Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1775 The dream of southern Africa is the sea of ​​stars and stars

Chapter 1775 The dream of southern Africa is the sea of ​​stars and stars
When Inoue Tsubasa walked into Sean's office, the entire wall opposite Sean's desk was a schematic diagram of this military exercise.

The staff of the Indian Ocean Fleet worked very carefully. In order to show the strength of the imaginary enemy more vividly, the photos of the two latest battleships "Nagato" and "Mutsu" of the Japanese combined fleet are quite eye-catching in the center of the entire schematic diagram.

Fortunately, there are a lot of photos and the schematic diagram is a bit big, Tsubasa Inoue didn't notice it at the first time.

"You may have misunderstood, our military exercises have nothing to do with you, don't think too much—" Xiao En gave Qin Hao a covert look, asking Qin Hao to cover up.

Now as long as Inoue Tsubasa can see it when he turns around, it is no longer speculation, and international disputes may arise.

Although Tsubasa Inoue is not afraid even if he sees Xiao En, such unnecessary troubles should be minimized as much as possible.

Qin Hao didn't understand what made Xiao En angry at the first time, and his expression was a little confused.

It was George Richard who was smart enough to go over and close the curtain quietly without attracting Inoue Tsubasa's attention.

"Please go back, Your Excellency, Ambassador. Don't use unreasonable speculation to affect our relationship." Xiao En was so confident at this time that he didn't even let anyone drink his saliva, and directly issued the order to evict the guest.

"Using the United Fleet as an imaginary enemy is a serious offense to the Great Japanese Empire. You must bear full responsibility for the consequences caused by it." Inoue Tsubasa did not forget to say harsh words before leaving.

After Inoue Tsubasa left, Sean breathed a sigh of relief.

Then it was ordered that in the future, guests cannot be received in the office, and guests should be received in the reception room.

"Do you feel that the Japanese are getting tougher recently?" George Richard thought.

"What do you mean?" Sean didn't have many opportunities to deal with the Japanese.

"I mean, I don't know when it started, the Japanese seem to be less docile—" George Richard couldn't say clearly, this should be classified as something like the sixth sense.

"The Japanese have never been docile—" Sean probably thought of the Japanese as George Richard thought of the French.

"No, no, Xiao, you didn't pay attention to observation. Even if the Japanese are very polite when facing Asians, their attitude is not respectful enough. There is still a kind of domineering in their bones-but when Japanese people face white people , That kind of respect comes from the heart, but recently, the Japanese have less and less of this kind of respect—” George Richard observed very carefully, and the chief of staff always started from the details.

Sean thought about it carefully, and it seemed that this was indeed the case.

In the past, even if the Indian Ocean Fleet really used the Japanese Combined Fleet as the target of the exercise, Inoue Tsubasa would probably not dare to do so.

How to say about such things as imaginary enemies, most of the time they are seated on the right number.

"I don't feel very good. It seems that the Japanese are getting more and more dangerous—" George Richard has a keen sense. Britain and Japan were once allies, but now they are farther and farther apart.

When the exercise entered the second phase, Roque returned to Pretoria, and the adjustment for the navy was in progress.

As early as the signing of the "London Naval Treaty", relevant information was sent back to southern Africa by fax, and the Ministry of Defense had already begun to formulate relevant plans for the requirements of the "London Naval Treaty".

It has to be said that the shipbuilding industry in southern Africa has been very developed in recent years. The new cruiser requested by Rock has only worked for a few days. Edward Shipyard and Walvis Bay Shipyard have already come up with corresponding designs.

The light cruisers currently in use in southern Africa are actually a little over 4000 tons, and the caliber of the main gun is exactly 155mm, which does not exceed the requirements of the "London Naval Treaty". With a little modification, it can meet Rock's requirements.

The only thing to worry about is the total tonnage. The "London Naval Treaty" stipulates that the total tonnage of the heavy cruisers and light cruisers owned by the Southern African Navy shall not exceed 40 tons, and there is actually not much room left for Southern Africa.

The Southern African Navy now has a total of more than 31 tons of light cruisers and heavy cruisers, of which 16 heavy cruisers have a full-load displacement of close to 16 tons. According to Rock's requirements, the number of new cruisers will not exceed 30 .

"The local fleet does not have capital ships and aircraft carriers, and needs more cruisers to supplement. The current situation in the Mediterranean is becoming more and more complicated. Both France and Italy have new shipbuilding plans and need more warships. The Changi Squadron needs to have at least 14 to 16 warships to meet the needs of this area. Now the best way is to retire some heavy cruisers and build more light cruisers.” Martin’s proposal is more radical, In this way, southern Africa can have more warships.

In the just-signed "London Naval Treaty", there are also more detailed regulations on the decommissioning of warships.

As early as the Washington Naval Conference, there were detailed regulations on the replacement of warships.

According to the terms of the "Washington Naval Treaty", in 1928, the US "Florida", "Utah", "Arkansas" or "Wyoming" must be scrapped or decommissioned.

