Chapter 182 Disagreement (for subscription)

When you have no money, you have to toss, and when you have money, you have to toss even more. Guarding a gold mine with a reserve of 3.49 million ounces, gold is not very meaningful to Rock. If you can use gold to weave a huge network of relationships, Rock would be more than happy.

The role of the relationship network does not need to be emphasized, it is very important no matter what time it is, especially for overseas colonies like the Transvaal, the colonial officials are usually outsiders and have no sense of belonging in the local area, so they often pay more attention to actual interests , without considering the future.

In the Transvaal, it is really difficult to move without relationships, so in many cases, money is better than relationships.

In early December, Anton made a surprise trip from Cape Town to Johannesburg.

Because Anton did not send a telegram in advance, Anton found Rock all the way from the Johannesburg Police Station to the Rock Gold Mine.

Seeing Anton, Rock was surprised and happy.

"Head, let me see if you are doing well—" Anton's eye circles were a little red, and he held Rock's arm very hard.

"Hahahaha, of course I'm fine. In Cape Town, we men are free. When we arrive in Johannesburg, what can we do with us?" Rock was very happy, and vigorously patted Anton on the shoulder and introduced: "Look Come on, Locke Gold Mine, this gold mine will be ours from now on!"

"Gold mines?!!" Anton was extremely surprised. When he was in Cape Town, Rock was still working on the vineyards. After only a few months, the grape workers changed to gold mines? ! ! !

Of course, Anton wasn't so arrogant. When Roque said it was "ours", Anton thought it was "ours". This must be made clear.

"Yes, come, come and sit, my current office is here." Rock asked Anton to go to the office, Anton still couldn't believe it.

"Boss, it's working time now—" Anton vaguely reminded.

"What job do you do? Johannesburg is still under military control. The mission of the police station is to assist the army in maintaining social order. Did you hear that? Assist! You don't even have the right to handle cases, so what job do you have?" Rock is really not a picky guy, the mounted police are there every day The mayor rolled around under his nose.

"Good thing——" Anton didn't think there was anything to complain about.

Well, people's pursuits are different.

For Anton, taking money and doing nothing is the ultimate pursuit in life.

But for Rock, if he doesn't do something, he has no rights, and without rights, he has no pursuit——

Without pursuit, how is it different from a certain Buddhist salted fish?

After going upstairs, Rock discovered that Anton did not come alone, not only brought several policemen, but also a Boolean woman and a Boolean little girl.

Boer women with big bellies.

"What's going on?" Rock was curious, could it be—

"No, no, it's not mine—" Anton noticed Rock's ambiguous eyes, and immediately said, "Holly, come here and say it yourself."

Holly is a 25-year-old Chinese policeman who was not married before coming to Cape Town. According to the standards of the Qing Dynasty, Holly is a standard older youth.

In fact, Hawley's personal conditions are still good. He is tall, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, but he was a little thin when he first arrived in Cape Town.

Now Holly is not thin. Although the standard of food provided by the Cape Town Police Station for the police is not as good as that of the Johannesburg Police Station, it is still made with milk and meat. It has only been a little over a year, and Holly’s body has also been damaged. possible direction of development.

In fact, no matter what era it is, being single is mostly poor.

Standing in front of Rock, Hawley was a little shy, which made Rock's affection for Holly suddenly increase.

"Come on, light it." Rock casually threw a cigar over.

"Hey, thank you head—" Holly was in a hurry, not forgetting to order Rock first.

"Sit down and talk slowly—" Rock was not in a hurry, and contacted the pregnant Boolean woman. In fact, if Holly didn't say anything, Rock had already guessed a lot.

"I—I want to marry Connie—" Holly stammered.


"—the dog days of the Cape Town city government won't allow marriage, saying that people of color can't form families with white people - the city government's bastards are going to send Connie and little Annie to Natal, and let Russell The chief fired me—" Hawley was a little emotional, and Rock noticed that Hawley was not wearing a police uniform.

"Director Russell is still a good person. Let me send Holly back to the Qing Dynasty, and take Connie and Little Annie to the concentration camp in Natal——When the train arrived in West Victoria, the guerrillas blew up the railway. I couldn’t fix it in half a month, so I found a carriage—no, passing by Johannesburg, I thought it was hard to come here, and I also wanted to see the chief and the brothers—”Ann, who had been promoted to inspector Dong is also very ghostly.

The so-called "passing by" is nonsense. Natal is in the southeast of Johannesburg, and Cape Town is in the southwest of Natal. These three places form a triangle. If you want to go to Natal from Cape Town, you will never pass by Johannesburg. Anton is this Come to Rock for advice.

