Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1747 Superman Saves the World

Chapter 1747 Superman Saves the World
While Tom and Benson were out looking for jobs, the angel investment firm was hosting a dinner to raise money for Phyllis's foundation.

After 20 years of development, the foundation under the name of Phyllis has gone out of southern Africa and taken root all over the world.

Of course, the United States is no exception. After the outbreak of the economic crisis, the United States imposed restrictions on foreign capital, but opened its arms to charitable organizations.

This is also no way, there are too many people in the United States who need relief.

In recent months, angel investment companies have been reporting successes. Not only have they acquired dozens of American companies on the verge of bankruptcy, but they have also successfully acquired a stake in Gulf Oil Corporation, becoming the second largest shareholder after the Mellon family.

The purpose of buying shares in Gulf Oil Company is to break the US government's restrictions on Adan Company. Don't forget that Andrew Mellon is still the US Treasury Secretary.

Just after the angel investment company took a stake in Gulf Oil Company, the U.S. government’s ban on Adan Company was completely broken. Gulf Oil Company purchased crude oil from Adan Company, processed it in a refinery in Mexico, and then labeled it as Gulf Oil Company. , sent back to the United States for sale.

Compared with before the outbreak of the economic crisis, Adan's profits have not been affected in any way, but Gulf Oil's profits have increased. After all, buying crude oil directly from Adan is cheaper than Gulf Oil's own production, and the oil quality is better. Well, only companies like Standard Oil that are always thinking about monopoly will reject Adan's oil.

So on the invitation list of angel investment companies, Andrew Mellon is impressively listed.

At the same time, the angel investment company also invited John Rockefeller, the current head of the Morgan family John Pierpont Morgan Jr., Henry Ford, the president of Ford Motor, and Andrew Jr., the nephew of the American steel magnate Andrew Carnegie.

Speaking of Andrew Carnegie, he is an out-and-out American legend. When Andrew Carnegie sold the Carnegie Steel Company to Morgan for $1901 million in 4.8, Andrew Carnegie was the most famous man in the world. One of the richest men in the world.

Andrew Carnegie had no son but only one daughter. According to American custom, a girl should be given her husband’s surname after marriage, so Andrew Carnegie only left some trust funds for his daughter and donated all the remaining property. 200 libraries were built across the United States, as well as the Carnegie Institute of Technology (ie Carnegie Mellon University), and the Carnegie Society of New York was founded.

Andrew Jr. is the son of Andrew's brother Thomas. When he died, he distributed his property to his wife and nine children, each receiving approximately $1000 million.

Most of the members of the Carnegie family now live on Cumberland Island off the coast of Georgia, which is the private property of the Carnegie family.

At [-] o'clock in the evening, the Rhodesia Hotel was brightly lit, and the police closed the entire street early, and only vehicles with invitation letters could enter.

The lobby on the third floor was buzzing with people. Michelle from the Phyllis Foundation was dressed luxuriously and was chatting with the guests with her husband Marcellus.

After Nyasaland Bank acquired Goldman Sachs, Marcellus served as the president of Goldman Sachs Group, and Nyasaland Bank gradually retreated behind the scenes.

Michelle was wearing a light green evening dress. Although snowflakes were falling outside the window, the heating in the room was very good, even if most of her arms were exposed, it wasn't cold.

Michelle is wearing a set of dazzling ruby ​​jewelry, including tiara, necklace, and brooch. In addition to rubies, the whole set of jewelry also uses a lot of diamond decorations. worn at the ceremony.

This set of jewelry will also appear at the auction later, and all proceeds from the auction will be used for charitable causes in the United States.

A group of dignitaries with heads and faces, but the topics of discussion are all romance.

In fact, just a few blocks away, countless human tragedies are being staged, but that will certainly not affect the mood of the big shots.

"Speaking of tourist destinations, Nyasaland is undisputedly a paradise on earth. Next year I will definitely go to southern Africa to watch the Olympic Games. At that time, I will go boating and fishing on Lake Nyasa, and I will also go to Star City to see who the movie stars are. How to make a movie, I have always doubted whether the people who were shot and died in the movie were really dead--" Little Andrew was full of curiosity about Nyasaland. With the popularity of southern African movies, Nyasaland Names such as Lan, Rhodesia, and Transvaal have also become star-studded in the United States.

Don't think that big shots are all wise and powerful. Some people just need to be good at reincarnation. The descendants of big shots are not dragons and phoenixes, and there are actually a lot of prodigal sons.

The Carnegie family is typical in this regard.

