Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 184 tacit understanding

Chapter 184 tacit understanding

No need to explain, Owen's attitude has already proved how disgusted he is with this Henry.

But Rock was very upset, being used as a gun by the Matilda family——

Rock has always used people from the Matilda family as weapons.

"Don't explain?" Rock and Owen were rude. To put it bluntly, even if Phyllis was not considered, the two of them had a dirty relationship together.

"Explain what?" Owen's face was slapped, and he raised his chin slightly when he spoke, but there was not much arrogance that made people feel disgusted, but it made people feel a little arrogant: "If you want to win this competition, it is Sooner or later you have to face it."

"What competition?" Rock wasn't pretending to be stupid. He really didn't want to use his brain. When he was with friends, he needed to relax.

No matter how others define the relationship between Roque and the Matilda family, in fact, the relationship between Roque and the Matilda family is mutual support. In the Transvaal, Roque and Baron Philip's family are all outsiders , if you want to gain a foothold in the Transvaal, you cannot tear each other down.

Even if that idiot Arnold can't recognize this, Owen must know it.

"The relationship between the Alsops family and my family has always been good. At least since my grandfather's generation, our two families have been very close. Lena is from the Alsop family. When Phyllis was a child, she and Henry's family just now The relationship is good, so the two lords want Phyllis to marry that guy just now. That guy was not bad when he was young, and he was a good playmate, but as he grew older, he became more and more disabled. Now he is a dude. I am willing to marry him, but I am also unwilling, so I sent Phyllis to Cape Town—" Owen explained several problems.

Lena is Arnold's wife, so the Alsops family and Matilda's family are already related by marriage, but the parents on both sides should feel that they can go further, which is why so many shit happened later.

"So I want to thank you." Rock really wanted to thank Owen, otherwise Phyllis would not have come to Cape Town.

Owen understood what Roque meant, but he wasn't too happy. Probably in Owen's opinion, although Henry of the Alsop family was not a good match for Phyllis, Roque was not much better either.

Skin color oh skin color—

This is a very serious problem.

Owen looked at Rock full of regret, if Rock was white——

If Roque was a white man from an aristocratic family, Roque would be perfect.

Rock can understand Owen's eyes, but Rock doesn't think so. Rock is confident that in the future, Rock will definitely be able to break this shackle.

Of course, this time can't be too long. If the time is long, Phyllis will be anxious.

"There's a small problem—" Owen's eyes suddenly straightened, and then he looked sad: "Just now this guy was working in the Department of Internal Affairs, and now he's in trouble—"

The British annexed the Transvaal, and all government departments were just established. It is obviously not enough to solve the manpower shortage problem by only transferring government officials from Cape, so many government officials are from the British mainland, such as Baron Philip.

So did Henry of the Alsops.

"No trouble, this guy is not the only one in the Internal Affairs Department. Doesn't he like to go to that miners' club? Find someone to invite him to the miners' club. While he's not there, you can quietly handle the matter." Rock Ghost There are a lot of ideas, and it is a Chinese city.

"Good idea!" Owen looked at Rock as if he had discovered a new world, but he immediately realized something was wrong: "No, shouldn't you be the one to operate this?"

"No matter how much it costs, I'll give you twice!" Rock wanted to beat Owen to death with gold.

"It's not about how much money—" Owen was still resisting.

"Three times!" Rock added, if the goal is not achieved, it must be because of lack of affection.

Owen began to struggle, saying that noble children are also short of money. Thinking about the appearance of Henry and Phyllis when they saw gold, if it weren't for gold being inedible, they would probably swallow it in one gulp.

Owen is also short of money, and he is still very short of money. There is no gold mine in Owen's name.

"It's almost there. If you are still not satisfied, I will go to Pretoria." Rock was not hanged on a tree. Henry of the Matilda family, based on the relationship between Rock and Henry in Pretoria, it is not difficult to do this.

In the final analysis, what Hawley wants to marry is not the British, but the Boers who are also at the bottom of society. Although the Boers are white, the British don’t care about the white skin of the Boers. With, within the white man--

Regardless of the fact that countries on the European continent had a lot of fun during the Anglo-Boer war, they really supported the Boers with real money. Except for the Netherlands, which is of the same origin, it is estimated that no country would do that.

Like Germany——

There is really more than one British shit-stirring stick in Europe.

"Okay, I'll try." Owen was finally taken down by the silver bullet offensive - the golden egg offensive.

now it's right!

Rock was very satisfied with the result.

