1808 Blackmail
The Commonwealth of Nations is a closed market. Except for goods from Commonwealth countries, it is difficult for goods from other countries to enter the Commonwealth market. This is the main reason why the United States has always wanted to break the old colonial system.

The system of the Commonwealth of Nations was originally designed to serve the United Kingdom. The colonies and dominions were dominated by a single economy and had to maintain a huge dependence on the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom relied on trade to draw blood from the colonies and overseas dominions to maintain the British mainland. economic prosperity.

The rise of Southern Africa shattered all that.

Southern Africa is also a country of the Commonwealth of Nations. Within the Commonwealth, southern African products enjoy the same status as British products. With the continuous improvement of southern African industrial strength, British products are losing ground in the competition with southern African products. This is why London The root cause of the constant demand for concessions in Southern Africa.

The Commonwealth of Nations was founded by the British after all.

Generally speaking, before the economic crisis broke out, British local products could still maintain a certain degree of competitiveness. The main energy of the British ruling party was involved in domestic politics, and there was no time or energy to deal with relations with southern Africa.

Now that the Conservative Party has returned to power and Neville finally got the coveted position of prime minister, southern Africa has become a key factor in revitalizing the British economy.

Winston's attitude is very clear, if Southern Africa does not give up more profits, then London will expel Southern Africa from the Commonwealth.

After learning about this situation, the Southern African cabinet collectively lost its voice. Losing the Commonwealth market is undoubtedly a huge loss for Southern Africa. The cabinet members have never faced such a severe situation.

"The specific situation is like this. If we don't sell more benefits to the mainland, then we will lose the Commonwealth market." Rock is calm, which is actually a good thing.

I still remember that a few days ago when Roque proposed "first Asia, then Europe", most of the cabinet members disagreed.

This is also understandable. After all, the current cabinet members are all British in principle. The influence of the UK has been deeply rooted. To get rid of the shackles of the UK, more psychological construction is needed.

Now the slapstick is coming, southern Africa still wants to hug the British thigh, but the British don't let it, so what should we do in the future?
At this moment, apart from Roque, including Anton, everyone must be confused.

"To what extent?" Owen's expression was serious. If he lost the Commonwealth market, he would have to tighten his belt to live.

"You can try to talk to Winston." Rock is not sure how big London's appetite is now.

"Give me some more gold?" Ada didn't want to lose the Commonwealth market unless it was absolutely necessary.

"Further lower the price of raw materials—" Henry's expression was gloomy. London has always been coveting the resources in southern Africa.

"For trade settlement, Winston must demand that all be in sterling. This is what he has always hoped for—" Yang Smozi focused on the fact that the rand has an increasing impact on the pound. Australia has begun to use the rand with southern Africa. special settlement.

"Gentlemen, if we start to compromise, their appetites will become more and more greedy, and our bottom line will continue to decline. I am afraid that this will be the end." Stoudemire sneered. The happiest thing is that he doesn't care whether his own interests will be lost.

Again, at Stoudemire's level, it doesn't matter whether he makes money or not.

"No, we must determine a bottom line." Owen took a deep breath and began to digest this fact.

"If we leave the Commonwealth, what is the worst situation and what good is it for us?" Henry is more radical, and the Iron Triangle of Southern Africa has always advanced and retreated together.

"The worst situation is that we are isolated from the whole world—" Yang Smozi's judgment on the situation is still very accurate.

"It's not that serious. The United States has been calling for isolationism for decades, and I haven't seen Americans being isolated by the world—" Ada is French, and she doesn't have much affection for Britain.

"The loss of the Commonwealth market is not the end of the world, we still have the Southern African Union." Stoudemire's confidence is growing.

"If we leave the Commonwealth, will our mines in Australia be affected?" Henry is interested, and Australia's iron ore is the main source of raw materials for Fawalt Steel Group.

"Australia dares to close our iron mines, we will simply block the entire Indian Ocean!" Stoudemire was so ruthless that the Anglo-Saxons even beat themselves.

"Wait a minute, gentlemen, the matter is not so serious yet." Ade really couldn't listen to it anymore. If no one reminded him, these militants were going to provoke the rhythm of World War II.

"Yes, even if we leave the Commonwealth, it is not the end for us—" Roque concluded his speech, and the situation is not bad, at least better than Roque expected: "—to lose the support of southern Africa, it is for the United Kingdom It is also a huge loss, and London must be very clear about this. What Cecil said just now is correct. If we start to compromise, then we will get used to it. This is a game, and it is also a war without gunpowder smoke. Don't back down!"

