Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1836 I am a great power, who am I afraid of?

Chapter 1836 I am a great power, who am I afraid of?
When Jan Smudge was born, the total area of ​​the Cape Colony was only 70 square kilometers, roughly the size of the Cape Province in another time and space.

Now Southern Africa, after annexing Madagascar, has expanded its total area to 720 million square kilometers. Compared with the Cape Colony when Yang Smozi was born, the territory has expanded ten times, including Southwest Africa and Tanganyika, the two mandates seized from Germany, is not strictly speaking Southern African territory.

In fact, it can be considered that the attitude towards mandated territories in southern Africa is different from that of Britain and France. The colonies of Britain and France are already large enough, so the attitude towards mandated territories is a bit casual. After confirming that mandated territories cannot provide enough benefits After that, Britain and France resolutely gave up the mandate on the Asia Minor peninsula.

Southern Africa's attitude towards the Mandates is very firm.

Let’s not talk about how many years the League of Nations can exist. Anyway, since the acquisition of Southwest Africa and Tanganyika, the maps published by the governments of the Southern African Federation at all levels clearly regard Southwest Africa and Tanganyika as part of Southern Africa. It is still affirmative. It will not be returned, even if the League of Nations is disbanded, Southern Africa will not let go.

After all, through the "Contract of Versailles", Southern Africa already has the legal basis for occupying Southwest Africa and Tanganyika. Even if there is another "Paris Peace Conference", this can be regarded as the southern African version since ancient times.

Of course, for all Germans, including Ribbentrop, the heart must be extremely bitter. Southwest Africa and Tanganyika add up to nearly 200 million square kilometers, and the German mainland is only 47 square kilometers.

Before the outbreak of the First World War, the territory of Germany was about 54 square kilometers. After ceding Alsace and Lorraine and returning the territory originally belonging to Poland to Poland, Germany had only 47 square kilometers.

This is not over yet. After the end of World War II, Germany's territorial area will be further reduced, and it will be cut to only about 35 square kilometers, which is not even as good as Japan.

Japan is still 37.8.

Compared with Ribbentrop, Jan Smolts was quite satisfied.

Regarding the territorial area, Yang Smozi is actually not as obsessed as Rock. After all, compared with a few decades ago, the territorial area of ​​southern Africa has expanded so much, what else can we not be satisfied with.

So for the current southern Africa, most southern Africans are very satisfied. Many southern Africans have the same ideas as Yang Smolts. As long as we do our job well, the future of southern Africa will be even better.

Thank you for the persistent and subtle influence of the powerful propaganda tool of the federal government!
"How can there be 'enough' living space? As time goes by, the population of southern Africa will increase. Even though the territory of southern Africa is already large, one day you will find that it is not big enough. , Compared with the size of the territory, human ambition is infinite—" Ribbentrop is good at sophistry, and also very good at provoking people's hearts, his words are very provocative.

"The population of Southern Africa is only 8000 million now. In the time I can witness, even if the population of Southern Africa quadruples or even triples, the territory of Southern Africa is still large enough." Yang Smotz smiled, Ribbent Yang Shi Mozi will definitely not be fooled by Luo Fu's little trick.

This is the heart of all problems.

There are still 6500 people in Germany now.

The territorial area is only 47 square kilometers.

Therefore, the Germans must have a sense of crisis, because Germany is very crowded, and there is an urgent need to expand living space.

Southern Africa has a population of 8000 million, which seems to be a little more than Germany, but the territory of Southern Africa has a territory of 720 million square kilometers.

This is not counting the large area of ​​the Mesopotamia.

If you add all of them, it will be more than 800 million, ten people per square kilometer——

So now I am a southern African, I am very qualified to look at the complete map of southern Africa in a daze, and then sigh like Versailles: the land is vast and the population is sparse——

"I know that southern Africa is very big, and its industrial strength is also very strong. By the way, don't southern African products need a market that matches the industrial production capacity of southern Africa?" Ribbentrop was not discouraged, and changed Angle to follow.

Yang Smozi finally felt heartbroken.

But it's also very Versailles.

Too strong is not good either.

Southern Africa's rich natural resources and strong industrial strength can ensure that factories in Southern Africa can continuously provide various high-quality products.

With a product, there must be a market.

The population of the United States is still more than 8000 million, while that of southern Africa is only [-] million.

Thinking about how envious the United States is of Southern Africa remaining in the Commonwealth, one can understand Yang Smotz's current mood.

After breaking away from the Commonwealth, the federal government of Southern Africa revived various corpses, hoping that the products could still occupy the Commonwealth market.

Although the effect is good, whether Australia is willing or not, it has to match Rock's mood.

But after all, reviving the soul by borrowing a dead body is not as real as controlling the market in one's own hands.