Not long ago, Carnegie's only daughter had to sell the trust fund left by Andrew Carnegie in order to repair the ancestral home, which became the biggest black humor during the economic crisis.

Thomas's children were not much better. Those magnificent mansions on Cumberland Island also required a lot of money to maintain. Those mansions were filled with antique furniture and exquisite porcelain. historical value.

Thomas passed away earlier than Andrew, and the inheritance he left to his children has almost been exhausted. Not long ago, it was reported that the Carnegie family would sell Cumberland Island because the Carnegie family could not afford the burden. There are Cumberland Island costs.

Private property in the United States is inviolable and is based on the premise of legal ownership.

Fortunately, Thomas died earlier, otherwise Thomas' children might not even be able to pay the estate tax.

The same is true for Cumberland Island. According to American law, the Carnegie family owns Cumberland Island and has to pay a certain property tax every year. It is precisely because of the property tax that the descendants of the Carnegie family have been overwhelmed.

"How is it possible, if those people were really shot and died, then how many people in southern Africa would not be enough to die—" Marcellus laughed out loud, complaining crazily in his heart.

God knows how naive it is to think that what happened in the movie is true.

"Then how are those thrilling scenes filmed?" Little Andrew was quite curious.

This can't be blamed for Little Andrew's ignorance. In the 21st century, there are still people who believe that Superman can save the world. Needless to say, in 1927.

"The shooting effect, those scenes are thrilling because a lot of movie props were used, and then through some special effects, the visual effect looks cool—" Marcellus explained in detail, but he didn't know much about it.

"It's really cool!" Little Andrew was eager to try, looking like this, he wanted to buy a boat ticket to southern Africa tomorrow.

On the other side of the hall, Mellon was talking about the economic crisis with Morgan and Rockefeller.

"Washington's response is too slow. The economic crisis has erupted for eight months, but Washington has done nothing. Can't we establish an efficient and clean federal government like southern Africa?" Rockefeller was very dissatisfied with the US government, Ah Dan company bypassed the restrictions of the US government and re-entered the US market through the Gulf Oil Company. The US government should bear a large part of the responsibility.

Andrew Mellon, as U.S. Treasury Secretary, should also be held accountable for this.

Angel investment companies should not be allowed to invest in Gulf Oil.

"Washington is working hard to get rid of the economic crisis. After all, we are a democratic country, which is different from the federal government of Southern Africa." Andrew Mellon's mind is as broad as the Atlantic Ocean, as if he did not hear the irony in Rockefeller's words.

"The biggest advantage of southern Africa is the Commonwealth market. Southern Africa has resources, strength, and industrial capabilities. The Commonwealth can provide a sufficiently broad market for southern African commodities. These are all advantages that we do not have." Morgan As stable as Mount Tai, Adan Company will bypass the restrictions of the US government in a special way, and the Morgan Consortium will do the same. You have your Yangguan Road, and I have my single-plank bridge.

The strength of capital is indeed strong. After Southern Africa imposed restrictions on US capital, the investment of the Morgan Consortium in Southern Africa was not greatly affected. After the economic crisis broke out, the Morgan Consortium even acquired a part of the shares of the Bank of Rhodesia. Part of the African capital.

Don't ask why Stoudemire is so ignorant, just throw money at it. The angel investment company's stake in Gulf Oil Company is also a premium acquisition, otherwise the Mellon family would not take the risk of offending Rockefeller and agree to the angel investment company's entry.

In short, it is all kinds of intrigue, each takes what it needs.

"That's why we need open doors and equal interests--a few fortunate nations, with their ships and guns, have seized all the colonies and sparsely populated overseas territories, leaving other nations without the natural resources necessary to sustain their peoples. It is an obvious injustice. To achieve real fairness, force can be used when necessary to expand the living space needed for the development of the country!" Rockefeller's words are a bit dangerous, and many people may not know that the word "living space" is actually a small term. A term coined by Beard.

Morgan and Mellon looked at each other, and there was worry in their eyes.

At this time, applause suddenly sounded, Michelle took Marcellus's arm and walked onto the rostrum, and the auction was about to begin.

Speaking of this auction, Morgan and Mellon were also worried.

The money raised at the auction is mainly used for charity in the United States. The charity of the Phyllis Foundation does not directly distribute money, but buys relief materials and distributes them to people in need.

In this way, the question arises, are the funds raised by the Phyllis Foundation in the United States purchased locally in the United States, or purchased from abroad?
It is good to say that local procurement from the United States is definitely good for the US economy.

If purchasing from abroad——

Then there is no doubt that the most likely source of goods comes from southern Africa.

This is also an enemy!
(End of this chapter)

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