Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1706 1 is not absurd at all

Chapter 1706 is not absurd at all

Without the protection of southern Africa, the Sultanate of Najd would become a colony of any country in the United Kingdom, the United States and France in minutes.

Regardless of the lack of effective checks and balances against southern Africa by the Anglo-American law, there are too many methods for the Najd Sultanate. Whether it is armed aggression or economic penetration, the Najd Sultanate cannot resist.

This is why the Sultanate of Najd wants to join the Southern African Union.

Looking at the Austro-Hungarian Empire, then the Ottoman Empire, and the overthrown Qajar Dynasty, the Najd Sultanate had no other choice.

"The locals are discussing this issue, so be patient—" Arthur couldn't say anything on this issue, and Rock's attitude towards the oilfields of the Najd Sultanate was very cautious.

There is one thing to say, in the current world, the demand for oil is not so strong. If Rock increases its development efforts, the output of the Elizabeth Oilfield alone can meet the world's demand for oil.

This is where the problem arises. Commodity exchange must follow the principle of equivalent exchange. If the supply exceeds demand, the price will rise, and if the supply exceeds demand, the price will fall. Adan Company has made a lot of money by virtue of its monopoly on the Elizabeth Oilfield. Anglo-American and French oil companies have red eyes. Yes, if the British, American and French oil companies obtain the right to exploit the Najd Sultanate's oilfields, the balance between oil supply and demand will be broken in an instant, and Adan will suffer the most.

The reason why Kareem Abdul-Jabbar showed such urgency has a lot to do with Rock's attitude.

Emotionally speaking, Najd Sultanate is willing to hand over the oil field to Adan Company for operation.

However, in terms of interests, it is more in line with the interests of the Najd Sultanate to hand over the oil exploration rights to the Anglo-American and French oil companies.

After all, if the oil field is handed over to Adan Company for development, then Adan Company will probably control oil production in order to maintain profits. In this way, the interests of the Najd Sultanate cannot be guaranteed.

"King Arthur, we hope that the federal government will fully consider the interests of the Najd Sultanate when discussing this issue." Kareem Abdul-Jabbar pleaded bitterly. The economic foundation of the Najd Sultanate is weak, and the main source of income is the export of labor to Port Elizabeth. The Sultanate is eager to change this situation, and the oil field is a major opportunity.

"Don't worry about this. Southern Africa will never ignore the interests of its allies—" Arthur calmed down, and Rock did have an idea and had already put it into action.

Just when the Najd Sultanate was uneasy about the ownership of the oil field, several of the world's largest oil companies gathered in the city of Nya Saranlo and were having heated discussions on the development of the oil field.

These companies are Standard Oil of New Jersey, Standard Oil of New York, Standard Oil of California, Texas Corporation, and Gulf Oil from the United States; Anglo American, Royal Shell, and Persian Petroleum from the United Kingdom; and Adan from southern Africa. company.

The three Standard Oils emerged after Rockefeller was forced to split in 1911. The Texas Company was the future Texaco. Gulf Oil was also born in Texas. Royal Shell was born in the East India. Persian Oil and Anglo-American Petroleum is a cutting-edge oil company established in recent years.

It seems that there is only Adan Company in southern Africa, but in terms of strength, Adan Company, which owns the Elizabeth Oilfield and the East India Oilfield, is not inferior to any of the above-mentioned companies, and whether it is in terms of output or profit, Adan Company has completely exploded The total amount of oil fields controlled by all the above-mentioned enterprises is approximately equal to the sum of the above-mentioned enterprises.

The oil companies gathered in Los Angeles mainly for the exploitation rights of the Najd Sultanate's oil fields.

"Petroleum is a resource that God bestows on all human beings. It should be shared by all of us and cannot be handed over to a certain company for development alone." John Davidson Rockefeller Jr. was the initiator of this meeting.

John Davidson Rockefeller Jr. is the only son of the oil magnate Rockefeller, he inherited most of the property of the old John, the current head of the Rockefeller family.

"Oh, you sound good, can Rockefeller take out the oil fields under his control and hand them over to all of us for development?" Rock's youngest son Alvin, who just turned 20 years old this year, attended the meeting on behalf of Adan Company. I started to contact the family business before, and the performance is not bad.

Little John's identity is a bit special. Feng Ban, the general manager of Adan Company, is busy with work, so he simply asked Alvin to represent Adan Company to attend the meeting.

Let's not talk about Alvin's ability, at least Alvin has enough confidence.

Don't forget that Alvin is still the Baron of the North Sea of ​​the British Empire——

"Of course, if Adan Company is willing to give up part of the Elizabeth oil field—" Little John is cunning, they are also oil fields, and the cost of exploitation is much lower.

This is the advantage of Adan Company. The oil wells in the Elizabeth Oilfield are all self-flowing wells with good oil quality and high output. Oil wells controlled by Standard Oil can be regarded as high-yield if the annual output exceeds [-] tons. The oil wells in the Elizabeth Oilfield, The highest daily output can exceed [-] tons.

