Chapter 1834 A lot of fish

Although the financial resources of the French government are not as good as those of southern Africa, it is not enough to say that there is no money. The main reason is that the money is spent but the effect is not seen, so the Congress is very stingy.

Referring to Stoudemire's behavior of spending a lot of money in Theodosius, in fact, simply spending money can also produce results, so Tony Dart sent an invitation to Leonard Capet, hoping to use the Capet family The financial resources to open the situation.

Leonard Capet was Arthur's uncle.

With this relationship, Leonard Capet's first stop must be Cyprus, Tony Dutt is not surprised.

Arthur still respects his uncle very much.

As for his nephew, Leonard Capet respected him more, not only because of family affection, but also because of more complicated interest entanglements behind it.

"France and Italy have started building new battleships, and the arms race around the Mediterranean Sea has already started, but you don't have to worry about it. With southern Africa behind you, no one dares to trouble Cyprus." Leonard Capet's expression was not relaxed, The Pandora's Box of the arms race, once opened, will most likely end in a protracted and tragic war.

This point has been verified in the last world war, but this world is like this, people always don't accept the lesson, that's why there are so many disputes.

Of course, the reason must be more than that simple. When the "Contract of Versailles" was just signed, Foch said: "The Treaty of Versailles" is just a 20-year armistice agreement.

Ten years have passed now, and the new generation of Europeans has grown up and can take up arms to fight. If there is a vengeful revenge, if there is a grievance, if the world war breaks out again, it will be more tragic than the last time.

"If the world war breaks out again, everyone will be forced into the vortex, and no one can survive alone." Arthur and He are very clear-headed. Even if southern Africa has seceded from the Commonwealth, when the world war breaks out again, southern Africa may still be destroyed. Forced to get involved.

This is not a question of whether Southern Africa wants to join the war. Southern Africa has no choice but to choose. Europe has already become a mess. It is impossible for Southern Africa to stand idly by. After all, Southern Africa has too many interests in Europe.

To put it bluntly, even if you want to get a chestnut from the fire, you have to take the initiative to reach out. There will be no pie in the sky. If Southern Africa does not reach out, the United States will.

What's more, there is Russia in the north that is ready to go.

"You should trust your father, he will definitely not let you be in danger." Leonard Cape has confidence in Rock, or in southern Africa.

After France sent Saint-Roch to southern Africa, the Capet family was deeply involved in the construction of Saint-Roch.

After the completion of Sacred Rocco, Leonard Capet moved his family to Sacred Rocco, further binding with southern Africa.

In recent years, the situation in Europe has become more and more tense. Italy dissolved the Congress, Mustache came to power, the United Kingdom, the United States, southern Africa, Russia, and almost all countries are supporting Germany out of their own interests. The smarter French have already Began to flee France, and Leonard Capet was no exception.

Leonard Capet sent his children to study in southern Africa a long time ago, and now Leonard Capet’s children have all married and established businesses in southern Africa, only Leonard Capet still stays in France, using In the words of southern Africa, the Capet family made money in France and then consumed it in southern Africa.

The Capet family has also begun to consciously transfer the family business to North Africa in recent years.

This choice is very smart. If it is transferred to southern Africa, then the French government will definitely restrict the Capet family.

Transfer to North Africa is no problem, the North African colony is also French territory.

Arthur just smiled and didn't respond to Leonard Capet's words.

Rock must be very concerned about Arthur. Although the Mediterranean Squadron has no battleships or aircraft carriers, just look at how many air forces there are in Cyprus. Anyone who wants to attack Cyprus must be prepared to face the Southern African Air Force.

The combat effectiveness of the Southern African Air Force does not need to be emphasized. Almost all the air forces of European countries are established after imitating the Southern African Air Force. Although the establishment is similar, and even the models equipped are similar, the combat effectiveness is very different.

It is really a world of difference. Among European countries, even the United Kingdom, which has a relatively advanced air force, is far behind the southern African air force in all aspects, whether it is the performance of the aircraft, the quality of the pilots, or even the logistics of the air force. There is a large gap.

There is no way to say it. Southern Africa has a first-mover advantage in the aviation field. It is understandable to have advanced technology, and it is also understandable to have a large number of pilots with high quality. It is difficult to explain the gap in logistics.

Here I would like to thank the contribution of Adan Company. The Air Force and the mechanized troops are both big fuel guzzlers. The fuel needed for an aircraft to fly together is calculated in tons, and it is high-quality aviation fuel. Southern Africa and the United States have the confidence to use it casually, and the UK has to save it, and it has to save it bit by bit as a strategic resource reserve. It is said that the oil stored in the UK will only be enough for the UK once the external supply is cut off. about a month.

