Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1677 Ordinary Talents Are Heroes

Chapter 1677 Ordinary Talents Are Heroes

Britain's economic downturn in recent years is not only due to the economic crisis, but also an important reason is the impact of the world war.

Although Britain’s losses during the World War were not as serious as France’s, after all, a full 110 million people died, especially the aristocratic class known as the backbone of the UK. How many direct heirs of the nobility died, and almost a whole generation died.

After the Paris Peace Conference, smart people knew that the "Versailles Treaty" was just a 20-year armistice agreement, so capable people fled Britain one after another, some went to the United States, and more people went to southern Africa. vortex.

So in recent years, George V appeared in public, most of the time in military uniform, the purpose is to reshape the British martial spirit and enhance the confidence of the British.

The cruise ship docked slowly. George V and Queen Mary walked down the gangway side by side, followed by Prince Edward and Prince Albert. Both of them will become kings in the future. Prince Edward is the future Edward VIII. The Duke of Windsor, Prince Albert is George VI, and the future Queen Elizabeth is his eldest daughter.

Now Prince Edward is 32 years old, and Prince Albert is 31 years old. It is actually quite sad to be born in the royal family. Neither of them has their own lives, and they are veritable mascots.

Roque and Kitchener were greeted by the gangway, and other Dominion and Southern African officials lined up behind Roque and Kitchener.

George V took the initiative to shake hands with Kitchener. When it was Roque's turn, George V was very enthusiastic. While shaking hands with Roque, he also took the initiative to chat with Roque.

"Locke, long time no see. I want to ask you how to take care of yourself. God, you are already 45 years old, and you look like a 20-year-old boy." As far as the country is concerned, it is indeed a bit young.

"Your Majesty, you have always been our role model, and you don't need to ask anyone for advice—" Rock smiled, saying that George V is also in his 60s, and he is still in good health.

"Maybe, but Stanley should learn from you how to govern a country." George V blew himself up, showing his dissatisfaction with Stanley Baldwin.

This statement is very disrespectful to Stanley Baldwin, the British Prime Minister.

In fact, we can’t blame Stanley Baldwin. Britain has been going downhill over the years, and the domestic party and government and conflicts have become more and more serious. If Roque is the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Roque is helpless.

"Your Excellency the Prime Minister is already sitting very well, and it may not be better than your Excellency the Prime Minister if you change it to someone else." Rock still helped Stanley Baldwin to say something fair, and it would be better to replace Ramsay MacDonald. Unbearable.

George V looked up to the sky and sighed, looking over Roque's head at the distant sky, with a melancholy expression on his face.

Rock really wanted to remind George V: Your Majesty, now is not the time to be sad, with so many people watching——

Luckily there is also Kitchina.

"Your Majesty, please allow me to introduce to you—" Where Kitchener is present, there will never be silence.

It was not only cabinet members from southern Africa who came to the pier to greet George V, but also officials from the dominions who also participated in the Commonwealth Games. Australian Governor John Lawrence Bald and Prime Minister Stanley Bruce were all present. Baldr is the first Baron Stonehaven, a senior diplomat, served as the British Home Secretary, and was just appointed Governor of Australia last year.

Stanley Bruce was the first Australian to be named a hereditary nobleman. He graduated from Cambridge University, participated in the World War, was wounded while fighting in France, and won the Medal of Honor.

The governor of Canada, Julian Bean, was also present. William King did not come to southern Africa, but sent his deputy. Recently, William King was involved in lawsuits and had to resign as Prime Minister on his own initiative to replace William King as Prime Minister of Canada. Arthur Mean of the Conservative Party of Canada.

Arthur Milne's support in Canada was not as high as that of William King, especially for Quebecers.

In 1917, during the World War, Canada passed the "Military Service Act" and adopted the conscription system to recruit soldiers. At that time, the French Canadians living in Quebec and the ethnic minorities in Canada opposed the conscription. Mien called them "backward nations".

During this period, Arthur Mean also pushed Parliament to pass the "War Time Election Act", which deprived Germans and Austrians who joined Canada after 1902 of the right to vote.

Canada, like the United States and southern Africa, is also a country made up of immigrants. Through the above-mentioned incidents, Arthur Milne offended French, German, Austrian, and aboriginal Canadians in Canada at the same time.

Arthur Meen's troubles were not limited to this. As early as in college, Arthur Meen and William King had known each other, but the two had a bad relationship and had a serious disagreement.

After William King's resignation, Governor Julian Bean appointed Arthur Mean to form a cabinet. According to regulations, Arthur Mean should resign from Parliament.

