Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1814 Civilized Society

Chapter 1814 Civilized Society
Brian Jones is here to demand.

Some things are so miraculous that if the embassy does not take action, dozens of people across the street gather every day and shout slogans to protest. The Metropolitan Police just ignore it and let it go. It is useless to call the police.

Daniel took David away in broad daylight, and Brian Jones came after him the next day, which was amazing.

Could it be that the Metropolitan Police have already grasped David's illegal behavior?

That's ridiculous too.

"Don't deny it, I have solid evidence that you took him away." Brian Jones was full of confidence, and Francois didn't know what went wrong.

Chen Ming's expression was calm. London is a place full of good and bad people, and Daniel has everyone under his command. He must also have the London Police's eyeliner. Chen Ming didn't expect to hide this matter from the London Police.

It was just in time for Brian Jones to find him, which saved Chen Ming a lot of trouble.

"Do you know who that David is?" Chen Ming was rude to Brian Jones. He is a diplomat with diplomatic immunity.

"It doesn't matter who he is, you have no law enforcement power in London, figure it out, this is my territory!" Brian Jones was in a bad mood. Early this morning, Brian Jones received a report from his subordinates, The Prime Minister's Office should not know now, otherwise Brian Jones will be in big trouble.

"Your territory? The American territory is about the same." Chen Ming sneered, the majestic capital of the United Kingdom has been infiltrated by the Americans, and he still has the face to say such things.

Brian Jones blushed and panted heavily, looking at Chen Ming with unfriendly eyes.

"The group of people gathered across the street for more than a month, and someone has already paid them their salaries. Didn't the Metropolitan Police Department notice it?" Chen Ming didn't believe that the Metropolitan Police Department didn't know about it. It was clearly inaction.

Of course, they were watching the show. After all, those people were targeting the Southern African Embassy in the UK, not No. [-] Downing Street.

"We have fully grasped David's criminal behavior, and we are about to close the net, but you are one step ahead." Brian Jones said boldly, and anyone can do this kind of afterthought.

Chen Ming laughed lightly. For more than a month, even the patrolmen on Sloane Street rarely came. When Charlie and his gang harassed passers-by, where were the policemen?
"Give the person to me right now, and I can pretend that this has never happened." Brian Jones insisted on asking for the person.

"That guy is dead!" Chen Ming said bluntly.

"Dead!" Brian Jones was surprised.

"Yes, dead—" Chen Ming remained expressionless.

"You lied to me—" Brian Jones was trembling with anger, and his first reaction was that Chen Ming was lying.

"I didn't lie to you, a dead David is more beneficial to us in southern Africa than a living David." Chen Ming really didn't lie.

"Why?" Brian Jones hadn't rounded the bend yet.

"Why—hehe—" Chen Ming didn't answer, letting Brian Jones think for himself.

Young Smudge was negotiating with Austin when Brian Jones arrived at the embassy.

When Ramsay McDonald was prime minister, the cabinet ministers had basically been replaced by members of the Conservative Party, and Ramsay McDonald was completely emptied.

Now that Neville is the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, except for Winston as the Chancellor of the Treasury, there are almost no personnel changes, and Austin is still the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

"Why did this happen?" Austin thought about it for several nights, but he couldn't figure out how the relationship between southern Africa and the British Empire came to this point.

"The reason for this lies in the United Kingdom. Southern Africa's appeal has always been very simple. We only ask for equal treatment." Yang Smozi's expression was calm, and the matter had come to an end, and it was useless to say anything.

"The United Kingdom is the suzerain country, and southern Africa is the overseas dominion of the United Kingdom. How can they be equal?" Austin disagrees, and most British people think so.

"If southern Africa were an overseas dominion like Newfoundland, the relationship would definitely be unequal, but now that the size of southern Africa is already comparable to that of the United States, is the pursuit of equality an extravagant wish?" Yang Smotz looked at The joy in it is fleeting.

Don't forget that Jan Smudge was a Boer.

Austin was silent for a long time, but finally faced reality: "Okay, let's talk about tariffs now—"

"Southern Africa hopes to receive a special trade most-favored-nation treatment." Yang Smozi directly requested that if the United Kingdom thinks that Southern Africa can get more tax revenue from trade if it separates from the Commonwealth, then the United Kingdom is wrong.

"Impossible. Southern Africa has already left the Commonwealth, so it will no longer enjoy the treatment of Commonwealth countries." Austin directly refused.

"Then Southern Africa will completely ban any gold export, and from now on, the price of oil sold by Adan Company to the Commonwealth will rise to a level sufficient to cover the tariffs." Yang Smother has many cards in his hand, You can play slowly.

Austin frowned, and he suddenly realized that the United Kingdom had no cards to play against Southern Africa.

