Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1842 Happy New Year

Chapter 1842 Happy New Year

The next day's meeting of the League of Nations was still chaotic, and it seemed to be no different from usual.

But when Sir Lytton began to present his investigation report, everyone realized that today's meeting was very different from yesterday.

Yesterday we discussed the Great Summer Valley War. The two parties involved in the war were Bolivia and Paraguay. After all, their influence in the League of Nations was limited.

It is said that Juan Silva, Paraguay's representative to the League of Nations, did not attend the meeting today. It is said that he left Geneva overnight last night. Next, Paraguay may withdraw from the League of Nations as Juan Silva said, but it is such a freshman. This matter still has no impact on today's meeting, and the representatives of various countries are not even interested in discussing this matter.

What is going to be discussed today is Japan's military expansion. Sir Lytton's report is likely to determine the future direction of the Far East.

Looking at the posture of Sean Ferguson, the representative of Southern Africa, and the representatives of the Southern African Union, if Kijuro Koshihara dares to be as eccentric as before today, then maybe the League of Nations will stage a rare all-powerful act that is rare in a century.

Kijuro Kojihara probably also knew that Sir Lytton's report was not very beneficial to Japan.

So when Sir Lytton began to present the report, Kijuro Kishihara had a serious expression, his face was as black as the coat on his body.

Sean Ferguson also had a serious expression, his brows were only furrowed, he was holding Sir Lytton's report in his hand, and he seemed very dissatisfied with Sir Lytton's report.

So serious were Sir Eric Drummond and Joseph Avenot, who remained Britain's plenipotentiary to the League of Nations after leaving office, though he was not preoccupied with Sir Lytton's report Instead, he squinted at Stanley Bruce, apparently displeased with Stanley Bruce getting too close to the southern African.

Joseph Avenot was communicating in a low voice with the Deputy Secretary-General of the League of Nations Jean Reid beside him.

I don’t know why, Aveno, who has just served as the Secretary-General of the League of Nations for less than half a year, really wants to give up his position to Jean Reid. He has even discussed this issue with Paris, but Paris did not agree, because Jean Reid is Irish.

Sir Lytton, who was about to speak, was bitter in his heart. When he wrote this report, he tried his best not to mix personal feelings, and wrote it in accordance with the principle of "fairness and justice".

It's a pity that Sir Lytton is not a master of Duan Shui after all, he is British, and he also has a position on the issue of Japan's expansion.

"After the Far East crisis broke out, I led a special investigation team to the Far East on April 4th. After nearly a month and a half of careful investigation, the special investigation team confirmed some facts. First of all, Japan's war behavior was wrong, and its own mistakes must be corrected. ——" Lytton has a profound background. His father once served as the British Governor in India. Lytton was born in India. He served in the Admiralty during the World War. He entered the Privy Council in 15 and was transferred to the Ministry of Indian Affairs as Political Undersecretary the following year. Two years later he went to Bengal as Governor-General, and during the Imperial Council, Lytton briefly served as Governor-General of India.

Looking at his resume, this is the real way to rise like a rocket, the ones of Winston and Neville are weak.

Just when Sir Lytton said "Japan must correct its mistakes", Kijuro Kijuro broke out instantly.

"Please allow me to interrupt—" Kijuro Hashihara was very powerful, after all, Japan is one of the four permanent members of the League of Nations.

"Not allowed!" Sean Ferguson was waiting for Kijuro Kijuro to speak, saying that Southern Africa is also a member of the Council, although it is very permissive.

"You are not qualified to speak on behalf of His Excellency the Secretary-General—" Kijuro Coinhara was furious.

"You're disrupting the normal process of the meeting." Sean Ferguson was equally angry. Litton's report hadn't been finished yet, so it would be rude to interrupt at will.

"I have the qualifications to explain on behalf of Japan—" Kijuro Kishihara was very dissatisfied with Litton's report, which was Hong Guoguo's partiality.

"That will at least wait until Lord Lytton finishes reading the report of the special investigation team." Sean Ferguson didn't give Kijuro Kijuro a chance to speak at all.

The two kept arguing with each other, and Li Dun, who was speaking at the table, was very helpless.

If you want to quarrel, can you wait until I finish reading the report?

"Bang bang bang——" Aveno beat his hammer desperately to maintain order. Every one of them looked like well-dressed gentlemen on weekdays, but once their own interests were involved, they would immediately turn into street hooligans.

Kijuro Kishihara and Sean Ferguson were finally able to restrain themselves. Although they kept their mouths shut, their expressions looked like two angry little roosters.

This analogy is not very vivid, two little roosters add up to more than one hundred years old.

It violates the peace.

"Lord Lytton, please continue your report." Aveno finally understood Sir Drummond's mood now.

