Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1810 Shipbuilding Plan

Chapter 1810 Shipbuilding Plan
Looking back on this period of history many years later, Winston admitted frankly that the Conservative Party government really did not expect that the attitude of the Federal Government of Southern Africa would be so tough.

It can only be said that Roque's performance has been too confusing. In the eyes of Neville and Winston, Roque does not lack the roundness of the Orientals and the cunning of the businessman. A serious misjudgment, thinking that Rock will make certain concessions to the United Kingdom for the sake of the Commonwealth market.

Coupled with the fueling of public opinion at the time, and the intensification of anger in the UK after learning of the attitude of southern Africa, it eventually prompted southern Africa to secede from the Commonwealth.

In March 1930, the Commonwealth was hit hard.

After the British Parliament passed the "Westminster Act", Australia was the first to gain independence in domestic and foreign affairs, and the only remaining powers reserved by the United Kingdom were partial legislative power and judicial final adjudication power.

Then there was Southern Africa seceding from the Commonwealth.

It is not a simple matter to leave the Commonwealth of Nations. Southern Africa used to be a member of the Commonwealth of Nations and enjoyed all the rights of the members of the Commonwealth of Nations.

After breaking away from the Commonwealth, the relationship between southern Africa and the United Kingdom tended to be normalized. A series of customs and trade agreements, economic cooperation, cultural exchanges, and military relations had to be re-examined. Yang Smozi led a delegation to London , and launched protracted negotiations with the Conservative Party government.

Pretoria also needs to inform the United States, France, Japan, and Italy that since Southern Africa has left the Commonwealth, the "Washington Naval Treaty" and "London Naval Treaty" signed by Southern Africa as a member of the Commonwealth are all invalid. , Southern Africa officially as an independent country, demanded treatment commensurate with its strength.

To put it bluntly, it is the tonnage of the battleship.

Regardless of whether Roque likes capital ships or not, Southern Africa must actively fight for rights at this time.

The United States responded most positively to the demands of southern Africa. Roosevelt sent invitations to the signatories of the Washington Naval Treaty, hoping to reconvene the naval meeting in Washington and give southern Africa the treatment it deserved.

The attitudes of France and Italy were ambiguous, neither agreeing nor opposing, and the French government issued a non-aggressive statement against the intensifying arms race in the Mediterranean.

Italy ignored Roosevelt's invitation, the lead ship of the "Veneto" class battleship "Vittorio Veneto" has begun laying the keel at the Adriatic shipyard, and the "naval holiday era" has existed in name only.

The United Kingdom was devastated. After southern Africa left the Commonwealth, London was surprised to find that the safety of the Suez Canal, not to mention the Strait of Malacca, could no longer be guaranteed.

Southern Africa has Cyprus in the Mediterranean Sea and a military base in Aden, which means that Southern Africa can block the Suez Canal from both sides as long as it wants.

At this time, London is still in the mood to accept Roosevelt's proposal?
Just now in the British House of Commons, the Royal Navy officially proposed a new shipbuilding plan, hoping to rebuild two "Nelson" class battleships, and immediately began to develop more advanced battleships to ensure the Royal Navy's advantages in the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean.

The Royal Navy has not given up on its pursuit of Diego Garcia and the Changi Naval Base, although even John Jericho admits there is little hope.

The most vehement opposition is Japan, which not only does not agree to reconvene the Naval Conference, but also hopes that the League of Nations will punish Southern Africa for breaking the "Washington Naval Treaty" and "London Naval Treaty", and at the same time limit the expansion of Southern Africa in Asia .

Pretoria did not respond to Japan's provocation. On May 5, the French "Le Figaro" published a shipbuilding plan of unknown origin. The plan showed in detail in the form of a timetable that a certain country would During the year, a total of twelve capital ships with a gross tonnage of 1 tons will be built.

12 ships!
50 million tons!

Counting each ship is a little more than 4, which is larger than the "Colorado" class battleship with a displacement of 38400 tons and the "Nagato" class battleship with a displacement of 39120 tons, and a little smaller than the 43140 "Nelson" class battleship.

As soon as this plan was exposed, all countries collectively lost their voices.

Although "Le Figaro" did not indicate the source of the news, the world is capable of building so many capital ships, and there is only one country that has not yet owned so many capital ships.

Southern Africa originally had four battleships, and they were built after the end of the World War, and the age of the ships has not exceeded ten years.

Now southern Africa has to build another 12 capital ships in one go. What do you want to do?

Single out the rhythm of the world?
Don't be surprised, referring to the statement that only battleships of the same level can sink battleships, only BIG12 can pose a threat to 4 battleships with a displacement of 7 tons.

The United Kingdom, the United States, and Japan have a total of only 7 BIG7s, and a family in southern Africa has 12 ships, so it is definitely not a dream to single out the world.

Of course, the collective silence of all countries is not because of this shipbuilding plan, but that all countries need time to confirm the authenticity of this shipbuilding plan.