In fact, even if it is not officially recognized, Rock can still give Holly and Connie enough protection, but that is not what Rock wants. Official recognition is not just an insignificant marriage registration, but more importantly, a marriage registration like this , as long as there is one case, it means that Chinese people of color can form families with white people, which will effectively improve the social status of Chinese people in the Transvaal.

Generally speaking, laws are divided into civil law system and common law system. An important principle of common law system is "follow precedent".

This "following precedent" means that the legal rules in a certain judgment are not only applicable to the case, but also often used as a precedent to apply to subsequent cases under the jurisdiction of the court or the lower court, as long as the basic facts of the case are the same or similar, It must be dealt with according to the rules set by the case law.

Therefore, as long as a marriage between a Chinese and a Boer is recognized by the Johannesburg city government, there will be no official obstacles to forming a family between a Chinese and a Boer.

Although the Boers are the targets of dictatorship, they are white after all. If the Chinese can form a family with the Boers, can the Chinese form a family with the British who are also white?

This issue is too sensitive, take your time, Rock still has time.

It was really sensitive. The next day, Owen took the initiative to call Rock and ask Rock to drink coffee.

"I haven't seen Mrs. Zun, your son, and your wife. It's not a respect for a little thing." Rock gave gifts as soon as he came up.

Owen is married, and his wife is also from an aristocratic family. They have a son and a daughter, but Owen's wife and children are in London and did not come to Johannesburg with Owen.

"Thank you—" Owen didn't open the gift box, which was impolite.

Moreover, the gift from Roque must be of great value, and it is not appropriate to open it in a place like a coffee shop.

"This is for Phyllis—" Rock had a special request.

The gift for Phyllis was not wrapped in a cardboard box, and it was not too expensive. Owen looked at a wood carving of a big man, and he didn't have the nerve to refuse.

Short-handed ah!

"It's not easy to handle. There is no precedent for this matter. I asked Spike, an entry clerk from the Internal Affairs Department, but Spike didn't dare to make decisions on his own." Owen went straight to the topic.

The benefits have been taken so much, there is no need to hide it anymore, in fact, if Roque wants to give Phyllis something, there is no need to find Owen at all, Roque has plenty of ways.

But Roque didn't hide it, he just forwarded it through Owen generously, which made Owen feel a lot of affection for Roque.

Honest people are always welcome.

"No, don't bring this kind of matter to the parliament to discuss—" Rock was serious, and Owen almost laughed out loud. Johannesburg hasn't even built a city government yet, so what kind of parliament is there.

"How much money can make Spike courage?" Rock can't be bothered to think of other ways to solve problems that can be solved with money.

"How much can you pay?" Owen was very interested.

"How much is Spike's salary?" Rock didn't rush to ask the price.

"About 150 pounds per year." This figure includes colonial subsidies. Under normal circumstances, the annual salary of mid-level local government employees is only about 100 pounds.

"Give him 1500 pounds." Rock was generous, and his salary was ten years' salary.

"Hiss—so much?" Owen was pleasantly surprised.

Enough, ten years of salary, even for Irving, is enough for Irving to take risks to do anything.

In fact, the biggest risk for Spike to register Holly and Connie is to lose their jobs and not be sued in court. After all, this is not a crime, at most it is dereliction of duty.

The information is not clear these days. Spike lost his job in Johannesburg, and he can go to other colonies to re-employ. Even if Spike asks, Rock can let Spike re-employ in Pretoria.

With Rock's help, maybe the level will be even higher——

"If it's not enough, I'll add more!" Rock was rich and powerful.

"It's enough! If Spike still doesn't dare, I can go find someone else. Spike is not the only entry clerk in the Internal Affairs Department." Owen smiled happily, but Rock had promised that no matter how much it cost, Roque will give Irving three times.

Triple the £1500—

4500 pounds!

With Roque's character, maybe he will make up for Owen.

Back home at night, Owen handed over the wood carvings to Phyllis.

"Lock—" Owen didn't make a sound, but only made a mouth shape.

Phyllis understood in seconds, hugged Owen, kissed Owen vigorously on the face, snatched the wood carving away, and bounced back to her room.

Owen shook his head speechlessly.

This girl can't stay anymore.

Owen didn't check the wood carving carefully because he had something on his mind, and Phyllis wouldn't be so careless.

After returning to the room, Phyllis ravaged the innocent fat face of the big man before throwing herself on the bed happily.

Picking up the wood carving and looking at it for a while, Phyllis unscrewed the "big man"'s belly with a little force.

Sure enough, there is a hidden mystery inside.

There is still a tacit understanding between the two.

(End of this chapter)

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