Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1770 Veterans of Qingxi Town

Chapter 1770 Veterans of Qingxi Town
The London Naval Conference is still in progress, and the Olympic Games have successfully concluded.

The Southern African team performed well. In 14 major events and 117 minor events, the Southern African team won 42 gold medals, 35 silver medals, and 19 bronze medals, taking the lead in the gold medal list and the medal list.

During the Olympic Games, a total of about 100 million tourists flocked to southern Africa. Affected by the economic crisis, the per capita consumption of tourists dropped to only about 120 rand, and the whole of southern Africa benefited from it.

During the Olympic Games, about 2 people decided to immigrate to Southern Africa and become Southern African nationals after learning about the real Southern Africa.

These talents are the main force of consumption. If you want to immigrate to southern Africa, the most convenient and quick way is to invest in immigration. Therefore, the Olympic Games prepared for athletes are very popular, and the average price is 5000 rand. This alone, Pretoria The sub-city government received more than 500 million rand in revenue.

During the Olympic Games, the farms around Pretoria attracted a lot of attention. Some farms launched various experience projects in a timely manner. Most tourists were very curious about the life of the farmers. After a deep understanding, this curiosity turned into various envy, jealousy, hate.

In the world under the economic crisis, agriculture has long been the hardest-hit area. Farms in the United States can still produce milk, while many farms in other countries have filed for bankruptcy due to inability to operate.

Running a farm also requires costs. When listing government revenue data above, property tax is an important part, and farms also have to pay taxes. If they can’t pay the tax, they will naturally file for bankruptcy.

Farms in southern Africa have not been greatly affected because of the federal government's proper response. Although the income of farms will definitely decline compared with before the outbreak of the economic crisis, they have not yet reached the level of bankruptcy.

Even if there are farm bankruptcies, it has little to do with the economic crisis, mostly with the farmers.

The farms in southern Africa are rich in products and can be self-sufficient most of the time. Unlike those farms with a single business project, even if the business project in southern Africa is single, such as mainly planting vineyards, the farmer will set aside a vegetable field. Order food, raise some chickens, ducks and geese in front of and behind the house, and dairy cows and sheep must be indispensable. Many farms can meet almost all the needs of the farmer's family except that they cannot produce gasoline.

Don't worry about petrol, it's cheap in southern Africa, the lowest in the world.

So what is presented to tourists from all over the world is a leisurely pastoral life, growing vegetables, feeding chickens, and doing nothing at leisure , They know exactly when the sales are going on in the store. After the Olympic Games, many Olympic-related products start to be sold at a discount. The hostesses of the farms around Pretoria are the main buyers.

This kind of life scene was not worth mentioning before the outbreak of the economic crisis, and many farms in other countries can also do it.

But in the context of the economic crisis, all this is particularly valuable, especially for many rich people, they need a strong government to ensure the safety of their property.

"In our southern Africa, we never need to worry about security. We have the most powerful army in the world, the most efficient federal government in the world, and we have rifle associations everywhere. If anyone dares to invade southern Africa, they will It doesn't take the federal government to mobilize, just get us farmers together and we can beat the crap out of the enemy—"

On the lawn of Liu Yang, the mayor of Qingxi Town, an open-air barbecue was in progress.

Qingxi Town is located between Pretoria and Johannesburg, because part of the Olympic Games is held in Johannesburg, many tourists choose to live in the farms between Pretoria and Johannesburg.

Pretoria is about 40 kilometers away from Johannesburg. The land between the two cities was previously bought out by Rock for the cultivation of medicinal materials. After the World War, Rock leased many farms under his name to retired soldiers for cultivation. The rent is a symbolic amount given every year, and these farmers have become Rock's most loyal supporters.

Liu Yang participated in the world war, and won a hero medal and a dedication medal for his bravery in combat, but the price was the loss of his left little finger forever.

Although the prosthetic industry in southern Africa is very developed, Liu Yang has never installed a prosthetic. He regards the crippled palm as a military medal that he carries with him.

"For us civilians, the biggest threat is not foreign enemies, but domestic consortiums, capital consortiums—" Paterson from the Champagne region of France is deeply touched by the fact that land annexation in France is also very serious.

"Hahahaha, Pete, the largest consortium in southern Africa is the Nyasaland Company. We are all subordinates of Lord Marquis. Anyone who dares to threaten us is courting death!" Liu Yang laughed loudly, as if he had heard something serious. joke.