After all, capital ships of the BIG7 class are expensive. Even if it is the United Kingdom, the United States, and Japan, it takes a long time to demonstrate and prepare for a new one. Southern Africa needs to build 12 ships at a time. Even with the strength of southern Africa, it is estimated that it is not enough. Not caught.

What Rock didn't expect was that Britain, the United States, Japan, France, and Italy hadn't expressed their opinions yet. Anton and Patton were attracted by this shipbuilding plan and came directly to Rock.

"So, we are going to build 12 4-ton battleships next?" Patton was beaming, never thinking about whether it was reliable or not.

"Oh, you don't need as many as 12 ships. Half of them are enough. You can't stimulate the Japanese too much. At that time, there will be three ships in the Atlantic Fleet and the Indian Ocean Fleet. The four battleships eliminated can just be distributed to the local fleet and Changi Fleet, Mediterranean Squadron, and Persian Gulf Squadron one by one, the commanders of those squadrons finally no longer need to use heavy cruisers as their flagships—" Anton seemed tolerant, but he actually sang along with Patton.

"I don't think the 406mm main gun is good enough. The main guns of 'Nagato' and 'Mutsu' are both 410 caliber. We need 420 or 430. The number of main guns does not need too much. Three triple mounts That's enough, plus a dozen anti-aircraft guns, dozens of double-linked and quadruple-linked anti-aircraft machine guns, gods can block and kill gods, Buddhas can block and destroy Buddhas—" Patton made a good calculation, the so-called "shipbuilding plan", The caliber of the main gun is 406 mm.

It's strange that the provisions of the "Washington Naval Treaty" are still being obeyed at this time.

"Hey, we have to consider the reaction of other countries, 406 mm is fine, it's enough—" Anton said while carefully observing Rock's expression.

Rock had a half-smile, and looked at these two with the eyes of a fool.

Anton and Barton shut up at the same time.

"Act, continue to act—" Rock also took the initiative to pour tea for Anton and Button, because he was afraid that his mouth would be dry.

"I'll come, I'll come—" Anton rushed to work immediately, with a doggy smile on his face.

"The Times is right. The shipbuilding plan is fake." Roque said lightly. The Times, as the mouthpiece of the southern African federal government, has immediately clarified.

Of course, whether this clarification will be considered as a cover-up, then Rock can't control it.

Anyway, it's true or false smoke bombs, rumors don't cost much.

Anton immediately looked like a deflated ball, which was not even filled by Rock.

There is also emotion.

Barton took the teapot and filled it up for Rock respectfully.

That's the right attitude.

"As soon as you read the news, you should know that even if we build warships, we will not build battleships." Rock's attitude towards battleships has not changed.

"Hey, what if." Barton smiled like a secretary of the navy, not to mention how treacherous and cunning.

This can't be blamed on Patton's wild thinking. It's because the editors of "Le Figaro" are too dedicated. Not to mention the details of the time list, the various data of the battleship are also accurate to the decimal point. The length of the ship is 216.6 meters, and the draft is 9.1 meters. , Crew 1314, there are zeros and wholes, and it's very auspicious.

In fact, it is a copy of "Nelson".

No way, both "Colorado" and "Nagato" are too small.

"There's no chance." Rock simply didn't give Barton any room for fantasy.

"My lord, even if we don't build battleships, we can build a few more aircraft carriers." Anton took the next best thing, and with the two under construction, there are already six aircraft carriers in southern Africa, which is not enough.

It can't be blamed on Britain, the United States, France, Japan, and Italy overreacting to southern Africa. How long has it been since the keels were laid for the two aircraft carriers in southern Africa?

At least this speed, even the United States, which has the strongest speed of violent soldiers, can't do it.

Calculated at this speed, even if Southern Africa needs to build 12 BIG7s, it will take less than five years.

"You're right just now. You can't stimulate the Japanese too much. You have to give them a feeling that I can catch up with us as long as I work harder. You can't let them despair." Rock is the real long-term fisherman. , the arms race must be participated in by someone.

Japan is now, without the double death of the empire, it is very difficult to build a mineboat of more than 700 tons. If southern Africa launches 12 BIG7s in one go, let alone Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States will go crazy.

So Southern Africa can't go too far. Building an aircraft carrier today, building a supply ship tomorrow, and building light and heavy cruiser berths has never been idle. If it is so slowly consumed, it will kill the Japanese sooner or later.

"Hehe, if I were Japanese, I would be very desperate now." Barton still has confidence when talking about the Japanese.

Regardless of the fact that the Japanese won the Sino-Japanese War of Sino-Japanese War and the Russo-Japanese War, Patton actually looked down on the combat effectiveness of the Japanese Navy. At least in the last World War, the Japanese Navy had not been tested. Not the monster house in the future, but kindergartens and nursing homes.

Southern Africa has no interest in reigning in kindergartens and nursing homes.

(End of this chapter)

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