Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1816 The most sensible people are Americans

Chapter 1816 The most sensible people are Americans

The brave sons of nobles have all died during the World Wars, and with them, the bravery and glory of the British Empire.

Soldiers who really returned from the battlefield never disdain such verbal disputes. These noble children are either young adults who have just grown up, or cowards who did not participate in the World War because of various excuses. Lost in self-indulgence, the traditional "chivalry" spirit has long since disappeared without a trace.

William, who was splashed with red wine all over his head and face, was drunk and didn't recover for a long time.

When he regained his composure, he was dragged out of the banquet hall by his group of cronies.

"Let go of me, I'm going to kill that bastard!" William was devastated. William had never endured such an insult.

"Forget it, William, the Prime Minister is here today, so don't make a fuss—" Finally, some people still have reason. Will not let them go.

"Bastard, let me go, I'm going to kill that bastard!" William couldn't listen to the persuasion, and threw off the person who was supporting him, but couldn't control his balance and fell to the ground.

William drank a little too much, and he couldn't stand up without anyone helping him. He fell down heavily after standing up halfway.

Finally, a companion who couldn't see past helped William up.

After William stood up, he pushed the person away, still swearing.

Then fell again.

This time no one came to help him.

A group of people just watched William struggle, fall, vomit, and growl——

Until the steward and driver of the Gloucester family ran over and helped William into the car.

The banquet broke up badly.

It can't be blamed for William's gaffe after drinking. The rumors about the imminent bankruptcy of Adan Company are not groundless. Judging from Adan Company's financial report, the operating conditions of Adan Company are indeed not optimistic.

Adan's business scope is not only oil, but also mineral resources, plantations, transportation, ports, etc. Adan's profit was 1.75 million pounds the year before last. Unexpectedly, in just two years, it has already To the point of bankruptcy.

This is also helpless. On the surface, Elizabeth Oilfield is facing strong challenges from Neizhi Oilfield, and its core business has been seriously affected.

Last year, Adan Company acquired the East India Oilfield. Now it seems that this business was not successful. Not only did the East India Oilfield not bring new profits to Adan Company, but because it took up too much funds, it seriously affected Adan Company. In addition, with the departure of southern Africa from the Commonwealth, the business of Adan Company in the UK will definitely be affected in the short term. Under the influence of many factors, Adan Company is indeed very difficult.

"It is indeed very difficult. The difficult thing is how to maintain the profit at the level of no loss. Fortunately, we have found the best way, which is to increase investment in infrastructure. I have a huge project here. It is absolutely a genius idea to build an undersea tunnel between West Cape and Marlborough to connect Cyprus and Port Elizabeth. After completion, the tunnel is divided into two layers, the upper layer is the highway, and the lower layer is the railway—” Xiao Si has done everything for the safety of Roya's family.

Rock was dumbfounded, and he didn't know who came up with such a genius idea.

Born to be a fool!

Sikape is the westernmost port of Cyprus.

Marlborough is Beirut.

The straight-line distance between these two places is 172 kilometers.

"Wait Cecil, are you sure with the current technology, you can build the undersea tunnel between West Cape and Marlborough?" Rock really didn't know if it could be done with the current technology.

In Roque's impression, the opening of the British-French Submarine Tunnel seems to have been a matter of [-]s.

This is an undersea traffic tunnel, not an undersea communication pipeline, and the Anglo-French undersea tunnel is only 153 kilometers long.

"Of course, Locke, you may not know that the first underwater tunnel was built in London in 1843, and it was underwater from the Thames River. It is now 1930, and we must have confidence in our engineers." Stoudemire His confidence is absolutely blind, the Thames is only so wide.

So Rock asked this question.

Embarrassingly, Stoudemire didn't know either.

Fortunately, there is Sidney Milner, a Londoner.

"Oh, is there a Tunnel under the Thames River—there is, probably more than 1000 feet—" Sidney Milner was also not sure, after all, whoever would measure that stuff.

A thousand feet is about 305 meters, and it is only more than 600 meters if doubled, which is less than one kilometer.

"That seems to be a bit short." Stoudemire was also dumbfounded.

"How much is your budget for this plan?" Rock was still quite curious.

"I haven't had time to calculate it, you have to agree to it—" Stoudemire is not stupid, and he will definitely not donate now and then.

"Forget about this plan. In half a century, this plan will not be possible to succeed." Rock was speechless. It was not a matter of money, nor was it technically possible.

