Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1764 The Three Trials

Chapter 1764 The Three Trials
The year before the economic crisis broke out, Japan's imports exceeded 3.1 million yen for the first time in history, reaching 2.67 million yen, and exports also reached [-] million yen, which was also an unprecedented new high.

At the same time, the fiscal revenue of the Japanese government dropped sharply compared with previous years. In 1922, the fiscal revenue of the Japanese government once reached the highest point of 5.5 million yen. By 1926, the fiscal revenue of the Japanese government dropped sharply to only 4.2 million yen.

The reason, in addition to being affected by the international situation, the consequences of Japan's blind expansion of the United Fleet after the World War has gradually become apparent.

The battleship Nagato built by Japan cost 4390 million yen. Referring to 1917, when the Nagato was built, Japan’s government revenue was only 2.488 million yen.

With an annual income of 2488 billion, dare to spend 4390 million to build a battleship.

Moreover, two ships were built as soon as they were built. It is estimated that only Japan has the courage in the world.

Also as a reference, here is a piece of data. In the year before the economic crisis broke out, Japan was not self-sufficient in food. It still needed to import about 300 million tons of rice from abroad every year to meet Japan's domestic needs.

With these data, the Great Japanese Empire, which is full of militarism and powerful from the outside, comes to life on paper.

This is actually inevitable. Japan’s domestic resources are poor. If you want to obtain the resources necessary for development, you have to buy or grab them. The Japanese have no money, so external expansion has become a convenient choice for Japan.

During the Washington Conference, the United States dismantled the Anglo-Japanese alliance. Since then, Japan has become the biggest competitor of the United States in East Asia.

So Hoover is right. Whether or not the United States wants to expand its armaments depends on Japan's choice.

However, most of the resources Japan needs to expand its armaments are obtained from the United States.

So if you look at the relationship between them, you will find that the United States is raising its own self-esteem.

"It's easy to contain Japan, just don't sell him resources—" Rock knows where the Japanese are weak. Over the years, Japan has been seeking to obtain resources from southern Africa. Unfortunately, southern Africa would rather not make money than do it with the Japanese. Business.

"It is American companies that sell resources to Japan, not the U.S. government." Hoover also had no choice but to sell resources or not, he, the president of the United States, didn't care.

"If Japan proposes a new shipbuilding plan, what are you going to do?" Rock has actually received some news that Japan is indeed planning to build a new battleship.

As I have just said, Japan’s government revenue in 1917 was only 2.488 million.

Nagato was started in Japan that year, and Mutsu was started in Japan the following year, and then the income class of the Japanese government rose. In 1922, when Nagato and Mutsu served successively, Japan’s fiscal revenue reached an unprecedented 5.5 million yen, and military orders brought economic benefits. The stimulating effect is so great.

Japan is a country that is constantly taking risks. Japan won the first pot of gold in the Sino-Japanese War of Sino-Japanese War. The Russo-Japanese War made Japan successfully rank among the great powers. In the World War, Japan completed a magnificent turn from a debtor country to a creditor country. Any of these failed , may lead to the destruction of Japan.

It is precisely because of a series of lucky victories that Japan's ambitions continue to expand. This is not a dividend of the times. It is clearly blessed by the god Amaterasu. So this time, Japan will still pin its hope of getting rid of the economic crisis on taking risks. "Washington Navy The Treaty is the first cage that Japan wants to break.

"I would like the Japanese to do this, so that we can build more warships, and the economy will benefit from it." Hoover was happy to see the results. The Japanese dared to build one battleship, and the Americans dared to build two.

Roque nodded, accepting the fact that if Japan and the United States start an arms race, then Southern Africa will have to join.

Don't think that with the United States dealing with Japan and the United Kingdom dealing with Germany, Southern Africa can sit back and relax.

If you really want to think so, southern Africa must end badly.

Although southern Africa is now an ally in name with the United States, southern Africa has to be prepared to turn against the United States. For the country, the guarantee of interests is not based on a paper alliance, but on real national strength .

Of course, Roark would not be so stupid as to build a battleship in the United States, and a battleship in southern Africa. The core of the southern African navy is an aircraft carrier, and this will certainly not be shaken.

Just as Rock and Hoover were preparing to go to London to attend the London Naval Conference, the Olympics were in full swing.

In the last Olympics, Southern Africa did not send an official team to participate, and the United States ranked first in the gold medal table and the medal table.

This time the Americans are not in the spotlight, and southern Africa is home. The athletes who have just participated in the Commonwealth Games are still in good condition. From the first day of the game, southern Africa leads the United States in the gold medal table and the medal table. Of the 19 gold medals determined in one day, Southern Africa took 10, the United States took 7, and the remaining two were divided between Finland and France.

It's amazing, it's not the UK, but Finland.

In the last Olympic Games, Finland ranked second in the gold medal list with 14 gold medals, 13 silver medals and 10 bronze medals.