At the end of the meeting, Ade stayed and did not leave, hoping that Rock would be more cautious.

"If possible, I certainly hope that southern Africa will stay in the Commonwealth, but this is not up to us to decide. When we southern Africans start to pursue a better life, the contradiction between us and London will become more and more serious. The Commonwealth market It’s very big, but it’s only so big, if we have more market share, the United Kingdom’s share will be less, since the problem cannot be solved, then solve the person who raised the problem.” Rock is also tired of having someone pointing fingers at him at any time , the point is that it still points to the wrong place, which is very annoying.

"If you leave the Commonwealth, you will have to directly face pressure from all over the world. Is Southern Africa ready for this?" Adelaide will not blindly compromise, or else Southern Africa will not gain self-government status during Adelaide's administration.

"Staying in the Commonwealth, won't there be any pressure?" Rock was not afraid of competition, and even vaguely looked forward to it.

"Then let's do it!" Ade still gave Rock full trust as before.

Then just let go and do it.

According to Rock's instructions, Owen still tried to talk to Winston first to see if there was any turning point.

Winston was resolute, asking not only for more gold, cheaper raw materials, and strengthening the position of the British pound, but also for southern Africa to liberalize some financial markets and restrictions on British capital entering southern Africa.

As mentioned earlier, the United States took advantage of the once-in-a-decade economic crisis to loot Europe, mainly British capital.

Now the economic performance of southern Africa is better than that of the United States, and British capital has also shifted the direction of investment to southern Africa.

Rock was prepared for this. Southern Africa has great restrictions on foreign capital, and the regulation of the financial market is far stricter than that of the United States, which disappointed London.

Winston asked Southern Africa to further liberalize the financial market. The purpose is definitely not to inject funds into southern African companies to promote the development of southern African companies, but to use financial means to profit from southern Africa. The gameplay is copied to southern Africa.

Southern Africa would certainly not agree to such a thing.

Winston's request is not limited to these. At the same time as the above request, Winston also asked Southern Africa to open restrictions on Persian Gulf oil and Australian iron ore. While giving up more shares, it also gave shareholders the right to Have the right to speak.

This touched Rock's bottom line.

Rock agreed to sell part of the shares of Adan Company in order to gain the support of the elite in the United Kingdom. For this reason, Rock is willing to pay a part of the dividend every year in exchange for the unimpeded sales of Adan Company.

Now the rich and powerful in the United Kingdom have a long way to go, not only want to pay dividends, but also want to reach out to the management of Adan Company. This is no longer a game, but a blackmail by Hongguoguo.

Not surprisingly, the negotiations completely failed.

It can be seen that the United Kingdom is not willing to lose the support of Southern Africa unless it is absolutely necessary.

So after the negotiation failed, Winston took the initiative to visit Rock, hoping that Rock would give in.

"Locke, you have to think clearly, once Southern Africa is expelled from the Commonwealth, then Southern African goods will not be able to enter the Commonwealth market, and Southern Africa will no longer be able to get all the help from the Commonwealth, including Australia's iron ore; Southern Africa will also lose all overseas military bases obtained from the United Kingdom—" Winston went too far, and Roque couldn't help but interrupt.

"Wait Winston, I hope you understand that the trade between southern Africa and Australia will not be affected by anyone. As for overseas military bases, do you mean Halifax and the Bahamas? Yes, as long as the United Kingdom If you are willing to return the money invested by Southern Africa in Halifax and the Bahamas to Southern Africa, then Southern Africa can return these two military bases to the United Kingdom—” Rock is not afraid of this threat, why did the United Kingdom abandon Khalifa? The Bahamas and the Bahamas were not because of the conscience of the United Kingdom, but because the United Kingdom was unable to maintain a large overseas military base, so it had to shrink strategically.

To put it bluntly, even if Southern Africa returns Halifax and the Bahamas to the United Kingdom, the United Kingdom will not be able to maintain it, and Canada will be the first to object.

Canadians know all too well what losing the protection of southern Africa means for Canada now.

"No, I'm talking about Diego Garcia and Changi Naval Base—" Winston grinned. London doesn't want Halifax and the Bahamas.

"Okay, but Diego Garcia and Changi Naval Base are not returned, but bought. You want London to pay for it." Rock sneered, eating the meat in his mouth, and wanting Rock to spit it out?
"Tell me, how much is it?" Winston said confidently.

"No, it's not sterling, it's rand, or it can be gold—" Rock can't be fooled, since he is about to leave the Commonwealth, why do he need the pound.

(End of this chapter)

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