Chapter 169 I am a Patient (No.11 update, please subscribe)

When Arnold woke up, Arnold found himself lying on a hospital bed, and only Arnold's wife took care of him in the ward.

"Where's father?" Arnold felt that he should let his father know how he was treated in the Matilda gold mine.

"Father is visiting the mine." Arnold's wife is also from an aristocratic family. Of course, like the Matilda family, she is not a top aristocrat and is about to decline.

Of course, the current Matilda family is different from before.

The Matilda family in the past was indeed about to decline. This is the case with the nobility. Although the title can be hereditary, if there is no income comparable to the status, the family will start to weaken in a short time, because among the nobility, the same There is a chain of contempt, the top nobles look down on the lower nobles, the wealthy nobles look down on the remote nobles, the nobles whose families are on the rise, the nobles who are in decline, and so on.

The former Matilda family belonged to the bottom of the nobility, with remote fiefdoms and no extra income. If the situation didn't start to improve, it wouldn't be long before the Matilda family was no different from an ordinary family.

Except for that noble title.

Probably from Henry's appointment as inspector, the situation began to improve.

Henry prospered in his official career, and was soon promoted from inspector to superintendent, then deputy police chief, police chief, not only killed Joubert, but also bought a gold mine in Johannesburg.

It was this gold mine that prompted Henry's family to come to Johannesburg from London. Money and wealth are equally important to nobles.

That's why Arnold can't wait.

"Has that damned guy been here?" Arnold felt that Rock should be responsible for his injury.

Arnold's wife didn't understand who Arnold was talking about, and looked at Arnold with a questioning look.

Well, the tacit understanding between the couple is not very good.

"It's the damn police chief." Arnold didn't want to say Rock's name.

"How can you say that?" Arnold's wife couldn't understand why Arnold used such ugly words to refer to Rock.

For nobles, this is actually very rude behavior.

"Lena, were you bought by that damn guy too?" Arnold was very angry, and his chest started to hurt again.

In other words, the sun's hoof is much bigger than Arnold's fist——

"Don't be angry, you have already broken two sternum." Lina comforted softly.

Of course it is also a reminder.

"Damn, damn, really damn—" Arnold realized that the bandage on his chest was like wearing a breastplate.

Lena shook her head and sighed, Arnold was too impulsive this time.

Although Lena can also understand Arnold's desire for wealth, Lena does not agree with Arnold's approach.

In Lina's understanding, it is true that nobles also need to pursue wealth, but the way nobles obtain wealth should be elegant and noble, not eager to eat without food.

What Arnold showed was that he was too hungry. After all, Arnold had just arrived in Johannesburg and did not know enough about the situation in Johannesburg. Although the Matilda Gold Mine belonged to the Matilda family in name, in fact, the Matilda Gold Mine The mine is Henry's property, not Arnold's, which seems to be one thing, but in fact it is two different things.

As the eldest son of the Matilda family, Arnold can inherit the family business of the Matilda family in the future. As far as the situation of the Matilda family is concerned, although it can't be said to be rich, it can still guarantee food and clothing.

And Henry, as the third heir of the Matilda family, actually needs to come out to work just like Owen. After all, the Matilda family is not a top nobleman, and the family business does not have much output, and even Arnold is not qualified. Sitting and eating nothing, Henry has to fend for himself.

So Arnold can stay comfortably in London, waiting to inherit all the honor and wealth belonging to the Matilda family, but Henry has to leave the Cape, starting from joining the colonial army, and climbing up bit by bit.

Although it's a bit regrettable, as Arnold's wife, Lena still feels sorry for her husband: "It was Director Locke who sent you to the hospital, and Director Locke also invited the best doctor from the Transvaal from Pretoria. Doctor, Henry is also in Johannesburg now, and he and Chief Locke are inspecting the mine with his father."

"What did Henry say?" Arnold gritted his teeth, and would not forgive Rock just because Rock found him the best doctor in the Transvaal.

"What do you say?" Lina was puzzled.

"That damn bastard beat me like this, shouldn't he pay the price?" Arnold was furious. Although he couldn't move his body, his fists slammed the hospital bed.

"Director Locke didn't hit you. You beat Chief Locke's horse with a whip, and then Chief Locke's horse kicked you." Lina felt her face was burning. Lina felt embarrassed just stating this kind of thing, I really don't know where Arnold's confidence comes from, but he said it so grandly.

"He's lying—" In fact, Arnold felt embarrassed thinking about it, so Arnold firmly refused to admit it.

Yes, this is the logic of people like Arnold.

