Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1720 Washington enters the field

Chapter 1720 Washington enters the field

As early as the end of the last century, in order to enrich the population of the Cape Colony, the Cape colonial government had introduced a large number of Indians. Before the outbreak of the Second Boer War, a large number of Indians lived in the Cape, Basutoland, and Swaziland.

During the Second Boer War, even the Zulus in the Cape Colony participated in the war, but the Indians stayed out, and very few Indians joined the army.

This also led to the fact that after the end of the Second Boer War, a large number of Indians and Boers were rejected by the colonial government and left southern Africa one after another.

Now in southern Africa, the total population of Indians does not exceed 2, and they are completely marginalized.

Although Christian Company is in the name of "construction", it is actually a human resources company with strong armed capabilities, second only to the umbrella company. There are more than 100 Indian workers in the area, and they have no legal status in southern Africa with a strict organizational structure. Even with foreign aid, it is difficult to move an inch.

Unless they hide in the deep mountains and old forests and don't come out as savages.

When Xie Jin learned the news, Harrison, the senior security director of Christian Construction Company, had already rushed to Priska to personally direct the arrest of evading workers.

Harrison is a German descendant from Nyasaland. He graduated from the Nyasaland Army Academy. He retired due to injuries during the World War. After that, he came to Christian Construction Company and worked in Katanga, where the Upper Katanga United Mining Co., Ltd. is located for a long time. work in california.

"Pliska is sparsely populated and the traffic is inconvenient. We have blocked the surrounding roads and rivers. Even if those Indians have foreign aid, they cannot escape our blockade." Harrison's assistant is Ali from the Kingdom of Congo. Ali had worked in the slave hunting team for a long time before, and had a famous nickname called "Bloody Ali". His working style can be seen from this nickname.

Ali is white from Katanga.

"Why did this happen?" Harrison pursued responsibility, and the members of Christian Construction Company were complicated, and this kind of thing was absolutely not allowed to happen.

"Sir, I have less than 20 people under my command, but I have to manage more than 2000 workers. In order to ensure the progress, the workers work in three shifts day and night. Those damn Indians are on the night shift. They rioted collectively in the early morning, and the security guards on duty shot and killed them." A few people, the situation was very chaotic at that time—” Ali was ashamed, and he could hardly absolve himself of the responsibility for this kind of thing.

In fact, Ali can't be blamed. In order to save costs, Christian Construction Company also wants to reduce expenses as much as possible. Security personnel do not participate in labor, and naturally the fewer the number, the better.

Harrison also knows this situation. It is really difficult for 20 people to manage 2000 people, especially in this kind of wilderness. The construction workers have been engaged in manual labor for a long time and their physical fitness is good. Once an accident occurs, it is indeed difficult to control the situation.

Of course, understanding belongs to understanding, and someone must take responsibility if something goes wrong.

"Where's the team leader on duty?" Harrison didn't miss any of them.

Still in order to save management costs, Christian Construction Company selects team leaders from among the workers to assist the security personnel in managing the workers. It should be noted here that the team leaders who manage Indian workers are all Africans, and the team leaders who manage African workers are Africans. Indian.

The effect is still pretty good.

For those disobedient workers, the team leader is much more ruthless than the security personnel.

"Three of the four squad leaders died on the spot, and the other was seriously injured and is still unconscious—" Ali felt sorry for him. At that time, even well-trained mercenaries could not guarantee their safety.

Harrison no longer struggled with this issue, and turned to give orders to the two accompanying captains.

"Shoot all out and find them as quickly as possible. If anyone dares to resist, kill them on the spot and drag the body back—" Harrison started fiercely, which is also to kill chickens and monkeys.

"Yes, sir—" The two captains were both senior mercenaries, and they were no strangers to this kind of order.

Looking back, Harrison still has to make a report, hoping to increase the number of security personnel and try to avoid similar incidents from happening.

It is impossible to eradicate it. Where there is oppression, there will be resistance.

As for the construction period, it must be guaranteed. The federal government does not care about the process. As long as the result is the result, if the task cannot be completed on time, everyone will be unlucky.

Rock didn't care about these things, he didn't know about it, and Christian Construction Company didn't report it at all. Anyway, they didn't report it, and they didn't get a pension, so maybe there would be trouble.

Rock this time concerned about the US stock market.

The consequences of Standard Oil's price cuts continue to simmer.

Capital is extremely sensitive to the market. Standard Oil's price cut was reflected in the stock market as the stock prices of other oil companies fell sharply.

Before the end of last year, due to the favorable impact of the discovery of super oil fields in the Gulf of Mexico, the stocks of all oil companies rose slightly.