They have the desire to scold the street.

"Okay——" Sir Lytton calmed down, looked at the report in his hand, and felt that the scene just now would happen again later: "——Japan's military expansion is based on multiple reasons, one of which is Russia's influence in the Far East , so that the interests of the Japanese government are affected—”

"Wait, why does Japan's expansion in the Far East have anything to do with our Russia?" Vasily Yevic, Russia's plenipotentiary representative to the League of Nations, looked surprised, so he could be shot while lying down?

"Humph——" Kijuro Kishihara sneered, and if you want to talk about the reasons for Japan's external expansion, everyone here is counting as one, and the responsibility is so big.

"What are you moaning about?" Vasily Yevich also sneered. Japan and Russia also have grievances and debts. Japan stepped on Russia's corpse to join the ranks of the great powers.

It is said that everyone here is also responsible for the naval battle that caused a devastating blow to the Russian Navy 20 years ago.

But everyone has to look forward, and let's not talk about the past. If there is a chance, Vasily would like to fight the Japanese again.

For diplomats, the League of Nations is their battleground.

Just as Kijuro Kojihara was about to speak, Aveeno began to strike the hammer again.


"The outbreak of the Far East crisis was also affected by the squeeze on Japanese goods—" Sir Lytton was equally tired. This time, no one interrupted. Japan's biggest competitor in the Far East market is the United States.

Congratulations, the United States did not join the League of Nations.

However, Japan's second biggest competitor is Southern Africa, but Sean is obviously not in the mood to argue with Kijuro Kijuro now, and he has the energy to save it for the voting later.

"—So in summary, the special investigation team believes that Japan should retreat to the border line before the outbreak of the Far East crisis, and the relevant disputed areas should be the same as the Bosporus Strait, Marmara Sea, and Dardanelles, Under the joint jurisdiction of the League of Nations." Sir Lytton finished reading his report as quickly as possible, and what happened next was beyond Sir Lytton's control.

"There is no disputed area, so there is no international alliance co-management." Kijuro Kushihara finally had a chance to speak.

"Co-management is a good result." Xiao En is very satisfied, the League of Nations co-management, to put it bluntly is——

can not say.

"That's our best bet." Stanley Bruce was all smiles, as long as Papa in Southern Africa was happy with it.

"We still need to discuss the method—" Sir Drummond finally opened his eyes, saying that if Japan's expansion is limited, it will be a good thing for the British Empire.

After all, the Far East is a large market with more than 4 million people. Before the outbreak of the World War, Britain also had huge interests in the Far East. However, during the World War, Britain had to go all out to deal with Germany. Japan took the opportunity to expand its sphere of influence, and Britain's sphere of influence has become smaller and smaller.

"There is no need for any discussion at all. The status quo in the Far East must be maintained." Kijuro Koshihara firmly disagreed. Can you still spit out the meat in your mouth?

"The objection is invalid, we can vote now." Sean sneered, more than 40 countries in the audience, only Japan objected, ha ha.

"Voting is fine too—" Old God Vasily was there, saying that the model of the League of Nations is really in line with the appetite of the Russians.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Stanley Bruce couldn't wait, there were not many opportunities to bully people so blatantly.

Especially for Japan, the third naval power in the world.

There is one thing to say, no matter how weak Japan is in the League of Nations, Japan, which has a capital ship of 30 tons, is indeed causing regional countries to suffer.

Although Australia is still a country of the Commonwealth of Nations, Australia is too close to Japan. As the UK continues to shrink its strategy and its sphere of influence continues to shrink, Australians are panicked.

Otherwise, the Australians would not hug the southern African dad's thigh so intimately.

"This report is very absurd, and there is no fairness and justice at all, so no matter what the result of the vote is, the Empire of Japan will never approve it." After decades of leaving Asia and entering Europe, has it finally failed?

With everyone agreeing, the objection of Kijuro Koshihara alone is negligible.

So vote.

This time, the League of Nations finally showed its efficient side. It was too slow to vote by secret ballot, so they simply voted with a show of hands.

The result was in line with Stanley Bruce's "prediction", 42 countries, [-] votes in favor, and only two countries did not raise their hands.

This result made Kijuro Kojihara overjoyed. Even in such a situation, there are still people who support Japan. I am not alone!
"I, I, we Siam abstained—" In the corner of the venue, the Siam representative did not raise his hand, but he stood up, stuttering.

Very well, forty votes in favor, one abstention and one against.

Kijuro Kishihara did not speak, he silently packed up his things, got up and bowed slightly to Aveno on the rostrum, and left the conference hall directly.

At the beginning of 1931, Japan withdrew from the League of Nations.

(End of this chapter)

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