Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1696 I am very happy

Chapter 1696 Skin is very happy

The former Najd Sultanate had nothing but deserts in its territory. Both the Ottoman Empire and the British Empire had the opportunity to unify the Arabian Peninsula, but they had no interest.

Southern Africa took advantage of the opportunity and gradually controlled the coast of the Persian Gulf since Rock bought Port Elizabeth. Now the Persian Gulf has become the most important oil producing area in the world, and the importance of the Najd Sultanate has also increased accordingly.

This is really not a good thing for the Najd Sultanate.

Najd Sultanate is sparsely populated, with a territory of 225 million square kilometers, but the population is less than 200 million, with an average of less than one person per square kilometer. The population is sparsely populated. Only Australia in the world can compare with Najd Sultanate.

Australia has a small population, but it is rich in resources and has many grasslands, and its economic potential is good.

Before the Najd Sultanate discovered oil, the whole country relied on exporting labor to Port Elizabeth for a living. What oil brought to the Najd Sultanate was not wealth, but the danger of national extinction.

European and American countries have long coveted the oil in Port Elizabeth, but because of the strength of southern Africa in the Persian Gulf, they dare not act rashly.

Relatively speaking, the Najd Sultanate is weak, and the "several countries" mentioned by Dasali Wahid include the United Kingdom.

So after knowing that the Sultanate of Najd wanted to join the Southern African Union, George V insisted on observing the meeting.

This in itself is a threat to the Najd Sultanate.

The British Empire never felt sorry for the loss of Australia.

The British Empire never felt bad about losing Canada.

The loss of southern Africa, the British Empire did not feel distressed at the time, and it must be a bit distressed now.

The loss of Port Elizabeth was a heartache for the British Empire.

Now that oil is becoming more and more important, it is known as "industrial blood". The British Empire is rich in coal and iron ore, and oil has become the eternal pain of Britain.

There used to be an oil field with a reserve of 50 billion tons hidden in the corner of the Commonwealth. Unfortunately, the governor of Egypt did not know it. Selling this super oil field to Rock for [-] pounds has become the biggest joke of the British Empire in this century .

Of course, for Port Elizabeth at that time, [-] pounds must have been a good deal. After all, a fishing village with a population of less than [-] was not a British territory, but a colony in name only. There was no obstacle in selling it to Rock.

It can't even be a sale, it's just a transfer of British rights in Port Elizabeth. To actually get Port Elizabeth, Rock obtained official documents from the Ottoman Empire. Now that the Ottoman Empire has perished, Port Elizabeth has long since become Rock's private property. , sacrosanct!
For ordinary people, the sanctity of private property is a joke.

But for Rock, this sentence has a real effect. Whoever dares to violate this principle will be brutally attacked by the Southern African National Defense Forces.

When Dasali Wahid said that he hoped to be protected by southern Africa, George V's face was extremely ugly.

Although Southern Africa is part of the Commonwealth, after all, there are fundamental differences in core interests.

The agents of the British Military Intelligence took great pains to ascertain the exact information about the oil fields of the Najd Sultanate. If southern Africa makes a move, what should the British choose?

"During the World War, the Najd Sultanate also fought side by side with the Southern African Expeditionary Force. We are also brothers who share life and death. If someone dares to damage the interests of the Najd Sultanate, the Southern African Federal Government will never sit idly by. "Rock's words are Andasali Wahid's heart, and he also said it to George V.

"Locke, how big is the oil field in Najd Sultanate?" George V asked directly, and if he didn't speak, Najd Sultanate's joining the Southern African Union would become a fait accompli.

At that time, Britain will have no chance to intervene.

"It's not too big, about one billion tons——" Rock understated it. In the whole world, Rock is probably the only one who has such confidence when talking about a scale of one billion tons.

Compared with the 50 billion tons in Port Elizabeth, a billion tons is really not much.

The 50 billion tons of Port Elizabeth's reserves are only recently discovered, and this is certainly not the whole. You must know that when the oil field was first discovered in Port Elizabeth, the estimated reserves at that time were only [-] million tons. This is the case with oil. With the development of technology , the proven reserves will increase.

The key is that the oil fields in Port Elizabeth and Najd Sultanate are all light oil with less wax content, or self-flowing wells, that is, drilling a hole in the ground, so you don’t need to pump yourself up to take risks. How much does this kind of oil field cost? Needless to say, it is low. Romania’s oil will lose money when it is sold for a pound a barrel. The oil in Port Elizabeth plus shipping costs only 15 shillings when it is delivered to the UK mainland. After all costs are taken out, at least half of the profit will be left.


Take the lead and compete!

"One billion—how many oil reserves are there in Port Elizabeth?" King George V was about to move, saying that it would be a lie if he didn't envy him, his eyes were red.