After the price cut of Standard Oil, the stock market fell sharply. The stock of Gulf Oil fell sharply by 20.00%, and the stock of Texas Corporation fell by 40.00%. People care about it.

In 1927, the role of oil in industry became more and more significant, and the United States was a country on wheels. In the past 1926, the sales volume of automobiles in the United States exceeded 400 million, ranking first in the world and more than that in southern Africa.

The automobile industry in the United States is indeed very prosperous. In 1916, the number of automobiles sold in the United States reached 100 million, 1920 million in 200, and 1923 million in 300. By 1926, the number of automobiles in the United States had exceeded 2000 million.

In 1926, the total population of the United States had just reached 1000 million.

The reason why the car sales in the United States reached 400 million last year has a lot to do with the crazy and vicious competition of American car companies.

In order to stimulate the sales of automobiles, American automakers, including Ford, have adopted various methods such as promotional discounts and installment payments to stimulate sales. There are certain hidden dangers in their lives.

The disadvantages of advanced consumption or overdraft consumption have initially appeared in the United States, reflected in the stock market. In the past few years, the stocks of American auto companies have grown all the way, reaching unprecedented heights. Only a few people are aware of the crisis hidden in the false prosperity of the market .

Since the second half of last year, Ford Motor's stock has been falling all the way since Ford Motor was forced to shut down some production lines due to underemployment.

After the new year, the stocks of oil companies plummeted, which finally fully affected the auto companies. The stock prices of all auto companies, including Washington Motors, were falling. Reporters publicly declared in newspapers that the U.S. auto market had become saturated. Even if companies produce cheaper cars, it is impossible for the U.S. auto market to reach annual sales of 400 million vehicles in the next few years.

This argument exacerbated the panic in people's hearts, and some people began to sell auto stocks in the market.

On February [-]st, John Jr. and Mellon Jr.'s lobbying began to show their power, and the US government decided to conduct a monopoly investigation on Adan Company to determine whether Adan Company had dumping behavior in the US market.

This decision immediately aroused strong opposition from the federal government of Southern Africa. Howard, the Southern African ambassador to the United States, immediately met with the US Secretary of State Frank Kellogg.

Frank Kellogg has been in a good mood recently. He just won the Nobel Peace Prize last year because of the "Amphibious War Pact".

Rock is very embarrassed. The "African War Pact" was obviously initiated by southern Africa, but it was the Americans who won the Nobel Peace Prize. This made Yang Smozi feel very embarrassed.

"The monopoly investigation is not aimed at Adan Company. The U.S. government has always opposed any interference with free trade, but the business conduct of all enterprises must be carried out within the scope of the rules. It is stronger than Rockefeller, and it is also forced to split because of monopoly. Therefore, the U.S. government The investigation of Adan Company is also normal." Frank Kellogg firmly denied any hostile behavior of the U.S. government against Adan Company.

It does seem to make sense, the U.S. government will not let go of Rockefeller, not to mention Adan Company.

"Come on, Frank, Rockefeller was split into 34 companies. These 34 companies are still owned by Rockefeller. The trust just continues to exist in another way. What is the difference from not being split?" Howard did not accept this explanation. The U.S. government's spin-off of Rockefeller is completely different from the investigation of Adam Corporation: "Even if there is an investigation, it is not certain that Adam Corporation has any monopolistic behavior, so why is it issuing a ban against Adam Corporation?"

Before announcing the investigation of Adan, the U.S. government issued a sales ban on Adan at the same time.

This means that before the results of the investigation, Adan cannot sell crude oil or any petroleum-related products in the US market.

"If Adan passes the investigation of the U.S. government and proves that there is nothing wrong with itself, then the sales ban will naturally be lifted—" Frank Kellogg certainly could not say that the sales ban on Adan was to protect American oil companies.

"So that means, if the US government's investigation continues for several years, the sales ban on Adan will remain in effect!" Howard directly exposed the hypocrisy of the US government.

Frank Kellogg was silent, acquiescing to the fact.

"Very good. If you insist on doing this, American companies will also be prepared to face counterattacks from the Southern African Federal Government. Are you ready for this?" Howard said bluntly. The government can also investigate U.S. companies.

"Your Excellency, the U.S. government's investigation of Adan Company is just a normal business practice. Please take a calm look at this fact and don't expand the contradiction—" Frank Kellogg looked serious, as if it was a matter of course.

"Fuck your normal business practices. The U.S. government has already started investigating companies in Southern Africa. Why isn't the Federal Government of Southern Africa allowed to fight back? You have to understand that the Federal Government of Southern Africa is not a fucking Mexico!" Howard yelled, you The beautiful country is not the world's policeman yet.

Mexico is a bit shit, I'm messing with whoever.

(End of this chapter)

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