Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1802 There is still resistance

Chapter 1802 There is still resistance

To Rock's surprise, except for Martin, the other cabinet members seemed to pay insufficient attention to the Far East. They didn't seem to care about Japan's small moves, and still hoped to actively participate in European affairs.

It can't be blamed for their short-sightedness. After all, Stoudemire, Henry, and Yang Smother are all white, and their emotions must naturally be more European. This is an unchangeable fact.

Unlike Britain, the United States, and France whose core interests are in Europe, southern Africa's core interests are in the Indian Ocean.

This can be fully proved from the deployment of the army. The most powerful fleet of the United States is in the Atlantic Ocean, the most powerful fleet of the United Kingdom is the home fleet, and the core interests of France are in the Mediterranean Sea. Although these three have squadrons in the Far East, Not to mention the outdated types of ships, the number is also seriously insufficient. There is not a single battleship stipulated in the "Washington Naval Treaty".

To put it bluntly, the strength of Japan's combined fleet can beat the squadrons of Britain, the United States, France, and South Korea in East Asia. This has seriously threatened the interests of all countries.

The problem is that even under such circumstances, Britain, the United States, France, and South Africa are still fighting each other. The United States insists on implementing the "open door" policy and sharing the Far East market; France hopes to maintain the status quo, preferably forever; To play a greater role, so he did not hesitate to transfer the Changi Naval Base to Southern Africa.

Rock hopes that all countries can join forces to restrict Japan, but unfortunately this cannot be done at all.

"The Indian Ocean is too important to us. The Persian Gulf provides us with oil, Australia provides us with iron ore, and the Strait of Malacca is the throat for us to introduce new immigrants. Britain, France, and the United States can all give up the Far East, but we Not in Southern Africa—” Roque had to emphasize the importance of the Indian Ocean to Southern Africa.

Rock's insistence on this point must be with personal feelings. Rock is not a saint, and it is impossible to watch the interests of the Chinese suffer.

Calculating the time, it will be almost two years before Japan will start to expand abroad.

"Our core interests have always been in the Indian Ocean, that's why we deployed so many troops around the Indian Ocean—" Yang Smozi also knew the importance of the Indian Ocean to southern Africa.

Not counting Port Elizabeth, Southern Africa has more than ten overseas military bases in the Indian Ocean region, three fleets, and a total force of more than 10.

If St. Roch is not counted, there are only two and a half overseas military bases in Southern Africa within the Atlantic Ocean, one is Halifax, the other is Santa Maria Island in Cape Verde, and the Bahamas has been closed until now due to the opposition of the United States. It is still in a state of shutdown, which can only be regarded as half.

"But this is far from enough. The Far East not only means more new immigrants to us, but also a market of more than [-] million people. We cannot give up this market to Japan." Rock insisted, this is not only It's personal.

"The Far East is indeed a big market with [-] million people, but the consumption capacity of the Far East is seriously insufficient and cannot form an effective market. Our annual trade volume with the Far East is less than one-third of that with Europe, and there are various restrictions— —" Henry also had an opinion, and it was rare for him to disagree with Rock.

It cannot be said that the disarmament conference that just passed was fruitless.

It has been a full ten years since the end of the World War. The largest country in the Far East has been in a war between warlords, and the interests of all countries in the Far East have been greatly affected.

During the Disarmament Conference, in order to end the chaos in the Far East as soon as possible, Ramsay Macdonald asked all countries to stop selling weapons to the Far East in order to reduce the intensity of conflicts in the Far East.

This proposal was agreed by all participating countries and became one of the few outcomes of the Conference on Disarmament.

In the Far East, the most developed country is undoubtedly Japan, but for some reason, the trade between southern Africa and Japan is greatly restricted. This has the greatest impact on Fawalt Steel Group. Henry did not say before, not Represents no complaints.

Think about it, if southern Africa liberalizes trade restrictions on Japan, then Japan does not need to import scrap steel from the United States bitterly.

In sharp contrast to this, southern Africa has never imposed restrictions on Germany. After receiving loans from Britain and the United States, Germany has also increased its foreign purchases, especially steel and oil. There are as many Southern Africans as there are.

"The biggest trade method between us and the Far East is to exchange food for people—" Stoudemire also complained quietly.

It was rare for Rock to reflect on whether he was being too obvious.

Since most cabinet members have opinions, Rock does not insist. In fact, there are some things that Rock can do without approval from the cabinet.

The meeting ended, but Ade did not leave.

Rock asked Ade to go to the office and make tea for Ade himself.

"I can understand your mood, don't worry, slow down, Japan is still our ally—" Ade has been paying attention to the situation regardless of how long it has been since he stepped back.

In fact, there has been a very bad phenomenon in the past two years. It seems that more and more countries put "fairness" above national interests. It is against this background that the Conference on Disarmament was held.

