Chapter 1755

After the mustache was appointed Chancellor by Hindenburg, he hoped to implement the special authorization law stipulated in the Weimar Republic Constitution. Parliamentary approval to take effect.

At that time, the Workers Party only accounted for 32% of the seats in the German Parliament, and there was still a certain distance from a two-thirds majority. Mustache wanted to obtain a special authorization law and needed some unconventional means, so there was a congressional arson case.

If there is no accident, after the arson attack in the Congress, the mustache will ask Hindenburg to issue an emergency decree to abolish the clauses in the "Weimar Constitution" that guarantee personal freedom.

Then Mustache will exclude dissidents, ban all political parties except the Workers' Party, and then turn Congress into a vassal of the Workers' Party.

Rock has been paying attention to the situation in Germany, but it is a pity that he is beyond his reach. Even the French have not shown special attention to the mustache. Southern Africa, as an extraterritorial country, has no say in European affairs.

In short, it is still the same sentence that development is the last word. Although not all problems will be gradually solved with economic development, economic development can at least alleviate most of the contradictions.

The New Year holidays are followed by spring break, and the economic crisis has not subsided as many optimistic people predicted, but intensified.

In the United States, affected by the economic crisis, a large number of banks were run and closed, more and more companies went bankrupt, and the number of unemployed people continued to increase. Food was everywhere in the cities, but people had no money to buy it. At this time, the US government made a big mistake.

The U.S. government strictly follows market rules and classifies unsold goods as surplus goods. In order to protect the interests of American companies, these surplus goods cannot be distributed to the poor, but should be destroyed centrally, so the crops are burned and the milk is poured into the river. Here, on one side are the poor who are starving for food, and on the other side is the stubborn American government. Organized resistance has begun to appear in many parts of the United States, and there is a danger of a civil war breaking out again.

The United States has never been united. Since the American Civil War, the risk of civil war has always existed. The more economically developed states hope to keep their income from the federal government. The less developed states complain that the federal government has not given more help. In peacetime, these The contradictions are not too obvious, once the economic crisis breaks out, all kinds of contradictions will become more acute.

The US is not doing well, and the UK is not faring much better.

As mentioned earlier, in London last year, because residents did not have the money to buy coal, the air quality in London was significantly better than in previous years.

The improvement of air quality is a good thing, but the lack of money to buy coal for heating is fatal. In the past Christmas, people in southern Africa celebrated with carnival, and poor people in London wailed in their cold houses.

More than 1000 people froze to death in London throughout the New Year holidays, a much higher proportion than in previous years.

Compared with Britain and the United States, southern Africa is still quiet and peaceful.

Africa is really a good place. The products are so rich. Even if you don’t work, it’s hard to starve to death. The federal government has launched more infrastructure projects after the New Year, and workers are being recruited everywhere. It’s easy to find a job. The federal government's Resource Conservation Corps program, which is designed to absorb unemployed young people, has been in place for nearly a year, but there are less than [-] participants, and most of them are volunteers.

"It's really hard to recruit people. The salary of our resource protection team is not attractive to young people. It's almost the same for those Africans or Indians, but the federal government does not allow Africans and Indians to be hired. This way If it goes on, the Resource Conservation Team project will probably be forced to go bankrupt in a short time.” In the headquarters of the Resource Conservation Team on the banks of the Apis River, Milton, the project leader, was at a loss. The salary of the Resource Conservation Team was not high. 5 rand is really not attractive to young people.

As mentioned in the previous chapter, the per capita income in southern Africa has exceeded 300 rand, and at least the monthly salary must be increased to 20 rand, so that young people are willing to work for the resource conservation team.

Although the work of the Resource Conservation Team is very meaningful, the effort should also be proportional to the income. Young people who have just left school can earn more than ten or twenty rand a month just by finding a job. 5 rand is too little Well, even if the resource protection team provides board and lodging, it can only meet the basic needs of life.

"Young people nowadays are really ambitious. When we first started working, we were satisfied with 5 rand a month!" Grant, the office manager, was heartbroken. This generation of young people in southern Africa has undoubtedly been abolished. generation.

"Grant, you started working 20 years ago. What's your salary now?" Milton's secretary Luo Hao also just started working. There are farms in the suburbs of Pretoria, the standard second-generation farmers.

"You also know that I have served the federal government for 20 years, so I deserve my current salary." Grant plausibly said that his current annual salary is around 400 rand.

