Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1739 Fortunately, we were born in southern Africa

Chapter 1739 Fortunately, we were born in southern Africa
The Conservative Party cabinet resigned collectively, the coalition government of the Labor Party and the Liberal Party came to power, and the positions of the offensive and defensive parties were reversed. Ramsay MacDonald finally felt the pain of Stanley Baldwin.

Amend the Emergency Banking Act?

why not?
No reason, no way!
You are being unreasonable--

It was you who were unreasonable first!
For the same reasons, the pound cannot be devalued, tax rates cannot be increased, social welfare must be increased, and military spending cannot be reduced. As for how the coalition government can do it——

who cares!
Anyway, the Conservative Party MPs in the House of Commons don't care. When the Conservative Party was in power, how did the Labor Party and the Liberal Party pick each other? Now the Conservative Party has intensified.

Ramsay Macdonald would be damned if he could do something in this situation.

It cannot be said that there are no achievements at all. The coalition government has considered the national conditions of the United Kingdom and suggested that the overseas dominions and colonies should undertake more obligations. This point has reached a consensus in the House of Commons.

The problem is that it is one thing to reach a consensus, but another thing to do it specifically.

The coalition government hopes that the overseas dominions and colonies can make greater contributions, and the overseas colonies and dominions also hope that the mainland can give more help.

The key to solving the problem is southern Africa. As long as the federal government of southern Africa agrees, then this matter has the possibility of success.

"So, the key to the problem now is southern Africa. What should we do to force southern Africa to agree?" Ramsay MacDonald racked his brains, but couldn't think of how to force—


The word is not appropriate here, the request is more or less the same.

Before Ramsay Macdonald was the plan that the new chancellor, Philip Snowden, had hatched overnight.

The content of the plan is mainly southern Africa, which includes asking for more gold from southern Africa to help stabilize the exchange rate of the pound.

It also asked Southern Africa to provide more food and industrial products at a cheaper price to help the mainland tide over the difficulties.

In addition, Philip Snowden also hopes that southern African companies can reach more cooperation with British companies and transfer technology to British companies to make British products more competitive.

Finally, defence, the Ministry of Finance hopes that southern Africa can afford part of the naval military expenditure, so that the coalition government can reduce expenditure.

How about this plan——

If Roque saw it, he might smash the plan in the face of Philip Snowden.

"Southern Africa is an overseas dominion of the British Empire. This is their obligation—" Philip Snowden repeated the old story. As long as Southern Africa agrees to this plan, the United Kingdom can be reborn.

"Don't mention the word 'obligation'. In the previous cabinet, Minister Neville and Minister Winston have contacted the Southern African Federal Government many times. The Marquis of Nyasaland has a tough attitude—" Foreign Secretary Arthur Henderson frowned. He had no personal relationship with Rock, and he wasn't even qualified to initiate contact.

Instead of actively contacting the Federal Government of Southern Africa, Arthur Henderson still has the qualifications to contact the Federal Government of Southern Africa. As the Foreign Secretary, this refers to contacting Roque himself.

"The Marquis of Nyasaland is a nobleman enshrined by His Majesty. If possible, we can ask His Majesty for help." Philip Snowdon opened his mind.

"Oh, your majesty doesn't want to lose face?" Arthur Henderson sneered, asking for a good use of this word.

"Gentlemen, I don't think we can pin our hopes on southern Africa. We should start from ourselves to solve the problem." Margaret Bundfield, the only female minister, is inexperienced, start from herself?
The Commonwealth of Nations is the greatest support of the British Empire!

"How to start from yourself?" Ramsay Macdonald went to the doctor in a hurry.

"Like lobbying Congress—" Margaret Bundfield said solemnly.

Snowden and Henderson were disappointed. Although the Conservative Party lost its majority, the 260 seats are not much less than the 288 seats. Think about how the Labor Party attacked the Conservative Party cabinet before. How naive is this proposal of Durfield.

"Tell me in detail, I think this is a good proposal." Ramsay MacDonald has a serious bias in his own perception. He probably believes that the Conservative Party will ignore the past and take the overall situation into consideration.

Regardless of past suspicions——

Taking care of the overall situation——

When these two words are translated and typed out, there are suspicions of watery words.

"We should split up and find MPs we have a good relationship with to defeat them one by one. If we can get the support of some Conservative MPs, then we can pass." Margaret looked serious, the reason is indeed the same, can it be done? easy to say.

"It's decided, we split up." Ramsay MacDonald didn't think it was an impossible task.

At the end of the meeting, Snowden and Henderson left the prime minister's office together.

When the two were shaking hands and saying goodbye at the door, Henderson suddenly asked, "Who are you going to find?"