It is really that the United Kingdom is too dependent on southern Africa. Not to mention the gold from the Rand Gold Mine, the Adan Company stomps its feet, and the British oil companies will tremble.

After Roosevelt came to power, the United States has completely banned the export of gold.

Not to mention European countries, France and Italy don’t have enough gold, Germany has no gold at all, and all the gold is used to compensate the Allies, and small countries such as the Netherlands and Switzerland still have some food reserves, which is impossible at this time Take it out and help the British Empire.

As for oil.

Austin has already forgotten what it was like for Britain to compete with France and Germany for Romania's oil when the Adam Company did not appear.

There is no need to think about American oil. British Petroleum has no chance to get involved. Before the economic crisis broke out, American oil companies were the key investment areas of British capital. As a result, when the economic crisis broke out, the oil field became the hardest hit area, and British capital suffered heavy losses.

With the popularity of machinery and equipment, the world today is more dependent on oil than it was ten years ago, and Britain is the same.

When southern Africa did not secede from the Commonwealth, the United Kingdom has never worried about an energy crisis in the past ten years.

The thought of Adam's possible interruption of oil supplies to Britain made Austin feel chills all over his body.

Not to mention interruption, even a price increase is enough to make the British Empire, which is still struggling in the economic crisis, worse.

"Yang, if you do that, it may trigger a war between our two countries!" Austin threatened war without hesitation.

"Then the United Kingdom must be prepared to lose all its overseas colonies and dominions!" Yang Smother said this was not a threat.

With the current level of British military power, there is almost no chance of winning a war with southern Africa.

This is not to despise the combat power of the Royal Navy. The Royal Navy is indeed very powerful, but it also depends on who the opponent is.

During the World War, the Royal Navy forced the German High Seas Fleet to stay at its home port and dare not show up. It could only use submarines to attack the British transportation line. Later, when the British strengthened its escort, the role of submarines became smaller and smaller.

Germany's coastline is about [-] to [-] kilometers, and the Royal Navy has sealed it tightly.

The coastline of southern Africa--

Let's put it this way, the whole of Africa, south of Lake Victoria, is either the territory of Southern Africa or the territory of the Southern African Union countries, and the coastline is almost tens of thousands of kilometers.

seal up?
Just ask how you seal it!
Even if it is closed, don't forget that there are ghost submarines in southern Africa that are more advanced than German U-boats. From Cape Town to London, there is no detour at all, and the straight line is 9970 kilometers away. For such a long transportation line, the United Kingdom is ready Escort it with as many destroyers and cruisers as possible.

Moreover, the Royal Navy must not be too close to the land when operating. The Southern African Army Aviation and Hainan Airlines are not vegetarians. If a battleship dares to enter the combat radius, it must be prepared to be sunk.

You may not believe it, but Britain's latest "Elizabeth"-class battleship during World War I has not yet installed anti-aircraft weapons.

It will not be until 1934 that Britain will make its first major modification to the "Elizabeth" class battleship.

So speaking of threats of war—

Southern Africa is not much more of a threat to the United Kingdom.

At least the United Kingdom needs at least half a year to mobilize an army of one million.

Southern Africa plus the Union countries can easily make up a million troops.

"Yang, think carefully. Once a war breaks out, Southern Africa may have to face the entire civilized society." Austin did not feel guilty when he said this.

"Civilized society" is actually a false concept. For the United Kingdom, it was only a civilized society after the Industrial Revolution began. The previous few thousand years were probably the ignorant Middle Ages.

Why is this counted?

Because before the industrial revolution began, the British Empire was as backward and ignorant as the Middle Ages.

Therefore, the oriental civilization, which is thousands of years ahead of the world, is considered medieval in the eyes of the Anglo-Saxons.

This can't be blamed on the British who are talking nonsense. Otherwise, how could they build the national self-confidence that belongs to the Anglo-Saxons.

"Oh, Austin, are you really sure that if there is a war between the United Kingdom and Southern Africa, it must be Southern Africa that will face the entire civilized society?" Yang Smother chuckled, Austin was too confident.

It is true that the people of the world have suffered from the British Empire for a long time!
So if we really want to fight, needless to say, the countries of the Southern African Union must go together with Southern Africa.

Then Australia is next to Southern Africa. The Indian Ocean Navy, the Mediterranean Squadron, and the Persian Gulf Squadron only need to block the Suez Canal. Guess who will Australia, who hugs Southern Africa's thigh all day and calls it big brother, go with?

Not to mention India, which is talking about self-government every day, as long as southern Africa makes a promise to India regardless of whether it will be fulfilled at that time, I am afraid that India will pick up cow dung and paste it on the face of the British.

(End of this chapter)

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