On July 7, Rock and Hoover left southern Africa for London.

In accordance with international practice, Roque and Hoover boarded warships of their respective countries, Roque boarded the heavy cruiser "Luanda", and his entourage included Yang Smother, Owen, Sidney Milner, and Secretary of the Navy Patton .

On the way to London, Rock had daily meetings with Patton and others to discuss how to fight for greater power in southern Africa.

"According to the requirements of the United States and Japan, we have to participate in the London Naval Conference with independent qualifications. Does this mean that we can overturn the restrictions of the "Washington Naval Treaty" and strive for more tonnage of capital ships and aircraft carriers?" Like the navy, it is also the long-cherished wish of the southern African navy to break through the restrictions of the Washington Naval Treaty.

As part of the British Navy, the Southern African Navy has not built new battleships or aircraft carriers for five years.

For the navy, 5 years is actually not too long, and the battleships built 5 years ago can still be regarded as cutting-edge warships.

The problem is that the foundation of the southern African navy is weak. Up to now, the three major fleets have only four battleships in total. The flagship of the local fleet is still a heavy cruiser. It is a shame to say it.

According to the plan of the Southern African Navy, the Southern African Navy must at least maintain the same size as the Japanese Navy in order to safeguard the interests of Southern Africa, not to mention the comparison with the United Kingdom and the United States.

If this is unacceptable to Britain, the United States, and Japan, then maintaining the same size as the French and Italian navies is barely acceptable to the southern African navies.

Anyway, it is to build warships.

"Impossible. London proposes to convene a naval conference. The main body is to reduce the size of the fleet and reduce the military expenditure of the navy. It is best to extend the 'naval holiday era' to the next decade." Yang Smozi told Ramsey Macdonald understands better that Southern Africa, not to mention overturning the restrictions of the Washington Naval Treaty, even if it only obtains [-] tons of battleship tonnage, the balance maintained by the Washington Naval Treaty will immediately be broken.

"If London adds more naval orders, wouldn't it be a huge stimulus to the local economy?" Owen couldn't understand why Ramsay MacDonald is still obsessed with disarmament.

"For the votes!" Yang Smozi said in the words: "—Your Excellency, the Prime Minister, is now facing a serious crisis of confidence. If you add additional military orders, it will be rendered as a war madman, and the approval rate will be further reduced. If this is the case, Then why not advocate disarmament to win some peace-loving votes."

"Impossible. Japan already has a plan to build a new type of battleship, and London must also take action." Barton doesn't like nonsense about disarmament. The soldiers are all disarmed and returned to the field. Who will defend the country?
"The London Naval Conference still holds cruisers as the main topic, and at the same time further restricts the standards for capital ships and aircraft carriers. This seems to be a continuation of the last London Naval Conference." There are also eight out of ten, and most of them died without any cause, and no consensus was reached.

"If we are not allowed to build battleships and aircraft carriers, if we are not allowed to build even cruisers, then how can the interests of southern Africa be guaranteed?" Patton was angry. He also participated in the last London Naval Conference.

"We can try our best to fight for it." Yang Smozi did not give up.

"Seeing the trick -" Rock has a bottom line.

"We want to win the support of France and Italy." Irving was playing the idea of ​​France and Italy. France and Italy were also invited, but they did not participate, only as observers.

In short, amidst the controversy, the heavy cruiser "Luanda" arrived in London.

At this time, the Olympic Games had come to an end. Although Rock could not watch the games on the spot, he would learn about the situation of the Olympic Games through the radio every day.

In the gold medal list and the total medal list, Southern Africa is the best, with a huge lead, and the number of gold medals has reached 35.

The United States ranks second, with a total of 21 gold medals.

Ranked third is Germany, which returned to the Olympic Games after 16 years, and won a total of 8 gold medals.

Next is Finland and France with 5 each, which is a huge gap compared with the last Olympic Games.

However, Finland and France are not the worst. The worst is the United Kingdom. The Olympic Games have come to an end. The United Kingdom has only won one gold medal, ranking 15th in the gold medal list.

On the night Roque and Hoover arrived in London, George V hosted a dinner to welcome Roque and Hoover at Buckingham Palace.

The palace dinner is larger than the dinner at the Palace of Justice in Pretoria and has more rules.

Roque is the Marquess of Nyasaland, dressed up with Phyllis, and appeared at Buckingham Palace on time at six o'clock in the evening.

However, Roque did not have the opportunity to dance with Phyllis. As soon as he arrived at Buckingham Palace, Roque was taken to George V's study by the servant.

In the study, George V and Ramsay Macdonald, Privy Councilor Stanley Baldwin, Coalition Government Finance Minister Neville, Speaker of the House of Commons John Whitley, and Lord Justice Cave, who presided over the House of Lords, are waiting for Rock .

When Rock saw Neville, Neville nodded expressionlessly.

ps: Sorry for the lateness, the third update continues today——

(End of this chapter)

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