Paterson smiled wryly. This was also his biggest feeling during his stay in southern Africa. What southern Africans are accustomed to is something that many people in other countries can only dream of.

"Gentlemen, try our homemade wine—" Liu Yang's wife is enthusiastic and cheerful. She is an Ottoman, and she met Liu Yang during the World War. After the World War, Liu Yang returned to southern Africa with him.

Now Liu Yang and his wife are living happily. They have four children, two boys and two girls. The oldest child has gone to school, and the youngest child is still in his infancy.

"Thank you madam, although I am from the Champagne region of France, I have to say that the wines of Johannesburg are the best wines I have ever tasted outside of France—" Paterson did not belittle the wines of Johannesburg French champagne, rare in every aspect.

"Try our roasted lamb again. I forgot to mention that we also have the best sheep in the world. They can not only produce milk, but also shear sheep, and finally turn into lamb and appear on our table—" Liu Yang has quick hands and feet, and Paterson's eldest son is Liu Yang's assistant.

There were more than a dozen guests on the lawn, from different countries, and several men from the town were helping. They all brought special products from their own farms, some were freshly picked fruits, some were salted duck eggs that were salted just right, and Home-baked cakes and biscuits. On the stove next to it, two young men are smiling and making grilled fish. For such a sumptuous dinner, each guest only needs to pay 0.5 rand.

"Your life is really enviable!" Paterson runs a factory in France and also has trade relations with southern Africa. This is the first time he has come to southern Africa.

"This is why we are so grateful to the federal government. You may not know that just 20 years ago, my family and I were wandering in the Far East. We had nothing to eat, no house to live in, and we had no money to treat when we were sick. , My two older sisters died like this, and I barely survived because I was a boy—" Liu Yang knows how to be grateful, which is better than many people.

Paterson stared blankly at Liu Yang, and suddenly understood why the southern Africans were more patriotic than the French.

The French used to be very patriotic. When France was invaded by Germany, those French who actively joined the army to encircle the country were all patriotic French.

But how does the French government treat those veterans?
The world war just ended, the French government disbanded many troops on the spot in order to reduce the burden, and all the soldiers were sent back to their original places, and many of them didn't even have a pension.

At that time, France was very difficult, and it was understandable that there was no pension. After all, the veterans of the United States and the United Kingdom did not have pensions either.

For normal people, finding a job without a pension can still support their families.

For veterans who are disabled by injuries and need medical treatment even after the world wars, the loss of government protection can be disastrous.

Unknown to other places, in the Champagne region where Paterson is located, many veterans who were disabled due to injuries and unable to work, and did not want to drag their families down, ended their lives by suicide.

How can people fall in love with France like this?

"It was Lord who brought me and my family to southern Africa and gave me the opportunity to be educated in Nyasaland. I had just graduated from secondary school when the world war broke out. I had the opportunity to be an engineer, but when I knew When the federal government needed me to take up arms to defend the country, I put down my schoolbag and signed up when I went out. At that time, I thought, if the lord needs it, my life belongs to the lord—" Liu Yang didn't show much excitement, While chatting, they are still brushing honey on the steak, so that the grilled meat is more delicious.

"——This is Nyasaran steak, the best steak in the world, the breed improved by the Lord's investment, and it is said that it was improved by the first heir to the Lord's title. Think about what the nobles in your country are doing, and then look at it. Look at us in southern Africa, the lord's eldest son is actually researching improved breeding cattle—" Liu Yang clicked his tongue in amazement, and his words were full of pride.

Paterson was a little confused. Of course, he didn't dare to say that France had overthrown the aristocratic class, and its system was more advanced than your southern Africa.

If Paterson dared to say this, Paterson doubted that Liu Yang would directly take out the pistol in his waist and kill him.

"Haha, Uncle Liu, you're wrong. The lord's eldest son is a baron in Cyprus, not the one in the research institute." The young man grilling fish next to him was obviously more keen on this kind of celebrity gossip.

"Shut your mouth and concentrate on your work. You don't need to say these things, everyone here knows—" Liu Yang was angry, he didn't allow anyone to slander Rock.

Gossip about Rock doesn't work either.

The young man grilling fish took a deep breath and didn't dare to answer a word. Liu Yang is still very prestigious in Qingxi Town.

"Speaking of the Baron of Cyprus, he is also very good." Paterson knew what to say at this time, as a businessman, he knows when to say what to say.

(End of this chapter)

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