Speaking of technology, just now, the rocket of Robert Goddard's team made a breakthrough. After applying a series of advanced technologies, the rocket launched by Robert Goddard's team successfully exceeded the flight distance of 5 kilometers. The hit accuracy is not so high, and the range is far from the current powerful artillery, but the future can be expected in time.

Compared with the achievements of the Rockets team, the progress of the Nikola Tesla team is very sad.

In the past six months, the Nikola Tesla team dropped two more bombers.

Rock is numb now, let's fall, anyway, southern Africa has been equipped with a second-generation strategic long-range bomber with a larger ammunition capacity, a longer flight distance, and stronger combat capabilities. Not worth much.

Instead of fighter jets or torpedo planes, southern Africa can also go for takeaway.

Bombers are absolutely not allowed. This kind of bomber, which has a range of more than 5000 kilometers, is absolutely prohibited for sale in southern Africa.

Southern Africa is currently researching aerial refueling technology. Once successful, the combat radius of the Southern African Air Force will double. At that time, Southern Africa will not be afraid of any challenges. outside the country.

Compared with Britain, France, Japan, and Italy, President Roosevelt of the United States has the deepest understanding of southern Africa.

Southern Africa seceded from the Commonwealth, and Roosevelt issued another call for the "Washington Naval Conference".

This call was generally resisted by Britain, France, Japan, and Italy, but this did not discourage Roosevelt. At the end of July, Roosevelt sent another invitation to Roque, hoping that Roque could visit the United States.

Rock doesn't want to go to America.

But Rock was still full of curiosity about Roosevelt.

So Roque hoped to meet Roosevelt in a third country between southern Africa and the United States.

Roosevelt made a comprehensive assessment and hoped to meet Roque in Liberia.

Roque agreed with Roosevelt's suggestion that the time be set for early September.

It was already August at this time, and there was only one month left before Roque and Roosevelt's meeting. The Palace of Justice sent staff to Liberia in advance to play for Roque.

Yes, that is the "apartment butcher" Li Yan who killed 2 gunmen in 12 minutes.

Liberia is a country established by the United States to resettle black Americans after the Civil War.

In 1912, in order to save its financial crisis, Liberia was forced to use tariffs and other income as collateral to borrow from international consortiums from the United States, Britain, France, Germany and other countries, and an American served as the customs director and financial consultant.

In 1921, the Rhodesia Company obtained land lease rights in Liberia, planted rubber, and enjoyed other rights and interests, becoming Liberia's state within a state.

Monrovia, the capital of Liberia, is the closest city in Africa to South America. It is known as the "Rain Capital of Africa". During his stay in Monrovia, Rock will stay at the Rhodesia Hotel in the center of Monrovia.

After Li Yan led the team to arrive in Monrovia, the first thing he did was to clear out all the Rhodesian hotels in Monrovia and give all the staff a holiday. During Rock’s stay in Liberia, Rhodesia in Monrovia All the staff of the hotel will be replaced by staff from the Secret Service of the Palace of Justice in Pretoria.

"Li, you can't do this, I can vacate all the main building, but it can't affect the normal operation of the Rhodesia Hotel—" Alva Morris, the manager of the Rhodesia Hotel in Monrovia, begged bitterly, and Rock stayed in Rhodesia. Hotel Rhodesia is a good thing, but if it affects the operation of Hotel Rhodesia, it will also affect the reputation of Hotel Rhodesia.

"Alva, I'm not asking you, but to inform you that you must vacate the entire Rhodesia Hotel within a week. My time is tight, understand?" Replace them all, and conduct a thorough investigation of the Rhodesia Hotel.

As for the hotel, no one is sure if there are bombs, bugs, etc., so a thorough investigation is necessary before Rock can stay at ease.

"Li, please don't do this—" Alva Morris wanted to cry. There were a lot of guests in the long-term private rooms of the Rhodesia Hotel. This would drive all the guests away, and it would offend many people.

"Three days! I'll only give you three days—" Li Yan was still the ruthless apartment butcher, and he didn't give Morris a chance to bargain: "—after three days, if there is still one person in the Rhodesia Hotel, I will I want to hang you on the beach in front of the hotel!"

The new generation of southern Africans never submissive to whites.

On the contrary, the attitude is very tough.

"Let's be reasonable--" Morris wanted to cry but had no tears.

Li Yan didn't talk nonsense, he pointed out that Morris let him figure it out, and it's not that Rock doesn't pay for staying in a hotel, so it's like a funeral.

ps: Today's Children's Day, I went to dinner with some children, the update is a bit late, sorry, sorry——

(End of this chapter)

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