Chapter 1783 Shiny Matte
Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory is also suitable for Yaya.

According to the words of the 21st century, Yaya has already achieved financial freedom long ago, so what should she do after financial freedom, she can’t eat, drink and have fun every day, respect and self-realization have become Yaya’s current pursuit.

It should be said that Yaya has not yet reached the point of self-realization. The reason why he wants to take the opportunity to destroy the Republic of Congo is to get respect, not just for him personally, but for their entire ethnic group.

To put it bluntly, Yaya hopes that Africans can live like human beings.

You don't need to be rich or developed, as long as you don't get bullied or enslaved.

According to the words of the European colonists, the white colonization of Africa brought a modern way of life to Africa and rescued the Africans from their primitive state of ignorance. Therefore, Africans should be grateful for the colonization of the whites and the enslavement of the whites.

For this attitude, Yaya has only one sentence: I can go to you to be grateful, we would rather be free and backward than accept your so-called modern way of life, let us fend for ourselves on the African savannah Bar!
So Rock was very tangled.

It is right to seek respect, but there is also self-realization above respect. Yaya's current goal is to save the Africans in the Republic of Congo. What happens after this goal is completed?
If Yaya is smart enough at that time, it will probably maintain the current situation of the Southern African Union. Without the asylum of Southern Africa, it will be difficult for the two Congos to maintain the situation.

But if Yaya makes other choices, it will destroy the stable situation that Rock has finally established. At this time, let alone the issue of rationality and irrationality. I don't know how many examples of making a wrong choice and being irreversible.

As far as Rock himself is concerned, Rock will certainly not allow a completely independent country to exist around southern Africa.

After sending Yaya away, Roque held a cabinet meeting overnight. This time, Roque called Winston over and wanted to hear Winston's attitude.

"What is there to say? Africans simply do not have the ability to govern a country. We must not only support the Republic of Congo, but also destroy the Kingdom of Congo and turn the Kingdom of Congo into a country like the Republic of Congo." Winston gave himself position to make a choice.

No matter how bad the white people in the Republic of Congo are, they are still white people. No matter how legitimate the request of the Kingdom of Congo is, it seems to Winston that it is too much.

At this time, Rock realized that it was a mistake to call Winston, and now he must not drive Winston away again. Brainstorming must allow different voices to exist.

"That's not necessarily the case. The Kingdom of Congo, Ethiopia, Liberia—these countries ruled by Africans are all good." Stoudemire disagrees with Winston's words. Although Stoudemire's family is a beneficiary of colonialism, Stoudemire himself hates colonization doctrine.

Really, many things are afraid of comparison.

If there is no current southern Africa, it must be what Winston says. After all, Winston represents the most advanced British Empire in the world.

Now, Stoudemire said hehe.

Regarding the countries dominated by Africans, the three mentioned by Stoudemire are very representative.

The Kingdom of Congo was formed with the support of Southern Africa.

Ethiopia was founded by Africans themselves.

As for Liberia, it was established by the United States to accommodate black Americans. The system structure is exactly the same as that of the United States. Now it seems that these three countries are not bad, at least they are not as frequent as wars and chaos in African countries in the 21st century.

"From our standpoint in southern Africa, our surrounding countries must remain stable. Due to our relationship with France, we also need some small countries as buffer zones between us and French colonies. In fact, the Kingdom of Congo and the Republic of Congo are now It’s all a bit big, it’s better to cut it into a dozen or 20 square kilometers—” Yang Smother doesn’t want to expand, and Southern Africa is already big enough.

"If Congo is merged into southern Africa, then we will increase the burden of nearly 1500 million people. From this perspective, it is best to maintain the current situation." Owen also disagrees, but unlike Yang Smozi, Owen is From an economic point of view.

As mentioned earlier, the economies of the two Congos are heavily dependent on southern Africa. Southern Africa can now take advantage of the industrial and human resources of the two Congos without any psychological burden. Once merged, these advantages will no longer exist.

And it will also change the population structure of southern Africa. Don't forget that there are no Africans in southern Africa.

"Simple, we are the same as before. Send those Africans to the French, and they will be happy to receive them—" Ada doesn't care about the consequences of wanton expansion. Don't forget that apart from the 1500 million Africans in the two Congos, they are also part of the world. The warehouse of raw materials is a geological miracle in the world.

Next to the Kingdom of Congo is the French colony.

"It's not ten years ago now, we can't do that." Henry is still worried about Rock's cleanup of foreign workers.