The Federal Government of Southern Africa stipulates that the salary of newly recruited federal government employees is about the same as the local average salary. As the working years increase, the salary will also rise according to a fixed standard, neither too much higher nor less. In short It's just a normal job with no fringe benefits.

"Then don't talk about 5 rand a month—" Luo Hao was blunt. The new generation of southern African young people is not as submissive as the previous generation. If there is something that doesn't suit your eyes, you will immediately go back. The big deal is me. Go home and inherit the farm.

"Your salary is 5 rand a month, so you can live well?" Grant pretended to be confused. Luo Hao had no money, but Luo Hao's family had money.

"My salary is indeed five rand, but my father still subsidizes me by 30 rand every month, otherwise I can't even afford gasoline, and I have to save money to buy a house, or fall in love , I still want to arrange a trip every year, which one doesn’t cost money?” Luo Hao doesn’t think it’s gnawing on the old, Luo Hao’s father now subsidizes Luo Hao every month, and when Luo Hao’s father gets old, Luo Hao will also It is fair to support his father, as is the case with most Chinese families.

"Shut up and think about how to develop our business. Otherwise, if we don't make any progress in our work after a while, we will all have to drink the northwest wind." Milton had a splitting headache, and other departments had insufficient funds to spend. The protection team has money and can't spend it.

The task of the resource protection team is to plant trees and protect forests, prevent and control floods, water and soil conservation, road construction, open up forest fire lines, and set up forest watchtowers, etc. All these things require money. The federal government has prepared sufficient funds for the resource protection team. 100 million young people, each with 5 rand a month, have a salary of 500 million.

The problem now is that there are no volunteers. Volunteers do not need salary. At most, each person will be given a souvenir and a working meal, all of which cost less than one rand.

"What can we do? We can't go to the campus to attract people, not to mention that even if we go, we may not be able to attract people—" Grant's thinking was still a little rigid, but Luo Hao hesitated to speak.

"Speak up if you have something to say, don't hesitate!" Milton encouraged young people to express their opinions boldly.

"Why don't we cooperate with the school?" Luo Hao did have an idea.

"How to cooperate?" Grant was at a loss.

"Let's hear it—" Milton was interested.

"The school organizes two or three excursions every year. Why can't we contact the school and turn the excursion into a more meaningful tree-planting activity? We will provide funds, and the participating students can get exquisite souvenirs. At the same time, in order to get the support of the school, we You can make some donations to the school, such as books needed by the library, and some school supplies—"Luo Hao has just graduated, and he still knows the campus very well.

Regardless of whether it is a public school or a private school in Southern Africa, a large number of social activities are arranged every year to cultivate students' social ability.

The content of excursions is very extensive, and tree planting is of course one of them. The education system in southern Africa hopes that students can develop comprehensively in terms of knowledge, morality, and physical fitness. After the spring break, many schools will Organize a spring outing, which is an opportunity to get in touch with nature.

"This idea is great. We need to act immediately and use the opportunity of spring outing to really do something." Milton Mose suddenly realized that afforestation is also one of the tasks of the Resource Conservation Team. After years of development in southern Africa, deforestation It is very serious. Many forest farms have not replanted in time, especially in the Rand mining area. After some mines have been mined out, they are just discarded like that. Pretoria is now positioned as a tourist city, and afforestation is still very meaningful.

"I'm going to contact the school—" Luo Hao acted full of energy, grabbed the key on the table and was about to set off.

"I'm going to contact the Johannesburg Textile Group, how about ordering a beautiful hat for every child participating in the reforestation activity, preferably green, which symbolizes peace and hope, oh, no--" Grant couldn't speak his brain , It was not until I said it that I realized it was inappropriate.

"My God, can't the red ones work? It symbolizes optimism and enthusiasm!" Luo Hao immediately objected. If the Resource Conservation Team orders a lot of green hats, it is estimated that many Chinese children will be very angry.

"Okay, okay, I understand—" Grant corrected himself when he realized his mistake.

In the past, some people may not have known the meaning of the green hat, but now that Chinese culture has spread so widely, it is unreasonable to say that they do not know.

Grant didn't mean to find fault. It's normal to have disagreements at work, and it's normal to complain, but you can't make mistakes on some obvious issues. It's still a good comrade to correct mistakes.

(End of this chapter)

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