"About 50 billion tons—" Rock told the truth, what can I do if I tell you clearly, I can't take it away!
Today's Southern Africa is no longer what it was 20 years ago.

"Locke, Southern Africa already has the Elizabeth Oilfield with a reserve of 50 billion tons. Can't the Najd Sultanate's oilfield not be developed through cooperation?" George V dared not go too far. Cooperative development is a good excuse, so take your time.

Rock chuckled, the oil field in the Nej Sultanate is not a billion-ton oil field, but the oil field not far from the capital, which is tens of billion-ton oil field just like the Elizabeth oil field.

Note that it is a ton, not a barrel. This is an oil field with a scale of tens of billions of tons. There are only two oil fields in the world. Compared with these two, Romania’s oil field is not even a younger brother.

To put it bluntly, as long as these two oil fields are controlled, southern Africa will own the whole world.

Oh, forgot to mention that Khuzestan in Mesopotamia and Persia is also under control in Southern Africa.

George V couldn't get a response from Rock, and his expression gradually froze.

"Your Majesty, it depends on the choice of the Najd Sultanate—" Rock threw the pot at Dasali Wahid.

George V immediately looked at Dassali Wahid with piercing eyes.

"My lord, we in the Sultanate of Najd only trust the Southern African Union—or rather, we only trust Southern Africa." Dasali Wahid was fearless, staring at me, capable of biting me.

This scene is a bit interesting.

Dassali Wahid must know Rock's attitude, and with the support of Southern Africa, Dassali Wahid is really not afraid of George V.

George V also knew the influence of southern Africa on the Najd Sultanate, but as the nominal monarch of southern Africa, George V still wanted to work hard.

Rock knows Britain's desire for oil fields, and also knows the nature of the Anglo-Saxons, but George V still has to face as the king of England, and he can't do such a thing. After all, the world today is not the world it was 100 years ago .

If it were 100 years ago, the British would not sit down and talk with you about what they liked, and talk about gunboat diplomacy if there was a disagreement. Think about how the Transvaal Republic and the Orange Federation disappeared. Less than 30 years.

"Lock, what do you say?" George V knew that the root of all problems lay with Rock.

"Your Majesty, of course we respect the choice of the Nejd Sultanate." Roque still has this attitude. Only trust in the world can live up to it.

The meeting broke up unhappy, and out of respect for George V, the Southern African Union did not immediately make a decision to accept the Najd Sultanate and the East Indies.

After the meeting, George V left without saying a word, and Roque returned to the office with President Robert of Madagascar.

Unlike Najd Sultanate and East India, Robert is more radical and wants to incorporate Madagascar into Southern Africa and become a part of Southern Africa.

Robert's idea has been around for a long time. Just after the end of the World War, Robert wanted to incorporate Madagascar into southern Africa, but failed because of France's obstruction.

After that, France tried to return to Madagascar, but was disgraced, and finally had to recognize Madagascar's independence again.

Now that Madagascar is incorporated into Southern Africa, it will definitely be opposed by France.

However, the strength of France is not the same as it was at the beginning, and there is actually not much resistance.

"It's not because of the infrastructure construction in southern Africa in the past two years. In recent years, the development of southern Africa has been getting better and better, the economy is booming, and the infrastructure construction is in full swing. Some members of Madagascar also hope to strengthen Madagascar's infrastructure, but the Madagascar government has no money to invest. So someone suggested that it is better to directly join Southern Africa—"Robert was also quite embarrassed, it was obvious that he was here for infrastructure construction.

The Federal Government of Southern Africa has announced a series of national projects. From now on, within the next five years, at least ten large reservoirs and hydropower stations will be built on the Orange River and the Zambezi River. After completion, the power crisis in Southern Africa will be greatly reduced. greatly relieved.

This decision shocked the Republic of Congo and the Kingdom of Congo. The Zambezi River and the Orange River are the fourth and fifth longest rivers in Africa respectively. The Congo River, the second longest in Africa, is in the two Congos. The waterfall was blocked and the whole journey was unnavigable.

Knowing that Southern Africa is going to start large-scale water conservancy construction, the Republic of Congo and the Kingdom of Congo hope that Southern Africa will also lend a helping hand to help the two Congos maximize the use of the Congo River.

Like the two Congos, Madagascar also has abundant water resources. Its rivers are long, turbulent, have many tributaries, and the main stream has a large amount of water. It has a good foundation for the development of water conservancy facilities. Therefore, Madagascar also hopes to catch the wave of southern Africa. .

As for whether it will lose its independence after joining Southern Africa——

It depends on the person. If it was a French colonization, Madagascar would desperately resist.

If Southern Africa—

Come on, sister is ready——

(End of this chapter)

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