So Alvin hehe.

"Lord Beihai, Adan Company already owns the Elizabeth Oilfield and the East India Oilfield, so why can't they give up part of the Naidhi Oilfield for joint development? This is good for all of us—" Thompson, a senior manager of Royal Shell, has an ambiguous attitude, although As companies of the Commonwealth of Nations, they should advance and retreat together when fighting against American oil companies, but Royal Shell also has its own calculations when it comes to specific interests.

Even if it is also a Commonwealth enterprise, the money earned by Adan Company will not be distributed to Royal Shell.

Royal Shell started in East India. After the independence of East India, Royal Shell lost the right to exploit oil fields in East India and gradually declined.

Fortunately, in recent years, Royal Shell has discovered new oil fields in the Aden protection area, and it can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

The Aden protected area is the future Yemen. Although there is oil, there is a huge gap with the Elizabeth Oilfield in terms of production costs and oil reserves.

"Mr. Thompson, in order to protect the interests of all oil companies, Adan Company deliberately controls oil production. Don't you know this?" Alvin taunted mercilessly. If Adan Company drills a few more oil wells , Half of the businesses present will close in a few months.

"That's why we want to jointly develop the Nezhi Oilfield—" Little John is also afraid that Adan will increase its efforts. After a series of trade agreements signed between southern Africa and the United States, Adan can also enter the US market. A strong shock from Adam's company.

"Shall we jointly develop and then increase production? I don't need to tell you what will happen. If the price of oil drops to one shilling per barrel, Adan will still make a profit. What about you?" Alvin said recklessly. The group ridiculed that the current oil price is maintained at about [-] shillings per barrel, and Adan Company is very satisfied with this price.

"Elizabeth Oilfield's oil quality is good and the output is large. Of course you have the confidence to say that—" Gulf Oil Company General Manager Tom Nell couldn't help complaining.

"Can't Adan Company give us a way out?" William Darcy, general manager of Persian Petroleum Company, was extremely indignant at Adan Company's hegemony.

The rise of Adan Company, the most affected is the Persian Petroleum Company.

In 1901, William Knox Darcy, a British mining tycoon, obtained the exclusive right to develop natural gas and oil resources in the Persian Empire (except for the five northern provinces disputed with Russia) for 5 years.

In return, Darcy paid the then Qajar king £4 in cash and stock, plus 16% of future profits.

By 1909, the Anglo-Persian Petroleum Company was established and an oil refinery was established in Abadan, Khuzestan, which was the largest oil refinery in the world before World War I.

After the end of the world war, Khuzestan rebelled, and the Abadan oil refinery was forced to close. Khuzestan was also ceded to Port Elizabeth in a secret agreement between the Adan Company and Lisa Khan. When the rebellion ended, the Persian Oil Company At the time of the attempt to return to Khuzestan, the Abadan refinery had become the property of the Adan company.

After losing the oil fields in Khuzestan, the Persian Petroleum Company could only rely on other sporadic oil fields in the Persian Empire to survive. That's why William Serena was so indignant at the behavior of Adan Company.

"Persian Petroleum Company can't keep its own oil fields, so what does it have to do with our Adam Company?" Alvin pushed back directly.

"This is a disgraceful robbery!" Little William bristled.

"Hahahaha, little William, don't forget that you are British, why do you have the face to say that?" Alvin laughed loudly, and then walked away.

Although he didn't lose on the scene, as the majestic Baron of Beihai, being besieged like this still made Alvin very upset.

So when the meeting was reconvened the next day, Southern Africa sent five companies in one go.

In addition to Adan, the other four companies are Nyasaran Petroleum Corporation, Elizabeth Petroleum Corporation, Borneo Petroleum Corporation, and Najd Petroleum Corporation.

It should be emphasized that the representatives of the four companies attending the meeting were four well-known Nyasaland lawyers. Needless to say, these four people came to quarrel with Little John and Little William.

"It's ridiculous. Where did so many oil companies come from in Southern Africa?" Little John was angry. Southern Africa didn't force Adan Company to split up its business. It's ridiculous that so many oil companies popped up overnight.

"Hahahaha, it's not absurd at all, there are just so many!" Alvin has a helper, and he can be as arrogant as he wants.

You can tell from the names that the four oil companies must have their own priorities.

Borneo is Kalimantan in East India. Elizabeth Petroleum must have come from Port Elizabeth. Najd Petroleum Company can tell from the name that it must have just been established to develop the Najd Sultanate Oilfield.

As for Nyasaran Petroleum, there are as many such companies as there are.

"Gentlemen, our Nyasaland Petroleum Company has 4 oil wells with a daily production of more than [-] tons in the Elizabeth Oilfield, so we should be eligible to participate in this meeting—" The representative of Nyasaland Petroleum Company was a famous lawyer in southern Africa. Cheng Yuan, lawyers are too good at playing these word games.

(End of this chapter)

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