Chapter 1727 Luncheon Meat

Workers Party headquarters in Munich, Germany.

Anne is very careful today. The economic crisis that broke out in the United States has begun to affect Germany. A promised aid has not arrived on schedule. This makes the leader of the Workers' Party, Mustache, very angry. Just yesterday, Mustache lost his temper in the office , not only dropped the cup, but also yelled at his secretary, so in the past two days, the staff at the headquarters of the Workers' Party have been cautious, trying their best to avoid work mistakes, lest they incur the wrath of Mustache.

In all fairness, Anne is a loyal fan of Mustache. When Mustache was released from prison, the scene where everyone shed tears was well known through the faithful records of German newspapers.

Since then, Anne has been attracted by Mustache's personal charm, so she joins the Workers' Party and becomes a follower of Mustache.

"Americans are too hateful, they made their own mistakes, why should we pay for them-" Anne's colleague Josephine is also a follower of Mustache, and Josephine's husband also works at the headquarters of the Workers' Party. He is the entourage of Hermann Göring, the Propaganda Minister of the Workers' Party, and is better informed than the average person.

"Josephine, it's not what you think. The Americans don't want to see the economic crisis—" Anne couldn't help but defend the Americans. Although the United States and Germany were enemies during the World War, Anne didn't hate the Americans.

Compared with the United States, Anne hates the French and the British more. After all, the United States maintained a good relationship with Germany before the war, and after the war, it also helped Germany within its capacity, just like southern Africa.

The source of Germany's misery was France and England, which Anne loved and hated.

When it comes to southern Africa, Anne has more mixed feelings.

There is no doubt that southern Africa was one of the main factors for Germany's defeat, but it is strange that many Germans do not hate southern Africa, but have an inexplicable affection for southern Africa. This probably stems from the fact that southern Africa was not There was no harm imposed on the Germans other than the war. After the end of the war, southern Africa even gave Germany greater assistance than the United States, which made many Germans really hate it.

Ludendorff once said after the war: The Southern African Expeditionary Force is the most vicious and civilized enemy.

"In any case, the Americans should not stop sending us aid, which is to atone for their crimes committed during the world wars. Fortunately, we still have southern Africa. A ship will arrive in Bremen today, full of Luncheon meat from southern Africa, we should report this good news in time—" Josephine was beaming, canned food from southern Africa is very popular in Germany, especially luncheon meat, if there is such a box of luncheon meat on the table of ordinary families, It will make family members happy all day.

Yes, the happiness of ordinary people is that simple.

The reason why the support rate of the Workers Party has increased so quickly has a lot to do with the support from southern Africa. After Goering visited southern Africa, he received loans from southern Africa. A powerful weapon for the German Workers Party to gain support.

Of course, it is a pity for the top leaders of the Workers' Party that the support rate for the Workers' Party in southern Africa is far lower than that for Krupp. With the loans obtained from southern Africa, Krupp is struggling to promote the reconstruction of Germany's industrial base. Bavaria, where Munich is located States also benefit from it.

The good news is that the relationship between Krupp and the Workers' Party is excellent. Krupp needs the Workers' Party to increase the support of the Junkers at the bottom of society; the Workers' Party also needs Krupp to get rid of the Weimar government's influence on the Workers' Party limit.

After the mustache was released from prison, he expressed his loyalty to President Hindenburg in person, and then he was qualified for limited social activities. Up to now, the mustache is still unable to speak in public.

"Unless southern Africa doesn't want money, that's good news." Annie is also very helpless. The luncheon meat in southern Africa actually doesn't taste good. There are too many starches and fats, and the taste is not good. If you eat too much, you will get greasy and so on.

But at the moment in 1927, this is actually not a shortcoming. Although there is a little more starch, it is cheaper, and fat can provide more fat for Germans who lack nutrition. In any case, for the children in Germany who are starving for food , Luncheon meat is much better than kale and potatoes.

in any way.

"Southern Africans are not stupid, let alone philanthropists. I hope the economic crisis will be more serious, so that we can buy materials from southern Africa at a cheaper price." In other words, the prices of all commodities have dropped to a certain extent compared with before the outbreak of the economic crisis.

This is a quotation from Southern Africa.

Quotations from the United States are just the opposite. Instead of falling, prices have risen sharply.

This is actually not difficult to understand. For capitalists, they don't care about the impact of the economic crisis on the country and society. Profit is the only factor they should pay attention to.