"Gentlemen, before we make any decisions, we must remember our purpose, that is, we must maintain the stability around southern Africa to the greatest extent." Rock still puts stability first, and southern Africa is not It needs to expand and move forward step by step according to the established plan. When World War II breaks out, southern Africa will be able to reach a new level.

"Then replace the Republic of Congo with our people." Yang Smother said harshly, and Yang Smother was not too familiar with this kind of thing.

"Now they are our people-" Stoudemire sneered, and southern Africa could not help but fall into the predicament of colonialism.

It was also the British who once founded the United States. As a result, the Americans were dissatisfied with the remote control and exploitation of the United Kingdom, and finally became independent from the United Kingdom, which became the eternal pain of the United Kingdom.

The same is true for the Congo. In the past few political changes, the leadership of the Republic of Congo is basically inextricably linked with southern Africa, and some of them are even southern Africans at all.

That's the problem. People's desires will expand with the improvement of their status. Yaya wants to save the Africans in the Republic of Congo and give them real freedom.

The leaders of the Republic of Congo think so too.

"So what's going on here?" Winston couldn't understand why things had turned out like this.

Rock couldn't explain it either, but fortunately Louis Ben arrived in Pretoria the next day.

Like Yaya, Louis Benn also chose to report to the Palace of Justice as soon as possible.

"This is all an excuse for those chiefs. The Kingdom of Congo has been actively provoking troubles these years. Their so-called oppression and slavery do not exist at all. At least we gave those African workers jobs and salaries. Those chiefs are How do you do it? They are the stumbling blocks that prevent Congo from becoming a modern society." Louis Ben's rhetoric is completely opposite to Yaya's.

"Is there no oppression and slavery in the Republic of Congo?" Rock said calmly. Of course, southern Africa also has its own information channels, and Brad's office is still very powerful.

Louis Ben was speechless. This matter depends on how to explain it. According to Rock, there is also the oppression and enslavement of foreign workers in southern Africa.

Of course, Louis Ben would not dare to say this.

"Can you and the Kingdom of Congo coexist peacefully?" Roque asked directly without asking why.

In the case of the Kingdom of the Congo—

How to put it, Yaya's rhetoric must have been discounted. The Republic of Congo does not respect Africans, and the Kingdom of Congo is not much better. The so-called "respect" is just an excuse, and expansion is the core.

"It depends on the choice of the chiefs—" Louis Ben insisted on using the title "chief".

By Lewis Ben's standards, the Republic of the Congo is a slave owner.

A raccoon dog!
Now that the attitudes and appeals of both parties are clear, Yang Smozi's position is firm when it comes to the mediation process.

"No matter what your requirements are, wars will never be allowed within the alliance. If you have difficulties, you can bring them up. Everyone sits down and finds a solution. Whoever dares to use wars for personal gain is our common enemy." Yang Shimozi There is no way, the two Congolese are both members of the Southern African Union. If the two fight, who will Southern Africa help?
It's not appropriate to help anyone.

However, if Southern Africa just sits idly by, then the prestige of the leader will be completely lost, and it will be a loss no matter what.

"Our people are being oppressed and enslaved by the Republic of Congo. We will never accept this situation." Yaya is still insisting, but the situation has reversed. No matter how legitimate his reasons are, he must obey the interests of the entire Southern African Union.

"Lies are all lies. There is no oppression and slavery in the Republic of Congo, and the Africans in the Republic of Congo are not your people." Louis Ben refused to accept that the blood of Africans is actually quite complicated. This kind of standard, just like ghosts and monkeys, let’s talk about how big the difference is, they are all black, and there are glossy and frosted surfaces.

"Stop! I don't care what you say, anyway, you can't break out of war, and southern Africa will never allow this to happen." Yang Smotz drew a red line and dug another hole by the way: "——Since you all insist on There is no oppression and slavery in your own country, so how about this, you all open your borders and allow the people of your country to move freely, the living conditions there are better, and people will naturally make choices with their feet."

Yaya and Louise Ben are a bit silly, open borders, the problem is not as simple as voting with your feet.

Of course, Yang Smother didn't say anything, and gave Louise Ben and Yaya enough time to think about it.

As a result, three days later, both Louis Ben and Yaya agreed with Yang Smother's suggestion, and both had great confidence in their own country.

Then the problem will be solved easily. In order to monitor the implementation, Louis Benn also took the initiative to ask Southern Africa to intervene.

It seems that he is really afraid of Yaya.

(End of this chapter)

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