Southern Africa and the United States are very cool. There is no need to store oil at all. If it is gone, it will be dug. This is why Southern Africa has so many air wings stationed in Cyprus and Port Elizabeth.

To attack Port Elizabeth, Cyprus must first be taken.

After taking Cyprus, they had to face the invincible Southern African Army. The First Armored Division reorganized from the First Cavalry Division was stationed in Port Elizabeth.

Since the World War, there have been no such phrases as "the world's first army", "Europe's first army" and so on.

Southern Africa does not claim to be number one, and the former "number one in the world" and "number one in Europe" have no face to say so.

This is also helpless. During the World War, "No. [-] in the world" was beaten by "No. [-] in Europe". After the war, "No. [-] in Europe" was weakened to only [-] troops. They are not allowed to be equipped. How can one hundred thousand infantry equipped with rifles face modern mechanized troops equipped with armored vehicles and tanks?

Oh, and now the Southern African Army is also equipped with helicopters.

Just after Southern Africa began to build cruisers on a large scale, there was also a call in the Army to rebuild the First Cavalry Division.

Of course, if it is rebuilt, the First Cavalry Division will definitely not be equipped with horses, but will be dominated by helicopters and light infantry fighting vehicles. This will be the world's first rapid response force. If there is a need in any corner of the country, troops can be quickly deployed.

Think about it, when the last world war broke out, it took almost half a year for Britain, France and Russia to complete their mobilization.

When the next war breaks out, it may end quickly in just a few weeks, and there is simply not so much time for slow mobilization.

"Your father-in-law really wants to give up Theodosius?" Leonard Capet didn't know much about Stoudemire.

Arthur nodded. Some of Stoudemire's actions really couldn't be explained in words.

"What's he thinking?" Leonard Capet was completely confused, and being rich and willful is not so willful.

"What does the French Congress think?" Actually, Arthur was also quite confused. The French's showmanship in Theodosius was not much better than that of Stoudemire.

Now it’s embarrassing to replace Leonard Capet. Stoudemire’s behavior in Theodosius can also be explained by being rich and willful. How should the French government’s behavior be explained?

It can only be said to be stupid.

In Roque's words, even if hundreds of pigs are sent to a meeting, such a result probably won't happen.

"Do you think it is possible for France to restore the mandate?" Leonard Capet was a little skeptical. Even if he had money, he would not be like Stoudemire.

The key is that Stoudemire has never suffered, so he doesn't have a clear concept of money.

Leonard Capet had suffered. The Capet family had already declined when he was born. If it weren't for the relationship with Ada, the Capet family would probably have died out by now.

"It's possible, but it depends on how to operate—" Arthur sneered, even though Stoudemire is unreliable, just Stoudemire's way of throwing money at the beginning may really make a big difference.

For the French government—

Not to mention haha, Arthur is not very optimistic anyway.

"I studied your father's way of conquering East Africa—" Leonard Capet seemed to have done his homework, but unfortunately he went in the wrong direction.

"East Africa is different from the Asia Minor Peninsula. When my father conquered East Africa, he had the support of the United Kingdom behind him. At the same time, there were no countries in the surrounding area that were binding on Southern Africa. Moreover, with Portugal's strength, it was impossible to resist." Arthur did not mention the Asia Minor Peninsula. In the current situation, if Leonard Capet was smarter, he should not have intervened at all.

If you want to unify the Asia Minor peninsula, you have to ask whether Britain, France and Russia agree, and you have to look at the face of southern Africa.

Don't forget that Cyprus was also once a territory of the Ottoman Empire.

Moreover, Cyprus is so close to the Asia Minor peninsula, the Chinese believe in the fact that they do not allow others to snore on the side of the couch.

"What if the scope is only determined around Theodosius?" Leonard Capet was not reconciled.

"What do you want from Theodosius?" Arthur shook his head and smiled bitterly. At least in Arthur's opinion, there was really no place worth investing in in the Asia Minor peninsula.

This is the real reason why European countries have abandoned the Asia Minor peninsula.

Why has the UK never given up on the idea of ​​playing Port Elizabeth?

Because Port Elizabeth has oil.

Why is southern Africa stuck on Australia's neck?
Because Australia has iron mines and farms.

What about the Asia Minor peninsula?
Almost nothing but the few Ottomans left.

It is not right to say that, as long as there is a lake on the Asia Minor peninsula, there are many fish in it.

This may be the reason why Stoudemire invested in the Asia Minor peninsula.

(End of this chapter)

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