In other words, even if the world collapses, the capitalist’s profit must be guaranteed. If the order decreases, the price will rise, and the supply of goods will decrease, so some workers can be fired. As for those unemployed workers——

Who cares.

This is just like war, why are those war madmen so keen on waging war?

Because the area they are in is far from the front line, even if a war breaks out, those who fight for the country are often ordinary people, and they often have little influence on the decision makers who start the war.

This can also explain why after the invention of nuclear weapons, the probability of war between nuclear powers is greatly reduced.

Everyone is equal before a nuclear bomb. If a missile goes down and half of the city is wiped out, the safety of the initiator of the war will be greatly threatened, so——

Anne did not comment on Josephine's high opinion.

At this time, the working hours in the morning were over, and Anne packed up her things and went home to cook for her two children.

In Germany in 1927, the unemployment rate was still astonishingly high, inflation was serious, and trillion-mark banknotes had already become a reality. You may not believe it, but the currency with the strongest currency value on the German black market is the rand.

The legal currency in Germany is still the mark, but the mark depreciates too fast. Maybe one trillion marks can buy one kilogram of bread when you go out in the morning, but one trillion marks can only buy 700 grams when you get off work in the evening.

Relatively speaking, foreign currencies headed by the rand have a very strong currency value. On the black market in Germany, one rand can now be exchanged for 150 trillion marks.

150 trillion, this unit sounds magical!

Annie has a rand on her body, which is half a month's food expenses for Annie's family.

When passing the corner of the street, Annie wrapped her body in a half-new khaki windbreaker and walked quickly, without looking at the workers with shovels in their hands.

The workers, shovel in hand, are temporary workers who usually gather on the sidewalks to wait for job opportunities.

If an employer appears, a large group of workers will rush over, surround the employer, introduce themselves as enthusiastically as possible, and hope that they can get a job.

These jobs are usually temporary workers. One morning or one afternoon, the salary is a few breads or some vegetables. Although the value is not high, it is always better than nothing. Many German families rely on such temporary jobs to make ends meet. maintain.

The khaki windbreaker Annie wears comes from southern Africa. It is made of wool and has a military uniform style. After wearing it, it is energetic, durable and warm. This style of clothing has been very popular in Germany in recent years. Only when you work at the party headquarters can you have the opportunity to buy it at a relatively low price.

There are not many products on the shelves in the store. Most of the products are clearly marked on the labels as being produced in southern Africa. Although luncheon meat is expensive, Annie gritted her teeth and bought a box. In the current economic crisis, the price of goods changes every day. Anne isn't sure whether lunch meat prices will be unattainable tomorrow.

"Madam, a total of 35 trillion—" the shopkeeper's words are easy to catch. A box of luncheon meat, some vegetables, and a kilogram of bread are 35 trillion. It feels like you can buy the whole world.

"How could it be so expensive—" Annie calculated, feeling rather pained, 35 trillion, which is the living expenses of Annie's family for more than two days.

The shopkeeper smiled helplessly, embarrassment mixed with bitterness, the price is indeed one price per day, and the shopkeeper can't help it.

"Can I pay in rand?" Annie gritted her teeth and decided to pay.

"It would be great if it was rand. I can give you a discount. I'm really sorry, the purchase price has been rising, and I don't want to—" the shopkeeper muttered, and the quoted price surprised Annie. Feel.

Walking out of the store, Anne only felt sad when she saw the pale sun in the sky.

When she got home, Anne was pleasantly surprised to find that her husband, who was serving in the National Defense Forces, was playing games with the two children.

"Why are you back? Are you on vacation today?" Annie was very happy, she greeted her with a smile, and gave her husband a warm hug and a sweet kiss.

After the signing of the "Contract of Versailles", Germany was only allowed to retain [-] Wehrmacht troops, and it was not allowed to develop heavy weapons such as heavy machine guns.

Those who can still serve in the Wehrmacht are all German military elites.

What's interesting is that the "Versailles Treaty" was not strictly implemented. Now Germany can secretly train troops in Russia and test various weapons such as tanks and aircraft that are prohibited in the "Versailles Peace Treaty".

"Yes, I'm on vacation today. I brought back some canned food and luncheon meat from the army. You have to work with your children. It's hard work—" Annie and her husband have a very good relationship, and the two children are the crystallization of love in this small family.

"God, you should have told me earlier, then I wouldn't buy luncheon meat anymore—" Annie complained happily, just now, she thought she would reduce spending in the next few days.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine—" Anne's husband smiled. Although it was a difficult time, the treatment of military members could still be guaranteed.

(End of this chapter)

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