Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1714 Product Recommendation Meeting

Chapter 1714 Product Recommendation Meeting

Haig really didn't do it on purpose. He is 67 years old and has been a soldier all his life. It is normal for him to have some physical problems.

On National Day, there are many celebrations in southern Africa, and there is even a military parade in Pretoria. If Haig had not been hospitalized due to illness, this should be the first time Haig appeared in public as the governor of Southern Africa. Haig Don't want to miss this opportunity.

Rock went to the hospital to visit Haig for the first time. The doctor was surprised by Haig's condition and thought that Haig's disease might be caused by some accidental factor, which might be related to long-term exposure to radioactive elements.

"This is His Excellency Governor's watch. Its hands can glow at night. This is a watch produced by a company in the United States. It was very popular after the World War, but as far as I know, in our southern Africa, this kind of watch is prohibited for sale. Yes, because these luminous pointers contain a large amount of radioactive elements, which can cause certain diseases in the human body." Colin Bellamy had a solemn expression, and was not very optimistic about Haig's condition.

The moment Rock saw the watch, he knew why Haig was sick.

The radioactive element Colin Bellamy mentioned was the radium discovered by Marie Curie.

A long time ago, Rock found a large number of daily necessities containing radium in Ada's bathroom, including mouthwash, cosmetics, and even underwear containing metal radium.

The reason why the metal radium is used to make underwear is because radium emits light at night, which is said to trigger mysterious chemical reactions.

Don't get me wrong, it just contains radium element, not made of radium, metal radium is very expensive, 60 US dollars per gram.

After Rock discovered that Ada used radium products, he threw all the radium products into the trash can and warned Ada of the dangers of radium products. After the establishment of the Southern African Federal Government, radium was also recognized as a dangerous product. Commodities, production and sales in southern Africa are prohibited.

"Besides this watch, what other products does Lord Haig use that contains radium?" Rock cursed inwardly. He deserved it. Heige obviously had a better choice, but he insisted on choosing this kind of watch.

In terms of wristwatches, there are many well-known brands under the Southern Africa Itno to choose from, whether it is luxurious, high-performance, or durable, there are all kinds of grades.

Haig, as a Briton, did not choose products from the Commonwealth of Nations, but instead chose an American watch that uses radium.

"I asked the Governor's personal doctor. Your Excellency the Governor's body has been deteriorating since the World War. You often feel tired and lack of energy. Therefore, Your Excellency the Governor has the habit of taking tonic water—of course, it is also tonic water containing radium. ——” Colin Bellamy is also helpless. The harm of radium element is still in a huge controversy. Many people firmly believe that radium element can fight cancer, treat arthritis and sheep tail, and even beautify and remove wrinkles. The radiation rays of the radium element are called "angel rays" in the propaganda of some unscrupulous merchants.

"How did these things get into southern Africa? Didn't the Customs and Quarantine Bureau find out?" Rock was angry, not because of what happened to Haig, but because of the negligence of the Customs and Quarantine Bureau.

Colin Bellamy looked helpless.

It was only after Rock blurted out that he realized that this was not due to the Customs and Quarantine Bureau's negligence. Haig came to Southern Africa as the governor of Southern Africa. The Customs and Quarantine Bureau was afraid that he would not dare to check Haig's belongings——

Still dereliction of duty!

"Organize the best equipment and doctors, and ensure the safety of His Excellency the Governor—" Rock didn't want Haig to die in southern Africa.

"My lord, His Excellency the governor's condition is very serious, we will try our best, but—" Colin Bellamy was in a dilemma, life and death are life and death, no one can guarantee such things.

"Just try your best—" Rock immediately changed his words, he was really dead, and that was also the responsibility of American products, which happened to be a good time to spread the word.

What Rock didn't know was that the company that produced radium watches in the United States was facing a class action lawsuit by five girls. The five girls were all employees of the company. Health has been seriously affected, and some people have died of it.

In this way, Haig has made a huge contribution to southern African products. After all, in many fields, southern African products compete extensively with American products.

Leaving the hospital, Roque went directly to the Palace of Justice. This year's National Day is the first National Day in southern Africa after Roque became prime minister. There are still many celebrations. The military parade is held on the square in front of the Palace of Justice and the Governor's Palace. .

When Rock returned to the Palace of Justice, the Palace of Justice was very lively. The National Day was a great event, and all the ambassadors from various countries stationed in Pretoria came to the Palace of Justice early to congratulate.

The members of the Southern African Union are more active, and all the heads of state come.

The same goes for the members of the Commonwealth of Nations, all but George V, and Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin in southern Africa.