Snowden's expression was sluggish. The Labor Party and the Conservative Party had already been fighting to the point of life and death. Who could they turn to now?
Not to mention how entangled the cabinet members of the coalition government are, it is already winter in Pretoria in July. According to the decision of the Olympic Committee, the 1928 Olympic Games will be held in Pretoria, southern Africa, on July 7, On the first anniversary of the countdown to the Olympic Games, the Southern African Olympic Organizing Committee was formally established.

This time, the members of the Olympic Organizing Committee finally increased by one person. As the governor of Southern Africa, Winston personally served as the director of the Olympic Organizing Committee. Hawley, the governor of Transvaal, and Smith, the mayor of Pretoria, were thrown into the Olympic Organizing Committee to work.

Yes, this Holly is the same Holly who married Connie the Boer.

Connie is an absolutely wonderful woman. After marrying Connie, Hawley has been on the rise all the way. He first managed the Rock Gold Mine, and then became a Johannesburg city councilor. In the process, he was successfully elected as a member of Congress. Last year, Southern Africa re-divided administrative regions, and Hawley was elected Governor of the Transvaal.

"Lord, the economic crisis broke out this year, and the Transvaal and Pretoria were also severely affected, so next year's Olympic Games, we are unlikely to reproduce the economic miracle of the Commonwealth Games—" Hawley has no confidence, the Commonwealth Games After all, Roque managed it all by himself. With Roque's influence in southern Africa, various sponsors went on and on, and only then did the subsequent economic miracle come about.

Roque made it clear that he would not participate in the Olympic Games, and the enthusiasm of the sponsors did not know how much was left.

"Hehe, don't worry, I don't ask much of you, as long as you don't lose money—" Rock offered to pour coffee for Holly and Smith.

Holly and Smith got up immediately.

Rock signaled the two of them to relax and not to make too much of a difference. They are both governors and mayors, and they are a little confident.

Rock really trusted Hawley and Smith, after all, they were both Chinese, and Smith's Chinese name was Shi Qi.

"Losing money should not be possible. Even if the organizing committee loses money, it can make it back through other means, and maybe it can stimulate a wave of tourism income." Shi Qi is full of longing, and the grand occasion of the Commonwealth Games is still vivid in his memory.

The Commonwealth Games not only did not lose money, but made a lot of money. Pretoria gained a large number of sports facilities. The fiscal revenue of the state government and the city government rose sharply. The citizens reaped a grand multi-sport event. The gain is international prestige.

It should be said that in the world, the influence of the Olympic Games is still greater than that of the Commonwealth Games. Only a dozen countries and regions participated in the Commonwealth Games. In the 1924 Paris Olympics, 44 countries participated.

"Don't forget that we are now in a period of economic crisis, and it's hard to say how many tourists will be there." Hawley took precautions. Regardless of the fact that southern Africa is not affected much by the economic crisis, in the "Times" report, European and American countries are true. awful.

There are already farmers in the United States pouring milk into the Mississippi River, and many terms related to Hoover have appeared in society, such as Hoover Village, Hoover Cart, Hoover Blanket and so on.

Hoover Village refers to the simple shelters built by the homeless in the city with wooden boards, old iron sheets, oilcloth and even kraft paper. The village where these huts gather is called "Hoover Village".

For the same reason, the homeless beggar was called a "Hoover bag".

Cars pulled by animal power because they couldn't afford fuel were called "Hoover cars."

As for the "Hoover blanket", it is the newspaper covered by the homeless people sleeping on the street benches.

It’s summer in the United States in July, and it’s acceptable to sleep under a newspaper, but if it’s winter——

I don't know how many Americans will freeze to death this winter.

"Hawley, don't worry about this issue. The middle class is the most affected by the economic crisis. The rich will not be affected at all, and neither will the poor, because they have nothing to lose." Rock's understanding of the economic crisis, Far surpassed Holly and Shi Qi.

It sounds cruel, but it's true.

Do you still remember the rich people standing on the balcony on the second floor with wine glasses to watch the excitement during the Wall Street movement?

Every economic crisis, the real rich will not be affected too much.

The rich people here do not refer to those nouveau riche who operate in debt. Their risk of fighting the economic crisis is even lower. When the economic crisis broke out, those who committed suicide by jumping from the New York Stock Exchange Building were basically such people.

The rich people mentioned by Rock refer to those capitalists who really control all aspects of social economy, such as Rockefeller and Morgan.

Compared with the miserable middle class, every economic crisis is a good opportunity for big conglomerates to plunder social wealth.

"It's a good thing we're from southern Africa—" Shi Qi managed to squeeze out such a sentence after a long time.

"No, it should be said, fortunately we have a strong federal government!" Hawley flattered without showing any signs, Shi Qi should study hard.

ps: I just found out that there is an event [Crying loudly] [Crying loudly]

(End of this chapter)

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