Thinking of it this way, Yang Smolts agrees with Ribbentrop's words, it's so sweet.

"Well, Southern Africa can be sold to some German trainer planes. You can take them back to spray pesticides or train pilots. Although the price is a bit more expensive, the quality must be guaranteed. You get what you pay for." Yang Shi Mozi Finally willing to give in.

Ribbentrop hated it.

The words are so reluctant, but in the end, I still want to make money!
So what you talk about is doctrine, but your heart is full of business.

The key is still the tone of Versailles——

The Versailles here is not the Versailles of the circle of friends, but the Versailles of the Paris Peace Conference.

The meaning is almost: come, come, come, Germany, lie down and let me chop twice. I am doing this for your own good, and I have to chop off your leg for the sake of world peace.

It sounds a bit difficult, but Ribbentrop has to accept it. After all, the performance of the aircraft in southern Africa is recognized as good. Even the United States and the United Kingdom have to buy aircraft from southern Africa and then go back to organize the tape measure department. The Germans have nothing wrong with it. Excuse me.

Anyway, it’s just a copycat. If you can make it yourself, you can make it yourself. If you can’t do it, you can buy it. If you can’t afford it, you can rent it.

So don't talk about how high the self-esteem of Europeans and Americans is, it's not forced to that level.

When it comes to that, Europeans and Americans are more realistic than anyone else.

Look at how Australia kneels and licks southern Africa in this time and space.

After finishing the plane, Ribbentrop also wanted to buy a submarine.

This time Yang Smozi was very firm. The plane could be sold, but the submarine was determined not to be sold.

No matter how strong the scientific research capabilities of the Germans are, they are not strong enough to surpass those of southern Africa in a short period of time.

Therefore, even if the most advanced aircraft is sold to the Germans, Germany will not pose a threat to southern Africa in the aviation field in a short time.

Not to mention that the ones sold to the Germans were not state-of-the-art.

Submarines are different. Aircraft are easy to find either in the sky or at the airport. No matter how large the combat radius is or how long the stay in the air is, there are always traces to follow when restricted by the airport.

Submarines are too dark. With the talent of the Germans in submarines, as long as the submarines do not surface, it is really difficult to find them with the current technology.

So before Yang Smother talked with Ribbentrop, Rock reminded Yang Smother that he could sell anything, including aircraft carriers, but not submarines.

Don't talk about selling it, don't even give it a look.

After all, the streamlined spindle shape of the ghost submarine can really tell a lot of things at a glance. Even if Ribbentrop doesn't understand it, there must be someone in Germany who understands it.

Rock didn't want to cause trouble for his future self.

Seeing that Yang Smother's attitude was so firm, Ribbentrop didn't force it.

What Yang Shimozi said is right, you have to eat food bite by bite, and you have to walk step by step on the road. There is still a long time, so take your time.

Even without submarines, Ribbentrop's orders exceeded [-] million rand in one go, including a large number of car engines.

God knows if Ribbentrop's heart bleeds when he signed.

Southern Africa is a bit damaged. Many of the engines sold to Germany are produced by Diesel. Rudolf Diesel is a German. There is still a legend in Germany that Rudolf Diesel died in a shipwreck. Unexpectedly Rudolf Diesel became a Southern African.

And became an accomplice in helping southern Africa exploit Germany!
When signing, Ribbentrop was still in a good mood after signing.

He successfully completed his mission this trip. Germany not only got the materials it needed for development, but also consolidated the friendship in southern Africa, and by the way, strengthened the confidence of some Germans.

From Ribbentrop's point of view, Southern Africa must support the revival of Germany, otherwise it would not sell everything except submarines.

Ribbentrop can also understand this point. Even if southern Africa supports the revival of Germany, it will not go too far. Selling German trainers can also use pesticides as an excuse. Selling submarines is too much. After all, southern Africa also Take into account the mood of the French.

France is also a major customer in southern Africa. It is said that negotiations between France and southern Africa on aircraft carriers have reached a critical stage.

France hopes to introduce southern African technology to make it by itself.

Southern Africa has a firm attitude. The technology can be sold, but the price is not negotiable. It is much more expensive than buying directly from Southern Africa. The French are seriously short of budget, so they are still deadlocked, but the French can't last long.

It's not just the French who are negotiating with Southern Africa, the Italians are too.

Southern Africa has the most advanced aircraft carrier technology in the world. Although the giant ships and cannons of European countries are still the mainstream, the prospect of aircraft carriers cannot be ignored. If the Italians do not build aircraft carriers, then France does not need to build them either.

Once the Italians start manufacturing, France has to keep up, regardless of whether they are willing or not, and they must not lag behind Italy.

This is the core meaning of the arms race. If others have nothing, we have what others have. If you build one, I will have to build two. They are all great powers, so no one is afraid of the other!
(End of this chapter)

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