The British are decommissioning the "Ben Bow", "Iron Duke", "Marlborough", "Emperor of India", and "Tiger".

Japan is decommissioning the "Hiei".

The "Washington Naval Treaty" only stipulates that the capital ship to be replaced must be decommissioned, and does not stipulate the method of decommissioning.

This leaves a certain space for countries to operate. Completely dismantling is decommissioning, and sealing up is also decommissioning. However, the sealed warships can still be used, just like they are not decommissioned.

In order to avoid this situation, the "London Naval Treaty" has more detailed regulations on decommissioning warships. For different types of ships, there are several different decommissioning methods as follows: self-sinking or demolishing, dismantling into hulls, and serving as target ships. ship, as an experimental use, and as a training ship.

For warships other than capital ships, countries can decide for themselves whether to demolish or scuttle themselves.

Heavy cruisers are not capital ships, and the regulations are still very loose. If southern Africa wants to retire heavy cruisers, they can choose whether to scuttle or demolish them.

Sinking as a target ship is considered self-sinking.

"These are all warships that have not been in service for a long time. It would be a pity to retire—" Barton was very reluctant, and every warship was his heart.

"It's not difficult, just dismantle it into the hull and sell it, and some people are willing to take it over." Stoudemire doesn't feel bad, and the old one will not come without the new one.

"It's easy for you to say, who will take over?" Henry disagreed, and he didn't build new ships. Who would sell the products of Fawalt Steel Group.

"I took over one and transformed it into a yacht—" Stoudemire was addicted to transformation. Do you still remember the last "Normandy" class battleship, which was transformed into a yacht by Stoudemire and stopped at Whale Bay every day.

The yacht that Stoudemire transformed is called "Rhodes". This battleship originally named "Bearn" was finally converted into an aircraft carrier to serve. This time and space can only be reduced to Stoudemire's personal toy.

After the transformation, the "Rhodes" has a total length of 175 meters and a full-load displacement of 21000 tons. It is known as the world's largest private yacht. Stoudemire has ingeniously laid a wooden floor on the deck, which can take off and land fighter jets. The staff on board There are nearly 200 people. In order to maintain the "Rhodes", Stoudemire has to pay nearly [-] rand a month.

Seeing how generous he is, Rock is reluctant.

Of course, when Stoudemire took over the "Rhodes" at the beginning, the hull of the "Rhodes" was not completed, and the cost of renovation was not high. The cost of rebuilding these heavy cruisers may be more expensive than building a new one. It's not necessary either.

"It doesn't matter, there is no need to decommission the heavy cruiser, just make up the balance of 40 tons--" Rock didn't waste any money, and if each of the 40-ton cruisers was built, it would be enough There are more than 3000 ships, which is too many.

Now there are more than 70 British cruisers in total, and the number of destroyers is only about 160.

If Southern Africa builds 130 cruisers, that would be too many. According to Rock's vision, an average of 20 ships would be enough for the three major fleets, ten ships for three squadrons, and 90 ships for a full battle. Any more would be a waste.

As for the construction of 90 cruisers, will other countries be afraid.

Narok also has no choice. There are many cruisers in southern Africa, but few capital ships. This will make other countries more at ease.

"That's 3500 tons. If a ship weighs 25 tons, it's about 3000 ships—" Barton calculated quickly, with a standard displacement of 3500 tons and a full load of [-], perfect.

"How is the progress of Nikolai's research?" Rock is concerned about scientific research. If Tanaka Yoshiichi hadn't returned to Japan urgently at this London Naval Conference, the debate about the supply ship might still continue.

Speaking of Nikola Tesla, Stoudemire and Henry were all excited, but Martin and Douglas were pale.

Rock immediately had a bad feeling.

It's really not good. Nikola Tesla has now given up on unmanned driving technology. Just for vertical take-off and landing, he has dropped six long-range bombers, each costing 25000 rand.

When Rock knew about this situation, he felt like eating Nikola Tesla for a moment.

No wonder Americans don't want to see Nikola Tesla.

It's no wonder that after Nikola Tesla's death all materials were sealed.

No wonder Rock brought Nikola Tesla to southern Africa with such ease.

If it weren't for the fact that the U.S. government is still struggling with this matter, Rock suspects that the Americans deliberately sent Nikola Tesla to southern Africa to consume the national power of southern Africa.

"Airplanes are not submarines after all. The attitude in the air has high requirements for stability. With our current technology, it is difficult to achieve unmanned driving—" Douglas said with an ugly expression.

It's not that hard--

But it is simply impossible to achieve!

A technology that was not solved in the first two decades of the 21st century, could it be done in 1928?

Rock really regrets it now, and shouldn’t have allowed Nikola Tesla to blindly start a project. It would be great to improve the rocket together with Robert Goddard. The dream of southern Africa is also a sea of ​​stars.

(End of this chapter)

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