Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1761 There is a feeling called respect

Chapter 1761 There is a feeling called respect

At the moment in 1928, southern Africa has become the dream land of many Germans.

Especially for many young people in Germany, there is a popular saying in Germany now: you must go to southern Africa once in your life, otherwise you will not know how big the world is.

In terms of distance, southern Africa is indeed far enough from Germany.

But the meaning of this sentence certainly does not refer to this. Many young Germans came to southern Africa because of this sentence, whether it was for reading, travel, family visits, marriage, etc. , did not return to Germany.

This situation also applies to many other European countries, such as France, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom.

"Is it worth it?" Gustav asked seriously.

"What do you mean?" The girl hesitated.

"I mean to come to this strange place in southern Africa, join a country dominated by Chinese, and become a minority in this country, this feeling should not be good--" Gustav pushed himself, his this That's how people are, racially charged.

Germany has now begun to expel the Zentraedi, and Gustav is a staunch supporter.

Gustav pushed others by himself. The living environment of the Germans in southern Africa should not be very good.

"Fortunately, southern Africa is a tolerant country. Even during the World War, Germans in southern Africa were not imprisoned in concentration camps. Although some southern Africans expressed hostility to Germans at that time, it was just the prejudice of some people. , most of the southern Africans are friendly and kind. Our family has been helped many times by southern Africans when we came to southern Africa. At least I have never felt the kind of kindness from strangers in Germany before. "The girl is not yet a real southern African, but at least she is a spiritual southern African.

"Sorry, I don't know your name yet—" Gustave noticed that the girl took up too much time. Although the girl didn't express her dissatisfaction clearly, it was not good after all, and it would affect the girl's performance. .


Although Gustav's economic strength is not as good as Rock's, problems that can be solved with money are not a problem for Gustav.

"My name is Fanny—" The girl smiled brightly, and this feeling was called respect.

"Fanny, let me introduce your men's watches—" Gustav casually, without waiting for Fanny to introduce, began to point directly: "This, this, this, except these three, put all these Wrap me up—”

This tone is indeed a bit earthy, but it is really embarrassing!

"Really?" Fanny was pleasantly surprised, the order cost at least tens of thousands, and the watch from Itno was very expensive.

It's really three years without opening, and three years after opening.

Infected by Fanny's smile, Gustav couldn't help smiling and nodding.

Fanny cheered and immediately called for help. Such a big guest is not common even in Itno.

After spending money to buy happiness, Gustav finally had a reason to invite Fanny to sit in the nearby coffee shop.

This invitation obviously caused the store manager to misunderstand, thinking that Gustav had other plans, subconsciously looked at Gustav with strange eyes.

"My name is Gustav Krupp, and I am a guest of your Lord Nyasaland." Gustav revealed his identity. He didn't need to be so direct. A group of men in black at the gate of Itno had already indirectly indicated that The identity of Gustav Krupp.

"You are Mr. Gustav Krupp?" Fanny was dumbfounded. She had never met Gustav, but she still knew about him.

With the power of the Krupp family in Germany, not knowing Gustav Krupp is as ridiculous as living in southern Africa but not knowing Rock's name.

Sitting down in the coffee shop, everyone had a cup of Nyasalan black tea. After knowing the identity of Gustav Krupp, Fanny was a little cautious.

However, Gustav was a former diplomat, and he was very good at adjusting the atmosphere. Before finishing his cup of black tea, Fanny started talking.

"When the World War broke out, my family and I lived in Hoffenheim. I was seven years old at the time - my father and three older brothers fought in the World War. My father and the eldest brother died in the battle. The third brother I was 15 years old when I died in battle - the second brother did not escape bad luck, he broke a leg and took his own life in the second year after the end of the world war - my mother did it alone in order to raise me and my sister Three jobs, still unable to make ends meet, the most difficult time, my sister went to help neighbors mow the lawn, don’t get bitten by a vicious dog accidentally, because there is no money for medical treatment, my mother and I can only watch her die—”The tragedy of Fanny’s family, It is the epitome of countless German families.

Gustav didn't speak, his heart was infinitely confused.

The world wars traumatized Germany badly and cost Germany a whole generation.

Now ten years after the world wars, a new generation of Germans has grown up.

Gustav didn't know whether the tragedy of the previous generation of Germans would be repeated for the new generation of Germans.

This is not Gustav's reflection on the world war, on the contrary, it strengthens Gustav's belief.