However, Arthur Mean did not fully follow Julian Bean's instructions, and was accused by William King, who returned to Parliament after resigning as Prime Minister.

Arthur Mean then called for Parliament to be dissolved.

This request was rejected by parliament.

At this time in Canada, the largest party in parliament is still the Liberal Party led by William King.

Like Kitchener, Julian Bean also wore a British field marshal uniform, which made George V very happy. Looking at the old, middle-aged and young warriors around him, George V felt as if he had returned to the heyday of the British Empire.

"Old" refers to Kitchener and Julian Bean. Julian Bean was born in 1962 and is now in his 60s, three years older than King George V.

Rock is now an out-and-out backbone, and Patton and Angie are also in the team welcoming George V. These two are now lieutenant generals, and World War II will be their stage.

George V did not stay at the pier for too long. After the grand but brief welcoming ceremony, George V and Queen Mary boarded the car and headed to the railway station, ready to take the train to Pretoria.

Although the plane is a more advanced mode of transportation, Rock dared not take risks. It was better to take the train, because the train was safer than the plane.

George V really attached great importance to Rock. The two princes took other cars, but George V called Rock to the car.

In closed places, King George V was more casual, admiring the street view of Walvis Bay through the window, and was amazed.

The street scene of Walvis Bay is indeed very beautiful. Unlike Pretoria, which is full of bignonia trees, the unique tree species of Walvis Bay Harbor is called quiver tree. Although this tree is tall, it is actually a kind of aloe vera. The quiver is full of water, and the local aborigines often cut off the branches of the quiver tree, hollow out the spongy tissue, and use the branches to make a quiver, so it is called the quiver tree.

There is also a more precious plant in Walvis Bay called Millennium Orchid. This plant is a "living fossil" left over from ancient times. It is extremely precious and has become the state flower of Dias.

As the capital of the state of Dias, the greening of Walvis Bay is quite good. Although there is less rain in Walvis Bay, the cost of greening is relatively high, but Walvis Bay is rich. As the most important port in southern Africa on the Atlantic coast The port, Walvis Bay has enough funds to maintain the greening of the entire city.

"After Dias State joined Southern Africa, Southern Africa began to control the desert area in the south of Dias State. Now it has achieved initial results. The forest area is getting bigger and bigger, and the grasslands are gradually recovering. In a few years , Dias State may become an oasis in southern Africa." Rock is basically satisfied with the state government of Dias State. The African desert in southern Dias State is different from the Sahara in northern Africa. It is not a complete desert, but Desertification is more serious, but there is still salvation.

This is mainly due to the unrestrained grazing of the local people, who only ask for money and don't manage it, which eventually leads to more and more desertification of the soil, with the sand entering and people retreating, and good pastures turning into deserts in this way.

"The state of Dias seems to be just a mandated territory in southern Africa—" George V was very unfamiliar with southern Africa. He said that when the federal government of southern Africa was established, it was not so big, otherwise London would not have given up on southern Africa.

"Yes, but this does not affect the development of Dias State in Southern Africa." Rock doesn't care whether it is a mandated territory, and there is no reason to spit out the meat in his mouth. The Federal Government of Southern Africa believes that Dias State is already a southern An integral part of Africa, who dares to question the fact that the Southern African Defense Forces will teach them to be human with tanks and artillery.

"Southern Africa has indeed developed very well in recent years. How did you do it?" George V greedily looked out the window, unwilling to look away.

It is really--

How to put it, London is not as good as Walvis Bay in terms of street greening and urban construction.

What surprised George V was not only the greenery and urban architecture, but the wide streets and smooth roads of Walvis Bay also left a deep impression on George V.

Relatively speaking, the ancient buildings in London that have existed for hundreds of years do have historical heritage, but from another perspective, economic development has stagnated.

Many streets in London are still the kind of stone roads laid a hundred years ago. The municipal government is unable to renovate or even repair them. The streets are even more narrow and crooked, just like the winter sky in London. It makes people uncomfortable.

"Work hard—only work hard!" Rock didn't say that Southern Africa was rich in land and resources at this time, which would make George V even more uncomfortable.

"When the federal government of Southern Africa was established, it was almost poor and empty, without even a decent city. Now southern Africa is developing well. This is not due to a single person, but to all southern Africans." Rock is really not humble , relying on Rock alone's efforts, the current southern Africa is not even exhausted.

ps: Brothers, it’s the end of the month again——

(End of this chapter)

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