August Russell was smart too.

Prior to this, Roque did not receive a telegram from August Russell. This was August Russell showing his favor to Roque. Otherwise, August Russell would not have let Anton take charge of this matter. thing.

But not contacting in advance means that August Russell does not want to get involved in this matter. No matter how Rock and Anton deal with Holly and Connie, it has nothing to do with August Russell. No matter who asked, August Russell could make it clear.

This is what makes a man mature.

If you don't send a telegram, Roque will also accept it.

"Head—" Holly's expression was apprehensive. This matter can be big or small. Even if Rock doesn't care, there are enough reasons.

Hawley can only pin his hope now, Rock has never let his brothers down.

"Don't worry—" Rock smiled softly, the dignified Johannesburg police chief, Cape Town is beyond reach, in Johannesburg, this is not a problem: "Stay in Johannesburg with peace of mind, this three-acre land, I It's up to you."

Sure enough, Rock never let the brothers down!

"Head—" Holly's eyes turned red instantly, God knows how much pressure he has been under during this time.

Rock can understand this feeling. When Rock left Oak Town, many brothers had unclear relationships with the Boer women in the refugee camp. Rock never asked, after all, the brothers were all adults. , Physiological problems must always be resolved.

If Connie was not pregnant, it is estimated that Hawley would not marry Connie and give Connie a title, which caused follow-up questions.

The Cape Town government can tolerate the police and the Boers having underground love affairs, but the Cape Town government—or the white world, will certainly not accept Chinese and white families—

At least not yet.

If the Boers at the bottom are like this, how much pressure will the upper-class women with aristocratic backgrounds have to bear if they want to be with the Chinese?

Rock suddenly missed Ada very much.

I miss Phyllis more—

"You guys stay here first, and leave the other things to me." Roque didn't make a promise right away, because Roque knew very well that the current Roque couldn't change the situation of the Chinese in Transvaal.

But Rock can guarantee that Holly and Connie can stay in Johannesburg safely.

"Boss, Connie and I don't plan to hold a wedding, nor do we intend to be recognized by the city government, as long as we can be together safely." Holly's request is not high, perhaps in Cape Town, Holly and Connie still have fantasy.

After going through so much, Holly and Connie have both recognized the reality.

"Okay, I can guarantee this." Rock can promise this.

After putting Holly and Connie to rest, Rock and Anton had a long talk.

"—Director Russell has hired more than 200 policemen from Huayong Camp. Now the Cape Town Police Station, we account for half of the people. A few Indians are dissatisfied. I made excuses and drove them all to Robben Island and the concentration camp—— ——We already have a family of five or six hundred in Oak Town. We open up wasteland to make wine and grow grapes every day. I don’t admit it, I’ve dealt with it in a low-key manner, and the money is enough. After the child is born, we will raise it, and the guy who committed the crime will be thrown on Robben Island to play gophers. Now everyone is very honest——” Anton talked endlessly, thinking Where to say.

"When the forest is big, there are all kinds of birds. It's normal, but similar things must be absolutely prohibited. We should deal with them together, and we can't let these mouse shit ruin our reputation." Rock has long been psychologically prepared for human nature, and the Chinese are also impossible. All of them are saints, and it's normal for some of them to be incompetent.

"People in Cape are panicking now, saying that the war is over, but the guerrillas bombed the railway every three days, or attacked the patrol. Last month, a guerrilla attacked a place less than [-] miles away from Cape Town. They found a patrol team, and it turned out that some people said that the Boers were going to attack Cape Town—" Anton must have known more than ordinary people, but not much, at least not as much as Rock.

"It is impossible to attack Cape Town. The expeditionary force is negotiating with the Boers, but because the conditions cannot be negotiated, the negotiation has not progressed." Rock shared the information and did not forget to tell Anton: "This is a secret negotiation. Don't say it out there."

Anton knew the seriousness of the news and nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

Regarding negotiations, the difference between the Expeditionary Force Command and the Boers lies in whether to recognize the independence of the Transvaal and Orange. The mines were transferred to Great Britain in exchange for the independence of the Transvaal and Orange.

The British government spent hundreds of millions of pounds and mobilized hundreds of thousands of troops. It will certainly not accept this result, but the British also made concessions, such as agreeing to use Dutch in schools and courts, and promising to give the Transvaal and Autonomous status of Orange.

For these conditions, the Boers are obviously not satisfied, because the Boers think that they have not yet reached the end of the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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