police cordon, they will undoubtedly be torn to pieces by the workers.

At this time, the dock was very chaotic, the African workers on the ship were disembarking, and the workers on the dock had to go back to the ship. The narrow gangway was crowded and accidents might happen at any time.

"Go away, go away, you pigs, let me go up first--" Fatty looked crazy, pushed away the workers in front of him and squeezed onto the gangway.

"Hurry up, Todd, or we're all going to die—" Bill screamed in horror, how arrogant he was just now, and how embarrassed he is now.

The workers on the gangway were at a loss, and the staff on the ship did not know what happened and were urging the workers to get off the ship.

The staff on the pier have realized that something is wrong and are driving the workers back to the ship.

All the factors were concentrated on the fragile gangway, and the gangway broke suddenly, and Bill and Todd fell into the water with a dozen African-American workers at the same time.

Todd's water skills are not good, or he can't swim at all. After falling into the water, he sank almost vertically, and disappeared after taking a few bubbles.

Bill is in good health and can still struggle a few times in the water.

It's a pity that at this time, Bill didn't forget to drag an African-American worker next to him, trying to step on the worker to climb ashore.

The African-American worker caught by Bill also couldn't swim and was struggling in the water.

Drowning people, except those who want to die, will hold on to whatever they hold on to.

So Bill was held tightly by the African-American worker who was struggling desperately.

"Let go, you bastard—" Bill just said half a sentence, and was carried by the workers and sank to the bottom of the water.

(End of this chapter)

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