This is the first time that a serving British Prime Minister has come to Southern Africa since the establishment of the Southern African Federal Government.

As the governor of Southern Africa, Haig's condition still attracts a lot of attention.

"The situation of Marshal Haig is not good. Many of his personal belongings contain radioactive elements, which has seriously affected the health of Marshal Haig. The doctor is treating Marshal Haig. If there is any latest progress, we will immediately Announcement——" Rock's expression is serious, if something unbearable happens, Southern Africa will definitely hold some unscrupulous companies accountable.

Just after Roque finished speaking, several officials at the scene were a little pale.

Needless to say, among their personal items, there should also be industrial products containing radium.

"It's such a pity. When I visited Marshal Haig yesterday, the Marshal was in good spirits—" Stanley Baldwin never expected that Haig would be so useless.

It is useless, not useless.

"There are unpredictable things in the sky, and people have misfortunes and blessings—" Luo Ke spoke Chinese directly. This sentence is too troublesome, and Luo Ke does not have Zhang Jing's translation level.

On the other side of the hall, Kitchener, Ade, and Philip were also discussing Haig's condition.

Haig's illness was so sudden that the three of them had not had time to visit Haig, and the information was a bit fragmented.

"It's really not the right time for this old guy to be ill. If he dies, will someone think he was murdered by us in southern Africa?" Kitchener is unscrupulous. He doesn't like Haig, and even hates Haig a little, otherwise he wouldn't He advocated that Roque should replace Haig.

In fact, strictly speaking, Kitchener is not the kind of official who loves soldiers like a son, and in some respects he is even more extreme than Haig. The Boers in southern Africa should have a deep understanding of all this.

But in terms of reputation alone, Kitchener is much better than Haig.

In people's mouth, Haig is a butcher, a fool, and a stubborn old stubborn.

Kitchener's nickname is the leader, the king of kings. When mentioning Kitchener, people first think of toughness and loyalty, and everything is based on the interests of the British Empire.

"Shut up, if it's murder, you're the most suspect!" Philip doesn't like conspiracy theories, how can there be so many conspiracies, it's obvious that everything is predestined.

"Can you stop arguing as soon as you meet, you are both over 70 years old, don't be as naive as a child." Ade intervened to mediate, but it was more like provocation.

Sidney Milner, who was serving tea next to him, turned a deaf ear to it. He was used to this kind of thing. These three people had a detached status in southern Africa, whatever they said.

"Okay, gentlemen, it's time for us to go out and receive people's cheers—" Rock came over to remind that the square is now full of people, and the troops for review are also ready. About 10 people gathered in the square, About 1 troops were inspected.

In addition to troops, conventional weapons such as armored vehicles, tanks, airplanes, and artillery will be inspected. It should be noted that all the tank troops inspected are medium-sized tanks that were installed not long ago, and the airplanes are also the latest fighters. The helicopter unit will also appear in front of the public for the first time. In short, this is another comprehensive display of the strength of southern Africa after the Commonwealth Games.

At 09:30, Roque and Stanley Baldwin appeared together on the balcony of the Palace of Justice, and the applause and cheers of 10 people really made it easy to get carried away.

Stanley Baldwin sat on the left of Rock, and Ali Rashid sat on the right. This was also the first time Ali Rashid came to southern Africa.

"Najd Petroleum Company will start the development of Najd Oilfield next year, you don't have to worry—" Roque gave Ali Rashid a reassurance. Royal Shell's acceptance of Persian Oil's business in Persia was equally difficult.

"Thank you, Lord, Najd is an eternal friend of Southern Africa. We will always remember the help Southern Africa has given us—" Ali Rashid was grateful on the surface. As for what he thought in his heart, only Ali Rashid I just found out.

Rock doesn't care what Ali Rashid thinks, as long as he is sensible, and Rock doesn't mind that the Najd Sultanate shares the interests of the Najd Oilfield. Anyway, the money paid to the Najd Sultanate is transferred to the account of the Najd royal family. And finally back to Southern Africa.

This is also helpless. The economy of the Najd Sultanate is single, the industry is backward, and even national defense must be maintained by relying on southern Africa. Most of the various luxury goods purchased by the royal family of Najd are produced in southern Africa. The Najd Sultanate simply cannot exist alone.

Stanley Baldwin did not take part in the conversation between Rock and Ali Rashid, but went through the military parade manual provided by the Federal Government of Southern Africa for all guests.

The manual includes not only an introduction to the military parade procedure, but also a detailed introduction to related weapons, including naval warships that will not appear in the military parade, and detailed introductions are also included in the military parade manual.

So this is not a military parade, this is a product recommendation meeting.

(End of this chapter)

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