The main target of "fairness" is Germany, not just Ramsey MacDonald. Americans also began to think that the "Versailles Treaty" was not fair to Germany. In order to appease the grievances of the Germans, the restrictions on Germany should be appropriately relaxed .

Reflected in the Disarmament Conference, this is why MacDonald asked France to reduce its military to 20, and hoped that France would agree to Germany's expansion to 20.

However, this reason is untenable, just like what Winston said when he commented on the Disarmament Conference: If Germany is given equal status in order to balance the army strength of Germany and France, then once Germany requests to have the same naval strength as Britain, Britain will Can you agree?
The answer is definitely not.

The British, everyone knows that they have double standards.

The same is true for Japan. Although Southern Africa keeps silent, it has imposed trade restrictions and technology restrictions on Japan for more than ten years. Not to mention valuable strategic resources, even decommissioned and dismantled ships are not sold to the Japanese. In Southern Africa The same goes for technologies that have been eliminated. You don't have to think about machines and weapons. The only thing that Southern Africa does not restrict Japan is luxury goods.

Even food is not open for supply.

It's no wonder that many people complained that only Rock could suppress it. If it were another person, the capitalists in southern Africa would have fallen into trouble long ago.

"Japan is too much of a threat to us. Once Japan expands, we will lose the most important source of immigrants, which will put us in a backward position in competition with other countries." Rock must insist, Never trust the Japanese.

"Don't worry, Japan can't threaten southern Africa, or even the Changi Naval Base—" Ade's understanding of Japan is also seriously insufficient.

This cannot be blamed on Adelaide. At the moment in 1929, people's understanding of Germany was seriously insufficient, let alone Japan.

Had they known how brutal World War II was, Britain would have adjusted their so-called "Continental Equilibrium Policy".

Similarly, if there is a full understanding of the Germans, the European military police will certainly not cooperate with Germany in all aspects.

There is also the United States -

The United States will not. In the process of Germany instigating World War II, the United States' contribution to the flames was one of Germany's sources of confidence.

It can be said that in the whole world, only southern Africa and France still maintain sufficient vigilance against Germany.

It's just that for some reason, southern Africa chose to watch the fire from the other side.

"The Japanese are now militaristic. For the so-called exit from Asia and entering Europe, Japan has devoted all its efforts to building a combined fleet. It has reached an unsustainable point. Only external expansion can continue. We all know that warships cannot go ashore, so Japan Could it be that the purpose of maintaining a powerful joint fleet is to catch sardines?" Rock is also helpless, even Ade thinks that the Japanese are not a threat, so he said how difficult it is to stay awake in this environment.

"Isn't the United States increasing the strength of the Pacific Fleet?" Ade really deserves to be a British, and he also hopes to see a situation similar to the "Continental Balance Policy" in the Pacific.

To put it bluntly, it is to use the United States to check and balance Japan.

"We also want to increase the strength of the Changi Squadron. I plan to assign all the two rebuilt aircraft carriers to the Changi Naval Base—" Rock wanted to put pressure on the Japanese to the greatest extent.

If Japan must resort to militarism, Roque hopes that Japan can go faster on this path.

In short, it is to drive the Japanese crazy alive.

"You have to think carefully—" Ade was worried.

The two aircraft carriers rebuilt in southern Africa were originally said to be one for the Atlantic Fleet and one for the Indian Ocean Fleet, so that both the Atlantic Fleet and the Indian Ocean Fleet can have three aircraft carriers to maintain a balance.

Some time ago, the news came out that both aircraft carriers were given to the Indian Ocean Fleet. The Indian Ocean Fleet was certainly happy, but the Atlantic Fleet was very dissatisfied.

Now that Rock is going to give the Changi Squadron again, it is estimated that more people will be dissatisfied, especially Stoudemire.

Don't forget that not long ago, Stoudemire wanted to donate an aircraft carrier to the Mediterranean Squadron privately, but Rock did not agree.

At that time, Rock's reason was that a bowl of water was flat.

Now that Rock has given two aircraft carriers to the Changi Squadron, it is obviously partial.

Rock is really not biased, and the assignment of two aircraft carriers to Changi Naval Base is just the beginning. On November 11, Taizan Hokuto Hiraga of the Japanese shipbuilding industry was hospitalized for sudden swallowing pneumonia, which shocked the whole of Japan.

Hiraga Joe is the director of the Japanese Naval Technology Research Institute and one of the main designers of the Yamato battleship. He presided over the design of the "Nagato" and "Kaga" class battleships, the "Amagi" class battlecruisers, and the "Furuhawk" Class, "Yubari" class, "Aoba" class, "Kaohsiung" class and other types of cruiser design.

(End of this chapter)

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