Germany must break through the cage woven by the joint efforts of Britain and France.

Needless to say, France is the sworn enemy of Germany.

Ordinary Germans may not be able to see the true face of Britain, but Gustav knew that Britain's help to Germany also had ulterior motives, so in Gustav's mind, Germany did not owe Britain anything.

Now standing in front of Germany, in addition to Britain and France, who are acting evasively, there are also two mountains in the United States and southern Africa.

The good news is that the United States is currently isolationist and unwilling to interfere in European affairs. Moreover, the United States and Germany share common interests. After the end of the last world war, the United States gained almost nothing and did not even join the League of Nations. At least Gustav didn't believe it.

Otherwise, Wall Street tycoons would not have given the German Workers Party so much help.

Doesn't Mustache know the true purpose of the Americans?
You know, the United States hopes to use Germany to break the old world pattern, and Germany hopes to use the help of the United States to re-emerge, both of which are mutual use.

So the only one whose attitude is unclear is southern Africa, which is why Gustav came to southern Africa.

"--my mother sold the only house, and bought the medal with my father and brother's life, and then bought a boat ticket and took me to southern Africa--for me and my mother, southern Africa is a new At first, it was like heaven. There is no war, no hunger, and no poverty. Even if we don’t have a house yet and can only live in a rented apartment, we can sleep peacefully at night. This is a feeling that I have never had in Germany Fanny is very satisfied with her current life and is full of hope for the future: "In another 20 months and ten days, my mother and I will be able to become Southern African citizens. I count the days and hope that day will come soon. I have met many new friends now. They are optimistic, cheerful and courageous. This is a quality that is being lost in many Germans. In my hometown, many young people are neglected, idle, and violent crimes. This is not acceptable in southern Africa. imagination--"

What Fanny said was the truth. The young people in Germany today are indeed hopeless.

Those who know the etiquette from the warehouse know the etiquette, and know the honor and disgrace when they have enough food and clothing. The young people can't even eat enough, and they have no future at all.

Just like the famous experiment, the rich in Xiangjiang experienced the life of the poor in Xiangjiang for a day, and had to admit embarrassingly that it was not that the poor did not work hard, but that the poor had tried their best to support their families and had no time or mood to think.

In many cases, ideals are always vulnerable to reality.

"Southern Africa is not perfect, but at least in Southern Africa, the poor still have a chance to escape poverty, even beyond the class they belong to. I know many young people, regardless of their background, who will work hard for themselves and their families. That’s why I am willing to join the southern African nationality, at least they have the opportunity to work hard.” Tears welled up in Fanny’s eyes, which is exactly what Germany lacks the most.

Gustav remained silent, he didn't know what to say.

When he first learned that Fanny was a graduate of Humboldt University in Berlin, Gustav wanted to try to see if he could persuade Fanny to return to Germany.

What Germany lacks the most is young people like Fanny.

Now Gustav has completely given up. Compared with southern Africa, Germany has too many shortcomings. Fanny has the right to make her own choice.

Leaving the coffee shop, looking at the busy traffic in front of him, Gustav was in a trance, as if he had returned to Berlin before the outbreak of the World War.

At that time, Berlin was as bustling and noisy as Pretoria is now. Whether people are hurrying or taking a leisurely walk on the street, they all have happy smiles on their faces and are full of longing for tomorrow.

In Berlin now, apart from ragged tramps, there are only skinny beggars left on the streets.

"Sir, do you want me to drive the car over?" Gustav's entourage was a little worried.

"No, I want to walk around—" Gustav shook his head. In Pretoria, at least it is safe and secure, which can be seen from the smiles on people's faces.

It is indeed guaranteed. With the Olympic Games approaching, the number of police officers on the streets of Pretoria has increased significantly. There are mounted police on horseback, traffic police on motorcycles, and patrol police on foot. There are also several police cars parked around the square. Several heavily armed policemen were chatting beside the car.

At this time, a group of children in uniform were entering the square under the leadership of the teacher. The boys were all wearing vests and trousers, and their white shirts were clean and spotless.

The girls were adorable in red checkered skirts and pink lapel tops, white socks and black round-toed shoes.

When passing by the policemen, a naughty little boy suddenly stood at attention and saluted the policemen.

Amid the good-natured laughter of the surrounding people, Gustav noticed that one of the police inspectors adjusted his hat and returned the salute with a standard posture.

This immediately aroused applause from the surrounding people.

(End of this chapter)

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