"Director Locke didn't lie, it was you who lied. Not only did you beat Chief Rock with a whip, you also planned to beat Owen with a whip. Owen left, but he didn't go far. He still cared about you." Lena felt a little Desperate, if there were no children—

Well, in fact, even if Lena and Arnold had no children, even if Lena was disappointed in this marriage, and even if Arnold was a bit more jerk, Lena couldn't do anything.

Marriage between nobles, in most cases, has little to do with feelings, but a marriage of interests between two families.

Therefore, many aristocratic couples, even if they are completely disappointed in their marriage, will not choose to divorce, but play their own way.

Therefore, there are a lot of junk things about the noble group.

That's why Phyllis ran away from marriage to Cape.

In fact, it is not impossible to do anything. If Arnold behaves too badly, Lena can actually return to London, out of sight and out of mind.

"Damn it, why are you all speaking for that damned guy? That damned guy is just a damned yellow man, he has no qualifications to stay in Johannesburg, let alone be Johannesburg police chief—" Arnold lost control of his emotions completely, he felt Even his wife betrayed him.

"Can you keep your voice down—there are guards sent by the damn guy you mentioned outside the door—" Lina felt that one head was as big as two.

"Guards? That damn guy sent us to watch us—" If the doctor came to check, Arnold would definitely have delusions of persecution right now.

"Then let the guards withdraw?" Lena felt her heart was dying.

"How is it possible!" Arnold denied it.

Those who deliberately find fault are the most difficult to serve. Sending guards is said to be surveillance, and not sending guards is not enough attention. Che Jilu talks casually, and he is justified no matter what.

"Then what do you say?" Lina didn't want to talk anymore.

"How do I know? I'm a patient!" The patient pushed away.

The logic of this kind of person is that I am sick and I am justified, I am poor and I am justified, I am old and I am justified, and my children are young, so I am still justified——

Yes, yes, yes, you have, you have, the earth is your home, all human beings are your ancestors, you should be used to do everything, you didn't become the captain of the ball because God gave you the wrong birth, so you You should go to God and let God reincarnate you——


Unreasonable people are accompanying the mayor of Johannesburg and the police chief of Pretoria to inspect the Matilda gold mine.

"——The gold mine is running well. Our profit in the first week was only 5000 pounds, and it doubled to 10000 pounds in the second week. This week, the profit of the gold mine should be stable at more than 10000 pounds. The festival has climbed, I think, this is because we have implemented a humane management of the miners—” Sam introduced with a lot of language art.

Talking is really a science. If Sam introduced humanized management just now, then maybe Philip and Henry would have doubts.

Now that Sam first talks about the profit, he will leave a preconceived impression on Philip and Henry. It is understandable that the profit is so good and the management expenses are more.

"What do you mean by humanized management?" Rock was in charge of cheering.

Humanized management was definitely an innovative concept in 1900. Colonization, oppression, plunder, and violence are the mainstream these days. Philip and Henry probably had never heard of the term "humanized management" before.

The problem is that Philip and Henry are leaders, and leaders are omnipotent prophets, so even if Philip and Henry are unfamiliar with "humanized management", they cannot give Philip and Henry a chance to ask this question, otherwise, they are not considerate enough lead.

"Humanized management is a management model that pays full attention to the elements of human nature in the entire process of enterprise management, and takes the full potential of people as its own responsibility—" Sam is worthy of being a high-achieving student at the University of St. Andrews. This term is explained by others, and he has a universal degree The mother is exactly the same.

"To put it simply, humanized management is to use good treatment to stimulate the enthusiasm of the miners. Compared with the Boers and Zulus employed by other gold mines, our gold mines employ Chinese workers, and their families are thousands of miles away. In addition, there is no family in Johannesburg, so work is their only task. In fact, after we improved the treatment of miners, the management costs did not increase much compared to other gold mines, because we reduced the security and supervisors. In other gold mines, even if they use a lot of security guards and supervisors, the workers' enthusiasm for labor is still not high, but in our gold mine, workers will work hard without the supervision of supervisors, because they work more, they will They will earn more, and they never ask for leave, and never miss work. We actually have clinics prepared, but under normal circumstances, our miners will not take leave to see a doctor. Even if they are not feeling well, they will choose to keep working ——” Sam talked about Huagong.

Sam had worked in the mines for a long time, but had never managed such fine workers.

 That's it for today, the fish head is already exhausted, and the brothers who shouted that they would watch the pirated version without the tenth update, plus the free chapter in the morning, there are a total of twelve updates today, are you satisfied——



(End of this chapter)

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